Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 3yr

Status: Has been rehomed

Well it was a sad day for me last Friday, I thought I was going for a nice drive in the car, maybe we were going to the beach? No my owners brought me here and tied me up to the farmers gate just up from the kennels. I didn't say a word because I thought they would come back and get me, but no they didn't.
They did leave a note with my name and age, and to say that I have a very sore ear. Anyway, here I am and the girls love me to bits my name is Diesel and I am three years old. I was at the vets to see about my ear but I don't like vets and was a bit of a naughty boy and wouldn't let them see in my ear properly.So I have tablets to take at the moment to see how things go. My ear is in a chronic state though and should have been seen to months ago. I think I'm going to stay here at the moment until we decide whats going to happen with my ear. Anyway they love having me here as a guest as they say I'm just a wee angel.
Diesel xx

Ps: Had an update on me by someone who recognised me, it seems I come from the Stirling area. We could get these people for abandonment but they don't deserve to have me in their lives. So I will just hopefully have my ear fixed and then go on to find the kind of home I do deserve.
Diesel xx

Update 2nd June: A new pic of me and my pal Frank
Diesel xx

Update 12th July. Well my ear is healing nicely and I am feeling so much better in myself now, I don't know how many of these buster collars I've gone through. I had another one on today but after taking the old one off and before I got the new one on I was allowed to play for a while, they just watched I didn't scratch my ear and I had great fun playing with squeaky toys. I go back to the vets on Wednesday, so hears hoping they say I can have this **** collar off for good.
Diesel xx

Update 28th July: I'm back at the vets tomorrow hopefully this will be my last visit to Broadley vets in Stirling who have been so good with me, especially my best pals Wendy & Kath. They say they are going to come and take me out for a lovely walk somewhere when I get the all clear from their vet, looking forward to that as it's been a long time coming.
Diesel xx

Update 31st July: Well more bad luck for Diesel he is still in the vets recuperating after being neutered, poor lamb why could it not just have been straight forward for him.

Update Wednesday 6th August: Well it is nearly six o'clock and I'm waiting on " our " boy coming " home " from the vets.Thanks to Wendy & Kath his special vet nurses. We have missed him so much, he has been in the vets since last Tuesday, quite awhile. Goodness knows what we'll do when he finds a lovely home.

Update 13th August well I have been " home " for nearly a week now and still have my buster collar on, but I heard Ena tell Frank that my pals from the vets were coming Thursday morning just to check me over and I probably will get my " hat " off yipee! Wendy and Kath are so good they have given up so much of their time for me, and I just love them xx

Update 4th September: Aww Diesel had a visitor today who brought him a lovely big bone,just look at him he is so happy.

Oct 6th. Well Irene & Gavin who were cuddling young Oliver, love me as well in fact they come up specially to take me for nice walks, they think I'm a really handsome big lad.

Thanks for looking,
Diesel signed by Diesel
