Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 12yrs

Status: Has been rehomed


I'm Harry a twelve year old Griffon who is sadly looking for a home as my " mum " is in hospital, and won't be able to look after me anymore. It is really quite sad. I have been told I'm just a wee star with a lovely nature. My " auntie "is coming here tomorrow to sign me over so we will hopefully get some history to pass on.
Harry xx

Update 17th March:
I had visitors on Saturday, they are so nice unfortunately I was a bit poorly and had to go to the vets, seems I've got a wee chest infection.This hasn't put my future " mum & dad " off though and they still want to take me home when I'm feeling better.
Harry xx

Update 18th March: Well I am still at the vets and feeling a bit poorly, they have put me on a drip to see if this will help me feel better, I do hope so.

Update 27th March on our wee Harry sadly he is still really poorly but the vets are doing everything in their power to help him. Angela one of the vet nurses is going to take him home with her to see if he will perk up in a home environment. Thank you so much Angela you are an angel. So it is just a waiting game now.

Update 5th April:Well I'm home from the vets and doing quite well.This is me getting ready to go for a walk and getting my harness & leash on.I'm still looking for a home as my home in Edinburgh fell through. I was only there one night.
Harry xx

Update 11th April:Well I don't want to get too excited but I have heard some phone coversations here and my name keeps getting mentioned.I really think the girls are wary about letting me go out again after what happened last time .They also know it would be great if I got a home where I would be settled for the rest of my life. So watch this space.
Harry xx

Thanks for looking,
Harry signed by Harry
