Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 10 years

Status: Has been rehomed

Hiya, I'm Snoopy! I was originally adopted from here just over three years ago when I was seven. I am a wee white & tan Jack Russell boy.

I had a lovely home just me and mum, we adored each other. Sadly my mum is now in hospital and I heard the family say she is very ill, so I won't see her ever again :( So I have had to come back here to look for another home.

I am a very friendly wee chap, have already met Stig the resident Labrador, he's really nice. I am a very fit lad for my age me and mum used to go for lovely walks every day, which we both enjoyed

Thanks for looking,
Snoopy signed by Snoopy
