Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 14 months

Status: Has been rehomed

My name is Broxi I am 14 months old and very handsome don't you think sadly I have something wrong with my leg The vet was in this morning and says I need to go for an x-ray still the sooner I get it sorted the quicker I'll be on the mend I have a super friendly nature and love everyone Broxi x.

Update 28th Jan: I have to go and see the bone doctor as my hips are really bad The vet says I must be in a great deal of pain, but you would never know I am such a sweetheart.

Update the 1st March have had to ask Ena to let you know how I am !!

Well folks Broxi has had his operation it all went very well and the good news is he might be able to come ' home ' tomorrow. We know it is going to take a few months before he is well and on all four feet and hopefully pain free.But he is such a star.

Update 4th April: I am now raring to go, how was my op? what operation!!
I am doing so well, go back to see the surgeon on the eleveth of May, then hopefully will be ready to go to a new home!

Update 18th May: I have now been to see Mr Ferguson the surgeon, and he was so pleased with me I just have to take it easy until the 3rd June and then I can act like a "normal" dog. I am just dying to get out and play again, I love to play with my toys. Ena says I have been really good as I have been confined to my pen for nearly three months and only getting wee short walks. So now I am ready to go to a new home!

Thanks for looking,
Broxi signed by Broxi
