Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Female

Status: Has been rehomed

A new wee face has joined us here at Second Chance, she is way too shy to tell you all about herself, so we'll do it for her!

Her name is Zara she is a wee black & tan terrier mix, and at some point in her life she has been badly treated :( She has started to trust Mhairi and myself (Ena) but if anyone else tries to get near her she backs away and quakes with fear wee soul :( She is good with other dogs. She is just such an endearing wee thing she will need someone pretty special to help her overcome this fear of people she has especially men.

Update 12th July: Well, this wee girl went out on Sunday, was promised the earth. My husband and a friend went out and did a home visit, her prospective new owners promised to put a trellis along the top of their wall, as there was quite a drop on the other side, we thought they were responsible people, and as they promised to keep her on a lead until they had done this, we let her go!! They brought her back today. Why???? because she jumped the wall they were supposed to fix! Why do people do this, especially to this wee girl who was so scared and definately didn't need this to happen to her. As you will be able to guess yes we are very angry and disapointed with this couple.

So now ANYONE who hasn't got a secure garden will NOT be considered for one of our residents, as we obviously can't trust people to do what they say!!!

Thanks for looking,
Zara signed by Zara
