Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Maisie xx

Breed: Terrier x

Gender: Female vac

Age: one yr old

Status: Has been rehomed

My name is Maisie and I’m a 12 month old Lakeland Terrier cross. My owners have an older dog in their home that i'm sometimes jealous of, and they are heartbroken as they love us both. I don’t understand it really, as I can play with the cat quite happily. (& its bigger than me)

I’m bouncy, mischievous, playful, affectionate and Iove to nap lying beside my owner. I have just about figured &ldquo;heel&rdquo;, and know &ldquo;come&rdquo;, &ldquo;sit&rdquo;, &ldquo;paw&rdquo;, &ldquo;up&rdquo;(beg), and I know not to take my food until I’m told. I have an indoor kennel and bed that I happily retire to (&ldquo;bedtime&rdquo;) when the lights and tv go off. I love to run and play with other dogs in the park, and fetch you anything &ndash; balls/sticks &ndash; Im learning &ldquo;thankyou/drop&rdquo; too, and I also know &ldquo;don’t play with the cat&rdquo;. Thanks Ena

This is the letter Maisie's folk wrote about her.To say they are devastated is an understatement, they are absolutely broken hearted but need to think of their old dog.

We have found Maisie to be a right wee live wire, as I write this she is out playing with Red the Border Collie so should sleep well tonight.


Thanks for looking,
Maisie xx signed by Maisie xx

Maisie xx