Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Newfoundland

Gender: Male

Age: 18 months

Status: Has been rehomed

Hiya I came into Second Chance for rehoming a few weeks ago and the guys thought they had found the perfect home for me !Sadly it was not to be I was brought back after a week as they said I was not good with other dogs !!! However this has turned out not to be the case. Harry has been taking me down the big park near the kennels and I am great with other dogs of every breed have never ever shown any aggression to any dog, there have been westie's / whippets/ crossbreeds / I even have a new best friend another Newfoundland his name is Hendrix, that I meet every morning. What I was very bad with is my dishes for food and water but they have that sussed out now and I don't make a mess now at all, and Gemma came a groomed me and got rid of all the matts so now I feel a lot better. What them indoors are adamant is now I will not be going to anyone who hasn't had a Newfie before !!! Love Huggy xxx.
Got this update from Hendrix's owner.
Ps Go to my new home on Sunday yeh yeh great news eh !!!
Hello Ena Frank & Harry,
What a great photo of them both! Just wanted to add to Huggy's nformation. We own Hendrix, aka Huggy's best pal at Ravenscraig Park. Huggy is a wonderful boy and anyone lucky enough to adopt him will just love him to bits. We did not see any aggresion at all in him, I even got a few Newfie "lean-ins" from Huggy, must be his way of cuddling in!! Good luck finding a new home for him, wish we could take him if we had the space. Kind Regards, Lisa & Ross xx

Thanks for looking,
Huggy signed by Huggy
