Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Gorgeous Ben xx >>
Posted: 4th May 2014

Hi Ena. Sorry we havent been in touch lately but things have been very sad here. I am just writing this to let you and Frank know that we had to put Ben to sleep this morning at 10.30. He started to limp about three weeks ago so we kept an eye on it hoping it would go away but it did'nt. We took him to the vet last Wednesday who X rayed him. Diagnosis was bone cancer. She put him on Tramadol but it did not have any effect. I could not believe how quickly he deteriorated Ena. Within a week he could only walk about 10 yards and that was painful for him. He had arthritis in his back legs also but we were keeping on top of that with injections and anti inflammatories. The cancer was in his left shoulder so he was left with only one good leg. The vet did not think he would have coped with amputation due to him having the arthritis.
I am really sorry for emailing you Ena and not phoning but it is very very raw at the moment and I am finding it difficult to speak to anyone about it. Writing this is also very difficult.
I will phone you within the next couple of weeks, hopefully sooner when I will be able to talk about it.
Thank you so much for allowing us to have all those happy years with Ben. We wouldnt have changed anything for the world.
Speak to you soon and all the best to Frank.
Angus and Cath xxx
Angus & Cath,
Frank and myself were so so very sorry to hear about your lovely boy, we knew how much he meant to you and how much you loved him. So glad we saw Ben last September time. Although bless him he was starting to feel his age and wouldn't look at the camera to have his pic taken, more taken up with the treats Angus had.
Thank you both so musch for giving him sucha wonderful home.
I remember way back in 2004 your friends Hazel and Peter from the Lodge Hotel Edinbane came for Brodie who is another black lab. He put your name forward for Ben and you came so very highly recommened, you and Peter came down from The Isle of Skye for him. We are so grateful to you both for giving him such a brilliant home, just wish you could have had him longer. Take care xx.
Run free at the Bridge Ben, you were so well loved here with your folks, hopefully you will meet up with more of our boys and girls who i'm sure will be waiting to welcome you. love Ena & Frank xxx

Gorgeous Ben xx  Gorgeous Ben xx
Wee Meg xx >>
Posted: 19th April 2014

Hi Ena

I thought I should let you know that we had to put wee Meg to sleep on Monday. She hasn’t been very well since December and was recently diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. She has been a wonderful companion over the years and her cheeky personality and affection are sorely missed. She was nearly 9 but we had hoped to have her for much longer. She was a small dog but leaves a huge gap in our lives.

I hope all well with you.

With kindest regards


Hi Sandra so so very sorry to hear about wee Meg, thank you for giving her such a loving home with you and your mum,she was very lucky to find you both xx

RIP Wee Meg, run free at the Bridge xx

Wee Meg xx
Handsome Boy Woody RIP X >>
Posted: 17th April 2014
Hello Ena
It is with great sadness that we have to let you know we lost Woody on Saturday 13th April. He was our life and we miss him terribly, but wish to thank you, that you brought us together nearly twelve years ago now. He turned into a great wee boy and enjoyed life to the full. He had been having problems over the last few months with his front legs, and on Saturday fell and broke his femur so it decided to relieve him of his pain and have him put to sleep, it was such a hard decision to make.
I have attached some pictures of him to let you see what a lovely boy he was.
Kind Regards
John Cuthbertson & Craig Hilton
Hi Guys, yes he is very handsome love the pics,but we are so so sorry to hear about your gorgeous big lad Woody, when I first saw the name I was so excited, which quickly turned to sadness. Thank you so much for letting us know, he was so loved and had a wonderful life with you, we kinda lost touch when you moved !!
First pic is of him ibn the kennels, poor wee soul had been found in a field when he was only weeks old !!! Then you came along and his life changed forever, I remember him as a very gentle big lad when you used to bring him back for visits.
RIP. Woody you will be sorely missed, but you should have a few Second Chancer's waiting to meet you at the bridge and show you the ropes. God bless xxxxx

Handsome Boy Woody RIP X  Handsome Boy Woody RIP X
Handsome Boy Woody RIP X  Handsome Boy Woody RIP X
Fraser xx >>
Posted: 29th March 2014

He came into our lives one sunny September evening.. The phone call came from Second Chance rescue centre to say they had a wee dog they thought we would love.. We had lost our last dog Sandy in the May. And our house was so empty .. So after a lot of thought we went to see "Fraser".. It was love at first sight for myself and Bob when we saw him..he came home with us that night.. and it was as if he knew where he was, he slotted into our lives right away, especially Bobs.. From that day on wherever Bob was Fraser was.. We had never heard of "American Cocker Spaniels". He was such a cute wee cuddly friendly bundle of fur.. How the previous owners could have abandoned him I will never understand.. Seemingly a baby had arrived and they no longer wanted Fraser.. He loved his toys,lots of walks, meeting different people.. He would always go and sit beside any visitors and give them lots of cuddles and kisses.. After we had him for a few weeks he took a terrifying turn while out in the garden.. After being rushed to the vets ( the start of many many visits to the vet)...!!! We found out he suffered from epilepsy but with careful use of his drugs it was manageable .. He went on to have a happy 2 years with us until just into January this year when he started having problems walking .. After yet another visit to the vet he was diagnosed with a fractured Cruciate ligament in his knee.. We were told to rest him and go back in a week but in that time the ligament in his other knee went as well.. We were then faced with the choice of having him put to sleep or him having a double operation to repair his knees .. We knew we had to give him the chance so he went to the specialist veterinary hospital in St. Monans in fife on 7th February this year he was in for the longest 4 days .. We brought him home to spend the next 3 months very slowly recovering.. It was very hard for all of us .. He had to helped up and down stairs ( carried for the first month).. Put on a special diet ( which he hated).. !! But gradually he got stronger day by day and walked a little further every day. We were all counting the days until the end of April when he was to go back for his check up and hopefully be told that he could start enjoying the rest of his life.. On Sunday he did not seem his normal cheery self.. He took what we thought was a fit but it went on to long .. We took him to the vets and he was given an antibiotic injection and pills to take.. He seemed so much better by Monday and was looking for something to eat .Our son Andrew and his fiancée Natalie popped in for a quick visit with their dog Holly and they were saying how good he was looking after getting his coat all groomed the week before.. But by night time he was not right and took another strange turn.. He slept all night . And in the morning seemed his normal self and ate all his breakfast after his walk in the park.. But not long after he was sick again.. I phoned the vets and they said to wait 24 hrs to see if there was a pattern .. So we made an appointment for the Thursday afternoon.. On the Thursday morning he seemed to have improved so much I was going to cancel the vets but decided to go just for peace of mind.. We took him along and he was giving kisses and wagging his wee tail. The vet started examining him and I just knew there was going to be bad news. She said one of his kidneys did not feel right..and they wanted to put him on a drip to flush out his kidneys.. We had to leave him and they would phone us in a couple of hours with the results..( the longest hours ).. !! When the phone rang I picked it up and waited with dread .. Then she told me that the scan had showed an inoperable tumour on his liver.. That's when we both broke down.. After all that he had been through to now be told this....our poor boy... I couldn't even speak she told me to call back when we had decided what to do ( I knew there was only one thing to do, we couldn't let him suffer). With tears streaming down our faces we drove to the vets they brought him into the room still attached to the drip his wee tail was wagging when he seen us and when we lifted him onto the table he covered us in his kisses ( that tore us apart).!!! We cradled him in our arms and told him we loved him..within a few minutes he was gone.. I just wanted to pick him up and bring him home and things to go on as normal .. But we had to walk out without him. Driving back home and walking into the empty house was heartbreaking .. Seeing all his toys in the basket.. his food bowls and his bed all waiting on him coming back was so so hard.. "Fraser you have left such a gap in our lives that will be so hard to fill.." You gave all your family and friends so much joy in your time with us. Rest in peace darling boy.....

Eileen & Bob,
I could hardly read this, what a lovely tribute to your beautiful boy Fraser, you both must feel so cheated, that you only had him for such a short time.
We will never be able to thank you both for giving not one but two of our boys such a wonderful happy home.
Your an amazing couple, I used to love getting all the photo's of him, and I'll miss that.
Thinking of you both at this very sad time.
Warmest regards
Ena & Frank x x
RIP Fraser you are sorely missed xxx

Fraser xx  Fraser xx
Fraser xx  Fraser xx
Darling Hamish. >>
Posted: 2nd March 2014

Its with a heavy heart that on the 26th February 2014 Our darling wee boy went to Rainbow Bridge .Hamish was only 7years old .We adopted him 5months ago .In that short time he made such a difference to our lives .Hamish loved playing football in the garden or in the house ,loved his walks to the woods with his dad ,Would always know when meal time was loved cuddles,loved visitors fussing .He was a star find we are so grateful to Ena @ Frank for allowing us to adopt him .We are heartbroken losing him but we could not watch him suffer He was put to sleep by the vet in the house .Icare pet crematorium did his cremation We will take his ashes to the woods later in the year ,his favourite place ,We may have lost Hamish from our lives ,but we have lovely photographs & memories of him that we will treasure .The days are hard for us we have cried so much it hurts ,but this will ease in time knowing he is playing with his friends & running free with no more pain.

Ann & Derek we were all so so sorry to hear about Hamish, we all loved him and had such fun with him while he was with us. When we speak of Hamish it's always about how he used to play with not one but three wee balls at a time he was so funny. Such a shame he was with you for such a very short time he brought you so much happiness.Thank you for giving him five months of love and fun. x Ena / Frank and all here at Second Chance xxx

Rest in Peace wee man,your mum & dad adored you x xx

Darling Hamish.  Darling Hamish.
Darling Hamish.  Darling Hamish.
Bonny Kiera xx >>
Posted: 17th February 2014

Just to let you know that we had to have Kira put to sleep today, as she has had a very aggressive lymphoma which has caused a very rapid decline in her health.
We are very grateful to have played a part in Kira's life, which was happy with lots of walks, food and the love of both us and our children. She was a lovely dog with a lovely nature, and will be sorely missed (but not by our postman!). Thank you for enabling us to adopt her-she gave us a lot of joy!
So sorry to hear about wee Kira, she was a sweetheart, although I remember when she first went to her new home she jumped quite a high wall in the garden, didn't take her anywhere but the garden !!! You adopted Kira when she was a year old back on the 26 /4/05 so nearly 10 years old.
Thank you so very much for giving her such a happy fulfilled life, for which we are very grateful.
RIP. wee one run free you'll meet lots of friends at the Bridge xx

Bonny Kiera xx
Bonnie x >>
Posted: 8th February 2014

Dear Ena
It is a year today since we as a family had to make the sad decision of having to let our Bonnie leave us, to go over the rainbow bridge.
I got her from you as a shy little puppy. She gave us 15 years of many happy memories.
Now I have only memories left, but something I hold dear and close to my heart. We all miss her a lot, and love her always.
As a thank you for our precious girl, I would like to donate some money to your kennels.
I can see how much you love every dog that comes through your gates ,and look after them and love them till they find new and loving homes.
I do not have much money, but I will give what I can. And one day I want to give you blankets and food for the dogs you have in your care.
Margaret thank you for giving Bonnie such a wonderful ,loving, caring home, I know you miss her so much. Bonnie was one of the puppies we had when we worked from home.
RIP Bonnie. Thare are quite a few Second Chance doggies at Rainbow Bridge, hope you are all pain free and having fun in the sun xxx

Bonnie x
Sandra's beloved Harris x >>
Posted: 29th January 2014

Hello Ena, Frank & everyone at Second Chance,

My Beautiful Harris went to join his sisters Gaia & Goldie over RainbowBridge yesterday and although I can hardly see to write this for tears, I wanted to thank you all for allowing me to be part of his life for 9 fantastic, love filled years.

He was a very special boy to me and became known to many customers of my shop who always thought he was a gorgeous boy. He helped change many peoples minds about his breed by showing his soft side as he loved nothing better than to feel human touch. The Kids he met all called him Haribo as he was such a sweetie.

He was also a canine blood donor so helped many other dogs during his lifetime. Sadly he succumbed to a tumour and went downhill very quickly so the decision was taken to allow him to sleep in peace.

He is missed by us all including his Labrador sister Hera as - being born only a week apart - they’ve been together each and every day since we brought Harris into our lives just over 9 years ago. They really were the best of friends and he adopted many of her quirks by learning to retrieve like a gundog, do a bit of ‘search & rescue’ to find his sister and play ‘pat-a cake’ along with many other wee tricks.

He’s been faithfully by my side through 2 doggy bereavements, my marriage break up and through the months when my Mum was ill and finally passed. I never doubted his devotion to me for one minute of his beautiful life. Truly, a friend in a Million.

Sleep well ‘Mummy’s Boy’ till I see you again. You deserve to rest now.

Thanks Ena,


Sandra what a lovely tribute to your special boy, and he was very special as you say he was a blood donor, helped lots of dogs, and was an ambassador for the breed.

I remember the day he came into the kennels, he had such a lovely big head and such a skinny wee body, but a nature second to none.

Thank you for giving him such a special home.

Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family xx

RIP Big lad you can run free and play with your pals again, safe in the knowledge you were so well loved xxx

Have added a photo of Harris (sitting up) the day he arrived at Second Chance Kennels at 6 months old. His dreams of a briliant new home were so very much fulfilled, Thanks to you Sandra xxxx

Sandra's beloved Harris x  Sandra's beloved Harris x
Simba/ Zak /Patch >>
Posted: 10th January 2014

Little bit about Simba
Simba Lessels 31/5/1998 - 26/11/2013
It is with a very sad heart that we had to let Simba go across the rainbow bridge on
26/11/2013. 15 years ago we got you from Phyllis when you were 6 weeks old. You
had a long and very happy life with us and your 3 brothers and sister, now you are
up there running about and playing with Patch who crossed the bridge on 22/2/08
and Zak who crossed the bridge on 25/5/13. You are terribly missed by everyone.
Love Mum, Dad, Owen, Tess and Buster. xxxxx
So so sorry to hear about Simba, have let Phyllis at the Pet Care Centre know.
RIP Simba you will have found Zak & Patch by now I'm sure xxx

Simba/ Zak /Patch  Simba/ Zak /Patch
Simba/ Zak /Patch   
Jet >>
Posted: 6th January 2014

Jason we were deeply saddend to hear your news, but as always so grateful he had such a wonerful home with your family.

RIP. Jet you were so very much loved hopefully you will meet all the other Second Chance dogs who are waiting at the Bridge. You will be sadly missed by your family and Sam x xxx

Hope I have done this the right way. I was hoping you could add this to your Rainbow Bridge section of your website.
We got Jet from you as a puppy in February 2007. As you can see from the pics, he finally grew into his paws and ears. Unfortunately he passed away today. Having got him house trained and settled in, my partner gave birth to our daughter a year later. Jet slept under our daughters cot from the day we brought her home until she grew out of it and got her own room. We still have our other cross, Sam. Although once Jet grew up, he ended up head and shoulders above him, they were a great together.
It would be a nice reminder for the family if you could add a post for him. If any of these pictures haven't attached properly or I need to submit the post another way, please let me know.
Thanks, Jason

Jet  Jet
Bailey >>
Posted: 28th December 2013

Dear Ena and Frank,

Our lovely Bailey went to sleep yesterday. It was time, he had become such a sad little dog in the last days, so confused and hardly eating or drinking. He had two little bright spots in the day when he went out for a walk and was almost like his old self fleetingly but could not settle at all in the house and wandered round at night not seeming to know where he was.

We remember when you 'phoned and said you had a dog for us that was a Cavalier King Charles/Retriever cross and we couldn't imagine what he would look like. Well, this little beauty is what we got and his breeding was often a talking point with fellow dog walkers!

He gave us such pleasure, just looking at him made us smile and we will miss him so much.

Thank you for him.


Sheila and Nigel

We were so so sorry to hear about your gorgeous boy, but we are grateful he had so many happy years with you thank you.

RIP Bailey you were such a well loved boy xx.

Mandy >>
Posted: 19th December 2013

Susan we were so very sorry to hear your sad news about your beloved Mandy.,but we are so very grateful she had such a wonderful life with you George and your family .
I remember when you came and saw her for the first time, it was love at first sight.
R.I.P Mandy xx You are so sadly missed.x
Sadly our beloved Mandy had to be put to sleep on the 6th of Dec 2013.
We were very lucky to have nearly 14 wonderful years with her as part of our family.
We filled her life with lots of love, cuddles plenty of walks and holidays. She especially liked the beach although was never very keen to go in the water.
Our last holiday was to Durness in June and we visited the lighthouse at Cape Wrath where the photo is taken. She had a great time.
She was the best dog we could have wished for, for our first dog. She was loved by all the family, friends and neighbours and will be missed terribly.
We are so glad and happy you let us take Mandy home all those years ago she brought us so much joy .
Hopefully after time has passed we will consider looking for another dog. We will miss our walks and the company.
Susan , George & Family ( Arnott )

Our wee lad Bruno x >>
Posted: 6th December 2013

It was a very sad day today, 6th December wee Bruno who was handed into us in a terrible state on the 5th October, has sadly passed over to Rainbow Bridge, we know he was 14 past August.Would like to thank the very kind couple who found him.

We used to keep the heating on for him to make sure his bed was nice and warm next to the radiator, he also like a wee blanket to cover him up. We made him scrambled egg / cheese and egg / chicken and used to sit and cut up cocktail sausages into bite size pieces for him, just to try and get him to eat something.

We will all miss him so much, he was such a wee darling toddling about with the other dogs ect, sitting and meeting up with his pals wee Alfie & Susie in the reception, he had a wee cough and if he started coughing you had to watch he didn't fall !! sadly he went down hill really fast in the last few days. So Frank and Bill took him to the vets, but sadly he had reached the end of the road, he was ready and went very peacefully. God Bless Bruno xxx

Rest in peace wee man at least you knew for a wee while what it was like to be

Will miss you loads darling boy. Ena / Frank / Bill/ Harry /Sarah /Dawn/ Yvonne & Andy xxxxxxx.

Our wee lad Bruno x  Our wee lad Bruno x
Our wee lad Bruno x  Our wee lad Bruno x
Emmy >>
Posted: 20th November 2013

This lovely girl Emmy was adopted many years ago, sadly she has now come over to Rainbow Bridge. She had such a wonderful home with a family who adored her, and who miss her so very much..

Our thanks to you all for giving Emmy the home she needed, we are truly grateful.

RIP Emmy you were so loved and now sadly missed xx.

The lovely Megan x >>
Posted: 15th November 2013

Hi Ena thank u for giving Stuart and me the best 6 years of our lives with Megan she was our big baby we loved her with all our hearts and she was so close to Buster he is missing her so much and misses his ears being washed every morning I think god sent us an angel when we got our Megan she will be so sadly missed thanx again Ena for allowing us to spoil her.x
Alex and Stuart we were so so very sorry to hear about your beloved Megan.but so very grateful she found such a wonderful home with you both, and then you adopted Buster who she totally loved and he her. Please accept our sincere condolences our thoughts are with you both and wee Buster. Megan not long after you adopted her and the one you sent with Megan & Buster best buddies.x Take care. Ena & Frank xx

The lovely Megan x  The lovely Megan x
Foley & Eddie >>
Posted: 15th October 2013

Hi Ena, finally I'm writing about my boys....
Eddie..hehe what a boy!! I fostered him from you in the January of 2005, he was called biscuit then!! we had the pleasure of 'fostering' him for over eight years ( I knew he would always be with me). He was a great boy, doing everything at 100 miles an hour....including his agility, which usually left the course looking as though a tornado had hit it!!! in June 2009 he had his first sezuire and how I hoped, that like Oscar, it would just need a little medication and all would be well......sadly that was not the case and after almost 4 years of 'managing' his epilepsy, we had to make the heart breaking realisation that he no longer had the same quality of life and we could no longer allow him to suffer. We said goodbye on Friday 22nd March 2013. You visited us the following weekend, with a beautiful canvas of our boy, which I have hung in the doggy sitting room and we have a lovely picture of him in the hall, so he, as before, is always first to greet me when I get home.
If this was not painful enough, only 3 months later we lost Foley very suddenly on 16th June. Although he was not a second chance boy, he always liked to visit you for his slice of always said when you thought of how a border collie should look, you thought of him.
I have attached some photos of the boys as I like to remember them....and one of the resting place they now share together.
Thank you soooo much for allowing us to have Eddie, know that he was loved dearly and is missed so very much
Lindsay, Gary, Oscar, Kooper, Blaze, Finn.....and the new addition Pace xxx

Hi Lindsay I know how hard this has been for you to do, but thank you. Eddie (your Foster Boy) had such a wonderful life with you, I knew he would never come back for rehoming but we did see him lots whether it was back at the kennels or at agility. Foley was such a lovely lad so gentle and yes your right when I think of a Border Collie I always think they should look like your very handsome Foley xx.

Ps: Have added the photo of Eddie with Finn but thankfully "our boy " Finn is still very much with you all. xx

Foley & Eddie  Foley & Eddie
Foley & Eddie  Foley & Eddie
Foley & Eddie  Foley & Eddie
Tess >>
Posted: 4th October 2013

Hi Ena and Frank,
Just wanted to tell you Tess was helped on her way to Rainbow Bridge last week. She had become so confused and medication no longer really helped. We all miss her greatly. I've attached two photos, one on Gullane Beach-one of her favourite haunts and the other because she's giving me her wee smile. When we got her from you Frank said he hoped we had a good hoover, well one Dyson,a Miele Cat and Dog and a Vax failed to conquer the white clouds of fluff!
Thanks for letting us have Tess, end of an era in the Taylor family.


Elaine we were so so sorry to hear about Tess, but what a wonderful home she had with you guys. I remember when you " adopted " her we had been told she was 12 years old then !!! Thank you all for giving her the love and care and making her life so special xx

Tess  Tess
Casey >>
Posted: 26th September 2013

This wee girl Casey an 8 year old Border Collie was brought in for adoption with her wee sis Jess on Friday 13 Sept, she was obviously, not great when Yvonne came to do the " Tuck in " that night so Frank took her down to the vets on the Saturday morning, and although Inglis the Vets in Dunfermline did all they could it was very obvious poor Casey had serious health problems. Turned out she had a huge tumour in her bladder poor wee soul and she was so so lovely, but we hadto let her go to Rainbow Bridge on Thursday 19th September, Sarah went to be with her and gave her the last sausage !! so she is at peace and free from pain now.

We arranged for I Care Pet Crematorium to collect her, from the vets and she is now back safe with us at Second Chance.

I would like to thank Alex from I Care for being so kind and thoughtful, we also received a card from them and inside is a wee sachet of Forget Me Not seeds.Very very thoughtful and caring, would certainly use them again, but hopefully it won't be for a long time.

R.I.P. Csey we didn't know you well but what we knew we loved. From all at Second Chance Kennels xx

Casey  Casey
Wee Monty >>
Posted: 15th September 2013

Hi Ena
I called you on Tuesday asking you to pass on to Phyllis that I had to get Monty my dear dear baby put to sleep on Monday. As you can imagine this is just awful and I am really struggling very hard to cope at not having him here after 11 years of sheer happiness. mind. My home is so quiet and lonely and does not have the usual hustle and bustle about it and I can't get used to it.
Hi we were so so sorry to hear about wee Monty, but know he had such a brilliant home with you both. It's hard at the moment but given time you will be able to think about all the wonderful times you had with him, and treasure the memories. RIP wee one xxx
You have left such a big void Monty, like all our beloved dogs do when they go to Rainbow Bridge. xxx

Wee Monty  Wee Monty
Wee Monty  Wee Monty
Wilson >>
Posted: 27th August 2013

Dear Ena

I can't believe I'm having to do this; Wilson's condition deteriorated very rapidly after we were last in contact and no amount of medication was going to help so after keeping him as comfortable as we could we had to be led by how he was doing and we had to take him to the vet for the last time on Wednesday. To say we're distraught is an understatement, we really loved that little dog, he just became a part of our family from day 1. We all feel robbed and don't understand why we only got to have him for such a little while, who could have known not even 18 months? Even through all the vet visits and when he went to sleep he was so well behaved, so gentle, everyone said it had been a pleasure to look after him. We can honestly say that apart from one mad dash around a caravan site at 7am chasing rabbits he never put a paw wrong. We've got fantastic memories, photos, videos but we just want our Wilson home with us but we know he's gone, it'll take ages to get used to him not being here. I'm going to finish now because I've started crying again.
So, thank you so much for letting Wilson come to our home, we'll be able to laugh again when we remember all the things he did but for the moment it's still a bit too raw.
I've attached a couple of photos and even a painting a friend did for us.
Wishing you all the best for yourselves and all the homeless hounds; hope they all bring as much joy to their new families as Wilson did to us.
Barbara, Douglas, Fraser, Murray, and Gavin x
We were so so very sorry to hear about wee Wilson, he was such a character, you had him for such a short time you must all be feeling cheated out of the life you could hsve had with him had he not taken so ill.We will always remember when we brought him over to you, and he saw stairs for the first time, he went up one then two and before we knew it he was upstairs.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences and know we are thinking of you all.
Rest in Peace wee man you were so loved while you were with your family xxx.

Wilson  Wilson
Wilson  Wilson
Wilson  Wilson
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