Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Kerry xx >>
Posted: 16th May 2016

We were on holiday last week of April when were told Kerry wasn’t feeling well and was off her food. When we came back she still wasn’t any better so we took her to the vet on Monday 2nd May 2016. Sadly, after some initial tests the vet thought she could detect a lump in Kerry’s abdomen. We wanted to give Kerry every chance to fight what she had, and after a quick operation, the vet confirmed our worst fears, Kerry had a tumour. We were devastated and as there was little that could be done, it was with heavy hearts and much tears we said goodbye to our dear family friend, our girl Kerry.

Kerry joined our family in 2003 from Second Chance Kennels as a rescue dog to be a friend and companion for our other dog, Holly who also came to us from Second Chance a wee bit earlier. Both girls bonded straight away and were inseparable. Although Kerry had some problems with her legs she always wanted to play and would chase Holly stealing her ball at every chance. She tolerated most dogs easily but for some reason not Border Collies, no way! Kerry was affectionate in her own way and never complained about anything.

Our wee star will be dearly missed; her ashes will be buried next to a young tree we planted last year next to Colin’s Dad’s ashes, Archie.

Sincere and heartfelt thanks to all at Second Chance for giving us the opportunity to have Kerry as part of our family for 13 great years.

Colin Smith & Anne Wilson

Colin & Anne so very sorry to hear about Kerry, but we are so very grateful she had such a wonderful home with both of you and Holly xx RIP Kerry run free at the Bridge xx xx

Kerry xx  Kerry xx
Kerry xx  Kerry xx
Lovely Tia xx >>
Posted: 4th April 2016

Dear Granny Ena,
I had to leave my mummy,daddy and family on the 16th March 2016 after 13 years. I am now away to Rainbow Bridge to run free and make new friends. Thank you Granny Ena for finding me my forever home with mummy and daddy in Perth. I arrived at the right time as my daddy had an accident at work and couldn't work any more so I kept him on his toes and played with him all the time. Mummy took me for my walks every day and loved running along the river bank.
Always and Forever in our Hearts
Tia we are so grateful to your daddy Charlie and family for giving you the best home ever, and for keeping in touch with us through the thirteen years.Run free at the Bridge sweetheart, you will meet quite a lot of our past residents who like yourself have just recently gone over.xx
R.I.P Tia you will be sorely missed xxx

Lovely Tia xx  Lovely Tia xx
Todd xx >>
Posted: 15th March 2016

Hi Ena,
Just a wee note to let you know our wee Todd (Lucky) passed away peacefully on Sunday 6th March. He was 15 and was a much loved puppy. Thanks for all the wonderful work you do. RIP wee Toddy boy. We miss you much. Xx
Andrea thank you for letting us know about Todd,and for giving him such a wonderful home, he was like as you say a lovely wee lad.
RIP Todd run free at the Bridge you will be sorely missed xxx

Todd xx
Gypsy xx >>
Posted: 5th March 2016

Hi Ena. With a very sad heart have to tell you that I had to part with my beloved Gyps yesterday. She took a stroke 10 days ago and we struggled on. With the help of an excellent Vet I had to make the heart breaking decision of letting her go. She was an absolutely super dog and my constant companion. Just want to thank you for choosing me to give her a home for almost13 years of her 14years and 2 months. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her and will never be forgotten. Many thanks. Kind regards Judy (Forrester)
Judy thanks for letting us know so so sorry to hear about Gyps. No more seeing her in the morning when we are heading to the kennels.We are so grateful she had such a wonderful home with you. RIP Gyps run free at the Bridge xx
May the memories you have of her be a comfort to you in the days to come.Thinking of you xx

Gypsy xx
Tinsel xx >>
Posted: 4th March 2016

It's with great sadness I write this. Our wee Tinsel has gone to Rainbow Bridge.She had come on so well and had found such a wonderful home with Sharon and her family and wee Jeannie another wee dog she came in with.They like us are absolutely devastated. RIP Tinsel you were so loved by everyone who knew you here. Just so so sad you didn't get the chance to enjoy your new life for longer.xx

Tinsel xx
Max xx >>
Posted: 29th February 2016

Dear Ena & Frank
I'm really sad and heartbroken to tell you our beloved Max got put to sleep on the 19th February 2016. He was 16yrs old. He was really struggling with his back legs and on Friday we had to make the hardest decision we have ever had to face. It has totally tore me apart. He had a great 16yrs with us. I remember the day when myself my mum & dad came to your kennels 16yrs ago & their was a litter of spaniel cross puppies. The moment we saw Max he was the one. Remember we done a second visit to you the next day and my mum picked Max's sister Pepsi, who sadly died 6 yrs ago. When I moved out my mums house into my new house I picked Max (well he picked me really ) to stay in my new home. Max was about 4 yrs old at that time but still had visits & to see his sister Pepsi most days. We had a lot of stressful but funny times with our Max so we would often call him Mad Max, that's exactly what he was. He was such a character in his youth. When Max was 6yrs old I had my little boy Calum who is now 11yrs old. He has been Calums four legged brother and has left a big hole in Calums life. The night when Max crossed Rainbow bridge me & Calum cuddled into each other & cried until 4am the next morning. Our house isn't the same, it's so empty. I don't think I can ever go through this pain again. What comfort's us is knowing Max is now reunited with his sister Pepsi over Rainbow bridge. I thank you both for giving us such a loving, loyal friend & companion for a fantastic 16yrs
Kind regards, Katrina,Grant,Calum,May & Ronnie.X
Hi Thank you all so much for letting us know about Max,we were so sorry to hear he had gone to the Bridge, we are so grateful that both he and Pepsi had such a wonderful life with you all.
RIP Max hope Pepsi was there to greet you xx

Max xx
Guiness xx >>
Posted: 25th February 2016

You may remember Guiness as one of your first litter of pups (we saw her at your home). She was in her 18th year and had been slowing down but still able to follow me around the house and her appetite never wained. Unfortunately last week she deteriorated and on Friday, although I helped her up for her breakfast, she lay still for the rest of the day prompting me to call the vet. We had already had the conversation with the vet 4 weeks ago and we agreed that as long as she was making the effort to get about things were fine but that when she couldn't raise herself from her bed thie time had come. Sadly that day had come and we had to say goodbye to her on Friday.


I have attached some recent pictures of Guiness and Breagha and the last one of Guiness taken around a week ago and with some of her beloved toys. No doubt I'll be in touch in due course.

Lynn Hatch


So very very sorry to hear about your beloved Guiness, what a wonderful life she had with you and a good age although they never live long enough for us.

Treasure the memories you have of her and i'm sure in time you will be able to smile when you remember some of her antics.

RIP Guiness run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Guiness xx  Guiness xx
Guiness xx  Guiness xx
Mickey xx RIP >>
Posted: 3rd February 2016

Hi Ena
I'm really sad to tell you that our friend Mickey passed away this morning. He collapsed last night and died after an emergency operation in the early hours of this morning.
Thank you very much for introducing us to him. He was such an important part of our family life and we all feel his loss keenly and keep expecting to have him wander into the room and jump up onto his favourite spot – the back of the settee!
Although we are all heartbroken now, we are all so glad that he was part of our lives.
Graeme, Denise and family.
Thanks for letting me know about your lovely boy, he was such a wee star. I am so very grateful he had such a happy full life where he was so well loved by you all. So very very sorry to hear he has gone to Rainbow Bridge R.I.P. Mickey you had so much love in your life and we are so grateful xx

Mickey xx RIP  Mickey xx RIP
Mickey xx RIP  Mickey xx RIP
Maggie xx >>
Posted: 20th December 2015

Dear Ena and Frank.

I am really sad to tell you our beloved Maggie died on 9th October aged eleven and a half. She collapsed on getting up in the morning and had obviously had a major internal problem but whether a heart attack or something else neither us nor the vet could decide. She was in no pain although conscious and died with both Andrew and I with her. Kes, our daughter’s dog was staying with us and Maggie had been playing on the beach with him the day before so it came as a big shock to us when she collapsed. I think he is almost as upset as we are as he had known her from when he was a puppy and stayed with us a lot. He still looks for her when he visits us. We were so grateful to have had Maggie for 10 and a half years. She was a great companion, laid back apart from disliking most other dogs which stemmed from not being socialised before we got her I think. However she loved people and was well known around the village. She was super with our young grandchildren. They both have toy Rottie dogs called Maggie and said the other day how much they miss her. Although we didn’t get her directly from you, thank you for letting us keep her. We have such wonderful memories of her and lots of photos, some of which I am attaching.

Kind regards

Sue and Andrew Robertson, New Deer

Hi Sue and Andrew we were so so sorry to hear about your beloved Maggie,but so grateful she had such a wonderful home with you, thank you.

RIP. Maggie you were a very special Rottie girl and will be sorely missed by

everyone who knew you xx


Maggie xx  Maggie xx
Maggie xx  Maggie xx
Maggie xx  Maggie xx
Maggie xx   
Toby xx >>
Posted: 20th December 2015

Hi Ena & Frank
Thank you for your kind words, the house is so empty without our boys.
I am sure you will recognise the pose from Toby on the picture attached, we have had 13 happy years with him and his pal Max who we sadly lost earlier in the year, I think Toby really missed him but I am sure they are both running around together at Rainbow Bridge. They both were the best of friends and done everything together, Toby always finished his dinner first so he could get his head into Max's bowl!! They always played together Toby even so small still managed to jump on Max. When Max left us early this year he was so sad we did think then about getting him a friend but his health wasn't good and it wouldn't have been fair. I think we knew it wouldn't be long till he found his friend again. This helps us knowing they are together again and we have given them both lots of happy years together.
As I said the house just doesn't feel right without a four legged friend around, I don't think it will be long before we visit you again. We have taken a wee shine to Esther but not sure if we are ready yet, her sad eyes are touching our heart. Maybe you can tell us a little bit about her?
Bill, Wendy and family
So sorry to hear about Toby a right wee charachter.
Run Free at the Bridge Toby, hope you are now with Max xx

Toby xx  Toby xx
Roscoe xx >>
Posted: 2nd November 2015

I'd like to thank you for 16 good years with Roscoe, Unfortunately I'm sad to say that he has passed away. He was a loving member of the family and will be sorely missed.
We got him as a puppy and right from the start knew he'd be a proper character. He was amazing with our cats and also children, I sometimes wondered if he even realised that he was a dog.
As a puppy he loved long walks and playing outside for hours but in his later years preferred the quieter life. We have a log cabin in the garden and Roscoe claimed this as his domain. He'd be up bright and early waiting to enter and would happily spend ours just laying in the sunshine. He was first in the cabin in the morning and last to leave at night.
This Christmas will not be the same without him. As a pup he would steal the chocolate presents in the middle of the night and as he aged, he loved to help the younger kids open their presents.
I've attached a few pictures of him throughout the last few years and again want to say thanks. We couldnt have asked for a more loyal and loving companion.
Yours Fiona Ritchie
Thank you for letting us know about Roscoe, we are so very sorry to hear he has passed away but so grateful to you and your family for giving him such a wonderful life. Love the photo's what a happy looking big lad.xx RIP Roscoe run free at the Bridge xx

Roscoe xx  Roscoe xx
Sally ( wee mini Tess ) >>
Posted: 24th August 2015

Hi Ena a few words about Sally (mini Tess) for Rainbow Bridge.

As you know Sally crossed Rainbow Bridge in June aged 18 yrs.Always know by you as 'mini Tess' due to the similarities to that of your own beloved Tess. Sally came to stay with us from Second Chancein 2001. A brilliant dog and @ sister @Corrie, then Maddie and more recently Ellie. Always 'Top Dog' Sally ruled the roost and even in old age the 'nippers' knew their place. Now running free, Sally will never be forgotten.

Thank you David she was a very special wee lass, everytime I look at our Tess's photo I see your Sally. Run free Sally you were very much loved xx

Sally ( wee mini Tess )  Sally ( wee mini Tess )
Sally ( wee mini Tess )  Sally ( wee mini Tess )
Kia xx >>
Posted: 17th August 2015

Hello Ena and Frank,
I am attaching photographs of Kia who we had the great pleasure of giving a forever home to for over 9yrs, she is now running free at Rainbow Bridge and we will never forget her. There are many photographs but here are a few taken over the years with her, she was definitely the best thing we did which was to adopt her and we were so lucky that she chose us.
Kind regards
Liz and Robert Godfrey
Hi Liz & Robert,
So very sorry to hear about your gorgeous girl, but so grateful she had such a wonderful life with you.Run free at the Bridge Kia xx

Kia xx  Kia xx
Kia xx   
Wee Ruby xx >>
Posted: 6th August 2015

Dear Ena and Frank,

It is with deep sadness that I am contacting you to let you know that wee Ruby has passed away.
It was a very sad day for us as she was a very special old lady who captured everyone's heart but she was tired and it was time to let her go. She brought so much joy into our lives from the day we first saw her at your kennels 4 1/2 years ago. We are comforted by our happy times together, she was a loving sweet natured wee lady who has left a huge void in our lives. I know Harry and his family were very fond of her.
I have attached some photos of happier times together when she still had her wee sparkle - she was a wee miracle.
Love and thank you for bringing Ruby into our lives.
Mags, Jordan and Rebecca.
Thank you for letting us know about wee Ruby Mags,so so sorry to hear she has gone to the Bridge.We are very grateful she had such an wonderful life with you and your family.Yes your right Harry, Avril & the boys were very fond of her as were we all. RIP Ruby run free at the Bridge knowing how much you were
Mags sorry it wont let me add her last photo xx

Wee Ruby xx  Wee Ruby xx
Wee Ruby xx  Wee Ruby xx
Wee Ruby xx  Wee Ruby xx
Bobby xx >>
Posted: 2nd July 2015

Hi Ena just a wee message to let you know sadly we had to have Bobby put to sleep today xx he was 12 yrs old 2morrow xx he's had a good life but sadly he had cancer n today we had to make a really hard decision xx we want to thank you for bringing Bobby or Taffy as u knew him into out lives and allowing us to have the pleasure xx we had him for just over 11yrs xx we had to make hardest choice we have had to make xx but again we wish to thank you for many happy years with him xx he turned out to a really really faithful dog xx so sweet right till very end xx

Hi Elizabeth so so sorry to hear about your beloved Bobby, but so grateful he had such a wonderful caring loving home with you.
Thank you for letting us know.
RIP Bobby you were very special xx

Bobby xx
Brodie xx >>
Posted: 14th June 2015

Hello Ena, it is with a broken heart that I write this email, we had to
have our beloved Brodie put to sleep on Monday 1/6/15. He has had
congestive heart failure for a few months but deteriorated very quickly
over the weekend. We have had 13 and a half wonderful years with him and
his brother Murphy and have so many memories that will be with us for
the rest of our lives. Murphy doesn't understand where he is and keeps
looking for him, they have never had a day apart from the day we got
them from you all those years ago. Brodie was so dearly loved by us all
and we will never forget him. Thank you for letting us have them both xx
Lynne we were so so very sorry to hear about Brodie, but so grateful he had such a wonderful home with you and your family not forgetting his brother Murphy xx

Brodie xx  Brodie xx
Brodie xx   
Luna xx >>
Posted: 1st May 2015

Dear Ena ,
I thought I would let you know that sadly We had to have Luna put to sleep yesterday. She was one of Bonnie's puppies that you let us adopt 7 years ago. She had air escaping into the cavity surrounding her lungs and the vets couldn't find the cause. She went downhill so fast and there was absolutely nothing they could do to save her.
I am absolutely devastated but wanted to thank you for allowing us to have 7 of the most wonderful years with her. She grew up into the most beautiful, gentle, kind, loving dog you could have ever known and I am so grateful that We could share our love with her.
our little pappillon x Gizmo (6) is completely lost and so confused. Luna adopted him as her puppy the moment We brought him home and they slept together, ate together, played together and She even washed his face every morning. I do not know how he or I will cope with this devastating loss.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing us to share our lives with my beautiful girl.
Yours sincerely
Louise Pirie.

Louise thank you for letting us no about your beloved Luna, we are so grateful she had such a wonderful home with you and your family xx This is the photo of the day you adopted her xx

RIP Luna knowing you were a much loved wee lass xx

Luna xx
Prince xx >>
Posted: 24th April 2015

Prince was a part of our family we loved him dearly
Had prince for 12 years he was the best friend you could ever ask for rip boy you will live on through our hearts.
the day he passed was one of the hardest things we ever went through but he had a fantastic life and now is at peace we
love you Prince fly high boy we will never forget you because you live on on our memory's and our hearts.
We were so sorry to hear of Prince's passing but we know he had a wonderful life with you all for twelve years, for that we are very grateful xx
RIP Prince big lad you will never be forgotten xxx

Prince xx  Prince xx
Prince xx   
RIP Holly XX >>
Posted: 20th April 2015

Dear Ena and Frank as you know we lost our wee darling Holly last Monday we are totally devastated , we had her for four and a half wonderful years and the fun enjoyment and love we got from her was unbelievable. It has left a huge hole in our life's and her brother Caesar's life as well ,he is completely lost without her. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts , and if it had not been for you and Frank we would never had the pleasure of knowing our wee darling Holly for which we will be eternally grateful to both of you. Till we meet again our wee sweetheart HOLLY ( Dolly ). R.I.P.xx
We were so so very saddened to hear of Holly's passing Davie & Isabelle but so very grateful to you both as we know she had a wonderful home with you and Cesar thank you xx
RIP Holly you were so well loved here and will be sorely missed wee one xx

RIP Holly XX  RIP Holly XX
Wee Tyke xx >>
Posted: 30th March 2015

Hi Ena,
Glad you liked the photos of Tyke. As you know he passed away very suddenly on Monday 16th March, 2015. He had been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis which had led to a weakened heart. During the 9yrs or so that we had him he was an absolute joy. He truly was 'a wee dog with a big personality'.
We now have 'Piper' a 4month old Jack Russell girl which we got from yourselves on Friday 20th March. She has fitted in really well and is helping to fill the (big) gap left by Tyke.
David we were saddened to hear about your wee lad, I know you and Joyce were heartbroken.He had such a wonderful life with you both and we were so grateful for that, thank you for the photo's of Tyke, he was a right wee charmer as was your Lucy.
So pleased Piper has settled so well and it was a miracle she arrived just when you needed a wee dog to love.Think Tyke maybe sent her our way as when you came to tell us about Tyke, we knew nothing about her then a few hours later Frank got a phone call about Piper and the rest is history.
RIP. Tyke Run Free at the Bridge xx

Wee Tyke xx  Wee Tyke xx
Wee Tyke xx  Wee Tyke xx
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