Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Lucky xx >>
Posted: 2nd July 2017

Now a bit about Lucky.
As you know we got Lucky from yourself after enquiring about a westie to be friends with a westie,Ben, who we already got from you. The westie was rehomed but you said you had a cocker spaniel which was a breed we knew little about. From the minute we took her home she made herself very much at home and got on well with Ben. Five years later we got another cocker spaniel,Charlie, and from the start he thought Lucky was his mum and didn't give her a minutes peace. But being the sweetest natured, most lovable dog ever, she put up with all he did to her and mothered him. She will be very much missed by all the family. Xx
Elizabeth & Davy
We were all so very sorry to hear about Lucky, but we are so grateful she had such a wonderful life with you all. In time you will be able to look back on all the memories you have of her and smile at all the things she and her buddies used to do. We are all thinking about you at this very sad time.xx

Lucky xx  Lucky xx
Lucky xx  Lucky xx
Cujo & Spike xx >>
Posted: 5th June 2017

Dear Ena and Frank
it is with a heavy heart that I have to let you know about the passing of our wonderful boy Cujo. It was almost 16 years ago when Ena called me to say you had had a 10 week old puppy handed in, I was up in a flash and took him. I had lasted 4 days without a dog! Cujo has been a fantastic family pet from day one. He loved his toys, he loved his food, he loved Spike our other rescue dog from you who unfortunately only lived to 7 due to Lupus, but most of all Cujo loved his family and we absolutely loved him.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have looked after such a wonderful dog. We will never forget him, neither will anyone who ever met him he was so lovely and such a character.
Love Frances, Stuart, Louisa and Joanne Bizzarri
Thank you so much for letting us know about your beloved Cujo and Spike. There are no words we can say that will help you at such a sad sad time. What lovely photo's we are so grateful they had such a wonderful loving home with you all. It's never easy to say goodbye. We know in time you will be able to smile when you think of all the wonderful memories you have of them both.Take care xx
Warmest regards
Ena & Frank xx

Cujo & Spike xx  Cujo & Spike xx
Cujo & Spike xx   
Jed xx >>
Posted: 27th April 2017

It is with great sadness we have to put yet another one of our past residents on here.

This time it is Jed who was very much loved by his family who are now devasted he is no longer with them. Jed had such a wonderful home and a great life and for this we will always be eternally greatful.

RIP Jed your very much missed xx

Jed xx  Jed xx
Jed xx   
Angia ( Angel ) xx >>
Posted: 16th April 2017

Dear Ena,

We’re so sad to say that in November we said goodbye to Angel (who we renamed Angia – making her a little more ‘Polish’) who we collected from Second Chance December 2012. It was unexpected and we’ve been in a bit of shock at losing her ever since.

When we first met her at Second Chance she was a lost wee soul but it wasn’t long until she settled in, lost a fair bit of podge and became well and truly the heart of the family. The house just isn’t the same without her greeting us at the door and singing her hello in the odd high pitched whirring noise only she could make, and the grunting persistence when she couldn’t snuggle in quite close enough to us on the sofa.

Thank you for allowing us to give Angia a home where she was so enormously loved.

The Lopatowski Family xxxx

We were so very sorry to hear about your beloved Angia, but so very grateful she had such a wonderful life filled with love. xx RIP Angia you are sorely missed xx

Angia ( Angel ) xx  Angia ( Angel ) xx
Angia ( Angel ) xx   
Kai xx >>
Posted: 28th March 2017

Hi Ena & Frank

It's with a very heavy heart that I am writing to let you know that Kai past over to rainbow bridge tonight. He turned 8 in January and we didn't expect to lose him so soon but rest assured that he lived his short life to the max and is now forever chasing his tennis balls. I know Hobo is going to miss him terribly, they were inseparable but he will always live on in our hearts.

Kind regards
Dawn, Tony & Hobo x

Hi Dawn Tony & Hobo,
So so very sorry to hear about your beloved Kai at such a young age please accept our sincere condolences 😢
Don't know if you do FB but his brother Paco passed over to Bridge
a couple weeks ago and his mum Jess a few months ago she was only just over nine. RIP Kai xx

Kai xx
Paco xx >>
Posted: 21st March 2017

It was with great sadness that we heard Paco one of Jess's pups has gone over to Rainbow Bridge at the tender age of just 8yrs old.He was such a well loved lad and his folks are devastated by his loss.This is him as a puppy and with his mum Jess who sadly passed away at only 9 years old a few months ago.xx

Paco xx  Paco xx
Paco xx   
Rafferty xx >>
Posted: 9th March 2017

Hello all at second chance.
A very sad email to let you know that Rafferty our papillon crossed rainbow bridge this morning.
He had developed Cerebellar Ataxia and was losing all motive control, apparently a neurological condition he would have had from birth.
He leaves a very big hole in our lives for such a small chap.
Best wishes
David and Ros Wells

So so sorry to hear about wee Rafferty such a lovely wee lad.Rip Rafferty run free at Rainbow Bridge where sadly so many of our dogs are now xx

Rafferty xx
Foxy xx >>
Posted: 28th February 2017

This wee lass went to Rainbow Bridge last November she was 15 years old. Had such a brilliant home, was so well loved by her mum and dad.

RIP. Foxy you were so well loved here xx

Foxy xx
Frodo xx >>
Posted: 27th February 2017

Hello Ena,

Frodo lived most of his life in Scotland with our other Springer Spaniel, Freya and later we included Cleo (retired Guide dog) in the family. He spend a couple of years living in Kentucky, USA and a few months living in The Netherlands. He was well travelled!

We loved him and miss him desperately.

Thanks so much Ena,


We were all so so very sorry to hear about Frodo, but so grateful he had such a wonderful life with you and you family. What a well travelled lad he was.

RIP Frodo xx

Frodo xx  Frodo xx
Frodo xx  Frodo xx
Frodo xx  Frodo xx
Frodo xx  Frodo xx
Frodo xx   
Charlie ( Snoops ) xx >>
Posted: 12th January 2017

It was with much sadness we heard Charlie ( Snoops) had gone to Rainbow Bridge. He was like all our past residents on here who were so loved and will be sadly missed by his family. Treasure the memories you have of him and i'm sure in time you will be able to smile when you remember some of his antics. RIP Charlie your family loved you so much. ( (Snoops ) run free at the Bridge xx

Charlie ( Snoops ) xx  Charlie ( Snoops ) xx
Charlie ( Snoops ) xx  Charlie ( Snoops ) xx
Charlie ( Snoops ) xx  Charlie ( Snoops ) xx
Roxy xx >>
Posted: 12th January 2017

Roxy sadly went to sleep aged 7, thank you Ena she filled our lives in so many ways x we are utterly heart lost without her x.

So very sorry

Roxy xx
Molly xx >>
Posted: 12th January 2017

Dear Ena and Frank,
Beautiful wee Molly has sadly tonight has gone to join her best pal Max and walking buddy her Grandad at Rainbow Bridge. Molly met us over 12 years ago as a timid but snooty wee madam and chose us as her new pack even though we only came to have a wee look.
That timid wee girl was an amazing loving companion to us from that day until today when after several weeks of poor health which we thought she was overcoming finally resulted in what the Vet believed to be a stroke.
It broke my heart to say goodbye but I know I did what was right for my wee Molly babe. We lay on the floor together cuddling with me giving her much loved ear rubs as she slipped away. Run free my beautiful girl. Your pack especially Mum loves you very much. xx
Yvonne so very sorry to hear about your beloved Molly. I remember the day you came and she said there is no way this family are going without me.She had such a wonderful life with you all.Treasure the memories you have of her and i'm sure in time you will be able to smile when you remember some of her antics.She will be walking with grandad and running about with Max. RIP run free Molly you will be sorely missed by your family xx

Molly xx
Loca xx >>
Posted: 12th January 2017

Sorry to tell you our lovely lady died on 6th January. Had been ill for a little while. Sadly missed by her canine brothers Dermutt and Hector and her human family and friends. Almost 12 when she went. Happy memories and no regrets. R.I.P Loca. Photo is taken on Xmas day just before she ripped the squeeky out of her new toy as she did every year for the last 11. X
The Connells
Peter and Anita so sorry to hear about Loca, but we are so thankful she had such a wonderful life with you, your family and her doggy brothers.Treasure the memories you have of her and i'm sure in time you will be able to smile when you remember some of her antics. RIP Loca run free x you were so loved and will be sadly missed xx

Loca xx
Stroma xx >>
Posted: 29th December 2016

Very sad news last week, Stroma who was a lovely Border Collie has passed over to Rainbow Bridge. She is sorely missed by her mum who hopes she has met up with Russ.Treasure the memories you have of her and i'm sure in time you will be able to smile when you remember some of her antics.She like all the dogs on here have been so very much loved and have left a big hole in their families heart's. RiP Stroma run free at the Bridge xxx

Stroma xx
Tasha xx >>
Posted: 15th September 2016

Hello Ena & Frank,
Just to let you know this afternoon we had to make the heartbreaking decision to put Tasha to sleep. Her back legs couldn't take any more 😔. We would like to thank you for allowing Tasha to be a member of our family as you also gave us Kira they are together now over rainbow bridge. Tasha and Kira brought us many happy days and comforted us on our sad days they have left us with loads of happy memories that we will cherish forever.
Chloe so so sorry to hear about Tasha as always we are so very grateful she Kiera and wee Bobby ( your gran's wee dog ) all had such a wonderful life with you all. Love the photo of you and Kiera xx
RIP. Tasha you will be sorely missed hope you've met up with Kiera and Bobby xxx

Tasha xx
Poppy xx >>
Posted: 16th August 2016

Hi Ena,
Finally getting round to sending you some photos of Maureen Cameron's beloved Poppy. Maureen got Poppy from you in 2004 until she sadly went to sleep for the last time on 12th July 2016. Sadly missed as she was the heart and soul of the house and always the boss!
So very sorry to hear about Poppy, just so grateful she had such a wonderful home where she was so well loved. xx RIP Poppy hope your running free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Poppy xx  Poppy xx
Poppy xx  Poppy xx
Poppy xx  Poppy xx
Murphy xx >>
Posted: 6th August 2016

Dear Ena, yet again I write to you with my heart broken. Sadly we lost
Murphy on 21/06/16 one year and twenty days after his brother Brodie.
Murphy gave us so much love and memories to have forever. He did pine
for Brodie and we got him a wee pal which did seem to make a difference
to him. Candy is also a rescue pup and she in turn now misses Murphy.
Thankyou for letting us have our boys they were a big part in all my
family's lives and will never be forgotten. Some photos of Murphy,
Brodie and wee Candy xx

Murphy xx
Lily xx >>
Posted: 10th June 2016

Dear Ena and everybody at second chance is with much sadness that i have to let you know that our beloved wee girl LILY has passed on to Rainbow Bridge, we will be forever grateful that when we visited her in your kennels 2 and a half yrs ago that she chose us to be her forever mum n dad, we truly loved her my dark angel i used to call her .. she was the most fabulous sweetest clever and well behaved dog and my best friend, we are just so very sad that the dreaded lymmphona took our gorgeous sweet clever girl away far far far too soon, as she was still under her 7th year and such a joy to have as a massive part of our family may GOD bless her and keep her safe untill we meet again run painfree and happy at Rainbow Bridge LILY ... we miss you always and forever and think and talk about you with fondest memories xx

Linda we were so so very sorry to hear about Lily. So sad she only had such a short time with you and Alistair and your family xx What a lovely tribute to a special wee lass.xx

Run free at the Bridge Lily xx

Lily xx  Lily xx
Lily xx  Lily xx
Diesel xx >>
Posted: 18th May 2016

Diesel we were so sorry to hear you had passed over to Rainbow Bridge. You were a very special big lad having come on so very well after you were found tied to the gate at the kennels, with just a carrier bag and a wee story about your ear.You were such a big soft lad loved by everyone.We took you to the vets in Kirkcaldy but the vet then wanted to euthanise you as she said you were aggressive eh no !!! you had a very sore ear. Then we got a call from Wendy and Cath at Broadley vets in Stirling the recognised you as one of their past clients.They came through and the rest is history. We then found a wonderful home for you with Carol and Tony only stipulation was they had to use Broadley vets which they did. Thanks to them you went on to have a wonderful life, this is you being nanny to their grandaughter.

Run free at the Bridge big lad you will be sorely missed. xxx

Diesel xx
Oscar xx >>
Posted: 18th May 2016


After 11 years with us and at the age of 13 we unfortunately lost Oscar last week.
Oscar came to us in 2005, when he was 2 years old. He was a brilliant dog, very friendly with people he knew but not so much with strangers. Although towards he end he got much better even with the dreaded vet. We miss him very much and the house is quite literally so much quieter without him.
Fingal is coping quite well as he's got a little friend called Blue staying with us so he's not on his own.
But before you ask we've no vacancy at the moment..... maybe later.
Hi Janice,
We were so very sorry to hear about Oscar.
Thank you so much for letting us know and for giving him such a happy life. Was good when you brought him back to visit and strange thing is you went away with a playmate for him a 12 week old puppy who grew into what can I say a very big lad and was Oscar's best mate. Loved all the pics you sent with them playing together.RIP Oscar you will be sadly missed, run free at the Bridge where lots of Second Chance dogs will be waiting to meet you xxx

Oscar xx  Oscar xx
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