Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Freda ( Munchkin) xx >>
Posted: 22nd March 2018

Unfortunately we lost our beloved Freda (Munchkin) in September last year and it's taken me this long to be able to write about it.
Freda had an unfortunate start in life but thanks to Ena and Frank we were allowed to bring her home once Freda trusted us. That was in June 2003 when she was just 14 months old. She developed arthritis in her back legs which was treated with medication and she led a normal dog life and we all adored her.
Freda became a mum giving birth to 7 gorgeous pups, who all went to good homes, we kept one and named her Millie. Sadly Freda suffered a stroke last summer, recovered for a time then deteriorated and was put to sleep in September 2017. What made it worse for us was that Millie had cushings disease which got worse and she was put sleep with her mum. Losing them both to Rainbow Bridge on the same day was unbearable but they couldn't go on suffering. Our family are so grateful to Ena and Frank for giving us so many years of happiness with our beloved Freda.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Silvana, Robin, Irving and Ellis Hanvey xxxx
I remember the day " Munchkin" was brought to us by Evelyn the then dog warden. She was such a timid wee lass who we loved and she did start to come out of her shell. Then along you came her saviour and she went onto have such a wonderful life with you and your family, we were all so so happy for her.Her photo's are lovely. Thank you all.RIP Freda hope your running free with our Second Chance wee ones who are there already.

Freda ( Munchkin) xx  Freda ( Munchkin) xx
Maggie xx >>
Posted: 21st March 2018

Hi Ena
Thanks for taking the time to see us - it was lovely to talk over some memories of Maggie .
Thank you so much for letting us have Maggie all those years ago . She changed our life and was the most wonderful dog anyone could have asked for . We lost her to liver cancer in October 2016 aged 13 and there is still not a day goes by when we don’t think of her - she truly was part of the family and she knew how much she was loved - we miss her so much .
Thank you for all the work you do and all the love you bring to dogs and owners alike .
Eileen and the Ralston family x
Thanks Eileen we are just so grateful that Maggie had such a wonderful home with you and your family. RIP Maggie xx

Maggie xx  Maggie xx
Maggie xx  Maggie xx
Ranger xx >>
Posted: 16th March 2018

We were very sad to hear that this lovely big lad Ranger has gone to Rainbow Bridge. He was such a big softie loved by everyone, including his wee sis Sandi who along with his family are devasted he is no longer with them, we are so grateful he had such a wonderful life with them. xx

RIP. Ranger you were loved so very much, run free at Rainbow bridge XX

Ranger xx  Ranger xx
Paris xx >>
Posted: 8th March 2018

Hi Ena
It is with regret I am informing u that wee lost our wee Paris last week to acute kidney failure😞
We are totally devastated and lost but I cannot thank you enough for finding her for us. She was a total character and was a very much loved part of our family. We had a brilliant 4 years with her and lots of fun and adventure.
Harley is lost without her which is very sad to see.
I just wanted to let u know and she will never b forgotten x
Kerry Lynch
We are all so so sorry to hear about your beloved wee Paris.She had a brilliant home with you's and was well loved. Poor wee Harley will be wondering where is wee pal is what a shame. I'm sure the memories you have of your time with her will help in the weeks and months to come xx

Paris xx
Meg xx >>
Posted: 25th February 2018

Hi Ena,
Just made a PayPal donation in memory of our amazing girl Meg.
Sorry it’s not more.
Here’s a wee story about Meg.
Meg was one of a kind. She loved her walks, jumping up and spinning in the air waiting for us to say “Away” and at that she would sprint as fast as she could before coming back and repeating the process.
She loved a cuddle.
She had a fascination with animals on tv and was particularly fond of Coronation Streets meerkats and would run to the tv whenever she heard the theme tune.
She has left a huge void in our lives.
We’ll never forget that cheeky sticky out tongue.
Run free with your big sis Jess.
Never forgotten Meggy xxx
All the best
Thanks for letting us know about your beloved Meggy.We are all so very sorry she has gone to the Bridge way to soon. You were a much loved wee lass.
Run free Meg xx
All the best,
Sent from my iPhone

Meg xx
Samson xx >>
Posted: 20th February 2018

Hi Ena,

Just to let you know that we lost Samson yesterday. He got to a grand age of 16 and fought to the very end. Here is a picture of him enjoying his holiday in France a couple of years ago.

Thank you for the opportunity to give him a better than he had before.

All the best

Fiona and Ronnie

We were just speaking about you all last week wondering how you were doing.

We are so very sorry to hear about your beloved Samson, but so very grateful he had such a wonderful life with you. He was a gorgeous big lad and deserved the best something he hadn't had before. RIP Samson run free at Rainbow Bridge XX

Samson xx
Lady xx >>
Posted: 9th February 2018

We were so sad to hear about your beloved Lady, but so very grateful she had such a long and happy life with you all.

RIP Lady run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

The joy and happiness Lady gave us from November 2001 is unforgettable. She was about 1 year old, we think, when she joined the family. The moment she came into our lives she was a trusted caring family member.

She looked after the house, it’s my home, don’t you put things through my door, the postman would be told, as she came from upstairs down to the letterbox faster than he could put mail through. Even the garden was protected from Mr & Mrs Seagulls Pigeons, don’t you land in my space they were told.

She loved walks in fact would walk forever tiring us out more than her. Running what speed, she could do and the distance she could leap was fantastic.

She loved sunbathing in her bed as long as she could see us.

Sadly, time caught up with her in age, she was approx. 92 and getting slower every day. You could see she knew time was getting on and eating and sleeping were most important, walking was a chore. It was hardest decision we have ever had to make but we know that it was best for Lady and so did she herself.

We will miss you Lady but we know she is in beautiful relaxing place, playing having fun, and looking down most of all keeping an eye on us. She will be missing us already.

Lady, you are and will always be sadly missed.

God bless you Lady.

Lady xx  Lady xx
Lady xx   
Scooby xx >>
Posted: 6th February 2018

We were so sad to hear wee Scooby had gone to Rainbow Bridge.So very grateful for the time he did have with his mum it was filled with love and kindness.

RIP Scooby run free xx

Scooby xx
Bracken xx >>
Posted: 17th January 2018

Unfortunately the time has come for our beautiful golden Labrador to be put to rest after lots of pain from arthritis. He really gave us a challenge in his younger days - up to all sorts of nonsense but we loved him very much.
Thank you Second Chance Kennels for the best 11 years of our life with our best pal Bracken.
He has left paw prints on our hearts.
RIP old pal xxxx

We were all so very sorry to hear about Bracken, so pleased he had such a wonderful life with you all. Run Free At Rainbow Bridge Bracken xx

Bracken xx  Bracken xx
Bracken xx  Bracken xx
Bracken xx  Bracken xx
Angel xx >>
Posted: 17th January 2018

Hi Ena and Frank,

Sad news I’m afraid but Angel had her last trip to the vets this afternoon. She was a challenging dog though lovable with people, unless they were a postie or wore a hat!

Joanne x

So sorry to hear about Angel but so pleased she found you xx

R.I.P. Angel run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Angel xx  Angel xx
Angel xx  Angel xx
Angel xx  Angel xx
Angel xx  Angel xx
Angel xx  Angel xx
Angel xx   
Dennis xx >>
Posted: 6th January 2018

It was with great sadness we learned today 6th Jan 2018, that Dennis has gone to Rainbow Bridge, his folks are devastated he had been with them since Oct 2006 and was so well loved. xx

R.I.P. Dennis run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Dennis xx
Danny xx >>
Posted: 26th December 2017

Hi Ena and Frank, it is a sad time in the household this week as Danny passed away on 19/12/17 aged just 8 1/2 years. This was due to an abscess which ruptured on his spleen causing massive bleeding.

He has left a huge hole in our lives and it is very strange coming home and not having him there to greet you, pestering us with his toys. As you can see in some of the photos he absolutely loved it when the grandchildren came round, he looked upon them as play mates and tormented them something awful.

Danny was still ball daft right up to the end, the garden is littered with them. Also when it came to getting a treat he would do anything, roll over, paws in the air, sit up and beg. He was quite a character, a real mummy’s boy always looking for cuddles. We will miss him, RIP Danny.

Gordon so so very sorry to hear about your beloved Danny. Must have been such a shock for you all.Thinking about you all at this sad time. R.I.P. Danny like the rest of the dogs here you will be sorely missed xx

Danny xx  Danny xx
Danny xx  Danny xx
Danny xx   
Gypsy xx >>
Posted: 21st December 2017

Dear Ena and Frank,
It is with heavy hearts that we pass you the sad news that our dear Gypsy went over rainbow bridge in the summer, having reached the grand age of 15.
She way surpassed our vet’s expectations in the way she coped will her treatment, and how she bounced-back and just kept going, with her smiley eyes telling us all was good.
We treasure our memories with her, she always enjoyed being in on the action through-out our boys childhoods. Both sons are away studying at university now, and neither can recall life before Gypsy.
I have attached some photos... from her first winter with us, and a couple from this summer.
I hope all is well with both of you, all the dogs, and all your helpers.
Wishing you all the very best this Christmas.
Maybe it’s just me .... but the clouds were leaping overhead as Gypsy left us.☺️x
Kate, Richard, Alex, Harry and Rosa XX
Rip Gypsy you were so loved and had a wonderful life with your family xx

Gypsy xx  Gypsy xx
Gypsy xx  Gypsy xx
Kyra xx >>
Posted: 18th December 2017

14 years
From the moment we met we both had no regret. I couldn't have hoped for a more fun, smart, loyal easy going friend who was like a rock always there for me and us as a family out for walks on the the beach and wood's always checking where we all were if kids went in front almost herding to keep us together. Loved the sea and muddy puddles and her tennis ball. So many adventures, cuddles and good times we had.
Kyra i know you had to leave us, we miss you so much. You will stay in our hearts forever
Much love Gail, Paige, Romy and granny xxx
Gail so sorry for your loss but thank you for letting us know about your beloved Kyra, we are so happy she had such a wonderful life with you all. RIP Kyra run free xx

Kyra xx  Kyra xx
Kyra xx  Kyra xx
Kyra xx   
Holly xx >>
Posted: 16th September 2017

It was with great sadness we learned today that wee Honey who was of our puppies, now 12 years old has sadly gone to Rainbow Bridge.Her family are devastated and we offer our condolences to them all. Honey had a great life was well loved and hopefully in time her family will remember all the good memories they will have of her. RIP Honey run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Holly xx
Chloe was (Suki here)xx >>
Posted: 5th September 2017

Thank you Ena and Frank for the thoughtful card for Chloe / suki it meant a lot to us she was a super wee dog and could never be replaced we have been really upset but just have to remember the good times and the day you came over to Prestonpans with that happy wee dog god bless her Many thanks again for bringing her into our lives John and Irene McEwan

Chloe was (Suki here)xx
Mitch xxx >>
Posted: 18th August 2017

Hi Ena, Frank and wee Alfie

It is with a very heavy heart that we have to tell you that our wonderful Mitch went to Rainbow bridge on Thursday 10th August. We got Mitch from you when he was 10 years old when his dad died and he came to you. He would have been 16 in September, but unfortunately this was not meant to be.

He was a wonderful boy with a great nature and everyone who met him just loved him. I thought he was very handsome boy with lovely face and loved his black and brown ears, and when he got his winter coat in he had lovely curls at his neck.

We had lots of fun and adventures with Mitch and lots of lovely holidays throughout Scotland and Northern England. Mitch was always an active boy and loved going on long walks up the hills and in the mountains, running on the beach, playing with his ball in the parks. He even let me dress him up at Christmas time for a festive photo, poor wee man, this things he had to put up with.

It was in November when his back legs started to go and we got him his own set of wheels which he took to instantly and became a wee hero amongst the local school kids in the park, he was able to run and play in this wheels and it was only in the last couple of months that he started to slow down and last couple of weeks we knew we had a limited time left with Mitch so did a mini bucket list with him, this included taking him to his favourite walks, having an ice cream in the park, a steak dinner with Daddy Bob who looked after Mitch during the day and spending quality time with him with lots of cuddles. We miss him so much, but had a wonderful time together and we were so blessed to have him in our lives. Thank you Ena and Frank for letting us have Mitch, he made every day a pleasure to be around him and we have some wonderful memories .

Run free our beautiful boy and we will see you again one day.

We love you,

Mummy, Daddy and Daddy Bob. xxx

Mitch so so sorry to hear you have gone to Rainbow Bridge you had such a brilliant life and were so well loved. RIP wee man xxxx

Mitch xxx  Mitch xxx
Mitch xxx  Mitch xxx
Mitch xxx  Mitch xxx
Mitch xxx  Mitch xxx
Fern & Ellie xx >>
Posted: 23rd July 2017

Dear Ena
I am sorry to tell you that I have lost both of my girls. Fern died in October aged 14. She had a number of serious health issues in her last couple of years but she always managed to fight back and carry on. In the end she was just worn out but I can assure you she had a long and happy life and was adored by all who met her. She had the sweetest nature and was such a big presence it has taken months for us to get over losing her.
On Wednesday the unthinkable happened and I lost Ellie. She had been suffering from pain in her back and I was tired of trooping back and forth to the vet so saw a specialist. We all thought she had a disc problem but a scan revealed she had two tumours on her spine and I had to make the awful decision to let her go while she was still under anaesthetic. I am still in a state of shock and am broken hearted. I thought we still had years together.
She was always a troubled wee soul after the cruel way she had been treated but despite her nervousness she was happy and confident when she was with me and Fern. I cannot tell you how much she was loved and thank you for letting me be her Mum and the 10 years of joy she brought me.
Kind Regards
So so very sorry to hear about your beloved girls. They both had such a wonderful home for that we are so very grateful. Thanks also for taking wee Ellie into your home and heart as you know she was such a very timid wee soul.You will have so many happy memories to look back on Linda, Hope they help you in the coming weeks and months xx

Fern & Ellie xx  Fern & Ellie xx
Fern & Ellie xx  Fern & Ellie xx
Suki xx >>
Posted: 14th July 2017

My lovely girl, I miss you so much. When you first came to us Bailey was not impressed!. He couldn't see why we needed another dog. You soon made your way into our hearts and, after Bailey went to Rainbow Bridge, you became our all. In these last months we knew that you wouldn't be with us for a lot longer. You made the most of those last months and so did we. Right now I feel you and I should be going for our evening walk 'our time' and it just makes me cry. I'm sitting looking at your picture with tears running down my face. Sleep well my darling, I love you. Mum x
Sheila we were so very sorry to hear about your lovely girl Suki. She had such a lovely home with you all. I'm sure you have so many memories to look back on to help you through this sad time. Rip Suki run free at Rainbow Bridge hope you caught up with Bailey xx

Suki xx
Archie xx >>
Posted: 14th July 2017

Hi Ena,
Just a couple of lines to let you know that "Archie" crossed over Rainbow Bridge on the 13th of June. He would have been 15 years old this month but sadly, he is no longer with us. All of us miss him very much especially the grandchildren, who were all very attached to him. Two photos attached, one outside the kennels in July 2005 just before taking him home and the other in my wife's arms.
Hughie and Agnes.

Hugh & Agnes,

So so very sorry to hear about your beloved Archie after the start he had we are just so very grateful to you both.Thank god for you and your wife that Archie went on to have such a wonderful life with you and your family, we will always be so grateful for that.Enjoy your memories. RIP. Archie Run free over Rainbow Bridge xxx

First photo is of Hugh and Archie outside the kennels when he was going home. Second one on his mum's knee xxx

Archie xx  Archie xx
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