Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Pepe >>
Posted: 2nd March 2008

Pepe and Dom two Pekingese came to us back in August 2005, they were chosen by such a lovely couple and were both loved so much.

Sadly Pepe left for the bridge last week and poor Dom and his mum & dad will be missing him so much.

Our thoughts are with them at this very sad time.

Love Ena & all At Second Chance Kennels x.

Sleep easy Pepe in the knowledge in your last few years you were so well loved. xx

Alfie >>
Posted: 17th December 2007

Well what a sad sad week it has been at Second Chance Kennels. Here is another one of our beloved dogs who has passed over to Rainbow Bridge.

This is Alfie he came into our care after having been found abandoned in someone's garden, a caring person found him and took him into the vets. He was found to have a huge growth on his bottom jaw, the vets called us and asked for our help but at that time we were really full, as soon as a space became available we called the vets to say we could now take Alfie in.We had to wait for a few days as they had to operate and take nearly all his bottom jaw away, which meant his tongue always hung out of his mouth poor lamb, he wasn't an old dog and we hoped he had many years ahead of him.
But he was a fighter and came to the kennels and settled in well. We did a wee story about him in a paper and low and behold his saviour came in the form of Arlene who was to become his mum. She totally fell in love with him and he her she has given him the very best of care and love. A couple of weeks ago he started to go off his legs she took him down to our vets Ryan & Calder. Who did tests and x-ray's only to find he had five tumours in his chest and nothing could be done for him, the kindest thing was to let him go to the Bridge. Arlene was devastated, but she stayed with " our " boy till he crossed over.We would like to thank Arlene for taking Alfie into her home she only had him just under a year but like Chance it was a year filled with love and devotion.

Sleep tight Alfie we love you
Ena / Frank/ Mhairi/Janet & Laura xxxxxxxxxxxx

Chance >>
Posted: 9th December 2007

This is Chancie boy sadly joining our other beloved dogs on Rainbow bridge, this is the message his devastated Mum sent us:

Hello Ena
Chancie died yesterday morning. My beloved boy isn't suffering anymore. His eyes begged to 'go' and his beautiful, beautiful head was in my lap as he went into a peaceful sleep. The pain for me is currently unbearable, I want my lovely boy back! I had to let him go because I love him so very, very much. Thank you for letting us have him, he was a King amongst dogs and it was a privilege to have been his friend.

Lots of love

Chance had only been in his home since 16th June 2006. He was a very sick boy when the dog warden brought him here, once he was well enough to go to a home he was really lucky, Kim & Keith just fell in love with him, well who wouldn't he was such a poppet. He touched the hearts of all who knew him. Sadly his health has never been that great, but he never complained, Kim did everything within her power to make sure he got what he needed bless her. So although he didn't have a good start in life the last year and a half has been filled with kindness and love, we will always be eternally gratefull they chose to adopt Chance and thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

Enjoy your rest Chance you so deserve it.

We love you.xxxx
Ena/ Frank / Mhairi / Janet & Laura xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Our Max >>
Posted: 11th October 2007

Max arrived at the kennels with his mum and five brothers when he was only two days old, he was always "my wee boy". We did find a wonderful home for him, but sadly we didn't know at the time that he had a real problem with his megasophegus. His folks couldn't cope, we didn't blame them, we just took him back to the kennels and there he has been since, he was ten months old on the 8th October.

Max had his good times and bad when he would be always being sick, we had him at the Dick vets and would have tried anything to help him it was not to be, antibiotics seemed to help him, so we were more than happy for him to stay with us.

He had good times as well he just loved going over the fields across from the kennels (as you can see below, the 2nd pic is of him with his brother, Paddypaws). He never went too far away from us, he always grabbed a soft toy to take with him and used to leave it at the gate of the field and pick it up on the way back, bless him.

He loved playing with Mhairi's girls, and if Mhairi and Kevan were going for a walk they used to come to the kennels and take him and Stig with them.

Sad sad news today :( Max has been really sick for the last few days, and was really down this morning; he didn't even want his breakfast. So we took him to the vets this morning, he had a high temperature, wasn't keeping anything down, his weight was down to 18 kilo's and he had also been really sick in the van going down.

We could have got more antibiotics for him but we were just putting of the inevitable, as he was literally dying in front of us, so we made the very very hard decision to let him go this morning, 11th October at 10.15am, to say we are all devastated is an understatement.

Max you'll be sorely missed at the kennels we all loved you to bits, you were a very special boy and we're just so so very sorry.

God bless son.

Lots of love and kisses from Ena, Frank, Mhairi, Kevan, Janet & Laura xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Our Max  Our Max
Our Max   
Dylek (was Dylan) >>
Posted: 17th September 2007

This is Dylek (was Dylan). What a big beautiful boy, and an ambassador for the breed.

Rest in peace sweetheart we will all miss you, like your mum says you were such a big soft lad and will be sorely missed.

Thank you Lidia & Derek for such a lovely tribute to Dylek (below), your special boy.

Dear Ena,

With broken hearts and enormous sadness we would like to let you know of the passing of our beloved Dylek on Friday 14th September.

Dylek, like many other dogs, was deprived of the opportunity to have a loving and caring family, before being given a second chance in life. We feel that he must have been waiting all that time for us and we must have been looking for him....and eventually, with God's help we met each other one day in October 2000. From that day our lives transformed and we have given him all the love we had, but he gave us so much more back. All the owners say that their dogs are special, but Dylek was extra special, as you probably know that yourself. He was beautiful, kind, sweet - a friend to everybody, a gentle giant bursting with love. Dylek was not a dog, Dylek was a sweet candy in a big Rottie’s body. Every morning he woke us with a cuddle, put his big head near us. Even in a misty, cold morning we did not feel it because Dylek would warm us and make our day happy. He was my shadow, following me around the entire house. He understood us in both languages (English and Polish) and we understood each others body language.

We feel so privileged, lucky and blessed to have Dylek over those years, but his life was so abruptly ended by the Lymphoma cancer that rapidly spread to his bone marrow.

We still had so much more to give him and he had so much more to give us. He was more than a pet...he was our baby. Our lives lost the meaning and Nana lost the best friend, guide, protector and the playmate.

Dylek, we will always love you, never forget you and there will always be a special place in our hearts. We are still hoping it is a bad dream, and tomorrow you will appear again at the doors with the big smile in your eyes.

God bless.

Dylek (was Dylan)  Dylek (was Dylan)
Dylek (was Dylan)  Dylek (was Dylan)
Dylek (was Dylan)  Dylek (was Dylan)
Misty >>
Posted: 26th July 2007

Sadly, we have another one for Rainbow Bridge:( Misty was so well loved her family must be devasted.

Run Free at the Bridge Misty there are quite a few Second Chance dogs already there waiting to greet you.

Love Ena & all at Second Chance Kennels xx

Dear Ena,
Just wanted you to know that Misty was put to sleep on Friday. Her back legs were getting so bad,she wasnt eating ect,so after a lot of soul searching (and tears) i decided to let her go. The most reliable thing for nearly ten years is gone, me & the kids are gutted, but she will live in our hearts & memories forever. Kirsty

Ben >>
Posted: 1st July 2007

Ben was a German shepherd / collie mix, who came to us at ten months as he alledgedly nipped a child. Well, his mum & dad came and fell in love with him, but I was bit wary as they had a young boy. Suffice to say Ben has been their best friend for over 8 years.

They are all so devastated at losing him but sadly he was ill and there was no cure for him. We at Second Chance are all so upset as well.

Sleep tight wee man knowing how much you were loved and how much you will be missed by everyone.

Love from Ena and all at Second Chance Kennels xxx

Jet >>
Posted: 23rd June 2007

Jet, a very handsome black lab who came into us when he was nine years old, has sadly passed over to the bridge.

He was thirteen years old, so had a wonderful four years with the mum he "chose" all by himself. I don't know if she had much of a say in the matter, but she and her partner and their family totally adored Jet and are completely devastated at his passing..

Sleep tight Jet dreaming of ducks & rabbits.

Love Ena Mhairi and all at Second Chance Kennels xxx

Would just like at say although this has been a terrible year for us hearing about all our past residents going to the bridge, we are eternally grateful to everyone who took them in and gave each and everyone such a wonderful life and their second chance of happiness.

Roxy >>
Posted: 23rd June 2007

Sometimes we forget how long we have been running Second Chance and that the first puppies we rehomed are now getting to be old dogs :(

Tracy called me to let me know that the wee girl Roxy she adopted over ten years ago has sadly passed over to the bridge.

Tracy, Lloyd, the kids and Roxy's canine sis Sassy (who is also a Second Chance dog) are absolutey devastated.

Our thought are with you all and we are so grateful Roxy had such a wonderful life with you.

Sleep tight Roxy you will be sorely missed by everyone and Karen your groomer also sends her love.

God Bless,

Love from Ena Frank and all at Second Chance xxx

Rusty >>
Posted: 9th June 2007

We got very sad news this week from Rusty’s family, a second chance dog who went to her home 16 months ago.

We were so very sorry to hear about Rusty, she was a dear wee soul who came into the kennels as a stray. Nobody came looking for her, but Mike & Linda fell in love with her and took her home. We will never be able to thank them enough for making her last 16 months happy.
Run free Rusty knowing how very much you were loved by Mike, Linda, their family and all of us here at Second Chance xxxx

Dear All

Just a short note to say that we had to have Rusty put to sleep on Monday.

The whole family are very upset but we all know it was for the best.

Rusty had been failing for some time but on Sunday she took a real turn for the worse and as a result she could hardly stand up for more than a few seconds. She also had stopped eating since Saturday.

By Monday she was just lying in her bed and we knew we couldn’t let her go on.

Everyone at Ryan & Calder were really nice and it was a very quiet & calm end as she just lay in my arms quietly as she went to sleep.

We will miss her so much and just wish she had been better able to enjoy the 16 months she was with us.

Will get in touch soon


Lucy >>
Posted: 15th May 2007

We got this very sad message from Liz & Neil about their beloved girl Lucy, and we just wanted to say that we were very sorry to hear the news, it's never easy when we lose one of our doggie friends but when we know they have had the best life had to offer, it makes it a bit more bearable.

We also want to thank you, Liz & Neil, for giving her a lovely home.

Rest in peace Lucy & God Bless,
Ena Frank and all at Second Chance kennels


I'm afraid that we have had to put Lucy to sleep. We were away in her caravan on the Easter weekend and on the Saturday/Sunday, she developed a sore paw. We took her to Ryan & Calder when we got home. She was treated with antibiotics initially. A biopsy was later done and the result showed that she had a Spindle cell tumour in her paw which Mr Ryan decided was inoperable. We did much soul searching and eventually decided that we did not want to put her through the trauma of having her leg amputated.

Last week she looked as if she had just given up and had even stopped eating. This meant we were unable to give her her medication.

She had 3 good years with us being a proper terrier and the decision we made was the right one - she would not have been able to chase wildlife or even dribble footballs(at which she was an expert).

We have nice memories of her and know she will always be with us.

Sorry to be the bearer of sad news.


Neil and Liz Russell

Thumper >>
Posted: 12th May 2007

Well Thumper, you were a very special boy, a big gentle giant. You were due to go to the vets when you were only seven years old. But some kind person brought you to the kennels instead and you stole the hearts of your mum & dad as soon as they saw you.

You had over five years of love from them and their wee grandson who adored you.

You came for a visit a couple of months ago and at that time you weren’t too well, but it was so lovely to see you big fella little, little did we know it was going to be your last visit.

You’ll be sorely missed by your mum & dad & their grandson, and all who knew and loved you.

God bless,
From all at Second Chance xxx

Kirsty >>
Posted: 12th May 2007

We've just had some really bad news about wee Kirsty, she was adopted from us about five years ago when she was only about eight weeks old. Sadly, Kirsty has gone to the bridge.

She was the sweetest puppy and was adored by everyone especially her mum & gran.

We were all very sad to hear this news especially when she was so young, but she hadn’t been keeping too well for a wee while now.

Our thoughts are with her mum & gran who are obviously devastated at losing their wee girl, and we just want to send our condolences to them.

Sleep tight Kirsty knowing you were so loved.

God bless,
Ena & all at Second Chance xxx

Tess >>
Posted: 28th January 2007

Our wee Lurcher lass "Tess" has sadly gone to the Bridge.

We had a Christmas card with such a lovely photo of her, this is how we will remember her.

This wee girl was found one night tied to a lampost, we were really quite sorry for her, little did we or she know about the fabulous home that was only a few weeks away.

So off she went to stay with Sheila & Alistair and did she fall on all four paws, she had such a wonderful life for nearly five years, I know we all feel cheated especially her mum & dad that they did not have her for longer, but the life she lived was full and was so filled with love for her.

Sleep tight angel knowing how much you were loved while you were here.

Lots of love,
Ena & Frank and all who knew and loved you xxxxx

Russ >>
Posted: 29th December 2006

Some may remember Russ the lovely older Collie, we had staying last year. We got some really sad news today, he passed away last month. We were all so very very sad as he was a real gentleman loved by all who knew him.

Mhairi, myself and my grandsom Ryan visited him in the summer and Ryan had a lovely time playing with Russ with a ball in his garden.

Russ had been found wandering the streets, we took him in and his mum just fell in love with him. She had hoped for a good few years with him but sadly it wasn't to be, she only had him for just about a year. At least for his last year he had a wonderful home, he was even good with the cats!

This is a photo of him & his mum the day she took him home.

Sleep tight Russ you will be sorely missed.

Lots of love from Ena, Mhairi and all at Second Chance Kennels xxx

Charlie >>
Posted: 3rd November 2006

This is Charlie with his mum & big sis saying hello to a puppy. This was just on the 10th Oct 2006. Sad to say that Charlie passed away about three weeks later.

Charlie was adopted from Second Chance when I used to work from home, he was a tiny wee puppy, his family have given him such a brilliant life and he was so very much loved.

We are so glad he came to visit sleep tight big lad. Your family miss you so very much.

Love Ena & all at the kennels xx

Jude >>
Posted: 6th October 2006

This young lady Holly chose her new mum 10th May 2004, she was four years old then, so new home new name which was Jude and really suited her.

Sadly she was diagnosed with cancer early this year and bless her she fought it bravely for nine months. She went to the bridge early September as you would guess her mum is devastated, such a very short time to have had with Jude who was an absolute darling, our thoughts are with you at this very sad time Wilma.

Sleep tight Jude knowing you were a much loved friend to your mum.

Love from Ena and all at Second Chance xx

Bella >>
Posted: 1st September 2006

We all lost a very special girl a few weeks ago.

Bella who was a Rottweiler and seven years old at the time she came over from Australia with her family but sadly circumstances meant she had to come to us.

We all loved her to bits she was a very special lady, good news was to come for her though in the form of Gwen & Alan McDill and their wee boy from Glenrothes. Bella had such a very happy life with them was adored and loved by all who knew her.

One sunny day a few weeks ago she went out to her favourite place in the garden everyone thought she was sleeping as she always did, but when called for her tea sadly she never came.

Bella had over three years with her beloved family and our thoughts are with them all at this very sad time.

Sleep tight sweetheart you were a very
special lady xxxxx

Bella  Bella
Coire >>
Posted: 9th August 2006

This wee dog must have been one from the Pet Care Centre next door.

Coire must have been such a well loved dog and she had a very happy life with her family.

I've shown this to Phyllis from the Pet Care Centre and we are all very sad for her family and our thoughts are with them at this sad time.

Hi There

Just to let you know of our sad loss.
We got Coire as a puppy from your kennels in 1991. She was a black and tan Lab/collie cross and we have had nearly 15 wonderful years with her.

She was loved by everyone as she was a very good natured dog with lots of great qualities.

Unfortunately she was diagnosed with a brain tumour in January 2005. She battled through her illness with great character and bravery, but sadly the cancer spread and her body could not take any more. She lost her fight on 11th April 2006.

Coire is sadly missed by everyone and will always be in our hearts.

Lots of love to coire from mum, dad and Michael.

Dave & Jan Kemp

Update 26th Oct: A few pics have been added below so everyone can see what a beautiful girl Coire was.

Coire  Coire
Kaya >>
Posted: 25th May 2006

This lovely girl was chosen when I worked from home, sadly she has passed away at just over eleven years old.

Kaya has had the best life possible was so loved and adored by her family, I couldn't have asked for a better home for her. This is her enjoying some of the good times. She is with her beloved dad on the first one and talking to the snowman and enjoying her garden.

To Sam & Ann and their son my thoughts are with you all, and thank you so very much for giving Kaya her " second chance"

Thinking of you all.

Take care
Ena x.

Kaya  Kaya
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