Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Lewis >>
Posted: 28th May 2024

Our wonderful Lewis lost his brave 7 month battle with Lymphoma on May 20th 2024, exactly 13 years and 1 day after HE chose to leave Second Chance to join his Dad and Shadow and Buddy, also rescued by Ena and Frank. The 3 Amigos later welcomed Bluey from Second Chance to complete their pack . For years they entertained in Kirkgate Park , Kinross with their games - even being filmed by tourists - until Buddy sadly died 2 years ago. Lewis never put a paw wrong. He was loyal , faithful, intelligent, loving, helpful and comforting, everything that made him perfect and one of the best friends I have ever had. But Lewis was born with many other qualities which made him special. A friend to everyone, caring, gentle, understanding and welcoming, he loved to be cuddled. Saddened neighbours, friends, children and Vet staff have said: "he was a gentle giant" , "the most gentlemanly dog I've ever met", "a cool dog" , a true gentleman to the end", " I was scared of dogs until I met Lewis", "he was special ... a one off", "a perfect patient". Jenni, our brilliant Vet and the team at Alphavet, Kinross, cared for Lewis all his life and gave us 7 months of extra joy with him, for which we are very grateful.

Lewis will forever be loved and missed by his Dad, Shadow, Bluey, his wee brothers Prince and Snoopy, Auntie Lainie and cousins, Teddy and Bertie.

Love Dad (Allan).

Humphrey >>
Posted: 1st December 2022


Unfortunately Humphrey passed away. He lived his life to the full and more. He was the centre of the family and could not have been more loved. We are utterly heartbroken but the time with him has been a blast. We even organised our work so that he always had company. We sorted out his toys today. They were all headless, destuffed, armless or footless just the way he liked them.

A rainbow was over the bridge at the time of Humphrey's passing. My neighbour took a photo for us. Thank you for letting us adopt him nearly 10 years ago. Humphrey was simply the best. Allison xx


We are all so sorry to hear your sad news about Humphrey. We are so grateful he had such a wonderful life with you and your family. Ena, Frank and all at Second Chance. Xx

Humphrey  Humphrey
Penny >>
Posted: 29th October 2022

Hello Ena and Frank,
With a very heavy heart, I am letting you know that our little girl, Penny poppet very sadly passed away on Sep 25th. Penny was a gift from you to us.
A beautiful tricolour Chihuahua Penny had been puppy farmed the first 2 years of her life. We gladly took Penny home in June 2014 from Second Chance Kennels to join our other rescue girl Charley Patterdale.
CP (Charley Patterdale) and PC (Penny Chihuahua) loved each other very much in a very quiet way. Penny was the boss and negotiator for Charley from day one.
Thank you so much for giving us the absolute privilege of being allowed to get to know this extremely special little girl. She gave way more than she took. An absolute pleasure. Rest in peace little one and thank you.

Macey >>
Posted: 21st July 2022

Hi Ena, this is Macey on the right. We got her in 2007 - on the left is Poppy and in the centre is Molly.

Molly passed away on 21st May - Macey 5th July and sadly Poppy only 2 days ago on 14th July.

Poppy missed Macey so much that she cried all night after she passed away

Sadly Poppy's quality of life had been deteriorating too, she was over 17 years of age and I had yet another vet visit.

I still have Sophie my Cockapoo (9) but acts like a puppy, she was another one of Macey's best friends. They were all good swimmers since we live near the river Almond in West Lothian and our daily walks were round the Calderwood country park.

Macey, Molly and Poppy are all missed by the family but we all remember the happier times.

Thank you again Ena for choosing myself and my family.


So sorry to hear about Macey but so happy to know that she had a wonderful home with you and the other dogs. Thank you for caring for her.

Kind regards


Cindi >>
Posted: 10th May 2022

Hi Ena
This is Cindi, we adopted her from Second Chance Kennels back in July of 2005. She was only 6 months old and her name was Tina. Cindi unfortunately passed over the rainbow bridge on 07/05/22 aged 17 years and 3 months. She had a long, healthy life and knew absolutely nothing but pure love. I grew up with Cindi from 6 years old to now being 23, I don’t know life without her. She will be missed too much to put into words. I am so lucky to have gotten 17 years with her. Our best friend.Love, The McQuillans xx
Thank you so so very much for letting us know about your beautiful girl. We are so happy she had such a long happy life with you. Ena. xx

Buddy >>
Posted: 20th April 2022

Hi Ena and Frank. Perhaps you would consider something along these lines with the picture for your Rainbow Bridge section as our final farewell and tribute to our dear Buddy?
Our beautiful Buddy left us on April 18th 2022 after almost 12 years to go on a journey on his own for the first time ever. Since Second Chance kindly allowed him to come to stay, he has never been separated from his big brother Shadow and wee brothers Lewis and Bluey, all Second Chance boys.
They were with him when he left, after a long and very difficult illness. They are missing him so much already as are his Dad and his auntie Lainie and cousin Teddy.
Jenni the very kind and caring Vet and all the team at Inglis /Alpha Vet in Kinross did everything they could to help Buddy to stay with us for as long as possible and we are all very grateful to them.
Buddy was very much loved and will forever be in our thoughts.
Many thanks, Allan.

Indy >>
Posted: 26th March 2022

This is wee Indy who had a wonderful life with her family but has sadly now gone to Rainbow Bridge. RIP Indy knowing how very much you were loved .

Cody and Kita >>
Posted: 26th March 2022

We were very sad to hear about Cody and Kita who were adopted from here. Sadly they passed away within a week of each other. They had a wonderful home and we are so grateful to Sandy for looking after them.

Cody and Kita
Otis >>
Posted: 10th January 2022

We were sad to hear that Otis has gone to Rainbow Bridge. He was a lovely wee dog and had a wonderful home We are very grateful that he was looked after so well and would like to say thank you to his family.

Lucy >>
Posted: 10th January 2022

We were so sad to hear that Lucy the Golden retriver had gone to Rainbow bridge. She had a wonderful home with her owners and we would like to thank them for taking care of her. She will be sadly missed.

Baillie >>
Posted: 30th October 2021

We are so very sad to hear that Baillie the collie has gone to Rainbow bridge.He was a very special dog and was loved by all who knew him. We are so grateful that he had a wonderful home and we would like to say thank you to the Currie family for taking care of him.xxxx

Roxy and Zara >>
Posted: 30th August 2021

It is with great sadness that we have to put another two of our past residents on Rainbow bridge.

Roxy and Zara were beautiful dogs and were very much loved by their family who are now so sad that they are no longer with them.

Roxy and Zara had such a wonderful home and a great life .

Thank you Ian and Andy for looking after them.

Roxy and Zara
Roe >>
Posted: 1st July 2021

Roe, another one of our beloved dogs has passed over to Rainbow Bridge. She was a lovely girl and her Mum and Dad will miss her so much. She had a wonderful home with them and we thank them so much for looking after her.xx

Tammy >>
Posted: 15th June 2021

"Hi Ena, its been a long time since we talked but we just wanted to say thank you for the last 16 years we've had with Tammy (who was Molly when we adopted her from you). From her first head-nudge cuddle at Second Chance until last night when we finally had to say goodbye, she's been nothing but love, cuddles, mischief and the best companion we could ever have hoped for myself and Alan and our 2 kids as well."

Amanda - we are so sorry to hear about Tammy but thank you so much for giving her a wonderful home.

Ena, Frank and all at Second Chance Kennels.

Tammy  Tammy
Tammy  Tammy
Reno >>
Posted: 5th June 2021

We were so sad to hear that Reno the Rottweiller has gone to Rainbow bridge. He was such a lovely friendly dog who was loved by everyone who met him. He will be missed by us all at the kennels and we would like to thank his family for giving him a wonderful home.

Grizzle >>
Posted: 30th May 2021

So sad to say that Grizzle, another one of our wonderful dogs has gone to Rainbow bridge. We are so grateful that he had a wonderful home with Mary and Charles. Thank you so much for looking after him.

Poppy >>
Posted: 30th May 2021

Christine and Ron are heartbroken to have lost their star Poppy.
"She came to us as an anxious 5 year old but quickly came out of her shell and blossomed into the most amazing loving dog.We were so fortunate to have her for seven years, but sadly we discovered she had liver cancer and she deteriorated very quickly. We had to make that decision, that you know in your heart is the right one and she passed away on 24th April.She has left such a huge hole in our hearts."
Christine and Ron

Stanley >>
Posted: 30th May 2021

"I'm sad to say that Stanley has crossed the bar. He gave all of my family unconditional love, he gave us all a huge amount of pleasure while he was was with us. He will be sorely missed."

Mike Stoker

Mac >>
Posted: 8th May 2021

We are so sorry to hear that Mac has sadly gone to Rainbow bridge. He had a lovely home and will be sadly missed by his family. Thank you for looking after him.

Mya >>
Posted: 16th April 2021

We are so very sorry to hear about Mya who was one of Bonnie’s pups but so grateful she had such a wonderful life with her family Thank you for looking after her. xx

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