Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Alfie one of Daisy's pups. >>
Posted: 18th March 2013

Hi Ena and Frank
Here are a few photos of me since I went home with my mum, dad and big brother Rex.
I love my home and my family very much and love playing with my big brother (although I do think I annoy him sometimes like all wee brothers do :) ) I also love all the walks we go on and my favourite place is Balbirnie woods.
My mum and dad are going to bring me for a visit so hope to see you soon. Hope all my brothers and sisters are happy and having lots of fun, cuddles and kisses like me too
Love Alfie xx
Thanks for the photo's he looks amazing and Rex is obviously a very doting big brother. Great pics xx could do with one more pic to even up though, haha x

Alfie one of Daisy's pups.  Alfie one of Daisy's pups.
Alfie one of Daisy's pups.  Alfie one of Daisy's pups.
Alfie one of Daisy's pups.  Alfie one of Daisy's pups.
Alfie one of Daisy's pups.   
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Jess >>
Posted: 18th March 2013

Hi Fiona,

Of course I remember her but can't believe it's 7 years already !!! She looks great would love to see her sometime. Thank you so very much for the taking the time to update us, we just love getting them xx

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Tess & Riley Our Second Chancers. >>
Posted: 16th March 2013

Look who came back for a visit Tess and Riley, Riley the Border Collie has fairly grown and Tess well she was more outgoing this time. It was lovely to see them with their family xx

Tess & Riley Our Second Chancers.
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Snoopy >>
Posted: 16th March 2013

I too have a new home and a name I'm Snoopy, so that's me and my two brothers all safely tucked up in our brilliant new homes. I too have a new brother who is a Border Collie so hopefully we will have lots of fun. Love Snoopy xx.

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Bess 6 >>
Posted: 16th March 2013

How lucky have I been only did two night's bned and breakfast and now found myself a lovely home and I have Tara a wee collie cross for company so life is looking good. Love Bess xx.

Bess 6
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Brandy Bichone2 >>
Posted: 15th March 2013

Just wanted to let you know Brandy's doing fine, few accidents but to be expected. Loves being around Kobi, plays non-stop much to Kobi's annoyance haha! Loves getting out for walks especially on the beach. Thought i'd let you see what he looks like now that he's been clipped. Thanks for everything, take care
Hi Folks thank you so much for the update on Brandy, he looked cute before but looks more so now sporting his new hair do. xx

Brandy Bichone2  Brandy Bichone2
Brandy Bichone2  Brandy Bichone2
Brandy Bichone2  Brandy Bichone2
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Paddy >>
Posted: 15th March 2013

Hi this is me getting ready to go to my lovely new home, everyone is very excited although I'm still a bit shy i'm sure it won't be long before I come out of my shell. Love Paddy xx

Update on me from my mum xx


Hi there, just letting you know that he's doing fine - no poos, pees or pukes in the car on the way home. He's very, very nervous and jumps at the slightest noise but I have managed to get him settled into his bed (although I have a notion he'd much prefer the couch), he's been out the back garden sniffing about, it took him a wee while but I stood with him, he even had a wee growl and a wee bowf at the neighbour's dog!!! I will send some photos soon.


Thank you so much for giving us our new wee friend.


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Milo >>
Posted: 14th March 2013

Hi, Ena & Frank,

Hope everyone at Second Chance is well. Just wanted to drop you a line and a couple of pics to let you know that Milo is doing well. I can't believe he's been with us for a whole year already. He really has chilled out over the months, but does still get excited about going out. I think he must be one of the world's happy souls - the tail hardly ever stops and the little, wet nose is in to everything. His bark is very well used - he chases away all the monsters that lurk under the shrubs and trees in and around our garden every time he goes out. He adores his food and loves having chewy things to munch on.

Nothing has phased him all the time he's been here. Anywhere we go he takes it all in his stride - people, animals, noises & new environments. When he comes to work with me, colleagues come in to the office just to see him. Needless to say he loves it! I never know where my two boys will have been off to for an adventure - a walk in the woods, the golf course or driving range or a local beauty spot. His only downfall - birds in open spaces. On a few occasions he's taken off at full throttle in pursuit of our flying feathered friends. While the nose is hot on the scent and the legs are pounding the ears shut down completely! A work in progress!

Once all that is done, the best thing to do is cuddle in close and get petted. His little nose shoves it's way in under your hand or arm - and keeps at you until he gets your attention. I've worn quite a few coffees over the months! It's only when the snores start that you can risk taking your hand away - otherwise an accusing look gets thrown over the shoulder - "why have you stopped?"

We are certainly happy, and I think he is too - I hope so anyway!

Best wishes to you and and all your four-legged friends,


Thamk you so very much for the update on Milo Gwen, he looks fantastic and obviously enjoying life you.

Ena & Frank xx

Milo  Milo
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Max >>
Posted: 14th March 2013

Hi came with my mum for a visit today, I am one of the E-Bay puppuies that were rehomed from here about 7 years ago. I am doing ever so well loved to bits which as it should be love Max xx.

Max your looking great a right happy chappie xx.

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Cooper & Holly >>
Posted: 13th March 2013
Hello Aunty Ena and Uncle Frank
This is me off to get pampered and this is me after my pamper. I am a handsome boy. Cooper
You look so good Cooper and are so well loved with your mum & Holly xx.

Cooper & Holly  Cooper & Holly
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Ellie >>
Posted: 12th March 2013

Ellie so sorry I missed you today, I thought it was tomorrow you were coming. You are looking so beautiful a real credit to your mum and dad xx

Hi Ena

So sorry we missed you today, my fault not clear enough in my e-mail. It was lovely to see Sarah and Frank and I think they were both pleased to see how Ellie is doing. We are all off next week to Cumbria but will try and come to visit after we get back. Will e-mail and set up a suitable time.

Hugs and licks from Ellie xx

Take care Chelle xx

P.s Please tell Sarah that no Ellie did not stay clean for long!!

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Ellie 4 >>
Posted: 12th March 2013

Dear Ena,

Going to bring Ellie to see you tomorrow, she continues to be a complete joy. She has changed so much, both mentally and physically, over the last year and apart from her dry eye condition is in tip top shape. She has gained 3 kg and our Vet says she is just perfect. We are very bonded and she is definatly a mum's little girl which is more than fine by me! She is now off lead most of the time and it is just wonderful to watch her run and enjoy herself and just be a dog (though she always comes back for a cuddle and mussle kisses every few mins!). She is the best, cuttest little fur Princess ever and she just completes our lives. I am sure other people think that about their dog but they are wrong!

Anyway better go as Ellie wants the laptop to send her own message and some photo's to you.

All the best


Chelle she looks great what a differnce to the scared dog you had at first eh, you and John have done wonders with her thank you. xx

Ellie 4  Ellie 4
Ellie 4  Ellie 4
Ellie 4  Ellie 4
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Harray >>
Posted: 10th March 2013

Hi Ena & Frank, hope this finds you all well. I watch your site often and am never failed to be amazed at the fantastic job you do – I love the happy endings! Thought you might like to see Harray at Christmas. It will be 10 years this September since he came home with us which could make him about 15 years old but we won’t dwell on that. On a positive note, I can now keep up with him, well most of the time! Ha ha.
Hi Shona & Arthur, Thanks for these kind words but Frank and myself just love what we do, and love each and everyone one who has come through our door. Which is over 3.000 now !!
Thanks so much for the update on Harray he looks great and you'll be pleased to know you adopted him on the 20/ 9 / 03 remember he was found in a house in a cupboard originally, vets put him at 4 years old in July 20 /03 so you can knock a year off it'll make
you and us feel better.Thanks to you both for loving and giving him such a wonderful life. We are truly grateful xx

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Jess >>
Posted: 10th March 2013

Ena: it was great to speak to you today. I've attached a couple of pics of Jess as she is now.
I can't tell you how grateful I am for letting me have the best dog that ever there was. I hope that Jess feels the same way about me, although Jess being Jess she thinks everybody is her best friend, particularly if they've got food.

Hi Dave it was lovely to hear from you and Jess and to hear you have set up home down south now on a house boat great for Jess bet she loves it.

Thanks for the update she's looking fab and so happy, please keep in touch I love getting updates on our past residents to see how their doing. xx.

Jess  Jess
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Bailey & Family >>
Posted: 9th March 2013

People who look on the web site regularly will recognise Bailey the Border Collie he was adopted about 4 years ago, then wee Oscar arrived and they have been inseperable since. This is one with the family and one of Oscar trying to put Bailey's lead on, these two are so close it's unbelievable. Lovely eh ! It was so so good to see them xx

Update from Victoria / Steven/ Oscar & Bailey.

Hi Ena


Was lovely to see you both today, that's us back at caravan but heading off to the beach soon, Stevens just grabbing a quick cuddle from his boys first x


Bailey & Family  Bailey & Family
Bailey & Family   
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Rio 1 >>
Posted: 8th March 2013

Well I'm off to my new home, this me with my dad I dont know who's more excited my dad or me.

The two photo's are of me in my new home, but I sent the guys at the kennels a letter.

Hi Auntie Ena,

I have made it home safe and sound. I was a very good boy in the car and have been very busy exploring and playing with toys. My brother, Ian, has come home from University to get to know me over the weekend and my sister will be home soon.

I have been showing off my toilet training and while waiting for Ian (he was late!) I met my Gran's dogs but they were a bit grumpy and went and hid from me.

Thank you for looking after me so well and letting me have my toys come to stay with me,

Dad has tried to get a photo me with a new toy but I am too excited, perhaps he will manage later,

Love to everybody,

Rio xx


Hi Ena,


Rio has been an absolute star. He slept the whole night and only got up when we spoke to him this morning. He sat while his breakfast was being prepared and was quiet while I had my breakfast, though he was very interested in what I was eating,


He has now up properly and I am going to stop typing and go and play, Rio hasn't inspected the garden as well as Sarah did yet but I am sure that will come :-D,


Thanks again,


Sorry I keep sending emails, we are all very happy.

With love to everybody at Second Chance from Rio and us all,


Derek never ever be sorry for keeping in touch we love hearing about our dogs. x

Rio 1  Rio 1
Rio 1   
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Otti & Bailey >>
Posted: 7th March 2013

This is us getting ready to go to our new home, where another Second Chance Jack Russell wee girl Tess is waiting to meet us,along with her two brothers who are cocker spaniels. Ena is so happy for us she was looking at us on Homeless Hounds and the wierd thing was mum and Tess's photo came along the top of the web site was that a sign or what !!

Just had a phone call from Margo their " mum " to say they have just come into the house met the other dogs and all getting along like a house on fire. They are now Pip ( long hair ) and Dobie ( short hair ) So happy for them all. xx

Otti & Bailey
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Sherlock >>
Posted: 6th March 2013

I now have a fantastic home and a lovely Lab girl to play with, the guys at the kennels got my folks to come up and get to know me before I was allowed to go home. My dad said " when will we get him " and Ena says the day he runs to greet you when you come into the kennels, I have to say they have been very dedicated and came every day to walk me. Today I was so pleased to see them all that I am in my new home tonight bliss. Love Sherlock xx.

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Jem 1 >>
Posted: 6th March 2013

Well lucky wee me, off to my new home. I'm sooo excited, my big brother a lovely collie. who I met the other day and his pal are waiting for me to come home. Sarah did our home visit she was telling me how lucky I am.Loads of space to run around in. Love Jem. xx

Ps: Hope my pal Rio's home visit passes as well x

Jem 1
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Jayda & Beau >>
Posted: 4th March 2013

Look who else came today Jayda ( Rottie ) and her wee pal Beau who was one of two Staffy pups we had a few months ago. Jayda is so good with him they get on so well together. Great to see them x.

Jayda & Beau
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