Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Ice German Shepherd visits. >>
Posted: 24th July 2013

Its been a wee while since we saw Ice, she is looking so good. She came in with two Shepherd puppies {not hers } just came from same house and all are doing extremely well. Again sorry I missed you guys but Sarah is getting to be a dab hand with a camera xx

Ice German Shepherd visits.
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Shelley just popped in. >>
Posted: 24th July 2013

Hi I just popped in for a visit,I loved seeing everyone, and telling them all about my new life. I get lots of walks love " my " grandchildren, and my mum, in fact couldn't ask for anything better. Love Shelley xx

Ps: Wouldn't sit still for camera far too many interesting smells !!!

Shelley just popped in.
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Annie visits kennels. >>
Posted: 24th July 2013

Wee Annie brought her folks back unfortunately I missed seeing them, but Sarah took a photo, so I could see how well she looks. xx

Annie visits kennels.
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Lexie back for visit. >>
Posted: 24th July 2013

Our Lexie back to visit, her mum says she gets really excited when they turn into the lane at the kennels, well she knows there's sausages along there some place !! It was so good to see her and she was pleased to see us, she looks a very happy girl, who is very much loved.xx

This is her with her " mum & auntie ".

Lexie back for visit.
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Yana's Update. >>
Posted: 24th July 2013

Hi Ena, been meaning to pop in but never seem to find the time! So thought the next best thing would be to send you photos of Yana the wonderful rotti pup that you allowed us to have in February 2012! She is a super dog and makes friends where ever she goes! Her best pal, my daughter Brooke and Bronya is also in the pictures!! Hope all is well and glad to see you are keeping up the wonderful job of re-homing dogs!!
Sandra Cairns xx
PS Thanks again for finding little Bailey the Jack Russell a new home!!

Sandra thanks for the update love the photo's expecially the one with Yana and Brooke, good to see Bronya enjoying this weather xxx.

Ps: Love the action shot XX

Yana's Update.  Yana's Update.
Yana's Update.  Yana's Update.
Yana's Update.  Yana's Update.
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Stella setting off to her new home. >>
Posted: 24th July 2013

Well I have found my new home,my folks had Ben, who was a former Second Chance boy, who sadly passed away last October he was about thirteen and had a brilliant home. His family feel the time is now right to adopt again, which is why Ena had no hesitation when Sharon and the girls came to visit and offered me a home.This is me with mum and the girls, and me in my new home xxx



Hello Ena


I've only been at my new home for a few hours and I have


already met the whole family, explored my new garden, had a nap in my


new bed after having had a little walk. I have also had two meals. Hope


you like my photos.


Thanks for the update and photo's Stella you certainly look at home xx


Stella setting off to her new home.  Stella setting off to her new home.
Stella setting off to her new home.  Stella setting off to her new home.
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Merlin >>
Posted: 20th July 2013

Diane & Richard & Merlin of course, thanks very much for the photo,glad he's settling in well hope he and the peacock are doing okay xxx
Apologies for not doing this sooner. Enjoying the weather outside too much!
Merlin is doing very well and had his operation on Monday which he
bounced back from very quickly. He still finds everything new and
exciting going out for walks, he went to the beach yesterday and enjoyed
it, but he'll settle with experience and age. In the house he is very
settled and friendly and everyone remarks at what a nice character he
has when they visit.
I've attached a photograph as requested.

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Korkie ( was Jock ) >>
Posted: 17th July 2013

This is me getting ready to go home (aw that sounds so good that word)
Of course I wouldn't sit still just had to be giving my new big brother kisses. Love Korkie xx.
Hi Ena,
Here I am in bed with Doug out in the garage. This is where Doug goes for a quiet lie down in the day. As you can see there's room for me too although Doug's not sure about that! I have not left his side and he's now gone into the bedroom with the door shut for some peace.
I went for a walk today with Chris and walked beautifully. Met a couple of other dogs and was as good as gold. Also met Chris's friends cat - no bother, just healthy respect for each other.
Chris and Jim both have comfy laps and getting lots of cuddles. Jim is a bit concerned because I won't leave Doug alone but I will settle!!!!!! Ate all my tea in record time and love running about in the garden - attached to Doug.
Think I will sleep well tonight.
Love and kisses
Korkie x x x
Update 2nd Day in my new "Home "
Just been for a long walk and now making myself at home!
Love from Korkie.
Just been for a long walk and now making myself at home!
Love from Korkie.

Korkie ( was Jock )  Korkie ( was Jock )
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Tess & Riley >>
Posted: 15th July 2013

Sorry we didn't have time to spend with you and your folks today guys, but we were supposed to be on the A9 up the Inverness Road and we were still at the kennels. You both look absolutely great and Sarah said you had a lovely walk over the fields, see you soon xx

Tess & Riley
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Big Ben in his new home. >>
Posted: 15th July 2013

We had a lovely run up the A9 today to take me to my new home. What a lovely couple my folks they just fell in love with me when they met me last week, well who wouldn't. This is me settling in. So Ena took some pics of me do you think i've made myself at home !!! Love Ben xx

Big Ben in his new home.  Big Ben in his new home.
Big Ben in his new home.  Big Ben in his new home.
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Our Haraay >>
Posted: 14th July 2013

Shona what a lovely lad he is and thank you for giving him such a brilliant life I know how much you both love him. Thanks for the photo's. xxx

Hi Ena, Harray at the beach last year. He is a bit better since medication was increased. There is another from last week to follow.

Hi Ena, this is Harray last weekend. Keeping an eye on me!


Regards, Shona

Our Haraay  Our Haraay
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Tilly >>
Posted: 14th July 2013

Tilly came to visit yesterday too. She's as bright as a button, bet she keeps her mum & dad on their toes !! I think she could do with a wee pal she got on really well with Max the wee Chihuahua, again lovely to see them.Couldn't get jher to sit still LOL. so she given us a high five. xx

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Max and Mieska >>
Posted: 14th July 2013

Had visitors this is our lovely wee girl with her "Big Brother" Max he was only adopted a few weks ago but is settling in well to his new home, he looks great his coat is coming in lovely and curly now. This is them with " mum & dad. Great to see them. Max is on his dad's knee in fact he never moved off it all the time he was here, but he did manage a wee sausage xx

Max and Mieska
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Cody & Milo Fifst flyball competion >>
Posted: 11th July 2013

Hi Milo and Cody competed for the first time at a flyball competition. They did well and we got a rosette for 4th place. We are all very proud x
Thanks for the pic it's very good and you all look very proud.Well done to you all isn't it great what can be achieved with rescue dogs, I take it Cody's recall is good now.
Ena xx

Cody & Milo Fifst flyball competion
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Red & Chad Very Well Done. >>
Posted: 11th July 2013

Hi Guys look at you both with all your trophy's and rossettes, you have done so very well, To think Red you were brought in as "Poppy "when you were only four months, because you were too boisterous, and Chad was only about the same age when he was brought in because he Hated children. Both Frank and myself take our hats to to your mum and dad for working so well with you and Chad whose your best pal? yes the wee grandson.

Thank you to Kate & Wilson for not only adopting Red & Chad, you had adopted Sabe first of all at five months. then Chad then Red then Breet and last but not least Star. All doing brilliantly well.

Yes we will come and see you all real soon but remember to have Brett's case packed and we'll just bring him back with us.

As f that was ever going to happen !!!!

Lots of Love Auntie Ena & Uncle Frank xxx

Wilson says the last picture I sent is a police line up for who pee'd on the awning !!!!

From left to right Sabe /Chad /Red / Brett / and Star all Second Chancers.

Who said we were proud !!!

Ps> Love my mug xx


Hello Auntie Ena and Uncle Frank (and everyone at Second Chance)

These are picture of me (Red) and Chad with the trophies and rossettes we won at Lune Valley show last week. Asyou can see from the pictures we are not keen when the camera comes out but mum and dad insisted.

Mum and dad are very proud of us both, I move grade 4 this weekend at the show we are going to in Tranent so fingers crossed I do ok in it.

We are all doing well, Star has sore paws just not because Brett (The Patterdale remember him) keeps running her into the long grass where we train and she is only a puppy, he is just stupid.

Mum says you might be coming to see us soon I hope so it will be lovely to see you both.

Take care


Red, Chad, Sabe, Axle, Buzz, Kai, Faith, Star and Brett (the patterdale)

Red & Chad Very Well Done.  Red & Chad Very Well Done.
Red & Chad Very Well Done.  Red & Chad Very Well Done.
Red & Chad Very Well Done.  Red & Chad Very Well Done.
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Jess & Jake. >>
Posted: 10th July 2013

Ena & Frank

Thought you might like a few recent pictures of Jess. She has been with us for nearly 2 months now and we still count ourselves so lucky to have her, she is such a lovely lovely girl. I think she has aspirations in landscape gardening but I'm not too keen on her ideas! She and Jake are inseparable.

Laura thanks for the pics I especially like the one where they are lying sleeping, but all are lovely, so pleased she settled in so well even down to the landscaping !! xx

Jess & Jake.  Jess & Jake.
Jess & Jake.  Jess & Jake.
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Three rescue Collie's >>
Posted: 10th July 2013

Hi Stuart,
Thanks for inquiring about Daisy & Lexie but they were away to their new homes.
I know these aren't Secone Chance dogs but thought I would feature them anyway it was so nice of you to send their photo in. They all look adorable xx
here they are.
Kai ( dog) about seven years old now, we have had him since he was about 18 months.
Milly ( Girl ), brown and white) about seven, we got her from Gelncaple ( Dumfries Canine Rescue in June 2012
Tara ( Girl), White faced) about five or six, from Gelncaple in June 2013
We love our Collies !

Three rescue Collie's
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Pepsi at home >>
Posted: 10th July 2013


I've attached a few pictures of wee Pepsi in our back garden. He's loving it and we're loving him. Thanks so much for allowing us to give him a new home.


Alastair & Stella Brodie
Thanks for the pics and for givingh our wee lad such a wonderful home he looks so happy,you would think he had been with you forever. xx

Pepsi at home  Pepsi at home
Pepsi at home  Pepsi at home
Pepsi at home  Pepsi at home
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Bailey getting comfy >>
Posted: 7th July 2013
Hi Ena
Here you go .. Added in a couple I took today one of my dad and his boys and one of Bailey getting comfy! Was such a lovely story about the jack Russell getting a home! Well done Second Chance!
Thanks Victoria as usual brilliant pics of all your "Boys " xx

Bailey getting comfy  Bailey getting comfy
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Ben Springer. >>
Posted: 7th July 2013

Hi Ena and Frank
Me and Harvey after a hard day, mum and dad sitting on the floor. what a great life I'm having been up the woods down to the beach it's a different walk every day and I'm just loving my new life.
Lots of love Ben xxx
Ben what a great life you have now so pleased for you. I'll need to look for the pic of you / Harvey and cousin George and get it on here as well xx
Ps; Your video should be on soon, it's brilliant xx.

Ben Springer.  Ben Springer.
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