Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Daisy >>
Posted: 18th September 2013

Our lovely Daisy cm,e back to visit today, it was lovely to her and her family, she was really please to see us too.She loks great,( just getting too many treatys me thinks) xxx

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Daisy >>
Posted: 18th September 2013

Well I have gone off to my new home and getting on really well athough I thnk me and my brothjer Tigger ( also from Second Chance) are running our folks ragged hehehe. But I've settled in really really well and love my new family love Daisy xx,

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Belle. >>
Posted: 15th September 2013

This young lady never reached the web site she was so so timid when she came in, we just let her mingle with wee Alfie in the reception. He's a wee star. After she had been with us for over a week she was so pleased to see us when we came in and just adored Alfie. So I did quite naughty thing I sent her photo to a lady, who first of all rehomed a Yorkie called Heather from us. Well believe it or not we are still friends although she now has two Chihuahua's from us and a Border Collie. Also sadly has " lost" a wee Chihuahua and a Maltese Terrier, she also adopted from us.

So we know Belle is in a lovely home, and doing great. xxx

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Jake & Poppy >>
Posted: 15th September 2013

Jake and Poppy came to visit, sadly we probably won't see them again, as they are moving down south. It was so good of their folks to bring them along before they moved and their mum has promised to keep in touch through the web site. We wish them all the best in their new life, and will look forward to updates. Lots of love from all here at Second Chance xxx

Jake & Poppy
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Danny ( Boy ) >>
Posted: 15th September 2013

Hi Ena & Frank

Just a wee note to let you know how Danny’s getting on. He’s settled in brilliantly, you wouldn’t think he has only been with us less than a fortnight.

He’s made himself right at home and he’s got Bob twisted round his little paw. I can’t believe how good a nature he has, always wanting clapped & cuddled.

Brilliant news xx



I now have a lovely new home,and doing well, getting lots of walks and cuddles and I have a new best friend the Boxer dog from next door we get on great. For a " failed sheepdog " I have certainly landed on all four paws, and I'm slowly getting used to all the household noises. I am now known as Danny ( Boy ) Love xxx


My folks adopted Toby from Second Chance way back in 1999 sadly Toby has gone to Rainbow Bridge, but he was so well loved, and I know he will be happy that his " mum & dad " have given another needy boy a loving home. xx

Danny ( Boy )
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Brodie >>
Posted: 15th September 2013

It's me Brodie.

I was rehomed from here, but I came back to Second Chance a wee wreck, lunging and jumping at everything, last people said I was snapping / biting them !! I wasn't like that before I left Second Chance at the tender age of 16 weeks !!!Thanks to Harry Greig from Kingdom K9 who took me under his wing and fostered me and has managed to turn me around with love / patience and committment.Sorry don't have a photo of me with my new family yet, but thought I would tell you what they say about me.I've landed such a brilliant THIS TIME with people who understand dogs especially collie's, like me. I've even met another Second Chance dog Snoopy on my walks,we get on well. Ena & Frank just want to thank my new folks for adopting me, this time they have no worries about me.

My " dad " sent this wee story to Ena & Frank.

"Quote "


Brodie is getting on very well and getting on with the other dogs. He can be a bit grumpy when he is tired and a bit protective around his food, but we'll sort that out.

He sleeps right through the night and there has been no " accidents"at all which is great.He he gets lots of walks which means he is sleeping really well.

He is enjoying playing with DJ they both have a mad half hour at least twice a day.

Brodie has been great in the house, we are currently working on his recall.I haven't been strict with him as I want him too bond with us, trust us and have lots of fun.

He's really affectionate which I really like, so we're happy with how things are going.

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Marley & his pal Holly >>
Posted: 15th September 2013

This is what we do when we close on a Sunday and a Wednesday, we go out visiting some of our past residents, just to see how they are doing in their new homes.This is Marley a wee Staffy boy, his folks actually came to visit a spaniel and Norma saw him he was only a baby and that was it love at first sight.Some of you might have seen him he stays in the house at the Deer Centre and is such an ambassador for the breed he loves everything and every body. He has also chewed his way through a fair bit of doors ect: This is his pal Holly a lovely wee cocker spaniel girl. Oh and one of Marley playing dead even then he hangs onto his stick !!!

Their " dad " " rescues " ferrets this is his wife Norma, with some 12 week old kits, I could have brought one of them home.

If you haven't been to the Deer Centre, its well worth a visit this is their Linx who is abot 17 years old and the wolves waiting to be fed.There are deer / moose / otters (who we did see this time)birds of prey ect.

Of course have to stop at the cafe for afternoon tea, scrumtious it was.

Marley & his pal Holly  Marley & his pal Holly
Marley & his pal Holly  Marley & his pal Holly
Marley & his pal Holly  Marley & his pal Holly
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Wee Lucy >>
Posted: 13th September 2013

Well I never reached the web site, but have managed to find myself a wonderful home never the less. As you can see my new family just adore me and who woyldn't everyone tells me I'm a wee swwetheart, wee Alfie and everyone here misses me Love Lucy. xxx

Wee Lucy
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Doogie & Fergus >>
Posted: 8th September 2013

Doogie is a very clever boy we are loving the 2 contrasts they really are inseparable and sooo funny very proud of Doogie he is much more relaxed and his bug ears flop about these days rather than cling to his head I'll send more pictures this week and will visit in a couple of weeks when Doogie trusts me more that I'm not bringing back !!!



Some photo's of Doogie and Fergus in their new home, what was it their mum said " Brothers from different mothers " they are so so good, and just adore each other. So pleased for them both, Doogie is now much more outgoing that he has a pal and Fergus well he was always there in the thick of things. while they were both here they struck up an amazing friendship, if you saw one the other wasn't far behind. xxx

Doogie & Fergus  Doogie & Fergus
Doogie & Fergus  Doogie & Fergus
Doogie & Fergus  Doogie & Fergus
Doogie & Fergus  Doogie & Fergus
Doogie & Fergus  Doogie & Fergus
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Ben >>
Posted: 6th September 2013

We also had a visitor at The Lodge Hotel Edinbane, " our " Ben has been on Skye for about 10 years now and just loves it, he is looking so good has a wee touch of arthritis and can't go for the long walks he used to.Couldn't get him to stand for a photo though so have taken this one of his folks Cath & Angus who absolutely adore him. xx

Well we're heading back down the road but it was so lovely to see Toby / Brodie / Ben / Jess / Moss and of course their two pals.Oops and their folks hahaha xx.

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Jess & >>
Posted: 6th September 2013

Well still on the Isle of Skye we popped along to see Jess and Moss,

Both went to stay on the island last year and are both doing really well and looking great. Gerry was saying there were a few hiccups with Jess to start with, but sorted now ( I did offer to bring her back but he said no way !!) This is them when you look at photo of the four collie's Moss is the dark one looking at camera and Jess standing next to him, then there is Joe and the pup who is only six months old.Then one of Moss and Joe with the hen Couldn't resist this one though, I know !! it's not a dog but he is only a week old how cute is he.

Moss was a failed sheepdog and gues what ? He went along to a show and he won second place for being the second fastest dog to pen sheep !! Well done Moss, Gerry will make sheepdogs of you and Jess yet. It was great to see you and to see how happy you are with all these fields and hills to run around in xxx

Jess &  Jess &
Jess &  Jess &
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Brodie / Toboy >>
Posted: 5th September 2013

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers Sarah / Bill/ Harry / Yvonne, Frank and myself managed to head of to the Isle of Skye for a couple days to recharge ouir batteries, and of course to visit some of our past residents.

We stayed with Hazel & Peter, We both had a lovely couple days chilling out.

Hazel & Peter own THE LODGE HOTEL EDINBANE. If you are ever on the Isle of Skye with your dog /s this is the place to stay. They run a very dog friendly hotel and willmake you very welcome.

This is, Toby he's an old also has a blue scarf on, Brodieha Second Chance boy has his red bandan on, Toby is 16 and Brodieis 10 yrs old, Both looking great.

Brodie / Toboy
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Our boy Bogart. >>
Posted: 2nd September 2013

Jude thank you so very much for the update on "our " wee boy Bogart. We all had a lump in our thoats reading your story about him.
So pleased you came along a week past Friday,thank goodness for people like you who don't give up at the first hurdle. As you know he had already been out in two homes and neither homes could cope !! with him.doesn't take much if you know what your doing.
This is Bogart and a seperate photo of his mum and two pals, both Second Chance dogs. I didnt take a photo when he was leaving the kennels as I ususally do, this is his update for this lucky wee lad now he's settled in his new
Hi Ena,
Sorry the call was cut short. Bogart is an absolute star and I can quite see why he has developed the snappiness he has: he is a very small dog and he has needed to effectively stop other dogs pushing him around. Unfortunately this transfers to people when he is stressed too. So the solution is not to put him in that situation, not to punish him for it when it happens but to sternly reprimand him. All the time loving him loads.

He is well trained and only wants to please. He also has just the temperament for mucking in with Molly and Roscoe (which is just what I was looking for). So, he is not leaving our family whatever he does. M&R are very accepting of him and he is dearly loved by my son and I already. He has been away in the campervan with M, R and I and has found that slipping down my sleeping bag is the best place to spend the night. He has lost a little weight due to the walks and games off the lead and his coat is shining in the sunlight. I would say, looking at him now, he is a very contented little dog who feels at home and loved.

Thank you for such a gorgeous wee friend. I attach some photos.


Jude Clarke

Our boy Bogart.  Our boy Bogart.
Our boy Bogart.  Our boy Bogart.
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Korkie back to visit. >>
Posted: 1st September 2013

Korkie and his mum came for a visit, this was another wee lad we wanted to keep!! but Chris (Korkie's mum ) I have to concede Korkie is definately your boy now hehe, although he was pleased to see us he was more than happy to go home.Which was great as all we want is for our residents to be happy. xx

Korkie back to visit.
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Max and his mum. >>
Posted: 31st August 2013

Hi irt's me Max another one who didn't reach the web site, the guys have been so so busy here at the kennelshaving rehomed 19 of their residents this month,eight of us since last Friday so yes been a really hectic time here.This is me with my " mum "I loved it when I came to see her for the home visiot rolled all over the carpet, well I had to make sure I left my scent just so I know this is my new home. Yes I got to stay so have had my tea and just out in the garden with my pal Jason now.Think I'm going to vbe happy here. Love Max xxx

Max and his mum.
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Angus going home. >>
Posted: 31st August 2013

Hi Angus here this is me getting ready to go home with my new mum & dad and my sis Megan. I am such a happy wee lad get on with everyone, love my new mum/dad, I am going to have such a wonderful life with lots of walks with Megan. Love Angus xx.

Angus going home.
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Buddy and his mum & dad >>
Posted: 30th August 2013

Hi Ena


Just thought I would let you know what I've been up to today. Had a great walk this morning with my new mum. When we arrived at the woodland walk she opened the car boot door I jumped out and I heard her say "What the hell, let's go!" I was off the lead and had a fantastic walk with lots and lots of new smells and new places to see. Every time mum shouted on me to come back I did, and it was nothing to do with the chicken she had in her pocket (I got a little bit every time I returned to her so naturally I came back every single time!!).
Then this afternoon we had loads of visitors - come especially to see me, I was on my best behaviour and charmed them all. Christine and Jim's son Peter came up too and he said "He'll do nicely" high praise from Pete apparently!
Then it was out again for another walk (same as this morning) - I know mum's car now and run and sit by it til she catches up. Then home for dinner which I have scoffed and am now lying sleeping at mum's feet.


Lots of happy days to look forward to.


Mum and Dad send their love.


Lots of love
Buddy xx


Buddy so pleased to hear you are doing so well,You were such a good boy at the kennels we had no doubt you would be okay with your lovely mum & dad xx



Well I went for a lovely run in the van today with Ena /Frank and wee Alfie. I was ever so good in fact at one point they wondered if they had remembered to take me with them !! My folks came to meet me and take me out. Of course I worked my charm and they fell for me, well who wouldn't I'm such a great wee dog, and have now found a wonderful home. Love Buddy xxx.

Ps: They thought they weren't having a photograph taken as I hadn't taken one at the kennels yesterday mmm no !!!! Dad's not looking he's making sure mum and me are watching the camera xxx

Buddy and his mum & dad
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Bailey & Oscar >>
Posted: 29th August 2013

Brilliant again Victoria, you capture some gret pics of your two boys xx
Ha ha Ena I just had to email! The boys made me laugh! Oscar has just started to play hide and seek the problem is no one gets a chance to find because Bailey always does it first and gives the game away he stands and barks where Oscar is!! All we Can hear is Oscar shouting "Bailey stop finding me!!"
Much love
From all of us!

Bailey & Oscar
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Ben & Harvey >>
Posted: 27th August 2013

I brought Harvey and my folks back to visit yesterday, I have such a great home and get taken to so many different places but do like the water surprise surprise. Me and Harvey are best buddie's, love Ben xxx.

Ben & Harvey
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Doogie & Fergus >>
Posted: 27th August 2013

Hiya this is me Doogie and wee Fergus in our new home, It's so good we got to stay together, as I was really timid but Fergus has boosted my confidence,We are great buddies and have found such a lovely new family. Our mum is going to send in photo's but here is one Andy and Sarah took when they were over doing our home visit. Oh and we have settled in a treat had a great night Love Doogie & Fergus xx.

Doogie & Fergus
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