Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Yana >>
Posted: 17th October 2013

This is what I really like about Second Chance, you just never know who's going to pop in for a visit. Today it was Yana, who was one of our Rottie pups she was adopted by Sandra and her family when she was 8 weeks old, now she's nearly two.. As you can see she is absolutely gorgeous and has such a lovely nature, brilliant with the children and their other Rottie girl. xx

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From Kooper & Co x >>
Posted: 16th October 2013

hi Aunty Ena, Kooper here....thought I'd send some happy photos of me and my brothers, since the last one made mum cry!!! hope your well...we're all doing great...mum is training us hard over the winter so we'll be super duper next season!!!!
so....we have Finn having a wee nap in the caravan, he's settled down quite a bit...thinks he's top dog now hahahahaha
look at me, i'm obviously top dog...look at my stance as i watch out for predators to the houe...... then there's me with my ball, we're going out again once i finish this :-) next is me sleeping on Oscar, this is my favourite seleeping position...and a rare one of that crazy new puppy staying still....we're not too sure about him yet!!!! then Blaze looking cool...he's such a poser!! and finally our pack as we are now.
Loves ya, Kooper xx
Aw Kooper thank you so so much, I know how difficult it must have been for your mum to send the e-mail about Eddie & Foley, it brought a tear to my eye too, but I know how much they were loved as are you guys, she just adores you all. Thanks for the update I love it and you all xxxxx

From Kooper & Co x  From Kooper & Co x
From Kooper & Co x  From Kooper & Co x
From Kooper & Co x  From Kooper & Co x
From Kooper & Co x   
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Willow (was Daisy) and Tigger. >>
Posted: 16th October 2013

Hi everyone at Second Chance, at last I have a photo to send of Willow (aka Daisy).She has settled in soooo well, as you can see she and Tig are best buddies. They spend a lot of time racing round the garden together tearing up the grass, they ate all the apples off my tree, tried the tomatoes in the greenhouse but they weren't to their taste, now they are picking the fruit off my kiwi type bush, all non poisonous to dogs. Thank goodness our pear tree fell down 2 years ago or they would have been eating them too and they are poisonous to dogs as I found out with my old doggy Jake ( he came out in a terrible rash all over and itched uncontrollably) So Willow and Tig are having a grand time together and now sleeping in the living room together at night, thank goodness! I can't thank you enough Ena and Frank for giving us our two wonderful dogs, they may be eating us out of house and home and we had to re-fence practically all of the garden, but we love them both so much and look forward to many years of doggy happiness. Will be calling in soon with another collecting box.
Love to all, Rachel, Tigger and Willow
Hi Rachel just got this just now, so funny sitting here on my own laughing at them, it's brilliant she has settled so well, what is she like using her brother Tiggs as a cushion. Thanks for the update xx.

Willow (was Daisy) and Tigger.  Willow (was Daisy) and Tigger.
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Update on the lovely Tia. >>
Posted: 16th October 2013

Hi Ena,
Charlie here, the pic's of Tia the day we got her at 6 weeks then one of you when we came back to see you a few months later then one of her now at 10 years old. You will see she is very grey as she has a skin problem and have to give her steroids and that made her go grey at about 3yr old. She means so much to me after helping me through a bad time after an accident and losing power down my left hand side and not worked for 11/12years and won't again so go a tattoo of her on my shoulder. Glad to see you are still going strong and helping all these poor dogs.
Take Care
Charlie Eagleton

Update on the lovely Tia.  Update on the lovely Tia.
Update on the lovely Tia.  Update on the lovely Tia.
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Ben ( was Glen ) >>
Posted: 14th October 2013

What a differnce a day makes. So happy for you Ben. Love the scenery xx
Hiya Ena and Frank
I've had a busy time since I left you yesterday. Mum and Dad said I'm a wee star as I slept right through the night without a sound and ate all my dinner and breakfast!
Tommy, Jenny and cousin Cassie visited today and we had great fun times at the beach and the old Inverlochy castle. I even got off the lead as Cassie was teaching me to come back when I'm called and everyone said I did great!
I'm sending you 6 photos that managed to get taken with the phone camera without spooking me too much! Sending them one at a time.
Hope you like this one in my house with Cassie playing tug of war!! :)
I'll keep you posted!
Lots of love, licks and sniffs
Ben xxxxx
Ben ( had your name changed as your mum & dad's beloved collie who they sadly " lost" 2 years ago was called Glen )but you don't mind eh! as you now have a wonderful home and a Second Chance girlie Cassie as your cousin, how good is that xxx
Wondered how you had two lovely photo's taken Glen, so the phone camera is the way to go.
Hope Jenny / Tom and Cassie enjoyed their visit with you.xx

Ben ( was Glen )  Ben ( was Glen )
Ben ( was Glen )  Ben ( was Glen )
Ben ( was Glen )  Ben ( was Glen )
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Charlie & Bobby >>
Posted: 13th October 2013

I too have found a lovely new home with wee Bobby another Second Chance boy. We get on really well together, and I'm sure will have lots of fun together. I'm sitting on mum';s knee and Bobby is on auntie Karen's, who by the way also has Second Chance dogs, so i'm in very good hands Love Charlie xx.

Charlie & Bobby
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Morar >>
Posted: 13th October 2013

Wee Morar came to visit with her mum today, it's so hard to believe she is nearly seven years old, she still looks and acts like a pup. To let you understand she was the wee quiet one in the litter of puppies !!! Her mum says we conned them saying she was the quiet one !! Morar now does agility / Heel Work to Music, she brought in her rosettes she won today to show us, very clever wee lass. It was so nice to see Anne and Morar. xxx

Morar  Morar
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Charlie >>
Posted: 12th October 2013

I was very lucky today, I found a new home with Stella and her family, some of you may remember wee Stella she was adopted a few months ago from Second Chance. Ena has already called about me and I seem to have settled in as if I had always lived there.

The girls and mum are in the photo with me and Stella, dad's sitting on the other chair watching us !!! He didn't have his pic taken with Stella either when she was adopted but Ena says " One of these days " Love Charlie and Stella xx

Update on Charlie Yorkie, thank you so much for the update Sharon, they certainly look very happy together. xx


Hello Ena


Stella and I are getting on great but don't tell her I


keep hiding all the bones in my bed. We love to play together, in fact


we even woke up at 3am this morning and started playing. I'm enjoying


my walks and settling in well. The family say it's like I've always


been here.



Lots of love





Charlie  Charlie
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Timmy >>
Posted: 12th October 2013

Hi Timmy thanks for the update and the photo, what a great time your having, but then I knew you had landed on all four paws with your new mum xx.


Dear Aunty Ena,

My new mum said I should write to tell you how I am doing... I have had a great first few days. There was one tiny accident the first time I was left alone, but nothing more since then. Mum says I am so good at recall and so she lets me run off the lead and there are ever so many dogs to play with here - too many for me to remember their names. I go walking with my two big brothers and then mum and me leave the 'old boys' back at home for a sleep and we head off on our own. We have a great walk through a forest and then up along an old Roman Road. I have seen ever so many new animals - sheep (I wanted to play but mum wouldn't let me off the lead), horses - they are SO big and they talk to me but I don't understand them so I just sit quiet and don't talk back, pigs - a bit smelly, geese, cows and even a great big bull. The only thing I don't like is the pheasants - they keep surprising me by flying out from bushes when I walk past. Today I walked all the way to the next village along the Roman Road and then went to a pub for lunch (I only had water), and then we got the bus home. As you can see I'm a bit sleepy now, but I've got my own chair. Please say hello to my old family and tell them I am really happy.

Timmy x

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Rags / Gypsy & Dodger >>
Posted: 12th October 2013

Rags / Gypsy and Dodger brought their folks for a visit today. It was so so good to see them. They look so good, Ian kept saying Rags was 10 till he found the original paper work he got when he adopte her and she's 121/2. The two Lurchers are brother and sister good to see them got lots of doggy kisses from them all.I just LOVE seeing all our past residents xxx

Rags / Gypsy & Dodger  Rags / Gypsy & Dodger
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Glen >>
Posted: 12th October 2013

This is me I was hiding from the camera again !!! but my "mum " came and found me and gave me a cuddle. My new folks have promised to send in some photo's with my new " dad " as well. Ena says she doesn't fancy their chances doing that like !!!! I have a " cousin " who is also a Second Chance dog, so i'm going to pop in and see them before going home, won't be able to stay too long though because I have about a three hour drive to get to my new home, just as well I love in the car eh !!! Lots of love Glen xxx.

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Ollie >>
Posted: 11th October 2013

Good morning Ena and Frank
Thought I'd send you a few photos! As you can see Ollie has made himself at home and we are amazed at how calm he has been in the house. He is a clever boy and is responding brilliantly to training, only pulling if he sees a dog or bird. Sophie and him are getting on really well and he will accompany her today down to the vets when she gets her lump checked again. Looks like it will have to get removed under a quick anaesthetic as the results have come back inconclusive. Sophie had a mast cell tumour removed a few years ago so we would rather be safe than sorry!
Anyway, Ollie has been an absolute gem and we love him to bits!
Jacqui x
Last pic is of Ollie and his family who all love him so much already, lucky lad xxx

Ollie  Ollie
Ollie  Ollie
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Bob a Dog !! >>
Posted: 11th October 2013

Hello Auntie Ena and Uncle Frank its Bob. Just thought I would update you on some pictures of me as its my Birthday at the end of October and I'll be a big 9. Can't believe im 9years old already..WOW!!
Jemma has fostered me completely now since Mummy♥. She said, she now has 3 boys not just Tizer and Rex. Jemz is making me work hard at my jump jumps (agility) which I love. Sometimes I am slightly naughty whilst training and prefer my own courses at times rather than the ones I should be running, but everyone just laughs at me and says I am just adorable..*smiles hugely*. I am training hard for the winter shows but I dont work for free Auntie see, Tizer + Rex are toy mad and work for their toys at agility, whilst im not that 'daft' I will only run if I have SAUSAGES. Those are my favourite *yum yum*. I have told the 2 boys they should swap their toys for sausages but they looked at me like I was nuts, on a personal note and keep this to yourself but, those 2 are the crazy ones refusing a sausage for a tennis ball. Do you agree?
Anyways check out the pictures of me and my buds and I hope you enjoy them. There is one of me on my own. One with me and the 2 boys. A picture of me and with Joule (ive been teaching her to toy fight and jump on the sofa and bark at everyone walking past..oops! ) and I have also sent an uodated one of me and the gang. I do have a bag of food to hand in to you for the dogs at the kennels.
Loads of licks..
BOB a DOG xx

Bob how lovely to hear from you and your " siblings " you all look so good and well behaved too. I especially love the photo of you on your own, you look so handsome. Can't believe either its that long ago. Good luck to you all for your "winter athletics " Lots of love xxx

Bob a Dog !!  Bob a Dog !!
Bob a Dog !!  Bob a Dog !!
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Alfie ( brindle boy ) >>
Posted: 11th October 2013

Well Alfie it was great to see you and your family today.And I remember your dad's name is Alex !! thats not bad eh! after calling him Ian all this time ! Your looking good such a big soft lump. xx

Alfie ( brindle boy )
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Humphrey >>
Posted: 11th October 2013

Me and my brothers and sisters are nearly 1 year old.
A lot has happened in my first year. Most recently I broke my leg so I have been housebound for nearly 15 weeks. Luckily my family love me loads and my mum has spent every day loving me and looking after me. I am on the mend now and hope to pop in to show Ena how handsome I am. I hope my brothers and sisters are all happy and it would be lovely if they could send in their pictures.
Love Humphrey xxxx
Humphrey hope you are feeling lots better now, you won't believe it but your brother Alfie came to visit yesterday, you know he was the most greedy one of you all. He lloks great too xxx.

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Timmy >>
Posted: 11th October 2013

Well how lucky have I been, this is me with my mum and Blu (Second Chance boy lying down ) and Ben my big brother also a rescue boy. I have settled in well in my new home so life is looking good again. Love Timmy xx.

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Big Ben. >>
Posted: 8th October 2013

Hi Ena & Frank just a quick one from me (big) Ben! Last week I went on my holidays and had a very exciting time... We were all over the highlands from Argyll to Inverness visiting family (who all just loved me, my head's getting bigger and bigger!) and then over to Uist, phew! I was a very good boy on the ferry over and so here are a few pictures of me enjoying myself on the beautiful Hebridean beaches, so much sea, sky and sand! I loved having a good gallop about playing with seaweed but even better were the sand dunes behind the beach where there were RABBITS GALORE! I wasn't allowed to chase them unfortunately even though I nearly stepped on one at one point - spoil-sports! - but I did insist on putting my nose down every single burrow just in case... Anyway we all had a very good time although I was very happy to be home too after such an exciting week. As you can see I'm still a skinny lad though I love my food and I'm putting a good bit of muscle on from all the walks here, I've got quite a bit of spirit which is shining through now and have a certain sense of humour particularly where my exceptionally long nose and food is involved... very much loved indeed, but then what do you expect I am a rather special chap as you know...
Lots of love from Big Ben x
(and Lucy and Matheu ;)
Ben how wonderful what a lovely update on you and your folks, Frank and myself are so so pleased for you, to think you hadn't lived in a house, didn't know how to walk on a lead, to the life you have now. Your story makes what we do so worthwhile, so next time someone takes a wee dog and brings him back after a few days, and I want to pack it all in. I'll think of you and the many like you to put me back on track. XXXXXFirst pic is of Ben in his new home xx.

Big Ben.  Big Ben.
Big Ben.  Big Ben.
Big Ben.   
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Leo >>
Posted: 8th October 2013

Hi it's me Leo ( Icame in with Broxi ) thought I would bring mum by for a wee visit to let you see hopw i'm getting on. As you can see looking great and I'm loved to bits. I play down on the beach a lot with some pals I've made. So life is good. Love Leo xx.

Leo  Leo
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Hamish >>
Posted: 8th October 2013

Hi Folks this is me with my new " mum & dad " I am settling in really well in my new home. Still love playing with my tennis ball in my mouth and kicking my other one about the floor it's great fun. Anyway must go I heard someone saying beach / walkies. Love Hamish xx

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Bonnie ( was Beauty ) >>
Posted: 1st October 2013

Hi Ena,

It was really good seeing you again today and of course seeing more dogs as I can't get enough of them!.

As promised I have attached some photos of Beauty (now called Bonny). The latest picture of her is the forth picture (the one with the pink collar). This was taken a few days ago.

She has come a long way since we got her 9 years ago. When we first got her she was terrified of everything cars, people and if she saw you picking up a can of deodorant for example she use to run away to try and hide behind the toilet and cower while wetting herself. She took quite a while to trust people and was really scared when we had visitors. When we had kids she was protective of them when they were a baby. When the baby cried she ran up to the moses basket started to cry too and then ran up to get your attention. She also didn't like people she didn't know holding the baby. When the kids started to crawl Bonny would growl and show her teeth at them. We taught Bonny and the kids at a very young age that if Bonny goes on her bed she is not to be touched as she wants peace and quite. The kids also hardly went up to Bonny to clap her. They basically just ignored eachother. When they did clap her they knew as soon as Bonny growled or showed her teeth they were to back off straight away (of course always with me or David (my husband present)). Now though Bonny is letting the kids clap her without showing any aggression and she is even giving them an occasional lick. She makes me so proud everyday and I am so thankful that you let me adopt her.

Kindest Regards


It was good to see you too, you will never know how greatful we are that you happened along. our " Beauty " certainly landed on all four paws that day, thnks for the commitment and love you have shown her. I always remember her as being so scared at the kennels and hiding behind her armchais. Thanks for the photo's she looks lovely. I know she must have been hard work but looks so happy and settled. xx

Bonnie ( was Beauty )  Bonnie ( was Beauty )
Bonnie ( was Beauty )  Bonnie ( was Beauty )
Bonnie ( was Beauty )  Bonnie ( was Beauty )
Bonnie ( was Beauty )  Bonnie ( was Beauty )
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