Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Gemma ( was Jem ) >>
Posted: 14th December 2013

Hi Ena,

Just to wish you all a good christma and to thank you for all the fun and love we've had from Jem, now called Gemma.

Phioto's arrived no probs Garion. Gemma and Gemma and friends.

Gemma you look amazing such a pretty girl and look at you with the hens !!! brilliant photo's. Thank you xx

Gemma ( was Jem )  Gemma ( was Jem )
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Oscar >>
Posted: 14th December 2013

Photo of Oscar after a hard day !!

Thanks for the pic Susan.

Some of you may remember Oscar the Beardie Collie, well he is settling into his new home.Don't know how he's fitting in to this chair ?? cause hes a big lad xx PS: His coat looks as though it's coming in well x

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Gorgeous George x >>
Posted: 14th December 2013

Hi George here I actually chose my very own mum, she actually came to see if we had any small !! dogs, but Ena let me out to meet her and I just went up to her put my paws on her shoulders and she melted. Would you not !!! I'm ever so happy now and as you can see have all the home comforts, Ena's a bit jealous of my fire mind. I love lying in front of it love George xx.

Gorgeous George x
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Korkie the Yorkie x >>
Posted: 14th December 2013

Hi Ena,
Got a haircut today and I am all soft and cuddly. I only bit the lady a few times but didn't draw blood! Mummy says I am gorgeous.
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and tell Alfie to be good then Santa will leave a pressie.
Love from Korkie. X x x x
Hi Korkie,
Lovely to hear from you, you so remind me of our beloved wee Sandy.
Your looking very handsome, wee Alfie will be jealous.
He is being a very good wee lad so I'm sure Santa will stop by with a pressie for him.
Lots of love
Ena and wee Alfie xx.

Korkie the Yorkie x
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Buddy >>
Posted: 14th December 2013

Dear Ena and Frank
Attached are 2 photos of oor Buddy - he doesn't really stay still long enough to get his photo taken !
Hope to see you sometime soon.
Have a lovely Christmas and a Guid New Year.
Christine, Jim and Buddy
Hi folks thank you so much for the update on " Our Buddy " he is looking brilliant a happy chappy xx
Ena & Frank xx

Buddy  Buddy
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Rex saves Santa x >>
Posted: 10th December 2013

Rex saved SANTA from T_REX and the Killer PIG!!!
Your such a clever boy Rex, pleased to see you have settled in well xx

Rex saves Santa x
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Jess & co >>
Posted: 9th December 2013

Hi Ena

A wee picture to let you see how cat friendly Jess is now! xx


Thank you what a gorgeous photo, see her brother in the background there too, a sofa all to theirselves can't be bad !! She has come on so well and obviously is very content xx

Jess & co
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Merlin >>
Posted: 9th December 2013

Dear Ena and all,
Here are some pictures of Merlin who is very well and happy and a lot of
fun !
We were up today looking for a smaller dog for my daughter Margaret
who lost her beloved Bonny in February. She feels ready now if she can
find a dog who will get along with her adorable wee cat and she looked
at Brogar (?) but he was too big and boisterous and her fence is not
high enough for him anyway.
So we will keep looking.
With all best wishes,
Diana and Richard Neil
Hi Diana & Richard and of course the gorgeous Merlin,sorry I missed you and Margaret when you came to the kennels. I will certauinly keep an eye out for a companion for Margaret.
Merlin is looking great, obviously enjoying life with you and Richard. Thanks for the photo's will keep in touch re Margret.

Merlin  Merlin
Merlin  Merlin
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Bailey / Oscar. >>
Posted: 7th December 2013

Hi Victoria,
Thanks for your kind words, Bruno was such a lovely lovely wee lad, he certainly didn't deserve to be treated so badly by his " owners " At least he's at rest now." What is it they say what goes around comes around "
On a lighter note just look at the photo's I think you could have had" A Bailey come Home" kinda film made. You would go a long way to get such attachment between a wee boy and dog !!! Thanks again for the update xx
Hi Ena
Sorry to hear about wee Bruno, at least at the end of his life he felt love and what it was like to be looked after! Thought I'd send you some pics of Bailey a the same time.
As you can see he loves his cuddles, the one of him and Oscar is Oscar had just fallen asleep and wee Bailey was just having his check on him - he stands with his head on the bed next to him (or wherever he has fallen asleep) for five mins then he goes and lies down himself for a sleep! It's so cute!
Lots of love
Victoria Steven Oscar and Bailey

Bailey / Oscar.  Bailey / Oscar.
Bailey / Oscar.  Bailey / Oscar.
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Dougie with his new >>
Posted: 7th December 2013

Ena got a phone call today ( well that's nothing new) but this was a special one from Daisy's dad and mum offering me a new forever home. Daisy came with them and she really liked me and me her. So off I went to my new home yesterday afternoon.

Ena gave a wee call to see how I was doing and we are all doing really well.

Thanks to all who called offering me a home, but I'm now staying with Daisy who is also a Second Chance wee girl. Love Dougie xx. This is my sis Daisy, isn't she gorgeous even more so now, cause she goes to somewhere called a beauty parlour for dogs . xx.

Dougie with his new  Dougie with his new
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Rex >>
Posted: 5th December 2013

Rex has settled in and quite made himself at home, we were so amazed at him, no mooching, just layingin down sleeping on the couch, while we had our meal.

Liz and Dave.

Hi thank you so much for the update and photo's on "Franks' Rex, he had a real soft spot for this young lad, quite happy now to see him so settled xx

Rex  Rex
Rex  Rex
Rex  Rex
Rex  Rex
Rex  Rex
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Brodie >>
Posted: 4th December 2013

Hi Ena

Just a quick email to say Brodie is still doing really well and loving his forest walks with his doggy friends. He is a total sweetheart in the house and is always up for a wee game with the ball. He is one of the family now and the 3 of them get on brilliantly.

I have attached some pics for your gallery and we will try to visit you in the future so you can see how big he is getting!

Thanks again for giving us the chance to love him.

Hi Alan,


Thank you so very much for the update on Brodie, so he has settled in so well, we always say if we rehome a dog and he/she comes back and finds another home it is usually the BEST. Thanks a million and my he is getting to be a big lad.xx


Brodie  Brodie
Brodie  Brodie
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Robbie ( was Rusty here ) >>
Posted: 2nd December 2013

Another lovely Monday afternoon, Robbie grought his mum to visit, what a change in a wee dog. Anne you and Mike have had to put a lot of work into this wee lad, to have the gorgeous boy you now have, thank you so much loving him. ( another one who nearly went to Dunfermline !!!! ) It was so good to see you both XXX

Robbie ( was Rusty here )
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Susie & Pippin >>
Posted: 2nd December 2013

Susie /Anne and Pippin came for a visit,both girls looking great ( and you Anne !!! )Thank you for keeping us up to date with the girls and Pippin has brought wee Susue out of her shell which is great xxx.

Susie & Pippin
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Pooch & Darcy >>
Posted: 30th November 2013

Wee Pooch brought his folks to visit today, what a lovely surprise and he was pleased to see us.His wee pal Darcy has come out of her shell a bit since Pooch went to stay, his mum & dadsay they compliment each other. Altough it took a good fortnight forPooch to settle into a new home and routine, his folks stayed the course worked through things with him, and absolutely adore him. He loves squeaky toys and to get him to look at the camera I squeaked one just as well his dad had a good hold of him !!!! Thanks guys for everything xxx

Pooch & Darcy
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Izzy ( was Sally) & Maggie >>
Posted: 28th November 2013

Got a phone call last week from a chap, he and his wife have already adopted three dogs from us and given them such a brilliant life. Sadly the lovely Tess went to Rainbow Bridge last year followed by their beloved Sam this year.

Phone call went something like we are looking to adopt again Ena,but want to go for a smaller dog this time, I said I have a wee Jackadoodle sitting on my knee with her pal Maggie. So Jim said he would be interested in one, by this time I had put them on Homeless Hounds !! To cut a long story short Jim and his mum came over this afternoon, Frank and myself were out, bless them they waited about three hours for us to come back, so much so the wee ones were on Jim's knee, well bonded and never even got off to say hello to us.

So another happy ending, these two wee ones have gone to a wonderful home together, they will stay with Jack (Second Chance wee boy) and have a wonderful gran & grandad on hand to help as well.

Izzy ( was Sally) & Maggie
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Spike ( was Squeak ) >>
Posted: 27th November 2013

Just a few pics of our boy!
He's doing really well and has settled right down.
Going from strength to strength in fact! He's a little heavier than when he arrived though!!
The black lab is Poppy, Mums dog. They adore each other!!!
Hope this finds you well
Love Marcus
Hi Marcus thank you so very much for the updates on "our " boy. He looks absolutely great what a difference to the wee boy you took home xx

Spike ( was Squeak )  Spike ( was Squeak )
Spike ( was Squeak )  Spike ( was Squeak )
Spike ( was Squeak )  Spike ( was Squeak )
Spike ( was Squeak )  Spike ( was Squeak )
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Hob Nob >>
Posted: 26th November 2013

Look who came back to see us today, wee Hob Nob and his dad. It was so lovely to see them both Hob Nob looks brilliant,he is his dad's shadow i'm told.We were all so happy to see them and he was happy to se us as well. xx

Hob Nob on the sofa and one with him and his dad and wee Maggie kinda squeezed her way into the pic. xxx

Hob Nob  Hob Nob
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Ozzy ( was Chief ) >>
Posted: 26th November 2013

Hi folks just a wee update on me and my pals, i'm getting on great, this is me with my brother and big sis. I dropped into visit everyone was pleased to see me. xxx

Ozzy ( was Chief )
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Aisha & Kelcey >>
Posted: 26th November 2013

Linda and Stephen from Trophy dod food dropped in today with the girls Aisha & Kelcey two wee Second Chance girls. Aisha hasn't been too well, but is very much on the mend now thank goodness. She is so funny really nosey into everything,Kelcey just looks at her as if to say what are you doing now !!! now of course they know where the sausages are !!! It was so good to see them. plus they dropped of a voucher for the Second Chance on line auction.Which starts on 1st December. Thanks to Nikki Mowatt.

Thank you very much, it was great to see you.

Aisha & Kelcey  Aisha & Kelcey
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