Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Our wee lass. >>
Posted: 25th January 2014

Hello all at Second Chance Kennels. You may me I was adopted little a few years ago.
She was about 9/10 years old and had some medical problems mainly a heart murmur. Anyway is still with us and is settling into retirement. She is no longer as active as she has developed a few more problems,she has regular vet appointments who assures us that she is in no pain and to leave her be without to much treatment. Although old we love her as much or more as we did from the first day we saw her.
I thought it would be nice to send you a few pics of her as a way of thanking you for allowing us the privilege of caring for her. She is great wee dog - so gentle and happy with a tickle and a cuddle. We hope she will be with us for a while longer as I know we are going to be so lost without her.
Thank you again
Thank you so very much for the update on "our " wee girl. Glad she settled so well and getting lots of love and cuddles. xx

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Our lovely wee girl >>
Posted: 25th January 2014

Hello all at Second Chance Kennels. You may me I was adopted little a few years ago.
She was about 9/10 years old and had some medical problems mainly a heart murmur. Anyway is still with us and is settling into retirement. She is no longer as active as she has developed a few more problems,she has regular vet appointments who assures us that she is in no pain and to leave her be without to much treatment. Although old we love her as much or more as we did from the first day we saw her.
I thought it would be nice to send you a few pics of her as a way of thanking you for allowing us the privilege of caring for her. She is great wee dog - so gentle and happy with a tickle and a cuddle. We hope she will be with us for a while longer as I know we are going to be so lost without her.
Thank you again
Thank you so very much for the update on "our " wee girl, and for giving her such a wonderful home. Glad she settled so well and getting lots of love and cuddles. xx

Our lovely wee girl  Our lovely wee girl
Our lovely wee girl   
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Bryn and Bailey >>
Posted: 24th January 2014

Hello Ena and Frank, just a wee note to let you know how well Bryn and Bailey are doing here in Canada. I rescued Bryn (aka: Fluke) Nov 2006 and Bailey (aka: Rudy) Dec 2007. We moved to Canada in January 2009. Both boys are doing brilliantly. Bryn will be 8 in July and Bailey will be 7 in September. My how time flies. They now have a little rescue sister named Gracie. I fostered her in January 2013 and adopted her in March. She is a little female Border Collie and was a year old when she came to stay with us. She will be 2 on Feb 14, 2014. She chases Bailey around to no end in the back yard and plays tug-o-war with him. They all get on so well. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful K9 family. Happy New Year and blessings to you all.
Hi Lynda how lovely to hear from you, so nice to think you have taken the time out to send us an update love it.and so good to hear how " our " boys are doing, good to hear you have a new addition too. Love Border Collie's. I will try and get the pics though not sure if I will be able to do them. Will certainly try dying to see them all. xxx
And here they are absolutely gorgeous xx

Bryn and Bailey  Bryn and Bailey
Bryn and Bailey   
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Jack >>
Posted: 23rd January 2014

Well this is me getting ready to go home with my new mum and dad, who are lovely by the way.I don't even bother mwhen they lift me x

They came to visit me last Saturday and spent awhile getting to know my wee ways.I now have a wee Westie sister, and mum says we are doing really well together. They took my bed up to their room and when they woke up I was lying on my back with all four legs in the air haha. Love Jack xx. I think Ena secretly wanted to keep me, but she says if she can't have me I'm in the best possible home xx.

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Kimmy back to visit. >>
Posted: 21st January 2014

It was so good to see Kimmy back for a visit, we see his mum Liz almost every week as she comes to walk the dogs. This is the first time we've seen the wee boy for a long time. He looks great and he and Baxter had a lovely time together.Sure you and Neil aren't looking for another dog !!! xx

Kimmy back to visit.
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Ellie >>
Posted: 20th January 2014

Hi Ena

Lovely to chat yesterday, and as I said Ellie is coming on really well and enjoying life with us. Have attached a photo of her wearing the wee jumper that I knitted for her. Have started to knit a pink for her as well, been nice as I have not knitted in years. Ellie just loves to go out for her big walk in the morning where she meets other dogs and has a run around after the ball. Will pop out and see you soon.

Take Care
Christine xx

Christine, she's Looking well settled thank you very much for the update, love her coat xx.

Ellie  Ellie
Ellie  Ellie
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Ebony >>
Posted: 20th January 2014

Wee Ebony and her mum came for a visit last week it was so good to see them. Ebony is looking lovely as is her mum. Thanks for taking the time out to come and see us. xxx

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Bailey ( Dirty ) >>
Posted: 19th January 2014

Found this among my pics Vivtoria do'nt know if he is on already with this one. Looks like he has been enjoying himself. Where was Oscar though !!!

Ha ha Ena just seen your post on the website Oscar was with us just in the buggy or he'd of been following bailey through all the swampy bits!! Even more pics for you! The one of the 3 boys of the house is a typical Sunday morning when they all just hang out..... Will be down this summer again to visit x

Bailey ( Dirty )  Bailey ( Dirty )
Bailey ( Dirty )  Bailey ( Dirty )
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Cora / Sprocket / Benji >>
Posted: 17th January 2014

Hi its me Cora back with mum and brother's for a visit.Wee tan & white one is Benji ( Ena says he reminds her of their Keira just a bit smaller ) then Sprocket the Springer. We have such a lovely life I'm going to be doing something called Canny Cross sounds good as mum says that's the only time I will get to pull so I know when I get my harness on its going to be good fun.Love Cora xxx

Cora / Sprocket / Benji
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Ben (was Glen ) >>
Posted: 17th January 2014

Hi Ena and Frank
Hope you're both well and keeping busy.
Ben (Glen) is doing great and really settled into Fort William life. Still enjoying loads of long walks and racing around off the lead chasing his ball. He's so much more confident and not spooked at every day things, like he was when we first met him. We remind ourselves every day of how lucky we are to have found him and give him a loving caring home - he's got us wrapped around his little paw!!
Looking forward to Spring/Summer when we can bring him to you for a wee visit - or if you're anywhere near us in your travels please give us a phone!
Thanks again
Look forward to hearing from you
Ben, Jane & Steven xxx
Ben your one lucky boy to have found such a wonderful home.
Tell your folks we will be in touch xxxx

Ben (was Glen )  Ben (was Glen )
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Buster >>
Posted: 16th January 2014

Hi Ena

Just some photos of Buster, we have had him nearly four years now, he was a poor wee thing when we got him with a damaged back leg. He is a brilliant loving best friend to all of us, especially his little sister Daisy, we got 3years ago from another rescue centre. They are inseparable. Don't know where we'd be without our dogs, thank you for giving us Buster :-))

Thank you so much for the update on Buster,he is looking good, glad your all so happy with him. xxx

Buster  Buster
Buster  Buster
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Dec back for a visit. >>
Posted: 16th January 2014

Lovely lovely surprise for us this morning, Dec came by for a visit. We were all so happy, and glad that Sarah / Yvonne / Frank and myself were all here to see him. Last time he was here with his previous owners he wantedto stay with us, not so this time he had eyes for no one but them especially his mum. Some of you may remember him he was the wee VERY overweight Shetland Collie.He is looking good his coat is immaculate,We were always wondering how he was so thanks Sandra, for letting his folks know we were asking about him and to thenm for bringing him along. Fair made our day xx.

Dec back for a visit.
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Sasha( was Molly 8 week old puppy here ) >>
Posted: 13th January 2014

Hi Ena,
I was in on Saturday looking for a small doggy to re home, and was telling you about our dog sasha (molly) who we got from you 13 years ago.
I have attached a photo of her for you to have a look at :o) she a cheeky wee thing :o) if you don't pet her she just lies underneath your slippers in the hope that u will haha.
So she has you well sussed out, thank you very much for the update. xx

Sasha( was Molly 8 week old puppy here )
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Blue >>
Posted: 13th January 2014

Blue thinks he's a lap dog??. Just a tad big for that ??? glad he feels so at home. xx

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Beau & Jack >>
Posted: 12th January 2014

Well this is us getting ready to go to our new home, my family have had Llasa's before so know our breed. We're good wee dogs though have lovely nature's. we are going to be so well loved, (even though we don't have ginger hair !!!) only the people in the photo will know what I mean with that remark hahaha. xx

Beau & Jack
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Megan with her mum & dad. >>
Posted: 12th January 2014

This is me getting redy to go home, Ena says she hopes my folks have plenty of energy as I am a very bouncy but loving wee !! girl. Dad had to hold my collar so I would stay still for a minute to have my photo taken, I have a sis in the form of a lovely black lab, so they are used to Labradors. I'm going to have a great life here. Love Megan xxx

Megan with her mum & dad.
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Lucy & Bramble >>
Posted: 10th January 2014

Hi Ena,
Hope you had a good Xmas & New Year, justlPa thought I would update you about Lucy ‘the golden one’ and wee Bramble.
They are doing really well, Bramble adores her and she loves him. It did not take her long to get used to his blindness and wee foibles lol
Lucy has nearly stopped pulling in her collar & lead now although she still has no recall, so no off lead work for her just now but she will get there with time.
They play constantly and when we call them in from the garden we shout ‘come on Mr & Mrs Doody-Bramble (his nick name) and they both come running.
Lucy is a very bright girl on one occasion they knocked a throw off the bed playing & Andy said jokingly to Lucy I hope you are going to put that back on the bed. Lucy grabbed the corner and pulled it back up! We knew she was going to be a real daddy’s girl when one night after she had been home about a fortnight she dragged her bed from the living room through the house to daddy's side of the bed so that's were it stays now. She even puts her paw on Brambles back if he is getting excited & gets him to sit!! She is border collie bright, we cannot thank you enough for letting us have this very special girl.
We are booking Lucy in for the end of this month to get spayed and I will give you an update. It is hard to believe that she has been with us now for over 2 months. Will bring then both along to see you once she is spayed and feeling her bouncy self.
Lots of love
Pammy, Andy, Bramble & Lucy Lou
Thank you both so much for giving " our " Lucy such a wonderful home, so pleased the gorgeous Bramble loves her too. Love the photo's xx

Lucy & Bramble  Lucy & Bramble
Lucy & Bramble   
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Ben and his folks xx >>
Posted: 10th January 2014

What a lovely surprise we got today Ben came to visit. He was adopted as a puppy just over 12 years ago,I rememeber him well and good news was he remembered me, I got a lovely welcome. His mum and dad actually chose him when he was only four weeks old and came up just about everyday to see him till they could take him home when he was 8 weeks old. He is looking really well and is obviously a well loved wee lad.Thanks for coming to see us xxx

Ben and his folks xx
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Brogan going home. >>
Posted: 10th January 2014

Update on Brogan, well he has definatley found his " Forever " home, he is doing really really well. He just needed someone with knowledge of Springers!!


This is our lovely Brogan who hasn't had the best of starts so far, this is his third home !! but hopefully his last one. The couple who have taken him into their home have already adopted two nine month old Springers from us when we worked from home. They gave Jack and Jamie a wonderful home but sadly they have now gone to Rainbow Bridge. They now feel the time is right to bring another Springer into their lives.we wish them all the very best with their new pal xx

Brogan going home.
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Bruno ( was Lonely Here ) >>
Posted: 9th January 2014

Hello Ena and Frank
Happy New year.
Just wanting to update you on Bruno. 2 years after we adopted him he is still as beautiful as he ever was. He is fantastic fun, very very happy and an absolutley
georgous dog. He is a terrible escape artist and now have to lock all the doors as he learnt very quickly how to open them.
He adores swimming and every cm of water, clean or dirty he's in it and trying to swim! it's taken him a long time to be a good swimmer. He couldn't swim when we got him and nearly drowned himself on numerous occasions! Now he swims like a professional!
He still eats his meals as if there is no tomorrow and his coat is SO glossy.He also thinks that he is a lap dog and just gets up and sits on your knee!
we have been meaning to bring him up to show you, but never seem to have had the time. I have attached a few photos.
despite the problems we had to start off with he has turned out to be a fabulous loyal dog and loves zeb to bits,(they both love each other but zeb pretends to be the alpha male)!
We will try to bring him up sometime to show him to you
I still look on your website regularly and your stories about the dogs still break my heart
take care and keep up the good work
Alison Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thank you so very much for the update on Bruno, lots of people will be so happy to see that the dog who was abandoned at the kennels about 6 am one morning two years past Christmas is doing so wonderfully well. Never thought the state he was in when you adopted him that he would ever look this good. Thanks to you Andrew your son and his pal Zeb he is now a well adjusted member of your family. We are very grateful as we know he wasn't the easiest dog for you, but you had the commitment for him thank goodness.
He looks so so good his coatis so shiny, love all the photo's xx

Bruno ( was Lonely Here )  Bruno ( was Lonely Here )
Bruno ( was Lonely Here )  Bruno ( was Lonely Here )
Bruno ( was Lonely Here )  Bruno ( was Lonely Here )
Bruno ( was Lonely Here )  Bruno ( was Lonely Here )
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