Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Poor wee Fraser xx >>
Posted: 19th February 2014

Sadly a not so Happy Hound !!!
Hi.. This is poor wee Fraser recovering from operations on both his back knees where the Cruciat ligaments snapped.. It will take about 3 months of care to hopefully get him back to normal.. For the first month he can only get 5 min walks.. And he is on a strict diet.. So the poor we soul doesn't know what's going on.. But it was go for the operation or !! Well we didn't even consider the other... Xx
Eileen & Bob so sorry to hear about wee Fraser, but he couldn't be in better hands,as he'll get all the love and care he needs to recuperate.

Poor wee Fraser xx
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Alfie (Labrador) >>
Posted: 19th February 2014

Well this is me setting off to my new home, don't know who's more excited me or my dad !! I have a big brother who is also a black Lab, we have met and got on really well together. We have promised to send photo's and updates thpogh so will keep in touch. Love Alfie xx.

Alfie (Labrador)
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Baxter update xx >>
Posted: 19th February 2014

Hi Ena, Frank and all my Friends at Second Chance,

Just a wee update. I’m doing fine and have settled in really well. I play with lots of toys every day and eat everything at mealtimes. Liz has got me a neck torch like Megan’s so I can see where I’m going when we go for a walk in the dark. It’s pretty neat and I look really cool wearing it.

I made friends with Jack and Dexter at the week-end – you remember they were adopted from Second Chance by a nice lady called Liz who is a reporter. She said I’m just her kind of dog and I’m as cute as a button.

Take care and I’ll keep in touch.

Lots of licks

Baxter x

Great news about wee Baxter knew he just needed the right home with people who understand the wee lad thank you. Nice to hear you met up with Jack & Dexter they are lovely boy's too xx.

Just put a photo on from the ones taken when he was here, he has a much more comfy chair now !!!

Baxter update xx
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Lovely Purdy x >>
Posted: 19th February 2014

Dear Ena and Frank
Just thought it was a while since I'd brought you up to date with Purdey, and wanted to tell you she's on great form.
She's very dignified looking these days with her grey muzzle, and with that goes a more relaxed personality now that she really does believe she's in her forever home. She's also got a proper waist line and being a wee bit lighter takes the weight off her one (hind) pre-arthritic leg. The photo was taken on holiday last summer, and you can see she's holding up her paw to ask to have her white bits scratched.
She has some wonderful human friends who love to help with her, though I'm afraid she's shocking with cats, birds and occasionally tradesmen. But when she goes with my neighbour to the local sewing class or the village bingo everyone just loves her to bits.
Or to put all that another way, she's the soul of a staffie in the body of a collie!

I hope you're both well, and the kennels are thriving.
Yours, Marjory MacLean

Marjorie thank you so much for the update on Purdy ( wurdy gurdy gurdy ) sorry thats what we used to call her. So pleased she is doing so well she is looking great.
We are as busy as ever you'll have met Linda's Timmy I expect, he's lovely but was a bit of a handful to start with.
I'll update Purdy on the web site tomorrow and thank you so much once again for the update.
Kind regards
Xxxxx for Purdy x

Big licks from Purdey Wurdey, which indeed is sometimes what she gets here as well! I've never known a dog before who laughs using her tail, and gently burps in your face to express her deepest adoration. V v cuddly.
M x

Lovely Purdy x  Lovely Purdy x
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Ollie wee ShihTzu >>
Posted: 18th February 2014

Just too let u know am really good and doing so well, mum says am her special boy. Hope u guys are all well. Luv ollie. X


Hi Ollie glad to hear your doing so well, really pleased for you, your looking good. xx.

Ollie wee ShihTzu
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Blue & Murphy x >>
Posted: 18th February 2014

Blue brought his family back for a visit today, ie; Karen / Graeme & Murphy. He is getting on a treat, he and Murphy get on really well. Was so nice to see them all xx

Blue & Murphy x
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Mylo >>
Posted: 16th February 2014

Mylo was adopted by a lovely family back in 2005, this is him up the hills for a walk. What a stunning dog he is. Good pic of his walker too. xxxx

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Hamish going home xx >>
Posted: 15th February 2014

Hi it's me wee Hamish getting ready to go home, this is my sis Saffy, hopefully we will have good fun together. I do hope so. My folks have been up to see me a could times and spent some time with me. So they are not complete strangers.My folks have promised to keep the guys at the kennels updated on me progress. Love Hamish xx

Hamish going home xx
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Brogan back to visit x >>
Posted: 15th February 2014

Lovely surprise this morning , Brogan brought his folks for a visit. It was lovely to see them all and he is doing really well and looking great, and is very happy. xx

Brogan back to visit x
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Teal and Family >>
Posted: 13th February 2014

Teal brought her family back to visit today, she's looking great and has settled in very well. I had forgotten just how tiny she was though. xxx

Teal and Family
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Sky & India >>
Posted: 11th February 2014

Thanks Vicky and John for the update on Sky. Look at our wee girl Sky the wee Whippet, cuddling up to her sister , How cute are they.xx

Sky & India
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Our wee Tess. >>
Posted: 11th February 2014

One settled in little lady - so cute!! With her big sister Zoe.
Guess who rules the house?
Thank you Alistair ( where's your and your son's pic haha ) Tess looks very settled and happy. So very pleased she has as you say just gone in settled as if she had always lived with you.xx

Our wee Tess.  Our wee Tess.
Our wee Tess.  Our wee Tess.
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Jake our " Special Boy "xx >>
Posted: 10th February 2014

We thought wee Jake would stay with us here at Second Chance for the rest of his life as he has to visit Neil Geddes St Clair vets ( eye doctor ) once a month to keep a check on his eyes.Thanks for that Neil we appreciate you doing this for our wee lad.

We had visitors at the kennels last Friday and gues what !! Vicky fell in love with Jake and wants to foster him for us, how kind and caring is that, she and her family know he is 12 and has the problem with his eyes, but still they have taken him home, at least he will have a happy home life, instead of being kept here.Although we would have done our very best for him, much much nicer and kinder that tonight he is in his foster home where i'm quite sure he will be spoiled and get lots of love and cuddles. Thanks to Vicky and her girls xx

Jake our " Special Boy "xx
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Moss & Jess update. >>
Posted: 10th February 2014

Ena and Frank

Its now been just over a year since Jess and Moss agreed to come with us to Skye, been a strange year, three new dogs Jess and Moss from yourselves and Sheldon from one of our neighbours and one lost dog Bruno who at the age of 19 had to be put to sleep a couple of weeks ago.

Still with the 5 dogs we have now its as manic as ever as you both know!!!!!!!!!!!

Just really wanted to say thank you once again for allowing us the opportunity to rehome the deadly duo (Jess and Moss) along with the others they have made our house their house and us their family and no one could ask any more than that.



Gerry thank you so very much for the update, sorry to hear about the old fella Bruno. Great to hear how all the dogs have just jelled and get on so well together along with the goats and the chickens , it's amazing. Have added Photo's that you sent last year !!!!

Moss & Jess update.  Moss & Jess update.
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Poppy & Jake xx >>
Posted: 10th February 2014

Samantha thank you so much for the update on Jake & Poppy, who certainly look well settled south of the border, imagine 4 months already. xx
Hello to all at second chance. As promised an update on Jake and Poppy. Poppy loves to be covered up at night! Jake is such a 'knowing' boy and seems deep in thought sometimes, if only dogs could speak!! We have been in England for four months now and settled in well. Dogs still get two walks a day even with mum working. Gran comes in to let us out if mum is out longer. Still look at the website every few days to keep up to date. So sad and annoying when some dogs are returned after a few days. Time spent on dogs is so rewarding as they give so much unconditional love back. Keep up the good work, love Sam, Ewan, Jake & Poppy.

Poppy & Jake xx  Poppy & Jake xx
Poppy & Jake xx   
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The Gang xx xx >>
Posted: 10th February 2014

Jemma thank you so much for the update on your " gang " They all look great and obviously very happy. Love the photo's. xx

Hello there Aunty Ena its me Bob! Jemma said she would send you pictures of us all so here I am writing an update on us all and at the end will send you piccies of us.

Today we went for a very long walk along the beach..Gosh it must have been at least 2 hours if not slightly longer on that beach and I have to say we are all pooped!! We are not long home actually. Ive been such a good boy recently ( remember I am a Jack Russell .. wink wink;P ) that I have been giving more responsibilities, I'm now allowed to stay out when visitors come to the house for some strange reason it doesnt stress me out anymore. Jemma brings out a favourite toy of mine for me to play when the visitors are in so I focus on that rather than stressing out at what the visitors are doing. Jemma keeps a close eye on me and when she sees me starting to get a little upset at being about everyone she simply removes me from the situation, however I must admit that's not very often anymore. As long as I have my favourite toy and my 2 best friends at the moment Tizer and Rex am very happy to be out and around the visitors.

Jemma said about Tizer being a lot happier after seeing Tom the dude that put his shoulders and neck but in there proper place ( ouch! ) Hes back acting like a puppy again and is doing sharp turns at agility again where as before he was very reluctant to do so. Jemma is very happy to have her slippers back at agility and is glad she doesnt have to think about retiring Ti just yet as she was worried at 1 stage that was going to have to happen as all the vets said at her work he was getting to old. But Jemma didnt listen to them and wanted to seek someone elses opinion before having to make the heartbreaking choice in retiring him when the Big Man still wants to work and loves it sooo much and still goes out and wins. He screams when he sees agility so hes not quite ready to pack it in. Think Tizer will be doing agility until hes a 100 years old.

Jess is doing well at agility well when I say that I mean at training. Shes a different girl when she competing compared to training. Shes keeping up all the poles when jumping ( am sure she was confused with how agility worked I do believe she thought she had to knock all poles down and with the most poles down after a run wins haha ) anyways like I said shes doing amazing we all hope it continues when we start competing in April.

Gayle is doing fabby at agility too. Jemma is training her at the moment until Jade comes back. Gayle has been training with Jemma since Bark in the Park and has come on leaps and bounds and will be competing in April alongside Jems ( goodness wouldn't like to be Jemma running me..Ti the new kid Rex and then Gayle .. gosh she'll be dying by the end of the season ). Gayle and Baby Joule are best of friends at the moment. Its funny out on a walk theres me that plays with my toy on my own as nobody is allowed the special toy. Then Jess has a ball which she has to try and win before Ti gets it. So Jess is being followed by Ti who is being followed by Gayle who is being followed by Joule and Rex well to be honest im not quite sure what he does..he kind of chases the toy but doesnt really want it when he gets it he would rather do tricks and training with his mum ( am not sure why though when walkies is our time ). But its a huge line of collies when out walking and Jemma gets comments about us wondering how she taught them that. To be honest Aunty Ena the collies are that stupid the need to follow one another whereas me .. I just run about sqeaking my toy quite happy..I guess its a Jack Russell thing.

Rex is amazing at the moment with all his tricks. Hes a very good dog. When we are out walking hes never ever interested in another dog passing by..his eyes are always fixed on his mum unless the toy is being thrown. Hes such a big mamas boy! (Hes one of my best friends so I wont slag him off to much for it.) But hes seriously obsessed with Jemma all he wants to do is work work work for her. And never ever wants paid much for it apart from being told hes a good boy. ( definitely a daft dog .. you wouldn't see me working for just a good boy praise id be expecting a few cocktail sausages thrown in there too. Jesso and they say out of all the collies the tri colours are suppose to be the smartest and the hardest to train .. what happened there with Rex ) Like I said I wont slag him off to much.

I have to admit we get on sooo well as group. We never have arguments nor fights .. sometimes i do get crabby with them at night but they respect me and avoid me at those times ( hey what can I say .. im Bob im allowed to crab:D ). I love all my friends and even Joule has settled in great..shes being trained how to do agility and she loves it too. Im a happy boy Aunty Ena even if my mummy isnt here anymore. When Jemma talks about mum my ears prick up and I do go and have a peek out the window just in case or I run still to the top of the stairs but Jemma thinks that will never change. But I am a happy boy and I love life and all my collie friends that live with me and I do hope to see you at some shows this year even if I am misbehaving at them..( hey I have to keep Jemma on her toes and I cant let down my fans that come and watch me wondering whether im going to run the right course or make my own up haha ).
Will love and leave you with some updated pics for you to enjoy. Take Care and will see you real soon.
Loads of Slobber Jack Russell licks..
The wee man Bob a Dog xx

Ps check out the lugs on me in one of the pics. The wind blew just at the right time..honestly..its not me having a bad day xx

The Gang xx xx  The Gang xx xx
The Gang xx xx  The Gang xx xx
The Gang xx xx  The Gang xx xx
The Gang xx xx  The Gang xx xx
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Tess / Buster / Cali x >>
Posted: 8th February 2014

Hi Ena
I hope you are able to see the photo. Let me know if you can't and I will send it on my laptop. We will be down in the next couple of weeks as I have some stuff for you.
Carol x
Hi Carol,
As you can see I did get the photo, Tess and Buster are looking good, and their new wee sis Cali is lovely xx

Tess / Buster / Cali x
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 7th February 2014

Thank you so very much for the update on Bonnie, can hardly imagine her "family" are now six years old, each one a credit to her. she looks amazing, so happy looking. Will try and catch up at the agility this year.
Have put some pics on for a trip down memory lane for you.
Hi Ena and Frank
Just thought we whould send you a wee email as it’s 6 years tomorrow since we visited the kennels to enquire about adopting Bonnie. We remember getting a tiny look at her in her kennel as she had just had her pups hours earlier but knowing she was the girl we wanted.
She is still really healthy, happy and full of beans. She still loves going out for walks, going to agility, lying in front of the fire or when dad’s not home falling asleep on our bed.
I hope Bonnie’s puppies are all as happy and healthy as she is. Hopefully we might see you at an agility show over the summer.
I’ve attached a few photo’s of Bonnie taken over the last few months, we did try to take the camera out this weekend but it rained or snow every walk this weekend.
Best wishes
Jenny, Luke, Bonnie and Milo
x (We wrote this on the 26th but have had problems getting it to send)

Bonnie  Bonnie
Bonnie  Bonnie
Bonnie  Bonnie
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Marley xx >>
Posted: 5th February 2014

Hi Ena/Frank,

Sorry my mail hasn't been getting to you with the pics of Marley. We're delighted with him he's part of the family loved by everyone. The boy just needed a chance with understanding people to allow him to develop and this seems to be us. He's grown so much and is learning the world and people are not out to get him haha!. We haven't had any bother with him at al in regards to previous comments :-D !!! He's now off the lead too when off road which is fantastic running with other dogs no problem. I've added a few pics for you that we've taken from taking Marley till now.
I will keep you updated,
Take care
Jenna , Fraser and Marley x Emoji
Jenna thanks so much for the update on " our " boy. So pleased he is doing so very well. We knew he didn't have a bad bone in his body and you have given him the best home ever, he looks so happy and content. Thank you and Fraser so much. Love the photo's. xx

Marley xx  Marley xx
Marley xx  Marley xx
Marley xx  Marley xx
Marley xx  Marley xx
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Baxter and Megan update.xx >>
Posted: 5th February 2014

Just received an update from "our" wee Baxter, so pleased to know he has settled in so well. Happy Days Baxter this is his beautiful sis, and you can see more pics of Tthem further down, wee man enjoy your new home, you so deserve it. Love getting updates xxx


Hi Ena and Frank,

It’s Baxter here.

Well my first week is nearly in at my new home with Liz and Steve and my new sister Megan. Liz says I’ve settled in well and am a lovely wee boy.

Me and Megan are getting lots of walks whether it’s rainy or not. Liz dries us when we get back with our special doggy towels but I take twice as long to dry because I play tuggy with the towel. Liz laughs and calls me a wee rascal.

I also keep emptying the toy box all over the floor. It’s great fun. Megan and I have a chair at the window where we keep watch and we also patrol the patio doors looking over the garden in case the squirrel tries to eat the bird food.

I’ve got into a nice routine with my new family and every night Liz and Steve watch TV and I get to snuggle up beside Liz. Life is good.

Please tell everyone at Second Chance that I am very grateful for all that they have done for me.

Take care and I’ll keep in touch.

Lots of love


Baxter and Megan update.xx  Baxter and Megan update.xx
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