Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Big Ben xx >>
Posted: 5th March 2014

Hi Ena
Just thought I'd ping you over a quick photo of the lovely Ben out on a walk yesterday. As you can see he was keeping a weather eye out for deer! Loving the longer lighter evenings coming in now. Ben is doing great, so so affectionate and very fit and sleek now (we've had to raise our garden fence due to his bouncing over the hedge the other day when some deer popped up in the field, thank goodness the sheep are away for the winter) hope we can pay you a visit soon as he says he misses the second chance sausages! We met another second chance dog on our walk the other day, a scruffy lurcher called Archie.
Hope you and Frank are doing well,
Lucy xx
Lucy thank you so much for the update on Ben, he looks so good, imagine meeting up with Archie he was just a puppy when he was adopted. xx

Big Ben xx
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Update on wee Baxter xx >>
Posted: 2nd March 2014

Hi Ena, Frank and all my Friends,

I had a big week last week and wanted to share it with you.

Firstly Liz gave me a bath in the kitchen sink with special shampoo. I wriggled a bit and tried to climb out but got shampooed anyway. Liz says I smell all lemony now. She also gave me a nice rub dry and a brush. Steve came home at night and said I looked fair handsome.

But the most exciting thing for me was getting off my lead on the old railway walk. It was early on Saturday morning and there was no-one about so Steve let me off my lead. I had great fun chasing Megan all over the place. I was a good we boy and came back when called and I only strayed on to the golf course twice. Steve called me and I came back straight away.

I had another lead free walk in the afternoon and again at night. The evening walk was even better because when Liz called me back she gave me a wee treat for being such a good boy. Megan and I both liked that a lot.

Baxter that's brilliant, so happy for you. All you needed was someone to understand and give you the love you so


Liz says I’m so cute and funny that I should be in a Disney film.


I hope you are all well and I’ll keep in touch.


Woofs and licks

Wee Baxter

Update on wee Baxter xx
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Breeze and Cole xx >>
Posted: 2nd March 2014

Look what Breeze and Cole ar up to today.


Aw they look so chilled out, you would think you had him forever xx

Breeze and Cole xx
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Cole & Friends.xx >>
Posted: 1st March 2014

You will remember Cole the Border Collie we had a couple weeks ago. Well here is an update !!

His mum says he is absolutely brilliant, such a good boy (except when he chewed the cable for her phone !!!)

This is him with Breeze and Bandit having great fun.

Thanks Elaine he looks very happy and settled xx

Also a big thanks to Jock for " rescuing Cole and brining him to us !!!

Cole & Friends.xx  Cole & Friends.xx
Cole & Friends.xx  Cole & Friends.xx
Cole & Friends.xx  Cole & Friends.xx
Cole & Friends.xx  Cole & Friends.xx
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Holly and Holly xx >>
Posted: 1st March 2014

This is an update on wee Holly and her new family.

Sally thank you so much for the update and the photo of you all.She certainly looks as if she is really enjoying life.It's really good and so so pleased "our" Holly has settled in so well. Your girl is just so lovely too xx.



Dear Ena,

Holly is settling in really well. This morning we went down to Tenstmuir and both Holly’s had a great time on the beach and in the sea. I’ve attached a photo of us all in the garden. What a lovely day it’s been and hopefully we will have lots more of these soon!

We have decided to call new Holly, Polly, as although they don’t seem to notice the difference, at least we know which dog we’re talking about!!

Thank you again for finding such a lovely girl for us to re-home,

Best wishes,

Sally & Mark


Holly and Holly xx
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Zippy and wee Friend xx >>
Posted: 28th February 2014

Zippy the Lurcher was adopted from here just over 9 years ago,what a lovely gentle big lad he is.His family though maybe he could do with a wee friend and look who he chose !! wee Layah they got on absolutely great had good fun here playing. Think both might sleeo for a wee while when they get home. xx

Zippy and wee Friend xx
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Sandy xx >>
Posted: 28th February 2014

Look who we met when we were coming out to come to the kennels, Sandy was rehomed about rthree years ago, and doen't see us very often, but he goets really excited when he see's us. You would think he wouldn't remember as he was only here for a very short time. Janet ( his mum ) says if we take the car and leave the ven at home he is right in at the van to see where we are, bless him. He gives the most beautiful smile too. Great to see you both xxx

Sandy xx
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Susie x >>
Posted: 27th February 2014

This is small dog's favourite position. When picks her up she wriggles back till she is like this as it is obviously really comfortable. Up dozing since 4.30 this morning. I think small just loves cuddling up on the couch. Hard going, especially as Poppy wants to run and jump and we have more than a month to go before she can. Worth it though as we adore them. Duncan is doing not too badly at the moment and his latest results were a bit better. Long may it last x
Lorraine thank you for the update on Susie she's a wee star ! as are Poppy, Duncan hope Fergus is doing ok as well. You've done so well with your guys. xx

Susie x
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Holly & Holly xx >>
Posted: 27th February 2014

This is me getting ready to set off to my new home, with mum and big sis Holly, we get on really well together, so I'm off to a lovely new life in the country. Love Holly x x

Holly & Holly xx
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Alfie (Lurcher ) >>
Posted: 26th February 2014

Hi it's me Alfie, i'm so excted this is me off to my new home, my family are really excited that i'm coming to live with them I have a big pal called Nala she is very pretty, her and I get on so well. So I'm a very happy chappy xx

Alfie  (Lurcher )
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Annie xx >>
Posted: 24th February 2014

Wee Annie came to visit today, she is a wee star, is loved to bits by her folks. I think their worl just revolves round her how good is that. xxx

Annie xx
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Cole going home xx >>
Posted: 24th February 2014

Well this is me getting ready to go to my new home, I have an older (spayed ) Border Collie girl for company and mum works from home. Loads of lovely walks on our doorstep so I think, no refrase that !! I know I am going to have such a wonderful life. Love Cole xx

Ps: Just wanted to thank Jock ( he knows who he is ) for bringing me to Second Chance and to all the lovely people who offered me a home, i know you will be disappointed, but there was only one of me. Love Cole xx

Cole going home xx
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Tess xx >>
Posted: 24th February 2014

Thanks Alistair wee Tess looks so happy and settled xx
Tess out for in the park on Saturday. She has a great time sniffing and chasing. If she could only climb the tree to get the squirrels!
I am sure she thinks she is a cat!

Tess xx  Tess xx
Tess xx   
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Poppy & Alfie xx >>
Posted: 23rd February 2014

Poppy and Alfie brought thier mum for a visit today, both looking great and as bouncy as ever, they are such good dogs and never forget us up here, maybe its the sausages LOL !! It was so good to see them all xx.

Poppy & Alfie xx
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Wee Pudsy x >>
Posted: 23rd February 2014

Hi Ena,
here's a pic. of Pudsey exactly a year since he adopted us, he goes for another hair cut on friday, finally coming out his shell a little.
regards John Jones
Hi John Thanks for the update on your wee lad.Imagine a year already, my mum used to say when you get older the years seem like weeks !!!! She wasn't wrong.
Pudsy is such a wee darling so cute, glad he's coming out of his shell a bit more xx

Wee Pudsy x
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Treacle ( was Teasel here ) >>
Posted: 23rd February 2014

A wee picture of Treacle at the park.. she loves her walks and especially likes it when people stop to talk to her.. everyone thinks she is adorable and she has made loads of new friends. it was cold today so she is wearing her fav jumper.. she has lots to choose from... also sending another pic of her in house wearing tratan coat getting ready to go walk... she has settled into her routine and her tail never stops waggin... she gets on great with alfie n tony.. she loves playing with her toys.. relaxing on sofa.. and she loves her food.. her fav food is raw tripe and chicken.. she defo a different dog n has put on some weight... we will pop up to see you very soon lots of love treacle n marianne.x.x.x

Thanks for the update.For a wee lass who was very timid when you adopted her,she looks amazing quite a different looking wee girl, so confident in her wee coats, bet she bosses the boys about !! Look forward to seeing you all soon Marianne xx

Treacle ( was Teasel here )  Treacle ( was Teasel here )
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Shadow xx >>
Posted: 21st February 2014

We had two visitors today,

Some of you may remember Shadow he was found in woods in the heat wave we had last year. He was dehydrated and had sores all over his body.

It was sooo lovely to see " our " Shadow and he looks so very well, coat gleaming and so silky soft now, thanks to all the love and care he gets from his mum Jinty. xxx

Ps: Still loves his tennis balls.

Shadow xx  Shadow xx
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Rusty x >>
Posted: 21st February 2014

Rusty is already settled in his new home. He was really well behaved in the car and has thoroughly enjoyed meeting the rest of the family ! He had a nice walk with Holly and Alex and then played 'fetch' in the front room. He's even managed a little bit of food.His tail never stops wagging and he sits on everyone's knee. You can already see that he's going to be a fantastic family dog. A great big thanks to you because the beginning of the week was so sad. See you soon when I return the harness. Take care . Hilary x
So pleased he has settled in so well, but we knew he would he is so friendly xx

Rusty x
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Rusty >>
Posted: 20th February 2014

Hi its me wee Rusty off to my new home, this is my mum who came to collect me, and the family are so excited at me coming to stay with them, hope they like cuddles though.They had a wee Second Chance girl before who very sadly went to Rainbow Bridge, but Ena says she will be happy they have "adopted " another wee one. Love Rusty xx.

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Wee Max xx >>
Posted: 20th February 2014

Message from wee lad's mum.

Max has settled in fine a great companion for me.He enjoys his walks and bosses the Wiemeraner around.

This wee lad Max is 12 years old and we were so so fortunate to find such a lovely home for him, to spend his retirement years in. Thank you xxx

Wee Max xx
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