Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Lucky xx >>
Posted: 14th May 2014

Colin and Lucky came for a visit today, happy visit tinged with sadness as Colin's beloved Karis has sadly gone to Rainbow Bridge, most of us know how hard that is.However Lucky is now 14 years old looking great, and still going for walks , and enjoying life but obviously missing her pal. Lovely to see myou both and thank you Colin for the very kind donation in memory of your lovely girl xx

Lucky xx  Lucky xx
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Bailey xx >>
Posted: 13th May 2014

Hi Ena

How are you? We were wondering if you would be around on the 7th of June we were going to pop down for a visit?
Bailey is still doing fab the wee star that he is and couldn't email without attaching some pics!

Love from all of us !

Hi Victoria,
Brilliant photo's as always just love them.
Thank you so very

Bailey xx  Bailey xx
Bailey xx  Bailey xx
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Scooby xx >>
Posted: 13th May 2014

This is Scooby getting ready to go home, he's such a wee character. his folks are delighted with him and he has settled in very well. xxx

Ps: think he must just have had a wee bit sausage, which is why he's licking his lips xx

Wee update on "our " boy x

Hiya from Scooby.
I have had three fab walks today and met Tracy next door and her friend Ann. Ann had some good tips about grooming. Tomorrow I am going to the Groom Room for a makeover and will make sure you get a photo of me looking handsome. There was thunder and lightning here and I was very scared but my mum gave me a cuddle and covered my ears. Dad is taking me for my tea time walk when the rain goes off. Mum and dad think I am a real sweetie. I am so tired out I will sleep tonight!
I met lots of dogs today and managed to get our leads tangled twice! Met a cat and fortunately it gave me a wide hearth.
Missing Alfie so give him a wee kiss from me.


Scooby xx
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Georgia xx >>
Posted: 11th May 2014

This is wee Georgia getting ready to set of to her new home, her family are lovely. Tammy her mum has just been pipped at the post for three dogs, but she says it was meant to be as she now has this gorgeous wee girl xx.

Georgia xx
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Coco xx >>
Posted: 9th May 2014

Good news for Coco, he has found himself a great home with a lovely family who already have a wee Second Chance girl Isla, who is gorgeous, they have had Isla since she was 7 weeks old, now nearly eight.She will be boss I'm quite sure. xx


Last four photo's have been sent by his new family " Coco on his first day" Brilliant so happy for them all, love the photo with him and the wee grandchild and the other wee dog is Isla who was adopted from us 8 yrs ago. xx

Next four pics are of their cousin Candy also a Second Chance wee girl, wee Charlie (sadly at Rainbow Bridge) is also in her photo's.

Coco xx  Coco xx
Coco xx  Coco xx
Coco xx  Coco xx
Coco xx  Coco xx
Coco xx  Coco xx
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Poppy xx >>
Posted: 9th May 2014

This is wee Poppy setting of to her new home,with a lovely family they already have Faith a Second Chance girlie. They have met and got on really well xx

Poppy xx
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Bandit xx >>
Posted: 7th May 2014

What a lovely surprise today "our gorgeous" Bandit brought his mum & dad for a visit. So good to see them all and Bandit looks amazing.we were very sorry to hear that sadly his wee pal has just gone to Rainbow Bridge so everyone is a bit lost at the moment.

Om a brighter note it was great to see them all, such a lovely family.Thanks Susan & Simon for all you did for us, really appreciated it. Happy Anniversary xxx

Bandit xx
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Beau xx >>
Posted: 6th May 2014

Hi Ena and Frank just sending a little update on how Beau is getting on. This little fella has brought us a lot of joy since we got him he is such a loving and fun dog to have and is very much a huge part of the family now. Never meet such an intelligent dog when he wants walkies he go's through to our kitchen and brings his leash and places it at our feet he also knows every saturday he gets a new toy (gos' through one a week because he loves to take the squeak out) so he waits at the door all excited trying to raid our bags lol. Took Beau to his first outing at the beach a few month back and he loved it, wasn't afraid of the water! Been taking him regularly since. x

Hi folks thank you so much for the update on the wee lad, he's looking great grown a bit too !! So pleased for you all, dig the pose though, one happy and contented wee lad xx.

Beau xx  Beau xx
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Charlie update xx >>
Posted: 6th May 2014

Dear Ena

Just an update to let you know that Charlie has settled in really well. Feels like he’s been with us forever. He’s so friendly and very obedient. He’s very much a daddy’s boy and follows Jim everywhere.

He and Jess are good friends and have been chasing frisbees in the park. I have attached a couple of photos from Sunday when we took Charlie and Jess along the riverside for a long walk. As you can see Charlie found a stick to carry!!!

Hope all well with you and thank you again for letting us share Charlie’s life.

Kind regards


Hi Sandra,

Thanks for the update on Charlie, he is special just like the other dogs you adopted from us, it gives us such peace of mind when it's people like yourselves who give another one of our residents a home, as we know what a brilliant life they are going to have. See our Jess in the background there it was great to see her and your mum on Saturday xx

Charlie update xx  Charlie update xx
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Morag xx >>
Posted: 6th May 2014

Morag and her mum came to visit today, Frank and I are sorry we missed her and her mum. Sarah took the photo though, Morag is looking great as is her mum LOL xx

Morag xx
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Buddy xx >>
Posted: 6th May 2014

Hi I'm Buddy never reached the web sitel and only did bed and breakfast here, Ena phoned a lovely couple who have adopted Second Chance boy's before. So them indoors know this is a brilliant home for me. Bob & Eil;een are in " love " with me already I think, so that's a very good start in my new life xxxx.

Hi... Love my new home Ena and Frank, I hope my sister finds a loving home soon..thank you for looking after me .. Will send you lots more photos.. Love Buddy.xxxxxx

Hi Buddy thanks for sending the update so quickly,You look well settled already hard to believe you've only been home a matter of hours !! again your folks are a lovely couple who have adopted before, so we know Buddy you will be in the best of hands xxx

Buddy xx  Buddy xx
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Bonny xx >>
Posted: 5th May 2014

Isla / David/Kiera & wee Adam and Bonnie came by for a visit today. it is about 10 years since Bonnie was adopted, she was a very timid wee lass while at the kennels, my memory is of her hiding behind her armchair in her wee room, with just her head peering out, bless her. However she wasn't good with children but since they arrived David and Isla didn't give up on her, they said it was more of a case training the children how to beghave around Bonnie.Now there is such a lovely bond between Bonnie and the wee ones it's great to see. They also adopted an older dog who was in kennels and his pal had died so good on them once again. Thank you very much for bringing her back for a visit and she still minded where the sausages were lol Xx

Bonny xx
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Maggie and Izzy xx >>
Posted: 4th May 2014

These two wee ones were very timid when the came into the kennels, but since they have been with Jim and his family they have come on so very well. Think having " our " Jack in his family has helped them tremendously. We are so very happy seein them so happy.Thanks once again to the McGregor family for adopting another two Second Chance girls. xx

Maggie and Izzy xx
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Polo xx >>
Posted: 3rd May 2014

Wee Polo with his mum getting ready to go home. Everyone is waiting patiently and very excited at home for him. xx

Polo xx
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Alfie ( brindle boy ) xx >>
Posted: 3rd May 2014

Alfie brought his mum and dad back for a visit today, lovely to see them all eh Ian !!!!, hahahah. alright Alec lol. xxx

Alfie ( brindle boy ) xx
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Rex xx >>
Posted: 2nd May 2014

Rex brought his folks for a visit today, he looks great has muscled up nicely with all the excercise he gets now. Very happy lad, like every Border Collie we know loves a tennis ball !! however his folks are looking for a smaller dog to adopt as well. Watch this space lol ! xx

Rex xx
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Max xx >>
Posted: 2nd May 2014

Well Max has gone to his new home, he is assured of a very warm welcome as Tina / Ronnie / Liam & Lucy adopted Sadie from us 15 years ago,very sadly Sadie has gone over to Rainbow Bridge. We are so grateful she had a long happy life with her lovely family, who now feel ready to welcome another wee Second Chance dog into their home, Max was the lucky one this time. xxx

Max xx
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Humphrey xx >>
Posted: 2nd May 2014

Hi Ena and Frank,
Here is Humphrey at 18 months. He was in disgrace having eaten the bucket handle!
He is doing really well and is loved to bits.
We hope his brothers and sisters are all fit and well
He is such a bundle of joy and a full of life. We are still 'fighting' over the couch but I know he will win because my husband melts when he gives him the sad puppy eyes.
We will always be grateful to you and Frank for giving him a great start in life and then allowing him to be part of my family. He looks fantastic and we will pop over one day to show him off.
Have a great day,
Thanks Alison love the photo, butter wouldn't melt springs to mind LOL XX

Humphrey xx
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Charlie xx >>
Posted: 1st May 2014

Charlie getting ready to go his new home, this family are now on their fourth dog from us. Sadly wee Jess is the only one still with them. She and Charlie got on so very well. We know he will be absolutely fine. xx

Thanks to everyone who called offering him a home. He was a very lucky lad, to have so much interest.x

Charlie xx
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Winston / Margaret xx >>
Posted: 29th April 2014

Wee Winston back for a visit he too is doing fine.This is Winston with his special toy. Looks so well and it was lovely to see them xx.

Winston / Margaret xx  Winston / Margaret xx
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