Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Tiny's new Family xx >>
Posted: 15th July 2014

Great day at the kennels today "our" wee Tiny now has a fabulous home, with Pauline, Craig, Charlie & Millie. He has gone in and settled so very well LOVES the children,and has lost even more weight !! he just needed a family who would love him, and he's given it back to them ten fold.So pleased for them all. Don't they look so happy in this photo, look at thesmile on Tiny's wee face one very happy chappie. x Thanks so much guys xxx.

Tiny's new Family xx
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Jack & Mylo xx >>
Posted: 14th July 2014

Hi Ena
Thought you might like a wee update on our boys, Jack and Mylo. Such different dogs but both fabulous.
It's almost two years since we adopted Jack but we feel as if he's always been part of our family. What a lovely and loving boy he is (although he'd win medals for hunting out poo on our walks!)
It's almost a year since we adopted Mylo and it's taken him quite a while to relax into our family but he's just hilarious. There is never a dull moment when he's around and he's even got Jack to come out of his shell.
They chase each other, play tugging games with their towels and toys, and generally fill our home with mayhem and we wouldn't be without them.
I've attached a few photos.
Best wishes

Thank you so much for the update on your " Boy's " Dawn really appreciate them and it's so good to see and hear they are so happy xx

Jack & Mylo xx  Jack & Mylo xx
Jack & Mylo xx  Jack & Mylo xx
Jack & Mylo xx   
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Judy and Daisy xx. >>
Posted: 14th July 2014

Hi Aunt Ena, it's us again! What a day! We've had our first bath! I have to say we behaved really well and we smell just Great! Afterwards we just lay around in the sun waiting for our sausages ...Yummy! Mum says she can't sleep for our snoring, but we don't hear anything, anyway, she's got room to talk! We were out for tea yesterday in Falkland and kinda behaved ourselves? Mum says Hello!
Licks & kisses xx
hanks for the update girls, who's the computer whizz kid then !! you two have certainly made yourselves at home, so pleased for you all xxx

Judy and Daisy xx.
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Tess xx >>
Posted: 13th July 2014

Tess and her folks came by for a visit yesterday unfortunately Frank and myself missed seeing her. She is look well and is a very happy wee dog now xx

Tess xx
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Summer xx >>
Posted: 13th July 2014

This is Sumer getting ready to set of for a new life with Bruno a chocolate labrador.She will love playing around in her big garden with him.Her folks are just lovely xx

Summer xx
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Update Penny Chihuahua xx >>
Posted: 12th July 2014

Hi Ena,

We have just arrived at doggy heaven for the next 2 weeks. Completely enclosed walk and play areas, wow!. Penny loves being off lead, she is learning how to be a real dog, amazing difference in 2 weeks. Picture of her now looking really stressed ha ha x

Margaret thanks for the update there was me saying she might not play with Charley, she certainly looks tuckered out now, so happy for you all. Enjoy your holiday xx

Update Penny Chihuahua xx
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Pooch and Darcey xx >>
Posted: 11th July 2014

What a love surprise today wee Pooch brought his very happy family including Darcey the Cavalier, back to visit and they brought lots of goodies and not only for the dogs, thank you guys much appreciated. Pooch is such a happy wee lad who is looking so well and who is obviously loved very much. Thank you all so much xx

Pooch and Darcey xx
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Fudge xx >>
Posted: 10th July 2014

This wee lass has so landed on all four paws, Fudge never reached the web site Margaret came up the other day and just totally lost her heart to the wee girl. Fudge has never been on a lead or been in a house so everything is very strange to her. She will need to be treated as if she were a puppy again and take things step at a time.She will get all this with Margaret and Flick xxx

Fudge's first day and night, thank you xx

Hi Ena and Frank,

This is me in my new garden fifty mins after leaving you. Have not
eaten much, and did not go to the loo, but after a long and curious
and couriouser day I slept in my new bed in the bedroom with my
blanket. I was very good and lay wearily all night. Up at eight and
went to the garden and toilet, aren’t I clever!
So much to investigate, I even managed a growl at Sammy starling, but
okay now as so many birds around. The world is a truly wonderful new
experience, so my love and heartfelt thanks for getting me a new life,
see you soon.
Love Fudge Nelson-Greenfields.
Thanks too from my co-owners Margaret and Flick.
PS. We all hope Fern will be placed in a lovely home soon. I am
sending you some photos, one is from the kennels on Tuesday, the other
50 mins after arrival, beside fence and another in my bed 30 mins ago,
and of me exploring my new garden and relaxing in the sun

Fudge xx  Fudge xx
Fudge xx  Fudge xx
Fudge xx  Fudge xx
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Milly xx >>
Posted: 10th July 2014

Maureen & Brian came to visit today with Milly their lovely Labrador, what a shame felt sorry for them, the journey that should have taken just over an hour took them 21/2 hours due to all the road closures ect for T in the Park !! However it was lovely to see them and the brought lots of items for the thrift shop in August. Milly is looking great her folks just adore her. xxx

Milly xx
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Judy and Daisy xx. >>
Posted: 9th July 2014

This is us getting ready to go home,our folks are so delighted with us and we have a knee each how good is that. It's great that we have been kept together too. We would both like to thank auntie Sandra (Dapper Dogs ) who comes along and grooms any dog who needs it.She's a wee star Ena & Frank say.So must go we've been promised a lovely walk. Love Judy and Daisy xx.

Day 1 with our new Mum & Dad! After a good night sleep, where we slept in their own beds with no hassle at all. We got out about 8am, afterwards we bounded upstairs and ensconced themselves on Mum's bed. We almost licked her to death. DAd made tea & toast and brought it upstairs. Laying it on his bedside table, he went looking for the newspaper. Two minutes later he returned and asked where his toast had gone! I was good, but One look at Daisy, and they knew..... She'd scoffed the lot! What a hungry Horace she is! Later on were taken to get fitted for our harnesses. We were very well behaved in the car, but Daisy brought the walls down with her barking in the pet shop. There were a lot of big dogs, who weren't even looking at her, but she was probably nervous. Home for tea, and probably a walk with the new harnesses before bed. So far, so good! We're really happy and just love our garden! Will keep you posted Aunty Ena & Uncle Frank. Licks & Kisses. Xxx
Linda thank you so much for the update. XX For Judy & Daisy, who sound like their having fun !!

Judy and Daisy xx.  Judy and Daisy xx.
Judy and Daisy xx.  Judy and Daisy xx.
Judy and Daisy xx.   
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Honey ( was Rhum ) >>
Posted: 9th July 2014

Hi folks I never reached the website,well I wasn't supposed to, Ena and Frank were meant to be adopting me,even wee Alfie liked me.

Then Ena got a very sad phone call on Monday morning wee Susie the tiny Yorkie has gone to Rainbow Bridge, Mandy and Jim adopted Susie when she was about 11yrs old, she was such a needy wee soul but she got everything she needed and more with this lovely couple. Sadly they only had her for about two years but what a wonderful two years it was for Susie.They are heartbroken at her passing, RIP Susie xx

They can't stand the house without a wee four legged friend.So now its my turn to be spoiled. I will have a wonderful life and stay near the beach now. Love Honey ( my new name ) xxx

Honey ( was Rhum )
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Judy & Daisy xx >>
Posted: 9th July 2014

Hi folks well this is us getting ready to go to our new home, our folks are absolutely thrilled to welcome us into their family. We would like to thank Sandra ( Dapper Dogs ) who came along on Sunday and groomed us, we look so beautiful mum couldn't believe how gorgeous we are.Love Judy and Daisy xx.

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Scooby Update !!! >>
Posted: 7th July 2014

Hi Ena & Frank
Just thought I would drop you a wee line to say thank you very much for bringing me to my new home! It's great here lots of room for me to run my energy off. I thought I would give you some picture of my fantastic day with the Porters!
This is my big sisters Jordyn & Imogen
Me and mum me and dad and me and gran and wee Snoop. I have settled in really well, Ena says she'll put the photo she took with me and my new family up tomorrow. Love Scooby xx

Scooby Update !!!  Scooby Update !!!
Scooby Update !!!  Scooby Update !!!
Scooby Update !!!  Scooby Update !!!
Scooby Update !!!  Scooby Update !!!
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Molly. Three years on xx >>
Posted: 6th July 2014

Molly brought her mum back for a visit, she is looking really good, her brother Peanut was up to see us a few weeks ago. It is so good to see them, but there are still four more to go folks !!! xx

Molly. Three years on xx
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Oscar xx >>
Posted: 6th July 2014

Surprise visit from Oscar as well, this young man had two homes from here,before he found his forever one. He is so well loved now and obviously adored, he came in when Jet was here and they got on so well together. Oscar came back from two homes as he didn't get on with othr dogs ect !! Just goes to show what patience time and love can do. Thank you so much for giving " our " Oscar the caring loving home he needed. xx

Oscar xx  Oscar xx
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Jet Doodle pup. >>
Posted: 6th July 2014

vistors arrived today and it was wee !!!! Jet the Labradoodle puppy who was adopted a year ago. He is huge !! but obviosly loved to bits, while his family were visiting Oscar arrived with his folks and the dogs got on so well it was great to see them both. xx Pic of Jet and his family and one with Oscar xx

Jet Doodle pup.  Jet Doodle pup.
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Jess.xx >>
Posted: 3rd July 2014

Thought you might like to see Jess relaxing in the garden! She must be nearly 10 now and had to have 4 teeth out but she is still as lively as ever!
Hi Fiona,
Thank you for the update on Jess,she looks well happy xx

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Sandy xx >>
Posted: 2nd July 2014

We had a visitor the other day lovely to see them, he is 10 now was just a wee pup when he was adopted nby Fiona * Bill, here he is with his mum, he is a bit sad now as his two pals have sadly gone to Rainbow Bridge and he is missing their companyg. So might be looking for another friend to keep him company.xx

Sandy xx
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Skye & Blue xx >>
Posted: 2nd July 2014

These two wee girls arrived at the kennels last Thursday, we have been so busy never got round to putting their photo's on Homeless Hounds. We are so pleased and delighted for them. The ladies came on Monday totally fell in love with them, we did the home visit yesterday, they came back this morning for their " girls " so thats them gone off to a lovely home in the country. As you can see they sit down and the girls were right there on ytheir knee. xx

Skye & Blue xx
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Charlie xx >>
Posted: 29th June 2014

Hi there,
Just wanted to update you on Charlie, I adopted him roughly 2002/3 and he's been with me and Becks (our other k9 companion) ever since. He's still a lively lad despite his advancing years and we live in Northern Ireland now, with the beach on our door step. He loves nothing more than swimming and sunbathing as you can see from his photos.
He is one of the best things in my life and I love him very much.
Thanks to Second Chance Kennels for uniting us.
Sharon, Charlie and Becks xxx
Talk about a blast from the past this wee lad was adopted from us on 20/10/2003 he was only 12 weeks old. Hehas grown into quite a big handsome lad x

It's so lovely of his mum getting in touch to update especially as she is across the Irish sea now, with her " boys " thank you Sharon it means a lot xx

Charlie xx  Charlie xx
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