Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Chester xx >>
Posted: 11th April 2015

Well this is another one of our gorgeous puppies off to start his new life with such a lovely family XX

Chester xx
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Lucy xx >>
Posted: 8th April 2015

This is one of the wee girls now off to pastures new, we have been so fortunate and found wonderful homes for all our puppies. This wee one is Lucy xx

Lucy xx
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Albert xx >>
Posted: 8th April 2015

This is another of the wee one's off to his new home, like the others he has bagged himself a brilliant home, and now goes by the name of Albert xx

Albert xx
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Wee Lucy xx >>
Posted: 8th April 2015

Hi Ena,
many thanks for our new puppy!

We collected her yesterday and after a long whine in the car she has settled nicely into our home.
The staff were very helpful and friendly so pass on my thanks for everything.

I've attached a few images I grabbed in the garden yesterday. Feel free to use them for internet stuff if you want.
Cheers again
Ian Potter
Hi Ian thank you so much for the photos's of Lucy how cute is she, glad she is settling in well,yet another happy ending xx


Wee Lucy xx  Wee Lucy xx
Wee Lucy xx  Wee Lucy xx
Wee Lucy xx  Wee Lucy xx
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Ciaro xx >>
Posted: 8th April 2015

Hi Ena and gang hope all is well?

Ciaro would like to update you on her progress.

Since my mum adopted me she spends time everyday teaching me something new, although i may take a little while to get it, i eventually do and mum is so proud. Mum and me often go out with my very own Pack, which consists of Mira the husky malmute she is my bestest friend and a few months younger than me so we bounce around and play all the time, jack the fox red lab he is a great buddy and is the bestest at playing fetch, and Harvey the bullmastif who is really a big marshmallow even though he is the biggest.

We often go along to loch leven or other really long walks to play games together or just socialise i love it, it gets all my energy out, mums getting slower and slower at keeping up with me now as she carries my mini human in her stomach not long now 11 weeks until my mini human arrives and i cannot wait!

I had a bit of an accident a few weeks ago me and my pack came across a funny looking creature in some still water (at stenton pond woodland walk) and i thought it was a toy and licked wasnt a toy and it made me very sick, mummy rushed me to the vet where they took great care of me and told me that toads are not toys and are infact posionus to us 4 legged animals so me and mummy both learned something that day (note to all other packs out there stay away from toads!)

Here are some snaps of me and my pack in action lots of love Ciaro (10 month old white staffy x collie) x

Dani thank you very much for this, loving the photo's great to hear how well she is doing xx

Ciaro xx  Ciaro xx
Ciaro xx  Ciaro xx
Ciaro xx  Ciaro xx
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Korkie the Yorkie xx >>
Posted: 8th April 2015

Korkie and his folks were back for a wee visit, he's looking great, always lovely to see them. xx

Korkie the Yorkie xx
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Maisey xx >>
Posted: 8th April 2015

Hi my friend was in today regarding a puppy for her daughter and was telling you about our beautiful girl , we were very lucky to get from you 13 1/2 years ago, she is our whole world and my family has been all the better for having her in it, she has a wonderful happy life, everyone that's knows her love's her, thank you again ena for giving her to us x

Elaine thank you so much for the update love hearing news and getting photo's of our past residents. Maisey is lovely xx

Your friend was telling us all about her and her daughter and family are adopting one of our puppies lovely family x.

Maisey xx
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Corrie and Chickens xx >>
Posted: 7th April 2015

Dear Ena -
Corrie has settled in fantastically. She is such a great dog! She’s slept 11pm – 6.30am both nights so far, and had only a few accidents inside (very helped by the amazing weather)! After initially trying to chase the chickens she’s settled down and they’re all quite respectful of each other now (picture attached).
Thank you again for such a little sweetheart..
The Bartletts
Thanks you so very much for the photo, great to hear she has settled in so well xx.

Corrie and Chickens xx
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Lizzy xx >>
Posted: 6th April 2015

Another lucky wee puppy, this is Lizzy, who also now has a brilliant home.

Don't know how I missed putting this on she has been away since Saturday lol xx

Lizzy xx
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Bobby and Max going home xx >>
Posted: 4th April 2015

What a very happy ending for these wee guys and their mum,so pleased for them all.xx

Bobby and Max going home xx
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Corrie xx >>
Posted: 4th April 2015

This is Corrie with her family getting ready to go home,there's already a photo on our Fb Forum of Corrie at home, lovely to see, she like her siblings is going to have a wonderful life.xx

Corrie xx
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Fibi xx >>
Posted: 4th April 2015

This is wee Fibi getting ready to go off to her lovely new home, she has a lovely Golden Retriever waiting for her at home. Bet her dad can't wait to get home too see her. xx

Fibi xx
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Orial xx >>
Posted: 3rd April 2015

Well this is the first of our puppies off to her new home, and she has Shandy a lovely Lab as a pal. The boys were so excited as was mum and dad. Heather and Marc have adopted from us before. Think Biff and Tess would be very happy you have taken another wee one into your home where they were so well loved. xx

Orial xx
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Chad Agility Star xx >>
Posted: 30th March 2015

This is Chad he was adopted as a very young pup, who hated children. Well did he fall on all four paws or what. He has such a wonderful home and is doing very well he even loves children now.His folk especially his dad has put so much time and effort into him he is such a well adjusted lad now.Oh can you tell I love him to bits as well.This is his Agility Certificates. Bronze / Siver /Gold Well done Chad xxx

Chad Agility Star xx  Chad Agility Star xx
Chad Agility Star xx  Chad Agility Star xx
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Connie and wee friend. xx >>
Posted: 28th March 2015

Lovely surprise today Connie came with her folks and wee friend for a visit. Connie was such a timid wee lass when she was here but has come on so well, her family stay in the country and have pet sheep and horses and guess who knows the time they are brought in ect: Yep you've guessed Connie she is so happy she now has a job to do.Thanks for bringing Connie and her wee friend who is also gorgeous for a visit.Lovely to see them all xx Put two pics up because the dogs weren't both looking on the same one lol x

Connie and wee friend. xx  Connie and wee friend. xx
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Benny & Charlie xx >>
Posted: 27th March 2015

Very happy ending to wee Benny's story. He has gone to stay with Ann and Dave who already have "our " Charlie, brilliant home. The two of them get on like a house on fire. Benny has gone home and settled right in as if he had always lived with them. xx

Benny & Charlie xx
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Janek xx >>
Posted: 24th March 2015

Janek's first time down the beach he loved it at first I couldn't get him in the water but by the time we was going home we couldn't get him out it.... 💖 thought u would like these pics xxx

Liana thanks for these pics, so good to see him out enjoying himself xx

Janek xx  Janek xx
Janek xx  Janek xx
Janek xx  Janek xx
Janek xx  Janek xx
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Alfie xx >>
Posted: 24th March 2015

Hi Guys Alfie very settled enjoying the country life. Eating ok now.All well.Love Sandra.xxxxx
Super news Sandra thanks so much for the update on Alfie. He certainly looks like he's enjoying country life xx

Alfie xx  Alfie xx
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Mika going Home xx >>
Posted: 24th March 2015

This wee lass has waited a wee while to find her " Forever Home" but the wait paid off, she now has a wonderful home, Mika has settled in very well so everyone is happy for her.Bit of a wrench letting her go after all this time but so worth it xx

Mika going Home xx
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Izzy xx >>
Posted: 23rd March 2015

Thanks for the update on Izzy Bob, has she made herself at home or what lol xx

Izzy xx
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