Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Banjo >>
Posted: 24th February 2006

Hi ena

don't know if you remember banjo as I know you have a lot of dogs coming through. I've attache some photos of him for you to see. They are all action shots as he just won't sit down long enough to take a pretty picture. He's still as wonderful as ever, and I'm so so so glad he came home with us. Can you also credit since having him I've went from a size 16 to size 12 (and even 12's are getting a little bit slack) just from walking him and actually not sitting on my bum all the time. I don't know what I'd do without him now, and the amount of friends we have both made is unbelievable he has a better social life than us and we tend to organise things so he can meet up with his buddies to play.

The cats are still being funny with him, but I hope and pray with extra work they'll grow to love him as much as Andy and I do.

Anyway just thought I'd send them over for you to have a wee look. the other dogs are banjo's girlfriend Molly the white spaniel and one of his other doggy friend's barny (who's also a rescue dog).

Banjo  Banjo
Banjo  Banjo
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Jake >>
Posted: 24th February 2006

This is Jake off to his new home with Molly who was also a second chance dog, she went out last February. She has such a brilliant home, that it is so nice that Jake also has found his " forever " home.

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Piper >>
Posted: 24th February 2006

They say that the best things come to those that wait.

The best things come in small packages.

Hey they are right.

Piper is all that we were told and more, thanks for making us all happy.

The wee man has settled and we are all very pleased

The Somerville's.

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Tim >>
Posted: 18th February 2006

Hi folks! Some people may not recognise me cause I never got a chance on Homeless Hounds. I came in a few weeks back and I was the skinniest rottie the girls at the kennels had ever seen. I'd been kept on an allotment with just enough food to keep me alive. Thankfully I made me way to second chance kennels and they spoiled me rotten so that I look the way I do now (see piccies below).

Anyway, Ena & Mhairi took me to my new home today, we left the kennels at 9-45am and it took us until 12-45pm to get to my new home. Anyway here I am you should see the amount of fields and woods I have to play in and there will be loads of lovely walks. I have Gypsy a German Shepherd girl as my sister (she was also a rescue doggy) we had such fun in the field this afternoon, we are no where near roads, it is just heaven. I have still to meet the pussy cat though so that might be a bit scary but mum & dad says I'll be fine.

There is a photo of me stopped of for a "wee" walk, and then me chilling out on the floor (who says have I made myself at home!). Then there is me with my lovely new family.

Lots of love,

Tim xxxx.

P.S. You can see some more piccies of me below with Shelley, who also has a nice new home.

P.P.S. There have been a few more photos added below of me relaxing in my new home, it's a hard life, eh!

Tim  Tim
Tim  Tim
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Shelley >>
Posted: 18th February 2006

This is "Our" Shelley with her new mum and dad, Tanya and Martin. They are totally smitten with her and she with them. She has really landed on all four paws!

P.S. The other two pics are of me when I was still at the kennels with Tim (who also has a lovely new home). We never got a chance to be on homeless hounds so Ena thought she would put our piccies here instead! (I'm on the right) Shelley xx

Shelley  Shelley
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Breagh >>
Posted: 12th February 2006

Hi, breagh here, how lovely am i now. mum says she had forgotten how much trouble pups are but dont worry i remind her everyday. Al says hi we get on great now we play a lot and it must be good for him he is getting his figure back. mum says she will bring me to see you soon.

love breagh.

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Jake >>
Posted: 12th February 2006

This is Jake who was rehomed from here as a puppy. As you can see, he is well settled in his new home!

Jake  Jake
Jake  Jake
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Hamish >>
Posted: 6th February 2006

This is Hamish, one of the wee sextuplets settling into his new home. This is what his new "Mum" says:

Here is Hamish meeting Guinness for the first time and playing etc.

He's doing great - and seems to be quite at home already.

I'll get a group one and send it soon,

Love from Hamish and the Clarks

Hamish  Hamish
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Bracken >>
Posted: 6th February 2006

This is Bracken who went out as a puppy about ten months ago, back for a visit with his lovely family who totally adore him. He has grown into a super wee lad.

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Frodo >>
Posted: 6th February 2006

This is the wee five month old Spaniel boy, who never reached the kennels far less the web site! Used to be Oscar is now Frodo. There are chickens at his new home and he just doesn't know what to make of them. This is him in his new home with his big "sister" Freya, isn't she lovely! I'm sure she won't be long in teaching him the ropes.

P.S. There has been a new photo added, it's of me and my big sister enjoying the view.

Frodo  Frodo
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Taz >>
Posted: 6th February 2006

This is the lovely Taz getting ready for the off with her family who just totally fell in love with her! She also has a big sister Jess a Staffy/Lab mix to keep her in check.

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Lucy the Dachshund >>
Posted: 6th February 2006

Dear Ena,

We thought we should give you a bit of an update on how Lucy has been doing since she moved in with us. Quite simply she's been a real little star and even people who don't like dogs seem to be totally charmed. Some pictures from Christmas are below...

We've noticed that her character has really started to emerge now that we've got to know one another. Lucy loves being made a fuss of and will come to tell you when she wants attention. Usually she's happiest curled up next to someone which is where she is right now. Sleep and a warm blanket seem to be very important to Lucy since she sleeps a lot of the day. First thing in the morning, Lucy usually needs to be coaxed out for a quick 'relief walk'. Quite often she'll run (yes, run!) back to the stair door so she can get back to bed.

As you probably noticed when she was staying with you, Lucy really loves meeting people, children especially. On the other hand, she's still getting used to other dogs and usually another dog is fair game for barking.

Food in general isn't really a problem now. We've discovered she's got a taste for rawhide chews, pig's ears, filled hooves and cod liver oil. Basically if it looks or smells horrible she'll devour it. She also adores Quorn sausages, sliced ham and pretty much anything we happen to like.

Playing games is also becoming a favourite thing to do. By accident we discovered she loves squeaky toys, though any game with a squeaky toy involves digging holes. She's a bit confused/frustrated she can't get through her blankets! We've learnt how to play fetch (squeaky toys bounce really well) and even tug-o-war games.

House-training has come on a lot, due to regular walks (every 2 or 3 hours) and to help prevent accidents we found an American company who make incontinence pants for dogs (Simple Solutions, you get them from a company called Pet Planet in Livingston). Lucy seems to have no problem with wearing them (I suppose they're nice and warm). We also converted a big camera bag into a 'doggy-bag' for bus journeys, going on longer walks and for getting up and down the stairs. Since it's padded and quite firm, the bag's the ideal thing for her.

At the vet's she's been a little star and does exactly what's required. Our vet is very much a fan and she's now taking medication and supplements to help with her back problem, which is probably arthritis. To get her to take these we've resorted to feeding her sardines since she's still a wee bit picky about actual dog food. Handily Lucy likes the James Wellbeloved dog kibble so we know she's eating everything she needs.

Going out in cars and on buses has dramatically improved. After we first got Lucy, she really hated bus journeys but now she's really quite happy. Car journeys are still a bit hit and miss but she's a lot better than she was a few months ago. We've taken her as far as Glasgow and back. We're hopeful she'll get the idea that going to sleep is the best way to deal with it or that the car isn't a bad thing.

Best wishes and hope things are well with everyone at Second Chance.

Gareth and Susan.

Lucy the Dachshund  Lucy the Dachshund
Lucy the Dachshund   
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Rosie and Lennox >>
Posted: 31st January 2006

Rosie and Lennox were rehomed together and went to live with their new Dad in Dundee.

Mhairi went to visit them just recently, don't they look good and Lennox obviously adores his dad (they both do), but just the look on his face watching his dad.

Rosie and Lennox
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Molly and Bailey >>
Posted: 31st January 2006

Hello Ena and Frank

We hope you are all well. Enclosed are some photos of Molly and Bailey taken on Christmas day. As you can see Bailey was most impressed with his new blanket made of paper and was really indignant when we cleared it away and swapped it for his stocking. Molly appears to be saying 'nice pressie Mum, Now how do I get in to it'?
The two dogs are very close and it is hard to believe that they have only been together now for 8 months. Many visitors think they have been together all of their lives.

We hope to get up to see you in the near future.

Yvonne and Andrew

ps Bailey sends his love to Phyllis and Christian.

Molly and Bailey  Molly and Bailey
Molly and Bailey  Molly and Bailey
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Hugo >>
Posted: 28th January 2006

Happy happy story today!

This is Hugo who was rehomed from here last year, sadly he turned out to be the dog from hell, Chasing joggers and the last straw was he turned on this wee girl (in picture) his dad phoned asking us for help. But if John and his family couldn't help him we didn't know who could, as John has been around Springers all his life.

Well I went to the gate today and this is who was at the gate Hugo and his family. I was so pleased to see them all and Hugo is now impeccably behaved. This made my day/week/year!

I would like to thank them for taking the time to work through things with their boy, if only every dog had such committed owners.

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Ben and Trixie >>
Posted: 28th January 2006

Hi Ena,

Hope you had a good New Year. I met Tam and Trixie yesterday on their walk and I just happened to have my camera so I thought aunty Ena would like a photo of two lovely dogs.

Trixie is doing just fine and is very protective of Tam and his family or "her" family I should say and Ben is his usual wonderful self, making us happy each and every day. It's two years on Tuesday since he came into our lives Ena. Can you believe that? I certainly cant. I'm just telling Ben that and he's looking at me with his head cocked and ears forward if you know what I mean. We're going to the beach tomorrow so he's looking forward to that.Absolutely loves running on the sand and swimmimg as all labs do.

Bye for now
Ben and Angus

Ben and Trixie
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Jake >>
Posted: 28th January 2006

This young fella has been in his home for a few years now and is really a part of the family, just like the other happy hounds he has fallen on all four paws. Here's what his "Mum" says:

Jake is fantastic with aaron, aaron loves him to bits, we took jake to the vets and aaron was screaming when the vet touched him. I have enclosed a picture for the happy hounds page.

kisses from jake xxxxx

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Buster >>
Posted: 26th January 2006

This is Buster back for a visit.

Isn't he looking so good! He is so happy, as are his proud Mum & Dad, as you can see!

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Tia >>
Posted: 26th January 2006

This is Tia back with her mum & dad for a visit.

Don't they all look so happy together!

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Mylo >>
Posted: 24th January 2006

Hello Ena,

We are just in from a very muddy walk in East Lothian and thought you would like a Mylo update. Most of the attached photos were taken on the walk and some last night playing with his ball. He is growing fast and developing lots of confidence. He is also perfecting the "cheeky collie grin" which works a treat to woo the ladies when out walking !
Hope to pop over soon to Fife and let Mylo give you one of his "grins"

Mylo  Mylo
Mylo  Mylo
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