Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Robbie >>
Posted: 13th December 2006

This is Robbie who has so landed on all four paws and never even spent a night in the kennels.

His new mum & dad are totally besotted with him, well who wouldn't be he's an absolute darling!

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Bruce >>
Posted: 13th December 2006

This is wee Bruce (he was called Sam) back for a visit! He's definitely going to be a big lad, and is adored by all his family.

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Bonnie >>
Posted: 13th December 2006

This is Bonnie the Rottie (she came to us from Rochdale via WAW) with her brother Harvey.

Don't they look good! Bonnie looks like she "belongs" to a family now, and is so happy!

Bonnie  Bonnie
Bonnie  Bonnie
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Sasha >>
Posted: 13th December 2006

woof woof auntie ena and gang

This is some new piccies my mummy took of me with kirsten and my new auntie helen and uncle lenny, they think i'm a cool dude and if mummy does'nt watch out i overheard them say they will kidnap me ohhhh no!!! but i think they were just kidding.....well i hope so. I think buffy is still bit scared of me but we did rub noses together one day and then i got excited and i think i scared her she will learn i only want to be freinds with her.

Hope you are not missing me too much, as i've made so many new friends here we go over the park and there is sam, digger and of course logan i love running about playing with them between you and me i think i tire them out but it's great fun. I better go now think i hear mummy rattling my lead YEAAAAHHHH!!!! walkies again.

See you soon be good.

Byee Sasha, Buffy, Mummy & Kirsten

Sasha  Sasha
Sasha  Sasha
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Mikey >>
Posted: 2nd December 2006

Dear Folks,

Well here I am safe and sound in my new home on the lovely Isle of Man. I thought you might like to see some picture's of me so here we go (I asked my gran Mary to send them to you all and she very kindly said yes). There is one of me on my new grandpa Phil's knee, a couple with my new dad Mark, and guess what!!!!!!! they are teaching me to drive!!!!! here I am in the car with Brittany my new sister!!!!!! (I love her she is so good to me) also there is one of dad taking me for a walk in the GROUNDS of the big house where I live (lucky me).

I would like to say a BIG thank you to you all for your care and attention to me whilst I was with you (keep up the good work) and I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Bye for now, from a very well loved little chap.

Mikey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mikey  Mikey
Mikey  Mikey
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Hamish >>
Posted: 2nd December 2006

This is Hamish the westie looking very happy with his new family, who are delighted he has gone to live with them.

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Rocky >>
Posted: 2nd December 2006

This is Rocky, he never reached the web site. He is a seven months old adorable multi pedigree who loves everyone, this is him with his very excited mum and big "sis"

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TJ >>
Posted: 2nd December 2006

Well it was kisses all round when TJ was getting ready to set off to his new home, the first pic is him with his mum and big "sis" he also has a canine big sis in the form of Morgan a lovely Dalmatian girl (who is spayed). The whole family are so excited to have him join their family.

The other pics are of TJ in his new home. Here is the message TJ sent us:


Here are some of my favourite pictures. As you can see I'm having loads of fun with my new friend Morgan, and i've sneeked in a few of me posing and keeping cosy. I'm really having a fantastic time in my new home, getting on well with everybody.

TJ x

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Bryn (was Fluke) >>
Posted: 26th November 2006

This is Fluke who was one of the wee Spaniel/Collie mix pups, due to illness his family find they can no longer give him the time he needs and they are all devastated at having to part with him. Good news for Fluke though he never reached the web site and now has a lovely new mum. Hopefully his family will be happy to know he never spent a night in the kennels, and they have done such a wonderful job with him, he is such a lovely well adjusted puppy.

This is the message his new Mum sent us:

This is the latest member of my family. His name was Fluke but I think I will be changing it to Bryn which means "hill" in gaelic and "beloved/friend" in welsh.

He is 4 and 1/2 months and full of beans. He is half springer spaniel and half bearded collie and loves to play. Bear and Hamish will take a wee bit to adjust but as Bryn has lived with cats before I'm sure all will settle in.

nd this is what Bryn (aka Fluke) says himself:

Hello Auntie Ena, Auntie Mhairi and Uncle Frank,

Well my first offical day in my new home as been quite adventurous. I had a good nosy round the garden first thing this morning whilst my mum sent a few emails. Then we want for a long walk in the fields by my new house. Once we were far enough away from the main roads my mum took me off the lead to test my obedience skills. I was very good I must say. I stopped and stayed and sat and came back to mum when she asked. I was given some wee treats from my goodie bag for doing all these things. Then I got to run and run and run in a field. I was trying to catch mum and when I got her I would attack her boot laces. It was pretty funny. I think mum got muckier then I did. (tee hee) On the way back home I made sure I hit every puddle I could find, being the water baby that I am.

Then we went to mum's friends for a coffee. I was pretty knackered but I said my best hellos and then curled up in the corner for a nap. Mum thought I might be chilly so she took her fleece off and put it under me as I was still a bit wet from the puddles. That was cozy to sleep on. We are home now and I have been thoroughly dried off and am curled up in my basket having a good wee snooze. (I have my secretary typing this to you).

Mum says she is taking me out to her appointment this afternoon as she will only be in the client's house for 20 minutes now instead of an hour and she wants to see how I will do in the car with the windows open a wee bit and my basket there for me to curl up in. Then after we are going to see another friend and then out again for another walk. All this playing and walking is knackering me out. I keep wanting to make the sofa my new bed but mum keeps making me curl up in my basket, so here I snooze. Mum thinks I might need a bigger basket as I like to stretch out and now that I am getting bigger I can't really do that in this one. I think we might be going to the shops tomorrow to see about getting a really big basket for the house and just keeping this one for the car.

Oh, I have also been very good in the toilet department. Besides my little accident last night, I have gone outside every time. Mum is so pleased and says my other owners have really done alot to help me be a good boy.

Mum has emailed my photo to lots of her friends and they have all emailed back and said how gorgeous I am. What can I say.......

Well thats it for now. I will write again soon.

Furry hugs to all,

Bryn x

Bryn (was Fluke)  Bryn (was Fluke)
Bryn (was Fluke)   
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Fergus >>
Posted: 24th November 2006

Well, I didn't have to wait too long to get my forever home, did I?!

This is Jane & Karen, they must have heard my prayers for a family to love me even though I am deaf. They fell in love with me the first time they saw me.

Thanks girls for taking me home, even though I'll never hear your dulcet tones. I have another three resue dogs to learn from.

I am settling in nicely in my new home.
Good news is I heard the girls tell Ena they will learn me some tricks for Bark in the Park next year, that should be fun!

Fergus xx

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Coco and Caley >>
Posted: 24th November 2006

This is us with our new Mum, just about to go to our new home.

Our new family say we are little angels and they all love us, especially the little lad, he says we are amazing!

Coco and Caley

Coco and Caley
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Corrie >>
Posted: 9th November 2006

This young lady was adopted a few years ago, how lovely to see how much her family adore her.

Hello Auntie Ena

Sorry i have not sent you this note and pictures sooner but as you can see i have been very very busy with my new mum and dad. It has taken me a long time to get used to being outside and finding out what birds and planes are. Now i know what these things are i am no longer afraid to go out. It has all so taken me a while to learn how to use a computer but i think i am doing ok but my mum says i have to keep the keyboard clean from paw prints.

I love playing hide & seek as you can see by my pictures. The singing lessons are coming on well but my mum and dad might say different. All in all i am having a great time and i am truly loved by my new family.

Lots of Love and woofs

Corrie x x x x x x

Corrie  Corrie
Corrie  Corrie
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Meg >>
Posted: 9th November 2006

Look who brought her dad for a visit!

Meg was only five months when she was adopted, and is so much her daddy's girl. What a delight she is, this is a ball she found in the reception her dad says she loves her toys of which there are many, not that's she's spoilt you understand! It was lovely to see you both.

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Jake (was Jack) >>
Posted: 9th November 2006

This is Jack (now Jake) with his new mum who absolutely adores him. He came for a visit with his mum Friends and of course wee Shandy his brother. He was happy to see us all especially Stig!

This is the message that his new Mum sent us:

Hi Ena, just a wee note to let you know that I am bringing back jack (ha ha only joking no way are you getting him back!). He has settled in fine, a bit of aggro when he first arrived on the wednesday night as it was new to Shandy having a dog in the house and that he was no longer on his own but they are getting on quite well. Wherever Shandy goes Jake goes, they are at the moment both sleeping on the sofa, Shandy with his paw over Jake and Jake lying with his head on Shandy's paw. They are really getting on well together and everyday is even better. He loves down the park and follows Shandy everywhere, he also loves in the car and has been down to see my mum. He has met quite a lot of men in the home where my mum is and there is no growling, barking or biting at them nor at any of the male neighbours i have.

Jake (was Jack)
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 9th November 2006

This is Bonnie, the wee border collie pup. This was the first night in her new home playing with her "sister" Breagh (another second chance dog). We don't think she's really settled, do you?!!!!

Bonnie  Bonnie
Bonnie  Bonnie
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Ben, Harvey & Blue >>
Posted: 9th November 2006

This is Linda, she came to visit recently with her boys. Ben is the golden boy, he came from another rescue, and Harvey and Blue are two of our boys, now five and five & half and looking great!

Lovely to see you all Linda

Ben, Harvey & Blue
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Aisha (was Kim) >>
Posted: 8th November 2006

Hi everyone, it's Aisha here! (do you like my new name?). I am now in my new home, here's me with my lovely new family!

When the girls from the kennels called to see how I was doing, mum said to them "your phone must ring an awful lot" seems whenever I hear the phone I come running from wherever I am in the house!

Love Aisha xx

Aisha (was Kim)
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Lady >>
Posted: 31st October 2006

This is me with mum & dad, sadly they have just "lost" their beloved Labrador Blair who was nearly 11yrs old. I hope I'm not too much of a handful for them!! :p

They love me already and are going to take me to dog training classes, aren't I lucky!!


Update 3rd November:

Hello Ena,

As you now know Lady has settled in very well. She is absolutely adorable and we are so glad that you picked us as her new family. As I write this she is lying at my feet sleeping! yes that's right the same "daft as a brush" dog sleeping at my feet! I just want to thank you once again and send you some pics.

Keep up the excellent work that you all do - do not dare retire!! no doing nails for you!!

Angela, John, Dean, Jemma and Lady

Lady  Lady
Lady  Lady
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 31st October 2006

Hi everyone, Bonnie here!

This is me with Breagh my new big "sis" another Second Chance girl, and Carol & Angus my lovely new mum & dad.

I'm going to my new home on Thursday after I have my second vac, I'm sooo excited!!

Breagh tells me when I'm a bigger girl we will go over the hills and moors in the highlands for super walks, I can't wait!


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Mylo >>
Posted: 31st October 2006

This is the message we got from Mylo, he is one of the wee collie pups who escaped drowning at five weeks old. Just look at hime now!

Hello Ena

These photos were taken last Sunday on my favourite beach. I now regonise the car journey and get excited when we arrive at the car park! My family are a bit slow walking the paths to the beach, so I run ahead ,then run back and try to herd them into a faster pace. Then I give up and run to the dunes where I can watch the sea and watch the family ambling along. My favourite task is retrieving the ball from the sea. Hugh is very careless, he keeps trying to throw the ball away and I have to swim out to save it! When I come out the water I look like a skiny malinky but I am a most handsome dog, well everyone keeps telling me that so I give them a big cheeky collie grin!

I`ll come to visit soon.



Mylo  Mylo
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