Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Barney >>
Posted: 20th January 2007

This is another one of the six wee pups. He is now Barney and this is him with his new family, who are delighted to welcome him into their home.

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Tia & Benji >>
Posted: 20th January 2007

This is Tia & Benji the springer pups with their new family. As you can see, everyone is delighted to have them in their family!

Tia & Benji
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Morar >>
Posted: 20th January 2007

This is Morar, one of the wee Jack Russell mixes, with her new mum & dad. They are so excited and hopefully Morar will go on to do mini agility.

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Rory >>
Posted: 14th January 2007

This is Margaret back for a visit with Rory who she rehomed from here a few years ago. He is about twelve now and is looking great and is so well loved.

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Kyra >>
Posted: 14th January 2007

This young lady (one of the sextuplets) is now named Kyra and, as you can see, her folks are very happy to be taking her home.

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Daisy >>
Posted: 14th January 2007

This is Daisy, one of the wee Jack Russell mix pups, with her owner Sheena who absolutely adores her!

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Rocky >>
Posted: 6th January 2007

This is wee Rocky getting ready to set off for home with his mum & dad. They are already besotted with him.

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Jack >>
Posted: 6th January 2007

Look who came back for a visit our wee Jack the Westie, it was so nice to see him, and I was really bad and showed Karen the wee westie puppies. I think Ian regretted coming by now. Well they only have one wee boy and Jack has an excellent home, so come on we have to try!!!

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Willow >>
Posted: 30th December 2006

This is Willow with her mum & big sisters, Lacey & Cassie. Poor woman never knew she was going to have another dog till Mhairi gave her a call! Good news is as you can see she was over the moon to have Willow join their family.

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Heather >>
Posted: 29th December 2006

This is Heather with her mum, Nicko's gran (see below).

She is now assured a really lovely home!

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Nicko >>
Posted: 29th December 2006

This is Nicko back for a visit, he has such a lovely home but doesn't really want to be back, well he doesn't know it's just for a visit to introduce him to his new friend Heather who is going to stay with his gran & grandad (see above).

P.S. We all want to go and stay at Nicko's, he was very overweight when he left, but he is now very trim!!

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Gyp (was Chase) >>
Posted: 29th December 2006

This is Gyp (was Chase). We are so thrilled for his family, that he has passed his first "exam" because, although they love him to bits, he hasn't been the easiest of dogs. Here is what his Mum says:

Hi Ena,

Gyp did it, he passed his exam for the Bronze Good Citizen Award by the Kennel Club.

I'M SO PROUD!!!!!!

He has thrived on the challenge and we intend on joining the Silver class starting in March next year.

I've attached a photo taken from the Alpha Dog Training website of Gyp receiving his certificate.

Have a brilliant Xmas and New Year, we hope to bring Gyp to see you for a visit soon.

Diane & Gyp xx

Gyp (was Chase)
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Zak >>
Posted: 20th December 2006

This is our lovely wee boy Zak in his new home with his doting dad.

Zak didn't want to stay still for a photo shoot hehe, so his dad had to get down beside him!

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Hamish >>
Posted: 20th December 2006

Hi folks just a quick note to let you know Hamish has settled in here very nicely indeed and really has become part of the family, loves playing with the kids and going for long walks though he doesnt like the rain too much so not much walking done this week.

Here's a few wee picks of Hamish, he is an absolute gem no problems whatsoever......... well apart from the buckets, not sure what happened there but he definitely doesn't like them. He is such a happy playful wee thing I am so glad we managed to get him, i'll try to bring him up to see you soon. Thanks again for your help and keep up the good work.


Pic 1 - Hamish getting into the christmas spirit.
Pic 2 - Hamish seconds after i let go of the antlers.
Pic 3 - Hamish after haircut.
Pic 4 - Hamish looking good.

Hamish  Hamish
Hamish  Hamish
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Alfie (was Scamp) >>
Posted: 20th December 2006


This wee lad had been abandoned because he had a tumour on his jaw, which the vets kindly removed but it left him with hardly any lower jaw. However he has come on really well and his good samaritan came along in the form of Arlene Mair, who is now his new mum! She fell in love with him whenever she saw him.

So, Alfie (new name) now shares his home with two Yorkies, two Lhasas and a miniature Schnauzer (all girlies) who absolutely adore him! His mum is having to buy a king size bed to accommodate everyone!!

We are so so pleased for this young man because if any dog deserved a home for Santa coming he is the one.

Alfie (was Scamp)
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Ranger >>
Posted: 20th December 2006

This is Ranger, who we originally called Bill after the dog warden who brought him as quite a poorly puppy, just look at him now!!

This is the message his family sent us:

Hi and Merry Christmas to all at second chance. As you could see Ranger is all ready for Christmas and has his stocking under the tree. I'll try to bring him to visit at some point but until then have a great holiday and all the best to you all.

Love from,
Ranger, Freda and family

Ranger  Ranger
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Woody (was Bruno) >>
Posted: 20th December 2006

This is Woody's with his new mum Lillian and here is what she says about him:


Hope your well; I can see you’re busy with new arrivals.

We have renamed Bruno, Woody, which he seems to like.

He has settled in really well. Sleeps all night and is clean, but still having the odd accident during the day, which to be fair is more our fault than his, as we need to watch him more.

Matilda just adores him, they roll around the floor for hours, and she’s never slept so well. She also loves to throw his soft toy for him, which he loves. She also tells him off. She tells him ‘No’, ‘down’ and can just about say his name.

He loves his walks and gets very excited when he’s out, especial when he meets other dogs.

Bollinger the cat is still keeping her distance but she is getting braver by the day. He has also met my sisters Irish Terrier; I think they will be best buddies.

Woody is an absolute joy and has fitted into our family as if he’s always been there. He really does bring so much joy and fun. He’s got the most wonderful nature and I really can’t understand why he didn’t get on in his other homes.

Thank so much for choosing us as his new family and we will keep you up to date.

Best wishes

Lilian, Richard & Matilda x

Woody (was Bruno)
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Jack >>
Posted: 20th December 2006

Hi all,

Just reporting in to let you know how my new Mum and Dad are doing.

Well, we got home alright but it was miles! I had time for a sleep before we got there but it was worth the wait. We went for a walk in the late afternoon, just before it got too dark and Gemma and Honey came too. Sam (he's the black Lab from next door) came as well and we all got on fine. Dad threw a rope thing and we chased it - I kept falling over cos I was on a lead - and the Labs brought it back for Dad to throw again and again and again. I was exhausted. After that we went to see the horses in the stables. They're a lot bigger than me but friendly.

Mum went to Tesco in the evening and I jumped up onto Dads lap and settled down, he's really quite nice.

At bedtime I was allowed to sleep in the bedroom and I was very good. I stayed off the bed and slept the whole night through.

We went for another walk this morning and I saw loads of trees, I'll have to drink more if we go that way again. I didn't see any deer but I was told they were there. I was off the lead this time and it was great cos I could chase the Labs or go sniffing about in the undergrowth. I didn't go very far from Mum and Dad and kept a close eye on them all the time. I ran to them when they called me. I really enjoyed myself out there in the wide open spaces.

I can't believe that I've only been hear less than 24 hours - I've done so much, seen so much and met ever so many animals. In fact it's so good I think I'll stay!

Thanks for looking after me until I found my new home. You were super.


PS I don't have my own armchair here but I share the sofa with Mum and Gemma.

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Mac >>
Posted: 13th December 2006

Mac the Scottie brought his folks back for a visit, this is him with his very proud mum.

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Lucky >>
Posted: 13th December 2006

Look who we met when we were out doing a home visit for another wee dog, yep your right, it is wee (or not so wee) Lucky (her name when she was at the kennels). Doesn't she look great!!

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