Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Jack, Tegan & Jake >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

Here are some more happy hounds that Mhairi seen on her travels.

This is our rottie in Fort William,
Kevan (Mhairi's husband, on the left) has Jack, then it's Tegan, then on the right it's Jake.

Jack, Tegan & Jake
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Susie >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

Mhairi our 'roving reporter' has been on holiday up in the north of Scotland and made a few visits to some happy hounds while she was away.

This is Susie the Labradoodle on the isle of Skye. She has grown so much and seems soooo happy in her home!

Susie  Susie
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Kara & Roxy >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

Kara & Roxy came back to the kennels for a visit. Their folks are absolutely over the moon with them, and you can see why, they're gorgeous!

Kara & Roxy
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Stella >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is Stella the jack russell with her new family.

They can't believe how anyone could give her up, she's just settled in so very well.

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Alfie >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is Alfie, the deerhound cross pup, in his brilliant new home with his mum, brother and new big doggie sister!

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Honey >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is Honey, she was one of Gypsy's wee pups.

She brought her dad Willie and her big brother Lee back for a visit to show everyone how much she's grown (and how much she looks like her Mum!)

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Fergus >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is Fergus (our deaf Dally puppy) back for a visit with his owners Jane & Karen, quite a difference in size for his last photo on here! But he still wants to sit on knees!!

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Murphy >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is the message we got from Murphy's new family:

Hi Ena,

Well here he is! So he really does sit at peace sometimes! We are all very happy so far, he is so loveable it would take a hard heart not to like him. He's showing off now and has just gone into his cage all by himself. ( Think I might have to get a slightly bigger one.)

Thanks again.

Yvonne, Nigel, Sean and Lori.

Murphy  Murphy
Murphy  Murphy
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Sabe (was Storm) >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is an updated pic of Sabe (was Storm), isn't he gorgeous!!

This is the message he sent us:

Hi everyone,

Mum got the hang of the camera, what do you think of me now?!

P.S. they are not puting me in the bin honest!!!!!

Love Sabe xx

Sabe (was Storm)
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Teddy >>
Posted: 28th April 2007

This is Margaret with Rory and her new wee boy Teddy, who was quite a sad wee boy but Margaret has worked wonders with him and of course Rory thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread because he gets more sausages!

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Bryn >>
Posted: 21st April 2007

Hello Auntie Ena, Auntie Mhairi and Uncle Frank,

Its been a while since I have written (or had my secretary do it for me) so thought I would give you a wee update as to how I am doing and a few recent pics of me.

Mum says I am growing in leaps and bounds. She says she doesn't notice it as much as others do when I am out with her. We have some regular friends we run into on our daily hikes and they are surprised at how quickly I have grown. Mum says now looking back at me when I was four months she is noticing the changes like my tail being every so lovely with whispy fur and my ears are bigger and crinklier (if thats a word). She says my ears look like crinkle cut crisps. Thats my springers side. Every day mum and I go for longer and longer hikes as she is building up my strength (and hers) for doing the hills when I get a bit older. Lately we have been doing a coastal walk from our house to blackness castle which takes about 2 and 1/2 hours. I love it. I am in the water ALL the time. Mum says my eating habits are a bit quirky (somewhat like hers really) in that some days I really eat very little, even after a big hike, and other days I go through three bowls of food. Once one bowl is gone I lift the bowl and carry it to mum and drop it her lap and look at her like "come on missy, get a move on, I'm a hungry boy."

I have been out of my cage now for a couple of months and sleep on my bed in the kitchen. The only damage I did was chew one of the radiator knobs to bits, oh, and some of mum's fridge magnets. She stuck the rest on the microwave now which is out of my reach....bummer!
My obedience skills have lagged a little but mum says that's just the teenager coming out in me. I'm good with all my commands unless there is a bird, rabbit, squirrel, sheep or cow nearby, then it all goes out the window and I run like the wind. So now when we pass coo's and sheep mum puts me on the lead. I have tried to chew threw it several times but to no avail.

Some time over the next couple of months we are going away for a long weekend at a cottage by the sea where I can run and play and swim and roll in the sand to my hearts content. I can't wait.

Well thats all for now. Hope your all well. Big sloppy kisses and cuddles from me. Mum says hi too.

Bryn (woof) xx

Bryn  Bryn
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Diesel >>
Posted: 21st April 2007

This is some pics of Diesel, the Dad of the Husky pups, with his new doggie family and a message from his new Mum:

Hi Ena and Frank,

Here’s some photos of Diesel. He’s settled in great, like he’s been here forever. He seems a lot happier to be with other huskies. Although he enjoys being in the run with the others, he much prefers to be indoors. I’ll get some photos of him in harness next time we go training.

See you soon,

Diesel  Diesel
Diesel  Diesel
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Star >>
Posted: 21st April 2007

This is Star, the mum of the Husky pups, getting ready to go home with her lovely new Dad, Jamie.

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Sam >>
Posted: 21st April 2007

This is Sam, the wee boy who was in last year with really bad burns on his back. He came back to the kennels find a new home, and this is him in his new garden with his lovely mum Karen.

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Nikita & Kody >>
Posted: 21st April 2007

Awwwwwwwwwww, this is Nikita & Kody, 2 of the Husky pups, with their dad, grandad, gran and of course their big sisters. What a wonderful life these two wee ones are going to have.

Nikita & Kody  Nikita & Kody
Nikita & Kody  Nikita & Kody
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Woody (was Logan) >>
Posted: 15th April 2007

well after a really bad start, see the 1st pic where I'm soooo scared that I'm weeing :( I have come out of my shell quite a lot! The girls can hardly believe the change in me.

I had visitors yesterday and they brought their two dogs Sonny & Tod with them, I got on really well with them all.

Ena & Frank took me out for a home visit and I got to stay!!

I have a lovely big garden, and my new folk say I will be so well loved, everyone at the kennels are so happy for me.

I was a bit thirsty so this is me having a sneaky drink out of the bird bath and with my new family! Woody (my new name for a new life)

Woody (was Logan)  Woody (was Logan)
Woody (was Logan)   
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Seamus >>
Posted: 13th April 2007

This is Seamus, one of Shannon's pups, back for a visit, isn't he lovely (and I even spelt his name right this time!!!)

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Jake (was Jack) >>
Posted: 13th April 2007

Look who we had visit us today, it's Jack (well now he's Jake) and he is so well loved by Mary (his mum) & Shandy (his brother). His mum says whoever gave him up has lost out on a brilliant wee dog!!

Jake (was Jack)
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Toby >>
Posted: 13th April 2007

Hi There Ena,

Just a wee note to let you know I have settled in really well in my nice new home with my new mum and dad and my new girlfriend her name is Katie and she's a wee smasher. I really love my new garden with all the new smells and I've been for loads of walks already and have met lots of nice dogs not too keen on big black ones though but I might come round. The foods OK here too have had some chicken already and I am even eating some dog biscuits now! My new mum has put me on a bit of a diet as she says I'm a wee bit too heavy but I'm still allowed treats so thats OK!

I heard them saying something about going to Skye on holiday - I think thats gonna be grrrrr-eat!

I hope you like the pics I've sent . One is me with my new dad and Katie and one of me in the garden and the other me and Katie catching up on some sleep after our walk.

Thanks for looking after me at the kennels.

Love and big licks!


Toby  Toby
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Posted: 13th April 2007

This is Troy & Max who are both former second chance dogs. They brought their dad Charlie back for a visit, and it was lovely to see them both all!

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