Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Alfie >>
Posted: 2nd April 2008

This is wee Alfie back for a visit, he was adopted by Margaret the first year we were open, so he will have been with her for nearly 9 years now which will make him nearly thirteen years young. Doesn't he look great nothing like his age.He is a wee sweetheart.

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Kiera >>
Posted: 2nd April 2008

This is wee Kiera with her new family they just love her to bits, awe how cute is she

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Ben, Harvey & Blue >>
Posted: 1st April 2008

Hi Ena,
I have (I hope) attached some photos of 'The Boys@ - Ben, Harvey and Blue. Its hard to think it has been over 7 years since Harvey came to stay, and over 6 for Blue.

Thanks Linda it is so nice to see pictures and here how our former residents are doing.I just love when I get emails like these

Ena xx

As you can see from the photos they are all enjoying life.

Harvey has coped very well with a tough year with 2 cancer ops - one on the lump that formed round his micro-chip and one where his toe was removed. The vet says the 2 cancers are unrelated and just 'bad luck'. I've decided I won't put him through a 3rd op if it came to it. Prior to his toe op they found out he had quite a few heart problems so he now enjoys his sleep even more than before. All that said, he is very happy with his lot!

Blue keeps very well. Some problems with his stomach a couple of years ago have all been sorted simply by giving him food last thing at night so he doesn't sleep on an empty stomach. Needless to say, if Blue gets fed before bed, so do the other two!

Holly, the Westie girl that Karen Watson got a year or so ago has turned into a lovely wee dog - just a bit too keen on rolling in muck! I'll see if I can get a photo of her next time we are all out walking.

Hope everything is going well with you.


Ben, Harvey & Blue  Ben, Harvey & Blue
Ben, Harvey & Blue  Ben, Harvey & Blue
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Mika >>
Posted: 31st March 2008


Cath from Sled Dog Welfare brought Mika who she adopted from here about a month ago back for a visit!

Boy did they all have fun, this is the dogs all playing together, the collie with the white face was not supposed to be good with other dogs, but just look at her playing they are all having a ball.

Mika  Mika
Mika  Mika
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Bobby >>
Posted: 30th March 2008

Mum brought me back for a visit and to say I have been quite a good lad so she is adopting me how good does that sound I'm soooooooo happy.
Bobby xx

This is me with my mum & auntie and Hamish xx

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Tyler & Hailey >>
Posted: 30th March 2008

Look who came to visit ! Mhairi will be so mad she missed not only Haley & Tyler but Jess was back as well !
So I had my Rottie fix today and loved every moment.

This is Michelle & Phil they kindly brought some food & treats with them, thanks guys.
These two dogs have such a lovely home and are doing so very well and looking great xx

Tyler & Hailey
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Tiffin >>
Posted: 29th March 2008

I have gone to my new home and I am going to be so well loved, mum has just called Ena to say we all got home safely and I am now lying on the couch doing a bit of bonding with my dad.
Tiffin xx

Would just like to thank everyone who called offering me a home x

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Murphy >>
Posted: 28th March 2008

I've been " CHOSEN " this is me with my mum Linda, dad was at work. I also have two brother Cavaliers. Mum & Dad actually adopted Rusty an older Sheltie cross who was in quite a bad way but they took her home and gave her the best life and she had two years with them. Sadly she went to the Bridge last year. The ladies told them about me and I am now in my new home and Ena & Mhairi are absolutely delighted for me.
Murphy xx

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Leo >>
Posted: 28th March 2008

This is Leo back for a visit with his mum isn't he just looking grand. Absolutely adored by everyone well who could blame them he's just a honey xx

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Lexie >>
Posted: 28th March 2008

I had visitors this morning, Ben the wee Westie who was adopted from here a year ago and his mum & dad, they all fell in love with me, so I now have a new home. Home visit had already been done for Ben so I could go straight away, me and Ben are going to have such fun and we are the same age. Mum & dad won't need a telly now, they will have such fun watching us.
Lexie xx

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Bonnie >>
Posted: 28th March 2008

Hi Ena and Mhairi

Just thought I'd send you an email to you let you know what a wonderful time I'm having. We went away for Easter, to Dad's parents family and I had such a fantastic time, silly mummy locked Polly and I in the garage while we ate our lunch, she didn't realise that Granny Ripley had left the cooked ham for Easter on top of the freezer, so Polly and I stuffed ourselves silly!! This was all that was left before they discovered what we'd done!

So they all had to have duck for Easter dinner and Polly and I are still eating the ham!! yum yum! I met Granny and Grampa's dog Tess, although she wasn't too fussed for me as she is getting old and doesn't like to play chase. Grampa Ripley cleaned my teeth so now I wont need to go to the vets to get them scaled and polished, and mum thinks she is going to go back down for a week with me so that they can do some training with me!! I don't know if I like the sound of that.

I've attached some pictures of me with my new family and of me playing so you can see how well I'm doing, I'm having so much fun, and I just love the beach and the snow.

Lots of Love

Bonnie xxx

PS I hope the pictures work ok

Bonnie  Bonnie
Bonnie  Bonnie
Bonnie  Bonnie
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Benji >>
Posted: 25th March 2008

I have been " Chosen" I have gone to stay with Scooby a Springer Spaniel. This is me with my mum & dad and their grandson Connor who I just adore.
Benji x x

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Mya >>
Posted: 22nd March 2008

This is wee Mya getting ready to go home with her mum and her auntie.

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Nea >>
Posted: 22nd March 2008

last but by no means least is Nea ( anagram of Ena aww) with her mum and the other pic is of her and her big bruv Olly who is also a Second Chance boy.

So all the puppies are now in brilliant homes, thanks to everyone who adopted one of the little treasures.

Nea  Nea
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Bobby >>
Posted: 22nd March 2008

This is " OUR " Bobby back for a visit with his family.
What a wonderful home he has although I don't think the family cat is too happy.

Madeline the young girl is raising funds for Second Chance. She has organised a competition for her school in Kinross for the pupils to design a dog coat. Also a word search ect:We really do appreciate all this help from the young ones. It's nice to know they really care about the plight of the dogs.

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Titch >>
Posted: 21st March 2008

This Titch with his new family

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Molly >>
Posted: 21st March 2008

This is Molly who was adopted at eight weeks old and is now just over a year. Isn't she gorgeous she came back today with her family for a visit and guess what Molly is looking for a friend

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Jack(Sweep) >>
Posted: 20th March 2008

Ena & Mhairi took me on a home visit yesterday, what a wonderful place in the country so much room. Lots of fields and there were sheep but I wasn't bothered about them much as I'd rather have my ball. Anyway, they brought me back home to give my new family time to think about adopting me and guess what, they came and took me home today. So hopefully this will be me settled now.
Jack (was Sweep ) xx

A very happy me with my new family x

Ps: Update 2oth March Ena called about me today. I slept in the kitchen last night and was as good as gold, mum says I'm going to make a great farm dog, I'm just sooooooo happy, I have loads of fields ect to play in I just knew my special family were out there looking for me and I'm so glad they found me so soon.
Jack xx

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Alfie >>
Posted: 19th March 2008

This is Alfie getting ready to go home.

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Isla >>
Posted: 19th March 2008

Each and every one of Bonnie's puppies have now now all found loving caring homes.

This is Isla the first to go.

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