Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Kia >>
Posted: 19th May 2008

This is Kia now in her new home and her mum & dad just adore her, they were so excited waiting for us to do a home visit. So hope they all have a very happy life together.We would like to thank everyone who expressed an interest in this lovely girl.

Kia  Kia
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Milly >>
Posted: 18th May 2008

This is Milly with her folks who absolutely adore her, she is absolutely gorgeous and what about these ears !!!

Milly  Milly
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Sky >>
Posted: 17th May 2008

This is Sky the Old English Sheepdog who travelled all the way from Wales to find her forever home.
She gives her big brother no peace at all but I'm sure he loves her as do her mum & dad. She has fallen on all four paws and now has a wonderful life.

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Buzz >>
Posted: 17th May 2008

This wee guy came back to see us he was Gizmo here but is now Buzz, whose family absolutely adore him, isn't he just gorgeous.I think he might like a pal!

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Izzy >>
Posted: 16th May 2008

I would like to thank my foster family very much for looking after me, I have now gone to stay with Doodles ( now Ben) and my name is now.
Rosie xx

We will need to get a photo of us all together for Happy Hounds.

Izzy  Izzy
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Boss >>
Posted: 16th May 2008

This is me with mum & dad I'm sooo happy I now have a wonderful new home.
Mac xx ( new name new life)

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Daisy >>
Posted: 16th May 2008

Hi Ena
Sorry only one new photo to show you, they don’t stand still long enough to get any new ones! Daisy has settled in so well, everyone who comes to the house can’t believe she’s only been here for a short time, Barney and her act like they’ve grown up together. For the first week as far as Barney was concerned we were dumped! He wasn’t interested in either of his mummy’s, this week things have settled down a bit and I think he realises that she’s always going to be here, so they will always have tomorrow to play, he doesn’t have to cram it all into one day.

She has become very attached to Nessa, understandably as she’s in the house all day, the other day my sister was over and Nessa went on to the grass at the front of the house to water the greenhouse, and as it’s sort of round the corner, Daisy couldn’t see her and what a state she got into. She always gives you such a warm welcome when she sees you, she’s a little gem.

As you can see from the photo she loves her cuddles, and I love getting them! My old Buster was just like a baby and was always turned upside down in my arms with his head tucked under my chin, I miss that so much, so it’s nice to have some cuddles back. Barney is not a cuddly boy, I think he still has a few insecurities that will eventually disappear, and I think Daisy will help with that, cause he’s already started being a bit more sookie.

Hope you liked the video clips, they run round and round that paddock every day with their toys, and as you said as long as Daisy has a ball she’s happy.

We took her to the vets to register her and Barney was due his wormers & flea treatment, so we got her done at the same time so they are now in sync. One of the nurses passed us and said “Oh is that Daisy from the second chance kennels?” we couldn’t believe it, she recognised her from her photo ( guess you didn’t do that bad a job of it after all ! ) she checks your web site all the time, it’s a small world right enough.

Hope this finds you well.

Take Care
Phyllis, Nessa, Barney & a big X from Daisy.

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Zara >>
Posted: 12th May 2008

Doesn't she look great her new life is certainly agreeing with her.

Hope you are all well. Zara is doing really well and had a great day out yesterday with her best pal Duke.
I tried to send some pictures to you earlier but it failed. I will send them one at a time now and see it you get them.

Kind regards

Zara  Zara
Zara  Zara
Zara  Zara
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Tess(Lulu) >>
Posted: 11th May 2008

This is me getting ready to go home, just getting a cuddle for the road.
Tess xx (New life new name xx)

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Posted: 11th May 2008

This is another one of Bonnie's pups back for visit all of fifteen weeks old now and so lovely.The one of him with his mum standing is Sherrie trying to get him to go home

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Jasper & Scout >>
Posted: 10th May 2008

Hi Ena

I got a bit of a shock when I was on the web site yesterday when I saw a
picture of my gran sitting with a dog called Lisa! I could not for the
life of me work out why someone else's dog was with my gran. Then of
course it sunk in that it was another member of my family. My Auntie
Margaret had taken Lisa which is fantastic. So now gran is surrounded by
visits from all the dogs from Second Chance. She loves Scout and is
slowly getting to know Jasper.

A wee update on the boys. We are in the process of registering Jasper
and Scout with the agility section of the Kennel club - how is that for
mongrels who nobody wanted! Jas is really fast at agility and very
difficult to keep up with. Scout is a bit more sedate but very good.
So we have to have kennel club names. I am hoping to register Jasper as
- All that Jas and Scout as Boy Scout. If the names are all ready taken
then we will have to think of something else. Probably Jazzy Babes and
Good Boy Scout. Then they will be able to compete which should be fun.
The last agility we went to watch they both were treated to a reiki
massage which they loved. I have never see Jasper so chilled. Yes they
are pampered pooches!

I was working away a few weeks ago and had to leave Jasper with a
friend. I was terrified this would set him back but he had a ball. He
came back with a new Jazzy collar and had been for a bath and hair cut
and according to his hairdresser was incredibly well behaved. He also
came back with a new bed and now can be left without being in a crate.
So you can tell he is progressing very well indeed. His only vice is
you need to have eyes in the back of your head in the kitchen. I had
barbecued some lovely prawns the other day, had to answer the door and
came back to find them all eaten - shells and all.

It was lovely to see you in the courier. Well done to the children for
such a fantastic fund raiser.

We should be down visiting Fife next month so will pop in and see you.

Very Best Wishes


Jasper & Scout  Jasper & Scout
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Daisy >>
Posted: 4th May 2008

This was a hard one to let go !! and she waited a while but so worth the wait, doesn't she look so happy.
Daisy's first night well she slept like a baby, when we got home we had lots of eager friends round all desperate to see the new addition to the family, everyone commented on how they couldn't believe how settled she was, you would have thought she'd always been here. Needless to say Barney thinks he's died and gone to doggy heaven, he is besotted with her and just won't leave her alone, however we have a feeling that she'll not be long in telling him when she's had enough!

I've sent a couple of e-mails to split them up because the video clips might take ages to donwload, I'm hoping that because you have the same camera you'll be able to view the video clips on your pc. As you can see she's having a ball already, she even had a look at the horses and they don't seem to bother her. She had a little jump up at one of the fences this morning as our neighbours dog was out, but we just said " down daisy" and she came to us and didn't go back to the fence, so we don't think there will be a problem, she too happy playing with our boy.

We really appreciate you letting us have her right away as I'm off on Monday so it gives me 3 full days to bond with her, I won't want to go to work on Tuesday! at the moment she's lying across my feet while I'm typing this so I guess she quite likes me!

We will keep you updated from time to time, and if you are ever in the area please feel free to pop in, likewise when we're up in your area we'll bring her in for a visit.

Take Care


Daisy  Daisy
Daisy  Daisy
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Meg >>
Posted: 4th May 2008

Isn't she gorgeous.

Hi Ena

Here are the pictures we promised! Perfect match to our family and we could not have wished for a more affectionate intelligient girl! Loves to play but also loves her cuddles!!

Keep up the good work

Nicola and Ross and Meg xxx

Meg  Meg
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Morag >>
Posted: 3rd May 2008

Hi both,

Hope all is well with you both today.

Just a wee update on Belle (now Morag) - thinking, and hoping, that we may
be over the worst. She had her bath last night and was as good as gold,
even putting the drops in her ears didn't upset her. She had a much better night, got more sleep than she did the previous night, we only heard her up coughing about 3/4 times last night. It hasn't put her off her food at all,takes her cough medicine and her tablets no bother - and things at the other end of the system working fine!!!

Even although she's not well she just loves her walks (3 a day). This
morning she and Dougal are sharing a couch in the conservatory for the first
time (up till now it's been one each). We don't want to hassle her at the
moment by getting the camera out but don't worry there will be loads of
pictures to come, they are just a couple of cuties - or am I just a little

We'll be in touch again soon. Morag sends lots of kisses and cuddles for
taking such care of her and we can only thank you for letting us have such a
wee darling come live with us.

lol for now,

Chrystall and Richard

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Monty & Mandy >>
Posted: 2nd May 2008

This young man on the right never reached the web site,thanks to Graeme one of " our " vets who fostered Monty until a new home was found for him. And boy has he landed on all four paws. He has gone to stay with Mandy & John and their family which includes Molly who was adopted from here just over a year ago. They just adore her and were looking for a wee pal for her so a couple of phone calls later here they are and as you can see all are very happy.

Monty & Mandy
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Sam >>
Posted: 2nd May 2008

This is Sam back for a visit with Karen his mum, .He is such a happy wee lad and has obviously forgotten the bad start he had in life.

Thanks Karen he looks great xx

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Lisa & Meg >>
Posted: 27th April 2008

This wee girl had been used for breeding she was past her " sell by date" for having puppies but just look at her now, she's got a wee pal and a mum & gran now and of course a wonderful home.

Hi Ena, Here are pics of Lisa and her partner in crime meg. She is a brilliant dog and has settled its as if she has always been here. When ever she goes to see her 'gran' she jumps right on her knee and settles down to get petted. She loves her walks rounds the fields behind us.

Lisa & Meg  Lisa & Meg
Lisa & Meg   
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Archie >>
Posted: 27th April 2008

This is one lucky lucky dog, as we collected him from the vets !!! He has such a lovely couple as his family now and as you can see doing very well.

Hi Ena, "Archie will be six years old come July and he is thriving. I've sent you one of his latest photos but he never stays still long enough to be able to take a really good one. He's healthy and gets on very well with other dogs and children alike. We would never part with him.
Hughie and Agnes.(Rosyth)

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Isla & Jess >>
Posted: 26th April 2008

Jess meets Isla awwwwwwwww.

Isla & Jess
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Isla >>
Posted: 26th April 2008

This is Isla ( one of Bonnie's puppies) back for a visit, isn't she just lovely.

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