Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Biddy >>
Posted: 8th January 2009

Some of you may remember Palo the American Bulldog / French Mastiff.Well, this is him a few weeks down the line, my hasn't he grown and this is Fraser with our Biddy getting ready for the off.

Biddy  Biddy
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Star >>
Posted: 7th January 2009

This is me with my Mum & new sis Sherry who was adopted from here a few weeks ago. I will now have a wonderful home with them and my Dad Ray who I met when the girls took me home after the vets

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Amy >>
Posted: 6th January 2009

This is Amy another wee dog who didn't reach the web site, she is such a wee peach .we all loved her here, and we had such a lovely family who have been waiting for ages to find a wee dog just like her, so a phone call later and a home visit, here she is with her mum in her new home another very happy ending.

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Ebo >>
Posted: 5th January 2009

Ena, Mhairi,
I just wanted to give you both a quick update on Ebo (Steinbeck) to let you know how he is settling. So far he has been an absolute gem. No damage, no soiling (except a quick pee on the first day), hardly any barking and [touch wood] he's sleeping all night. We are giving him colossal walks though and in the 5 days we've had him I think we've clocked up somewhere between 20-25 miles...hehehe I've never looked trimmer :o)

No doubt he's a total 'live wire' but he's nothing but affectionate and full of life. Outside he does pull and although I can control that 90% of the time, Michelle and the girls find it difficult so we are, for the short term at least, getting him in a head collar. That said his control next to the road is impeccable. He's very quickly learnt to sit and wait before crossing and he gets that spot-on 9 times out of 10. He's so intelligent!

With other dogs he's a bit overly frisky but we're teaching him to approach under control, so we get him to sit at first when he comes in contact with another dog, and he's getting pretty good at it. We're desperate to get him running free but not until we can be assured of total recall. At the moment we know that isn't going to happen anywhere like the Rex Park because of all of the other dogs so we are taking him to quieter places so we can teach him to recall on a long lead. He's doing great already but it's such a big step trusting him off the doubt you can relate to that fear!!

Things he loves so far - cuddles, food, sticks (in fact whole trees; he tried to bring a whole one still planted in the ground the other day :o)), food, frozen puddles, food, pulling games, food, balls, food, digging, food, nosey-ing at people in the town centre, food.

Things he doesn't like so far - metal bridges going over water (?), being refused food, not being able to run, fireworks

Seriously though Ebo is doing fantastically and we're indebted that you have given us the chance to take care of him. True he's a lot of hard work right now, especially when he's out walking, but he's one heck of a fast learner. We absolutely adore him to bits and although I know there's always a bit of a 'honeymoon period' with new dogs, I'm sure already that this is a honeymoon period that is going to last a lifetime.
Speak soon, take care and thanks again.
Love and best wishes
Robert (Michelle, Laura & Katy) xx

Ebo  Ebo
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Suzy >>
Posted: 5th January 2009

Some of you might remember a wee collie girl ( we named her Misty ) we had who was found wandering in Balbirnie Park, she had been seen for about a week before someone actually managed to catch her.Poor wee lass was in a terrible state matted and starving. However her saviours came along in the form of Margaret & Bill, who already had Jill an older border collie. They came up and sat with her every day until she started to trust them as she did us. Her mum sent us this story and a couple of pics. It is so nice to see her so settled after the trauma she went through. Thanks folks.

Sorry the card is late! Anyway, I hope you had a good year and next year will be better in all ways.

Jill is teaching Suzy all her craftiness and they look out for each other in the park. Suzy is now the first to dive into the sea, having been scared at first. I hope the small donation will help.

We will bring Suzy up to see you sometime or pop into see us. Hope you are well!
Margaret, Bill, Suzy & Jill

Suzy  Suzy
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Harry >>
Posted: 4th January 2009

Hi Ena
Hope you all had a good Christmas and a our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2009. Hopefully the pictures are okay, Harry is doing well but getting grey around the eyes, Brodie is always the same full of life and love, of course Toby who is nine and getting grey would rather spend his days by the fire, his mum is still alive at 14 so perhaps we will be lucky and he will also have a long life.
Our love and best wishes to all of you. Hazel

Harry  Harry
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Bella & Leo >>
Posted: 4th January 2009

This is Leo and his wee sis Bella back for a visit with their mum,aren't they adorable and so well loved.

Bella & Leo
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Amy >>
Posted: 3rd January 2009

Another day of doing well.... Left her on her own for a wee while last night as Alex and I went to dinner. Amy was downstairs and Griffen upstairs where he usually is. Was away about 2 hours. When we came home all was fine! No mess at all. She was fast asleep on her bed. She hasn't had one accident in the house as she always comes up and stares you in the face when she has to go out and she aways does her business quite quick and can't wait to get back inside. If you haven't figured it out yet, we plan to keep her :)

Alex had part of your email missing so I wasn't able to send you the picture. Will attach to this one. We had a good day at Loch Lomond yesterday although there was a mishap. We are not sure what happened, but Amy bit Griffen on the nose. It scared us all! We think maybe he stepped on her foot by accident. She didn't break the skin, but Griffen gave her a wide berth all day yesterday. Everything had been going so well. The good news is that Griffen is back to being ok with her today. They absolutely wreck the house when they play. Having the hard floors make it sound like a herd of horses.

I am sure Griffen and her are still in the getting to know each other phase, but it looks like it will be a happy ending for all. Can't count the times they have pinched each other's food!

I will continue to keep you up to date. I am also keen to talk more about volunteering my IT and/or business skills.

Speak to you soon!

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Tess >>
Posted: 2nd January 2009

Hi Ena,

Happy New Year, hope you are well.

My mum and I adopted Tess (previously Negra) back in May 08. We were
thinking about dropping in this Sunday (4th Jan) to say hello so you see
how well she is doing.

I've attached a photo of Tess too - I hope you can open it.



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Emma >>
Posted: 2nd January 2009

Hi Ena,
Hope you had a lovely festive period. Here are some photos of Emma. She is doing very well, very quick to learn and getting on great with Alfie.

All the very best.


Emma  Emma
Emma  Emma
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Mylo >>
Posted: 31st December 2008

This is Ebo with his new Mum & Dad, a lovely home for a really nice puppy.

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Milly & Molly >>
Posted: 31st December 2008

Wonderful home for these two wee girls, their folk also run a charity for animals and are really lovely people.

Hi Ena, Mhairi and all the gang,
After 48hrs here is an update on the little ones. Firstly, we have now decided to change their names to Polly and Tilly from Molly and Milly. This is partly due to the large number of dogs we come into contact with called Molly and especially one young little collie who’s owner is having terrible problems with because she is scared of everything that moves. We are all trying to help her with socialising with people and also with our own animals so the name clash could cause problems, our little ones are already responding to the new names.
Now we come to the most important item and that is to tell you the dynamic duo are doing really well. They are out and about with us and starting the process of meeting other people and their animals, they are particularly fascinated by the sheep just round the corner from here. They have become more relaxed and their individual personalities are coming out, in fact Tilly is becoming a bit more of the leader and is the chief food taster. If she likes it, Polly will eat it, but we are still having problems getting them to eat properly. Chicken and rice goes down a treat so they are getting food inside themselves but we are fully aware this is not really a suitable diet so we are working away with various proper diets. I am also trying the method that if I eat it so will they which fascinates them. I can now thoroughly recommend Bakers Complete Puppy food as being very tasty! Again, in the house, they are now very trusting and totally at ease and do not cling to each other quite so much. As I am writing this, Polly is stretched out at my feet and Tilly is on the settee with Maureen.I will send another update in a few days.
Thanks again for everything and regards to all.

Milly & Molly
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Megan >>
Posted: 29th December 2008

Stuart & Alex brought Meg (now Megan) back for a visit today. Meg was the lab we brought in from the kennels next door so she could find a home. What a home these two guys absolutely adore her,.So why would someone not claim her ?? Alex said he is so glad they didn't because their loss is his and Stuart's gain. Since being with them her coat is so shiny and she just looks so settled, her tail never stops wagging. Happy ending all round.

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Alfie >>
Posted: 29th December 2008

This young man was adopted about five years ago he brought his folks back for a visit, like most of our other visitors, he brought some treats for the residents we have at the moment. Thanks x

He is a wee sweetheart and much loved. We are so lucky with our adoptees they all just adore their dogs who are very much a part of the family as it should be.

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Cassie & Soldier >>
Posted: 28th December 2008

Soldier the black lab was adopted from here to go and join Cassie and her family, they get on really well together but I think a choc lab would be really nice, they could make a lovely trio WATCH THIS SPACE !!

Cassie & Soldier
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Mandy >>
Posted: 28th December 2008

Mandy was adopted from here a few years ago now , she is now eight and looking great. What a lovely friendly girl she is and she brought her mum Susan with her. It is so nice for us when people keep in touch even after all these years.

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Sally >>
Posted: 28th December 2008

This is Our wee girl and her big brother back for a visit with their doting mum & dad.

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Enca >>
Posted: 28th December 2008

Some of you may remember this wee girl Enca she was adopted about six months ago. She had had quite a sad life before she went home with her lovely new family.However she has come along very well, there were a few teething problems but everything has been worked through and now she has such a brilliant life we are all so happy for her.
More than I can say for her when she arrived at the gate, wee soul I think she thought she was being brought back, but once inside she was a wee gem

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Purday >>
Posted: 26th December 2008


This is wee Purday back with her Mum for a visit at Christmas .

Thanks Rachel x

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Brewster >>
Posted: 26th December 2008

Brewster our black Labrador went to stay up north, his folks work ( if my memory serves me) on the Balmoral Estate. This young man has met the queen a few times and she thinks he's a lovely dog. His folk enclosed a cd for us with the most beautiful photo's some of which are here.What a lucky lucky boy he is. Look at the snow

Brewster  Brewster
Brewster  Brewster
Brewster  Brewster
Brewster  Brewster
Brewster  Brewster
Brewster  Brewster
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