Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Charlie >>
Posted: 23rd January 2009

Hi Ena,

Just thought I would give you a wee update on Charlie. There is some not so good news I am afraid, as you know he has been with us for 4 happy years. He has a great life I think, he absolutely loves everbody, he comes to the stables with me and loves the ponies and other farm dogs. However, he has developed an intermittent limp, my friend noticed it in October (she has had dogs and horses for 30 years), it doesn't appear to bother him , however he had an upset tummy on xmas eve so we took him into the vet and I mentioned this occasional limp, he could find nothing but I was convinced it was his left elbow, through my energy therapy, has picked this up, and I had been treating him now and then, so we arranged for x rays yesterday and they come back that he has severe arthritis in both elbows!! Needless to say we are very upset, they think it is probably hereditary in his case,so today he is on for a double arthroscopy on both elbows to remove any bone fragments and make him more comfortable, the future will be resricted exercise for a while, anti inflammatories and pain killers but at least he will be more comfortable, I swear ena to watch him most days you would never know he had a problem, he is such a gentle soul. So I will let you know how he goes today, you can be assured he will get the best of pampering and attention as always.

I have attached a couple of photos from the summer when we had a day at the beach.

lots of love and happy tenth anniversary

The Stears family

Charlie  Charlie
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Sky >>
Posted: 20th January 2009

This is Sky getting ready to go home with mum gran ( who has a second chance doggie Jack JR) and of course her brother Sam.She is goping to have such a lovely time in her new home loads of ground to run around.


Well I have been so busy since I left you. I have met a gorgoeus wee boy - Calum, my Dad - no comment, next door neighbours - Jack, Gemma & Honey. We all go for walks together & have fun. They are all kind to me. I tell you one thing though - I am exhausted. Yesterday, I also met some giants. My new mum says they are only horses but I have never seen anything as big in my whole life. Over night they have shrunk and don't look as scarey!
My new mum says that my old mum did a great job in bringing me up and it has made my move so much easier. Please tell her not to worry about me I am doing fine. I hope she is keeping better now.

My new mum who we will just call mum from now on is useless with computers. she has a lovely photo of me in bed next to Sam and she can't let you see it. Please e:mail me back so she can sent it normally.
Sam is coming round and I think we will be good friends soon.
Must go I need a sleep before we see how big those giants are now.

Love Skye

How nice so pleased she has settled in so well.

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Daisy >>
Posted: 20th January 2009

Hi Ena and Frank,

Wendy Larman here, wanted to give you an update on Daisy. It has been a fun packed six months since we got her. She had her first 'season' in October which lasted three weeks so we had to vary her walks. She then had a phantom pregnancy and mothered all her toys. She didn't even want to play which is not like her. She is now over that and we have just celebrated her first birthday so she's a big girl now and onto adult tins. Planning to her 'dressed' in the new year. Our nextdoor neighbours have just got a new puppy called Rex,a wee boyfriend for Daisy, think they will be good company for each other. We had a lovely Christmas, it was made even nicer this year with Daisy to spoil. Both our families dote on her too and they all spoiled her rotten with treats and toys. Please find attached some Christmas morning photos. We hope all are well at Second Chance Kennels, all the best for 2009

Love Wendy, Gary and Daisy Larman xx

Daisy  Daisy
Daisy  Daisy
Daisy  Daisy
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Sammy & MIlly >>
Posted: 19th January 2009

Ronnie & Fiona came to visit today with our lovely big lad Sammy and his wee sis Milly. Sammy is looking great he has put weight on and is just as cuddly as ever, he now has a wee sis in the form of a Beardie collie puppy who sometimes gives him a hard time but being the gentle giant he is he never retaliates.Lovely to see them.

Sammy & MIlly
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Sabe >>
Posted: 19th January 2009

My mum wants to know how you managed to convince her to adopt such a fierce, ferocious German Shepherd like me, this is me and Axe after a walk at the cottages on holiday at the New Year

Lots of love


Sabe  Sabe
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Monty & Madge >>
Posted: 18th January 2009

Monty on the left was one of our wee lads he is looking great and is back for a visit with Madge his Sis and Mum & Dad of course.

Monty & Madge
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Mr Woo >>
Posted: 18th January 2009

This is Mr Woo the wee lad sitting at his mum's feet another second chance boy with his brother Diesel and their folks.

Mr Woo
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Princess >>
Posted: 18th January 2009

Princess with her lovely Mum, Dad was at work but will be dying to get home to see his little Princess again.

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Zak >>
Posted: 18th January 2009

This is Zak back for a visit with his Dad. Zak has come on so well, he was an abused puppy when he went to stay with his folks but is now a very well adjusted wee man.Lovely to see him looking so well.

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Tojo >>
Posted: 18th January 2009

Wee Tojo getting ready to go home with his folks, do you they think they look happy about adopting him ??/ Zak will be his cousin awwww

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Bandit >>
Posted: 15th January 2009

Well I'm a really happy dog this afternoon, this is me getting ready to go home with my mum / dad Brodie (wee human brother) I love him I think we will have great fun together , and my wee sis she is lovely but I think she will keep me in my place, I've already seen her teeth I'm off to meet my two ( human ) sisters who will be so excited to see me. I am another lucky dog to have found such a lovely new home. Bandit xx

PS: I heard my folks talking about going somewhere called Loch Lomond this weekend, sounds absolutely wonderful

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Tia >>
Posted: 14th January 2009

This is Tia was (Amy), with her family who absolutely adore her.

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Harvey >>
Posted: 14th January 2009

Phil, Harvey ( Hudson) is looking absolutely brilliant.Say hi to Mandy from us all.

Harvey  Harvey
Harvey  Harvey
Harvey  Harvey
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Lassie >>
Posted: 11th January 2009

Sorry about the photo quality.

Lassie has come home

This is me with my mum and her son who was just visiting I like my mum and I really liked her son.So hopefully this will be my " forever home " Lassie xx.

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Star >>
Posted: 11th January 2009

Well look who has now found her " forever home " this family rehomed Jack from us about five years ago he was an older wee boy and has sadly gone to the Bridge, Jack is sorely missed but I think he would approve of this wee girl Star she is a wee gem. The wind will never again blow on this wee lass.

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Oliver >>
Posted: 11th January 2009

This is Oliver he came back today, can't believe how calm he was and he was good during the night.His folks are " in love "

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Flyn & Maddy >>
Posted: 11th January 2009

This is Flyn and Maddy back for a visit don't they look so well.

Flyn & Maddy
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Kia >>
Posted: 10th January 2009

Hi Liz,
Awe thanks so much for the update on Kia.We would love to see her again sometime. We have been really busy but maybe we can try and get through to your neck of the woods at some point.

Hi everyone at Second Chance,
We have had Kia for 7months now and just thought we'd let you know that she is doing great. She is cheeky & mischevious full of fun at times and we wouldn't be without her. We are also being kept very fit with our long walks. She is still trying to catch the squirrels & rabbits. Thanks again for letting us have her and keep up the great work that you all do over there.
Liz, Robert and Kia

Hi Ena,
Sending you pics which were taken by Daniel this morning after her long walk with poor Robert who as you can see is soaking wet, Daniel and I were going as well but unfortunately Daniel has a bad cold so we stayed in the warm.
The pic taken on the stair is her favourite spot for lying when we are out she can see out the small hall window from up there, the other one is her trying to get in our bedroom and when we are not around and the door is left open we come up to find her nice and cosy on the bed ( fly is'nt she) .
I have to tell you all the admiring looks and the people who talk to us about her is unbelievable, cars even stop to let us cross the road!!
You are welcome to drop in any time you are over this way take care.

Liz Robert and Kia xx

Kia  Kia
Kia  Kia
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Kasey >>
Posted: 9th January 2009

Well Mum came and just loved me, My mum came for Daisy originally but Daisy had a home.So I'm the lucky one this time. I arrived home safely and everyone loves me.
Kasey xx

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Kassie >>
Posted: 8th January 2009

Me getting ready to go home with my mum & dad and sis Rebecca, they are so pleased, to be taking me home as they always just miss the dogs they phone about. Kassie xx.

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