Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Rocco >>
Posted: 3rd February 2011

Hiya this me Rocco getting ready to go to my new home, my folks adopted ( Faith ) who they named Milly about two years ago she was a white deaf Boxer, sadly she went to the Bridge a few months ago at just two years of age. So sad, she was such a well loved wee girl.

They were down visiting the kennels at the weekend and they fell in love with me, because they miss Milly so much they went away to think about me. Good news is they came back tis morning and took me for a nice long walk with Chance and we really hit it off so they came back this afternoon for me.Really lovely people so I will have a brilliant home. love Rocco xx

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Jess & Harry >>
Posted: 31st January 2011

This is Harry with Jess who was " Dog of the Week " at Kingdom FM on Friday 21st January. Harry along with his wife Avril and their boys. are volunteers at the kennels, we value their input. We first met them a few years ago, they already had a German Shepherd ( Rebel ) and an Old English ( Bailey ) when they adopted Cody our Rottie girl, sadly Cody & Rebel have gone to the Bridge.After awhile they adopted Milly a chocolate lab puppy, then when they were up at night walking the dogs Axle a 6 month old German Shepherd, had come in who they took home, then they adopted Lucy another German Shepherd girl, no not quite finished yet they fostered Ruby a wee Jack Russell but had to give her up as we had a home for her, Sam a wee Jack Russell was the next one to be fostered yes you've guessed it they were failed fosterers !!! Then of course Jess was here and they do love their Rottie's. So now Jess has found her forever home along with her brothers and sisters.Jess & Sam share a bed !! Good news is they still come up and see to and walk our dogs thanks Guys x x Ps: Harry says I'm not smiling on the photo I said that's because you aren't having anymore dogs ha ha !!!

Jess & Harry
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Saffi , Sam & Indiana >>
Posted: 31st January 2011

Hi Ena,

After a week of hell for Sam and after him having had 4 seizures, the vets have decided that he needs constant medication from now. So he gets two tablets a day. Not the most pleasant news, but hey, I love my kids and we will persevere!

We now have the 4 dogs, 11 cats and have just inherited a rabbit after his dad died last week. All get on well, but the rabbit just needs to settle into his home now. Still scared, but I suppose it doesnt help when Saffi wants to constantly clean it, and the poor thing has never seen a dog or cat in its life. But the rabbit is doing well.

I have some photos for you to see how well they are getting on. Saffi and Sam are both as happy as a pig in clover, so we couldnt ask for better. I see you have some lovely dogs on your website that I would gladly snatch from you, but I think we have enough kids at this moment, but if I had a bigger house, I would take any overflow, but you wouldnt get them back!

As you will see, Saffi, Sam and Indiana absolutely love the cats! Saffi in fact has this issue that she doesnt quite know if she is a cat or dog! She thinks she is the kittens mother and cleans them every chance she gets. Some of the pictures are not great quality but a couple of them are pretty good. I hope you enjoy them!



Sorry to hear about Sam but he is in good hands.

Thanks for the pics they are lovely look how gentle they are with the kitten. xx

Saffi , Sam & Indiana  Saffi , Sam & Indiana
Saffi , Sam & Indiana  Saffi , Sam & Indiana
Saffi , Sam & Indiana   
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Buster >>
Posted: 31st January 2011

Went to see Buster today and couldn't believe my eyes , what a very handsome lad he is , a right wee stunner
Mhairi x

Mhairi was out visiting, this is Buster, he looks brill, went out as an 8 week old puppy.

Buster  Buster
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Polly etc >>
Posted: 31st January 2011

Hi Ena,

Find attached some photos of our dogs enjoying themselves and having
fun in the snow.


Norman & Carol


They look as though they are having great fun x

Polly etc  Polly etc
Polly etc  Polly etc
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Drift >>
Posted: 31st January 2011

Some of you may remember the 12 week old Shepherd puppy we had at the kennels his name was Rio, well this is him now named Drift at about six months old how handsome is he.xx

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Mikey >>
Posted: 31st January 2011

Hiya this is me Mikey with my new family, everyone happy to have me at home with them even though I jumped on the dining table and then the coffee table, but it's just that I'm excited, I'm sure they will be able to train this out of me, I'm just so happy. Thanks for looking after me at Second Chance till I found my forever home will keep in touch love Mikey xxx.

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Lucy >>
Posted: 28th January 2011

This is wee Lucy back for a visit, you can just about make her out, her mum should have had her against her jacket !! can be a wee madam we're told but they love her anyway x

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Gyp >>
Posted: 27th January 2011

Gyp back for a visit with his folks, he looks great and has fallen in love with Pip or should I say his dad has fallen for Pip. x

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Winston >>
Posted: 24th January 2011

Some of you may remember Winston the puppy we had a few months ago. This is him back for a visit with his family, do you think they look happy to have him !! He is also attending training classes as he is gong to be a strong wee lad and is so obviously adored x x

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Scruffy >>
Posted: 22nd January 2011

Well I did it, I have found a lovely home with a special wee lady friend, everyone including the humans are very very happy. They even had a note on the door saying welcome home Scruffy how nice was that.I would like to thank everyone who called about me and I hope they will be happy knowing I now have a very special home.


Sometimes words are not enough to express just how humble & lucky I feel getting Scruffy. Please believe me, my dogs are my life & they are my babies. My whole life revolves round them, NO dog will be more loved or cared for than my new wee man. THANK YOU ALL. I intend to try, no not try, going to be some kind of help one way or another to help your brilliant charity.

Regards a happy Irene xx

Love Scruffy xx

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Jazz >>
Posted: 18th January 2011

Well this wee man Jazz was only on the web site for a day when he found his forever home, with such a lovely couple, he has settled in a treat so watch out for more updates.

Update 9th Feb:

It’s me Jazz – How are you?

I’m still alive & well. Sorry it's been a while since I've been in touch. My Mammy has been very busy with work & spending all her free time with me. She sends her apologises for not getting me to the computer sooner.

Where do I start? A lot has happened in the last 2 weeks.

I have settled in very well. I go to work every day with my Daddy - Andy. I love travelling in the van. I get to see the countryside & when I get bored I just settle down & have a wee sleep.

I have my own new cushion & water bowl at work. I get taken on lovely walks down by the river every day and I get to play ball with all the workers so I get lots of attention.

I have been going to canine capers every Saturday morning – it’s a doggy obedience class but really it’s for humans. Mammy & Daddy learn how to behave with me so that I can understand what they mean & what I’m allowed to do as well as have fun. I like the class cos I get to see lots of other dogs & people but its hard work for Mammy & Daddy – they have a lot to learn !! Next week they have to bring my hair brush - fun fun fun !!!

I’m going on a big walk next Sunday to practice walking on the lead & recall so that should be fun – hopefully I’ll be able to get off my lead more if it goes well. I was a bit naughty last week - I got excited and took off like a rocket out the front door, straight across the road & barked a lot at the neighbour & his daughter. It was a little silly & my loud barking 'to say hello of course' frightened the little girl a bit. Understandably Mammy & Daddy don’t want me to keep doing this in case I get hurt.

I hope you don’t mind but my name is Sprocket now – I kinda ignored Jazz a lot – Mammy chose it cos she’s a big fan of the schnauzer off Fraggle Rock. I do respond a lot more to my new name –maybe because I usually get cuddles, ruffles & treats when they call me & it's not used for telling me off.

Mammy will come to see you soon - she has some money for you (I'm worth every penny, apparently - Ha) Probarbly the next Saturday she is free, maybe the 12th after I have been to pretty paws to get a wash & trim - hopefully it won't take too long but she's not sure if I'll like it. We had a trial run tonight - I had a shower & a blow dry - I liked the shower & managed to stand on my own without being held for a good 5 mins with the hairdryer on me - so things are looking hopeful.

See you all soon & thanks again for looking after me.


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Amy >>
Posted: 18th January 2011

Well, Amy is one very lucky wee girl, she came back into our care after having been out in a home for two years, Bonnie & Fred's family have come forward and they have taken her into their home on long term foster. She gets on really well with Bonnie & Fred and is going to have such a lovely life with trips to the beach ect : So another happy ending x x.

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Yoshi & Buster >>
Posted: 13th January 2011

This is Susan & Scott with Yoshi & Buster. This lovely couple adopted Rocco a Rottie boy about 11 years ago and sadly Rocco has gone to Rainbow Bridge last year, he had such a wonderful life with this couple who adored him. Susan was just reminding me the other day how hard it was for them back then as we are really careful where all our dogs go but especially Rottie's. However they proved to be such an exceptionally good home that not only has Yoshi gone to stay with them but also wee Buster. We couldn't have asked for a better home for these two wonderful dogs. Susan says did she have a choice EH !! NO. xx

Yoshi & Buster
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Floyd >>
Posted: 9th January 2011

This is our Floyd getting ready to go home his folks are lovely and I think he might just get a wee bit spoiled,andll he will love it he such a darling x

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Cesar >>
Posted: 8th January 2011

This is Isobel & David with Cesar he looks brilliant but they had sad news for us as they also had Emma a wee Westie girl, who they sadly lost at the New Year we were so very sorry to here about her, but she did have a brilliant life with them all and like Cesar was well loved and that's all we ask of people xx.

Cesar  Cesar
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Posted: 8th January 2011

This is our wee puppy going to her new home how happy do they all look, another wonderful home xx.

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Jinx & Jake >>
Posted: 8th January 2011

Our last two puppies setting off to their new home Jinx and Jake will have such a lovely life too and again everyone looks so happy x.

Jinx & Jake
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Diesel >>
Posted: 8th January 2011

Thank goodness for our slot on Kingdom FM. This families nephew heard us, called his Aunt and the rest is history !! Diesel had visitors today a lovely family and wait for it !! They already have three Husky's all neutered / spayed / micro chipped ect:All stay indoors !! Diesel was introduced to them all today and when they went home for us to do a home visit he was crying like a baby. So this is him with his Mum and "Brother" David.What a super,super home for him.He is now going to be named Polar X x

This is Diesel with his new doggy family and his mum & sis x

Diesel  Diesel
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Murphy >>
Posted: 5th January 2011

Hello Ena, Mhairi, and everyone at Second Chance! Hope you had a
great Christmas and New Year! As we welcome 2011 we thought it
was high time we let you know how well Murphy's doing.

He really couldn't be better... he has settled into life here
like he was made for it, and he radiates happiness to everyone he
meets just to make sure they know it. He's funny, super
affectionate and full of personality, and we love him to bits.
He's very, very special indeed. We can't imagine life without
our Murphy-boy. He has a super-special bond with his daddy,
Alec, who he seems to love even more than me - probably because
I'm always around, whereas daddy goes to work and it's very
exciting when he comes home!!

Right now he's in front of the stove with his sister Luna,
enjoying some heat. He spends most afternoons and evenings
moving between the rug in front of the stove, the reception area
(where it's cooler!) and the couch (which, it goes without
saying, is comfy).

I'm attaching some photos of the dogs enjoying the snow. He's
loved the white stuff over the last few weeks, but isn't as keen
on the bitter cold as Luna - he'd prefer to be by the fire, thank

With lots of love from Rebecca (plus slobbers from Murphy and
Luna) xxx

P.S. If you happen to get another setter into the kennels at any
time, please do get in touch with us.

Hi Rebecca how spooky was that getting your e-mail, we were up at Wolf Hill rehoming our two Golden Oldies and Mhairi said had we time we could have visited you !! So pleased to hear that " our " boy and your Luna are doing so well together. Love the pics and by the way watch what you wish for your card is marked for another Setter ha ha x

Murphy  Murphy
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