Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Max >>
Posted: 16th April 2011

Hi Ena
Here are the photos I promised, Max doing very well, just had his supper having a snooze!!!!! Loved the beach the other weekend, everybody just loves him too!!

Jan, Jim, Sam & Max.xxxxxx

Aww what lovely pics and what a size the wee lad is getting, think you need to take his paws out of the grow bag now ha ha ha! So pleased to hear he has settled in so well xx

Max  Max
Max  Max
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Gayle >>
Posted: 12th April 2011

This is a very proud Jade with her dog Gayle she came first in her agility class well done to you both xx

To let you understand we had two Border Collie's named Gayle & Roy who were deemed to be untrainable and so no good to the farmer !! We rehomed them to a couple in Aberdeenshire who told us they were " collie people " well they lasted all of a week had taken Gayle to a behaviourist who said she was " untrainable " well you have proved them wrong Gayle and we wish you well in your future in agility I think you will go a long way and Roy also has a wonderful pet home where he is also adored xx.

Gayle  Gayle
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Tyser >>
Posted: 12th April 2011

This is Gemma Jade's sis with another Second Chance lad Tyser who again as a pair are doing well in the agility ring x

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Red & Reno >>
Posted: 12th April 2011

Another two up and coming future agility stars, Red is the beautiful Border Collie and Reno is the handsome young Rottie snapped watching the agility at Camperdown Park xx

Red & Reno
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Jax >>
Posted: 12th April 2011

Hi Ena, Frank and everybody at the kennels that remembers Jax!

Jenni took this pic of Jax last night and it kind of sums him up really. He pulled the spindle out ages ago (as he does) and when we went to put it back he’d chewed the end of it! It’s now his favourite place to lie and survey the house. As you can see he’s still a very handsome boy and I PROMISE I will get through to let you see him again.

Love to all

Lesley xxx


I'm in the Jail House now !!!!! Aw Jax you are still a very handsome lad. Hope to see you soon. xxx

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Pete >>
Posted: 12th April 2011

This is Pete the Doberman he has been in his new home for a few years now and looking so good. Just look at the shine on his coat, obviously well loved and contented, thank you so very much for the update on Pete, we really appreciate it x x

Pete  Pete
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Tina & Pablo >>
Posted: 10th April 2011

Hello Ena,

Thought you would like to see some up dated pictures, they are doing so well and adjusting very well, just love them they bring so much joy into our lives. Thanks again. for choosing us to look after these two wonderful wee dogs. xx.

Rick & Euan


How wonderful. thank you so much for the update, they look so so settled with you both x x.

Tina & Pablo  Tina & Pablo
Tina & Pablo  Tina & Pablo
Tina & Pablo  Tina & Pablo
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Culli >>
Posted: 10th April 2011

Hi Ena,
You probably don't remember me I was previously called Madge and it's almost 5 years since I passed through 2nd Chance Kennels.

My new owners decided the name Culli suited me better.

Just a note to let you know I settled in brilliantly and have got my owners well trained now!

I am getting on a bit in years now but I do try to bag a couple of Munros each summer to keep in shape.

I hope all at 2nd Chance Kennels are doing well....Waggy tail to all!

I have attached a couple of photo's one from my birthday party and the other of my having a sleep on the truly is a dogs life:)

I have a lovely portrait photo which I will forward on when I can get my paws on my owners laptop.

Have a good weekend

Culli Calder


Aw Culli you look so peaceful and a birthday party all to yourself lucky you. Can hardly believe it is over 5 years since Catherine brought you up from Warrington fo find a new home in Bonnie Scotland and you certainly found that wee one. Lovely to hear from you all the way from the Granite City, thank you for the update love it xxx

Culli  Culli
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Scout >>
Posted: 10th April 2011

We had visitors today, I love it when people bring dogs back for a visit. This is Marigold on the right and Olga on the left. Scout who is sitting beside Olga is actually Marigold's a wee dog she adopted from us about 8 yrs ago and the wee one on Marigold's knee has quite a sad story to tell. However, he is such a lucky wee lad he now stays with Scout and his Mum. We are looking for a doggie for their auntie Olga x x

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Blue >>
Posted: 6th April 2011

Hi Ena,

Here are some pictures I took today. Still not very good because they
are quite dark, taken inside, and besides, he wouldnt sit still long
enough to get a good picture.

You will see that he is lying next to my cat Shadow on the suite.Although we
Shadow is absolutely brilliant with him. he is showing Blue doggie
etiquette towards cats. Blue is learning, but it will be slow! he
doesnt hurt the cats, but would rather have his nose in places that
the cats are not too happy about..!!!......I think you will know where
that is!



WOOHOO, at last "our " Boy Blue is in a home we are so so happy for him, but miss him loads here at the kennels, but know we have done the right thing for him. He is with a family we have known for many years mum has a dog from us and her daughter also has two second chance dogs. So Blue enjoy your new home and we will come and see you all soon once you have settled in a wee bit more.
Lots of love from all of us here at the Second Chance. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Blue  Blue
Blue  Blue
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Jinx & Jake >>
Posted: 2nd April 2011

We had visitors today Jinx & Jake a credit to their folks so well adjusted, and now nearly six months old we were over the fields with them today with a couple of the residents from here and they all had a great time x x

Jinx & Jake
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Tina & Pablo >>
Posted: 2nd April 2011

Hi Ena
The dogs have adjusted really well and have spent a large part of the evening cuddled up asleep on our laps. They already know where their bed is and have made themselves at home !

******" Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in Tina & Pablo" xx *******

Tina & Pablo
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Marley >>
Posted: 2nd April 2011

This is Marley in his new home and obviously loving it x.

Marley  Marley
Marley  Marley
Marley  Marley
Marley  Marley
Marley  Marley
Marley  Marley
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Liz >>
Posted: 2nd April 2011

We had a lovely visit from Liz last Tuesday and our wee boy Sandy hasn't forgotten her he was so pleased to see her he promptly jumped up on her knee and settled down for some cuddles.

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Meishka >>
Posted: 2nd April 2011

Wee Meishka came for a visit with her family. I can hardly believe it was a year go today. It was so nice to see them all, she was adopted, such a happy wee lass loves everyone x x

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Shadow >>
Posted: 2nd April 2011

Shadow has now gone to his new home, he was so excited as were the kids lovely family. They tell me he will be going camping ect: lucky wee lad. We can't see Shadow very well on the pic he just wouldn't sit still !! X x

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Cassie >>
Posted: 29th March 2011

I'm Cassie and never made it to the web site, cause my new Mum & Dad came to the kennels before Ena could get my photo, but this is much better getting my pic taken with my Dad. Mum was too shy to be in it. I have the most wonderful home, not bad for a wee girl who had already had two homes and then was put on Gum Tree so that was another home. I'm such a happy bunny now when Ena called my folks last night I was incredible, this morning when she called I was amazing!!
Love Cassie xx

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Buddy >>
Posted: 28th March 2011

What a lovely surprise this afternoon " Our " Buddy brought his folks back for a visit he looks great and his folks love him so much, They are going to live on the Isle of Skye, so we will see them as we go to Skye to see some of our dogs on the island. They left here to take him to the beach at Elie, which is really lovely. Another very happy ending. The only thing was they came with Buddy and just left with Buddy am I losing my touch?? xxxxx

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Jazz >>
Posted: 28th March 2011

Hi it's me Jazz with my lovely mum and dad, just been to the beach where I had a great time. I have been in my new home for a week now and settled in very well. I've been away up to Forres to see my gran behaved very well I just came to the kennels today mum and dad thought I would be a bit apprehensive thinking I was coming back again, but no I wanted to come in and see everyone including Blue and was quite happy to go home again.
Love Jazz xxxx

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Max >>
Posted: 25th March 2011

Hi Ena
I thought I would send you some pictures of me in my new house with my Mum & Dad. I have settled in really well and they say that I am a really good boy for wakening them up in the night for me to get out for a pee! (I wouldn't like to be wakened up!) but they say I'm good. I have also discovererd where my brother sam keeps his toys and I have great fun running about with them, there are lots of squeaky ones that I like the best. My Mum says that it's like I've always been there and she doesn't know what she would do without me now. I have also learned really quickly what the word WALKIES means.
Thank you for finding me my forever home and Mum says she will bring me to see you soon.

Jan Jim Sam & Max xxxxxxx

Aw thanks guys how settled does he look. xx

Max  Max
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