Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Lewis,Shadow & Buddy >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

Hi Guys,
Lewis here. As you can see, I've settled in well with my pals Shadow (middle) and Buddy.
We get on like a house on fire and are playing together all the time.
We love wrestling for hours and playing ball.
Shadow and Buddy even let me chase after my own ball.
Shadow's the boss, but he's a very gentle boss with me.
Dad says I'm a very clever boy because since I arrived Buddy doesn't want to run off and play with any other dogs like he sometimes did.
Dad say he can't believe how lucky he has been to get three boys as good as us.
I love Dad too and want to sit on his knee a lot. Sometimes I have to wait my turn as Buddy also likes to do that and there's no room for both of us at the same time.
Apparently I'm going soon to have bits chopped off, so I'll be lighter and able to run even faster.
Hope you can visit us all soon.

Lots of love Lewis, Shadow, Buddy and Dad.

Alan thanks for the photo, so glad all your dogs from Second Chance are doing so well they are all lovely and so good.x x

Lewis,Shadow & Buddy
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Macey >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

Macey brought her mum back for a visit she was adopted about 31/2 years ago , she is gorgeous such a happy wee lass. It was so good to see them xx.

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Roxy >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

Well Roxy had visitors yesterday who totally fell in love with her, so after a home visit this is Roxy getting ready to go home with her dad, mum is waiting patiently at home Thay are so excited about Roxy joining their family x.

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Bobby >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

Cherly and Jamie back for a visit with wee Bobby the Cairn Terrier, he was a fiesty wee man when they adopted him,but they have worked so hard with him he just a wee pussy cat now.Came looking for a pal as sadly he has " lost " huis pal Hamish. We will keep an eye out for a dog for them though brilliant home x x

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Bobby >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

This is "our " Bobby with her Mum she is just getting ready to go to a lovely new home x

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Posted: 12th June 2011

This is the two wee Border Collie puppies back for a visit doing extremely well, they had just been at the vets for 2nd vaccination. I think their mum wants to call them Trouble & Strife sometimes the mischief they get up to !! xx

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Tess >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

Met Lisa & Richard at the vets one morning and said you should bring, your guys back for a visit and they did the same day and guess what totally fell in love with our Tess the 6 month old Border Collie pup, and as you can see she is safely on Richard's knee waiting to go home, how good was that and she is doing well x x

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Looi >>
Posted: 9th June 2011

Catrina and her daughter brought wee Looi back for a visit, what a change in a wee dog he now has a lovely waistline. When Catrina adopted him he was like a wee butterball, he has a fantastic nature and he tells me his Mum now runs a retreat for wee dogs if their folks have to leave them to go on holiday ect: they stay in the house no kennels and knowing Catrina and her family they will get gold star treatment . The number to contact is 07703 173539.

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Archie >>
Posted: 6th June 2011

Archie brought his folks back to see us, he was adopted about five years ago. He is doing really well and is now looking for a wee girl friend. Lovely home so their card is marked xxx

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Tara >>
Posted: 6th June 2011

Well this wee lass Tara has landed on all four paws, We are so happy for her and for her folks. When we called a few hours after she went home her Dad said never again, we were a wee bit worried but its just that she has settled in and taken over the house......another happy ending.
Tara should be ok now ,the wind won't blow the wrong way on her again xx

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Bailey >>
Posted: 6th June 2011

Hi Ena
Sorry its been a while since I've updated!! As you can see from the pic we have been busy!! This is Bailey with the new member of our family . . . Oscar! Bailey is doing great he very quickly learnt that the pram = a walk so gets very excited everytime we go to get it!! He's brilliant with Oscar too x

Hope all is well

Victoria, Steven, Oscar and Bailey


Congratulations to you and Steven what a lovely wee lad, is this not where you ask us to take Bailey back, only joking Victoria ha haha, but you wouldn't believe how many dogs we are asked to take because a baby has arrived !! Thanks so much fot the pic just love it.

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Sabe & Brett >>
Posted: 2nd June 2011

Awwwwww this is Sabe & wee Brett having some shut eye, how lovely is this x x.

Sabe & Brett
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Tess >>
Posted: 2nd June 2011

Well look what happens when you bump into people at the vets, they already have two dogs from us, so I said you need to come for a visit so they did !! and now they have our Tess as well, hoping, to do agility with her which is cool XXXX Moral of the story watch who you speak to at the vets. ha ha ha.

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Suki >>
Posted: 30th May 2011

Well Suki here you are in your new home with folks who love you already, the rest of your wee life starts here darling and we are so pleased for you. You know we wanted to keep you but it's not fair you so deserve a loving caring home and now you have it, and a pal named Tara for company. We miss you so much you were such a wee cuddly girl but we wish you a long happy life with your lovely family.

Suki exploring her beautiful garden She must think she has died and gone to heaven wee soul.

Suki"s new friend Tara. Sorry the pics are a bit rubbish I think we need a new camera.

Love Ena & co xxxxxxxxxx

Suki  Suki
Suki  Suki
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Posted: 30th May 2011

Two wee Chihuahua's awww aren't they lovely so sweet. xx Carol you do make all these wee souls so welcome in your home thank you x

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Sparky >>
Posted: 29th May 2011

Hello everyone!

Just to let you know that Sparky was neutered today and he has recovered very well. We were at the caravan for 10 days and he loves it there. Here is a picture with his stick! And of course with his travel cup after a long walk he needs a big drink! And one in his favourite spot in the caravan! He still hates the car but hopefully now that he is coming up for 7 months he'll start to settle down. We looked on your site like we do weekly and spotted Toby! What a shame he looks lovely, it's only recently that Sparky has stopped all that playful nipping because that's all it is, he gave me a few sore ones but it wasn't meant malicious. I am sure he'll find his forever home soon, they all will.

We will bring him up soon and you can see what a handsome chap he is, we love him to bits!

Jacqui, Gordon and Kids xx


Jacqui he is adorable x

Sparky  Sparky
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Holly & Cesar >>
Posted: 29th May 2011

Isobel & David up for a visit with Holly & Cesar what a credit they are to their folks lovely to see them xx

Holly & Cesar
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Abbey >>
Posted: 29th May 2011

Mandy came to visit with her son and Abbey who is now about 7 yrs old and looking for a pal. The wee lad in the back ground is a friend's wee boy. Abbey is looking great and it was lovely to see them xx

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Jesse >>
Posted: 27th May 2011

Aw how cute is this Jesse and friends. The cream coloured boy lying at the front is a Spinone, how good is that. x x

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Rocco >>
Posted: 27th May 2011

this is wee Rocco with his mum and two sisters, wee Lhasa Apso's lovely wee girls, who have accepted Rocco into their home no probs. There is also a wee cat, where did Rocco sleep ? between the two girls on the couch with cat lying on the back of it, his mum says it's like he had always stayed there another happy ending,

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