Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Foxy >>
Posted: 2nd October 2011

We have had eight special wee girls, and three wee boy's lately all have gone on to find lovely caring forever homes.
This is Foxy another one of the lucky one's, with her mum xx

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Kyra >>
Posted: 2nd October 2011

This is wee Kyra she was the wee quiet one in the litter of sextuplets. Now found herself a lovely home, although when we put her down she ran away through to the bedroom and hid under the bed, but I'm sure she will not be shy for long x x

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Posted: 2nd October 2011

Well another of our special wee girls has found her forever home she also has a wee Jack called Eddie as a playmate x

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Charlie >>
Posted: 2nd October 2011

Just a few new photos, now I know the email is working.
Charlie our little bear

Kate Patterson

Kate Jason,

Thanks for informing us of your move, guess the " boys " love it there eh !!

Charlie  Charlie
Charlie  Charlie
Charlie  Charlie
Charlie  Charlie
Charlie  Charlie
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Snuggles >>
Posted: 2nd October 2011

Hi Ena and Frank,

As promised here are some photos of Snuggles and I's Day Out at the East Neuk. I think you will agree that Snuggles is very photogenic. My dook in the North Sea to fetch the frisbee (last seen heading towards Norway!) wasn't a good idea. I am still feeling wabbit with this flu bug but Nurse Snuggles is looking after me.

Take care, Carol

PS - Photos were taken by my friend Fiona who besides being a teacher is pretty handy with a camera in her spare time. So if you are looking for some action shots for next year's calendar she might be your wummin.


Carol thanks so much for the pics,she looks so happy and settled, you look a wee bit cold on the first one brrrrrrr, what we will do for the love of a dog xx

Snuggles  Snuggles
Snuggles  Snuggles
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Buddy >>
Posted: 2nd October 2011

Well another one of the puppies finds himself a great new home, his brother in the pic is Max and his mum wanted to call this wee one Spencer then Mike said can you hear us calling on the dogs Max and Spencer sounds like M & S ha ha ha, so they have decided on Buddy which suits the wee man he was always the outgoing one in the litter. X x
Hello Auntie Ena & Uncle Frank,

I just wanted to let you know how I am getting on.

The first day was a bit scary. I was frightened at all the strange noises that I hadn't heard before.

My big brother, Max, kept growling at me but, hey, I'm brave and he doesn't scare me. He's a big softie really and I'm so lovable that he's liking me more
And more each day.

I did my first pooh on the grass yesterday and my Dad gave me a big cuddle.

My Mum put a strange thing called a collar around my neck and I've been scratching like mad trying to get it off!!

I like my grub!! I like the grub that Max gets too but Mum keeps me away from it but I'm soooo fast and I sneak in and pinch a bit.

On Wednesday, I got to go and see the Vet who gave me a complete going over (even in my private bits!) and she gave me some small treats to distract me whilst I got my injections. Mum got worming tablets and spot-on flea stuff but she's waiting a few days before she gives me it as I was a wee bit sick after my injections.

Today my Mum put me on my new lead and we had great fun playing in the garden. I didn't like it at first but then I didn't bother about it too much.

My right ear keeps going inside out but I had a look in the mirror and I think it makes me look cute so I'll keep it that way for as long as I can.

I am helping Mum type this email to you cause I just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to you both for looking after me and loving me so so much until I had a permanent home. I'm gonna come visit you all in a couple of weeks or so.

Lots of licks and kisses.

Buddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS I don't sleep all night ~ I start barking and yelling at around
5.00 am just to annoy Mum & Dad

PS: I am the pup on the right of the pic with the white on my nose, Ena says I was always the wee one who had too much to say for myself, what a cheek hehehe xx.

Buddy  Buddy
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Kyra >>
Posted: 18th September 2011

This is the second sextuplet to go to her new home, where she will also have Daisy the spaniel to play with again a lovely home with a happy ending She is going to be named Kyra x x

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Isla >>
Posted: 17th September 2011

Look who came to visit after they saw Isla on the web site , Alison / James, Oscar ( second chance dog ) and wee Angus all get along brilliantly . So this is the family photo, I make a noise to get the dogs attention look at Alison's eye's she wondered what it was.Hahaha Brilliant home another very happy ending x xx

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Bailey >>
Posted: 17th September 2011

Hi Ena
I hope all 4 pics come through, heres a few pictures of Bailey. He's had such a fun summer he also loved having snoozes in Oscars sun tent! and Oscar just loves him!!! hope all is well at the kennels.

Love Steven, Victoria, Oscar and Bailey x

Bailey  Bailey
Bailey  Bailey
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Charlie >>
Posted: 17th September 2011

Hi it's me one of the wee sextuplets going to my new home and as you can see my Mum and the family are very happy to be taking me into their home. Good news is I have a lovely big sis called Milly and she loves me. My Dad wasn't in the photo because he was working late last night so looking forward to meeting him.Oops forgot to say my name is Charlie x x x

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Fraser >>
Posted: 17th September 2011

Hi Ena .. Few more pics of Fraser.. He is such a lovely wee dog.. Great with everyone he meets... We took him to our granddaughter Rosies 1st birthday party tonight.. Everyone loved him .. You found us a little treasure.
Love Eileen and Bob and big xx from Fraser

Fraser  Fraser
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Banjo & Bumble >>
Posted: 15th September 2011

I just wanted to drop you a line. I don't know if you remember, we adopted Banjo some 6 years ago now. I think a friend of yours brought him up from Warrington after we saw him on dog rescue pages. I just wanted to let you know he is still fighting fit and is just the best dog in the world. He is now got a sister, an English Springer Spaniel called Bumble who is coming up 4 and they are inseparable. I couldn't live without either of them. Also, more additions to the family. We adopted our 3 daughters, 3 years ago (all sisters) so from going from no dogs to 2 and no kids to 3 not forgetting our 2 cats you can imagine its a busy household.I was going to attach a picture of our Mr Banjo for you but I can't seem to be able to. Just wanted you to know how happy we are and how wonderful Mr Banjo is. Keep up the good work you are all amazing - take care

Hi Carolanne,

How lovely to hear from you. I have often wondered how Banjo was doing, but didn't for some reason have your phone number. Delighted to hear from you and would love piccie'a.
Changed days from the day we visited eh !!

Take care
xxxxxxxxxxxx for Banjo and his buddies canine / feline & human

Banjo & Bumble  Banjo & Bumble
Banjo & Bumble  Banjo & Bumble
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Jay >>
Posted: 12th September 2011

Well it is really great how things turn out here at Second Chance.
Heather & Simon called about 2:00pm today they already have Ben a choc Lab from us, they were looking for a pal for him. So I told them about Jay our wee collie mix, so they came up and by 3:00pm had adopted Jay. I'm sure she will be great buddies with Ben. Heather's, Mum and Dad also have 2 Second Chance girls, so home check done previously meant Jay could go home right away. As this will be Jay's third home not counting her stay here, this is indeed a very happy ending /new beginning for this lovely wee girl xx

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Aisha >>
Posted: 12th September 2011

Well Aisha you look very intellectual are you helping your mum and dad at Trophy Pet Foods make up their orders xx.

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Pedro & Susie >>
Posted: 12th September 2011

Look at us, Susie and Pedro, we have found a a brilliant home and we are good is that !! Lovely family but our " sis " doesn't do photo's which is fair enough but we didn't have a choice ! Think we are going to be very happy here, lovely secure garden with lots of nooks and cranny's for us to explore.
Lots of love Susie & Pedro xx

Pedro & Susie
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Bonzo >>
Posted: 10th September 2011

This is " our " Bonzo back for a visit with his family, he is looking great and is so so well loved, he tells me he has his own easy chair, but could you move it back to the window for him please !! lovely to see you all xxx

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Fraser >>
Posted: 10th September 2011

Fraser is settling in really well. Bob is loving having a buddy again. Will send more pics for you to keep you up to date.
Love Eileen Bob and Fraser xxx

Fraser  Fraser
Fraser  Fraser
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Poppy >>
Posted: 8th September 2011

Heres a couple of pics of a very happy wee girl!!!!


Sam & David,
How lovely for this wee lass, to think how scared she was when she came in and has only been with you for just over 24 hours, brilliant and isn't it funny that you also got her on the 5th September the same date you got Jake three years ago.So pleased for you all.x x

Poppy  Poppy
Poppy  Poppy
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Princess & Summer >>
Posted: 8th September 2011

Well look at us with our new Mum & Dad and wee Mackenzie the Border Terrier ( we think Ena wanted to spirit her away ) we are going to have such fun Mum & Dad have horses as well so there is plenty of room for us to run.
Love Princess & Summer xx

Princess & Summer
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Poppy >>
Posted: 5th September 2011

This is Poppy she has gone to stay with Jake who is also a Second Chance boy, Sam & David came to visit today and that was it, they went for a run over the fields, Jake & Poppy that is and got on really well, so she is now in a lovely new home xx.

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