Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Fraser >>
Posted: 8th December 2011

Hi. Ena.. sorry you were not in yesterday when we dropped of the Xmas goodies for Second chance. As you can see Fraser is enjoying a nap with Bob. !!!! Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and we will try and get back to see you all in the new year.
Love Eileen Bob and Fraser xx


Aww so sorry we missed you, what is Fraser like with a cushion for his head, comfy or what. Thanks for the goodies they will go down a treat xx

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Mac >>
Posted: 8th December 2011

Wee Mac brought his folks to visit today and this was the photo that was in his Christmas card to us, he is so cute. He has brought so much joy to his family and they were telling me that they have met another 13 Westie's since they adopted Mac. He wasn't too hot with other dogs at first but now he is great and has loads of doggy friends. Xx

Mac  Mac
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Charlie >>
Posted: 8th December 2011

I was so sorry I missed this wee man when he came to visit at the house of course I was up here, but Susan who will be putting this on the web site for me got to meet you. Charlie is one of the wee Cavalier puppies we had, they were so so tiny but just look at him now. He is still so adorable.His folks just adore him well who wouldn't, maybe see you soon Charlie. Xx

Charlie  Charlie
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Purdy >>
Posted: 7th December 2011

This is our Purdy who came into us as her owners passed away, she was originally a Second Chance girl. She did go out for a week but proved to be too strong for the lady it was a shame as the lady loved her. However she has finally found her forever home with such a lovely lady,, with a garden the size of a paddock and not a cat in sight good luck wee girl not that you will need it. Hope you have a nice time when you go to visit your Gran and Grandad xx

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Siren >>
Posted: 5th December 2011

This is Siren wee ? German Shepherd boy. Frank and myself were in Glenrothes yesterday and stopped to speak to Jim from Planet Furniture, he his wife and family already have Chester a wee Cavalier from us. Well we got talking he asked what we had in at the moment, his wife came along and well to cut a long story short this is Siren getting ready to go home to start a new life xx

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Mirena >>
Posted: 5th December 2011

This is Mirena our German Shepherd puppy getting ready to go home, she is going to stay with people we already know, this is what happens when you come to visit with Zues and Kyra Maggie you saw the puppy and fell in love with her. We are happy she has gone to stay with you and your family she will have a lovely home xx

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Snuggles >>
Posted: 5th December 2011

Hi Ena & Frank,

I thought I would send you some photos to show how well Snuggles has settled in.

She is an absolute delight. We walk for miles together and she loves to play fetch on the beach. We have also discovered lots of dog friendly pubs where Snuggy gets a bowl of water and some biccies while I sample something a little stronger :-)

We have also been through some bad times together - I had flu, then Snuggy got a tummy bug and then we discovered a gas leak which has only just been fixed.

All this has meant we have really bonded and are now a true partnership - She is the simmit and I am the drawers !

Anyway hope you enjoy the photos:

Picture 1 - DAY 1 Snuggy on her little bed in the kitchen
Picture 2 - After 1 WEEK Snuggy on her new luxury duvet bed in the lounge
Picture 3 - After 1 MONTH Snuggy and Millie on the couch chilling out
Picture 4 - After 2 MONTHS Snuggy has taken over the sofa and I have been relegated to the armchair in the corner!

We all love her to bits and can't image life without her.

Hope to see you both soon,

Love, Carol & Snuggy xx

Carol how well has Snuggles settled in Thanks for the pics xx

Snuggles  Snuggles
Snuggles  Snuggles
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Maggie >>
Posted: 5th December 2011

This is wee Maggie with her Mum and Dad, as you can see by the look on their faces they love her already, Maggie the rest of your life starts here wee one xx

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Chad >>
Posted: 3rd December 2011

Hi Ena

Remember me the dog that nobody loved and who hated children. Look what I got, my very own baby. I just love him. he is so cute, cant wait until we can play together.

I just sit and watch him all the time, I think he likes me too.

Hope to see you soon

Love Chad

Kate what lovely pics, just goes to show what loads of love and patience can do.xx

Chad  Chad
Chad  Chad
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Logan >>
Posted: 29th November 2011

This was one very excited new adoptive "parent" when we arrived to do the home visit with Logan, what a super home and they both just love each other already, when we left Logan was curled up on the couch with his Mum, we are so pleased for them both and Logan has one of our dogs Alfie as a cousin xx.

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Sam >>
Posted: 28th November 2011

Sam with his lovely family, he went into the house and just made himself at home. Jumped all over the couch ect: So all told another great day rehoming our residents xx

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Lola >>
Posted: 28th November 2011

Well this is Lola in her new home, her mum wasn't here today but she met Lola on Saturday. She has a Bernese as a wee!! brother, I think she will be fine her folks are just lovely xx

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Zues & Kyra >>
Posted: 28th November 2011

Maggie, Zues & Kyra came to visit today, sadly we didn't have long to spend with them as we were on our way out with Lola and Sam. However it was lovely to see them and we will catch up soon xx

Zues & Kyra
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Alfie >>
Posted: 27th November 2011

This is Alfie he came into us as a puppy, who had been found in the pitch black one winters night, the motorist who found him said he nearly ran the wee soul over. Then this lovely family came to see him and fell in love they asked what he was and I said he looks a bit like a Jack Russell but it won't really matter if he grows to Great Dane size you will love him anyway haha ! This is Alfie seven years on and he looks like a smallish Lurcher and they say he's the best and they all love him. Xx

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Ricky >>
Posted: 27th November 2011

My wee man ( if only ) I just love him so much, but good news for Ricky is he has a lovely family who will give him the best home ever. You should have seen him when Frank and myself took him to his new home, we took him out the back where there is lots of grass he loved it he ran and ran he was so happy, he is not a million miles away so I will get to see him. Thanks to all who called offering him a home xx

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Jack >>
Posted: 27th November 2011

This is wee Jack with his new mum and dad, what a lovely couple they are and talk about a wee dog choosing his owners. Well Jack certainly did that.He went absolutely crazy when he saw them and he would have been devastated if they didn't like him but they did and he is doing very well. xx

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Bailey >>
Posted: 21st November 2011

Hi again

The first pic ...
Steven has started building the christmas toys, Bailey must have thought the empty box looked like a comfy place to snooze as when we looked in he was stretched out so we added the cushion for extra comfort!! He must be tired after a full day of walking ( 2nd picture)and the last one is just a pic of Bailey getting cuddles he loves them!! These are the corn fields at the back of the house! Bailey loves to play in them so much so we took him there a few times during the day all through summer! Now the corn is cut he just runs and chases the rabbits!

Hahaha wish you could get him a bed and look at the colour of him !!one happy dog, love the one with your folks and your son. thanks for these xx.

Bailey  Bailey
Bailey  Bailey
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Roxy & Zara >>
Posted: 18th November 2011

This is me and my sister - the slimbo girls out walking just now xxx

From Roxy and her sis Zara

Zara who has lost 300 grammes in a fortnight , well done Zara xx

Roxy & Zara
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Sasha >>
Posted: 17th November 2011

Lorraine makes a point of coming in every year on the date she adopted Sasha 17th November 2006 when Sasha was six years old, how good is that, I wish more people would do this.
So 5yrs ago today Sasha went to her new home about 4pm. To say Lorraine and her daughter were excited is an understatement. We were laughing, Lorraine was saying she thought I wasn't going to let her have Sasha, well she did come for a Shetland collie.!! However, after two weeks of "harrassing" me and coming to get to know her we eventually let her have her beloved dog and I am so pleased I did. Sasha has had the best home ever and is looking really really good, although she has slowed down a bit. Xx

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Sprocket >>
Posted: 17th November 2011

Had a Surprise visitor today Sprocket ( was Jazz here ) the Schnauzer came in with his mum, he is looking great and of course loved to bits by both his folks, and of course his grandparents. Lovely to see them both xx

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