Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Ollie >>
Posted: 25th December 2011

This is Ollie with his mum & dad getting ready for the off. What a lovely home he has stays near the beach and our Brodie ( who was Marley ) Ollie came back on Friday to meet Kevin at Kingdom Fm everyone thought he was lovely. xx

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Scruffy >>
Posted: 23rd December 2011

Aww look at our wee Logan ( Scruffy now ) butter wouldn't melt what a wee darling he has great fun, goes to the beach every day and has lots of doggy friends. X x

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Eddie and Alfie >>
Posted: 22nd December 2011

Merry Christmas to Ena and the Gang at Second Chance.
Love from Eddie & Alfie x

Eddie and Alfie
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Brodie >>
Posted: 21st December 2011

1st pic:looking out to sea.
2nd pic: At first glance it looks like he has just two goofy front teeth!! Makes me giggle every time hehe!

Brodie  Brodie
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Jasper and Scout >>
Posted: 21st December 2011

Dear Ena

Wishing all at Second Chance a very Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2012.

Lots of love


Jasper and Scout Woof!

Jasper and Scout
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Cookie >>
Posted: 19th December 2011

Cookie and her dad came to visit with some goodies for our residents,it was lovely to see her she looks great and certainly loves her dad, no way I could have kept her here. xx

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Tilly >>
Posted: 19th December 2011

Tilly and Linda arrived today for a visit, I said to Dawn did you ask Linda the password and she said no, but it is apple pie when Linda and Tilly come to see us. Not every time I hasten to add, but Frank loves it. Lovely to see them and wee Tilly is doing so very well xx

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Cassie >>
Posted: 19th December 2011

Cassie our wee Gum Tree dog is doing extremely well, is loved to bits by her folks, so pleased for her after all she had been through she deserved a lovely home. Can see us putting on a bit of weight with the goodies though ! But thank you. Very much appreciated. xx

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Zues >>
Posted: 18th December 2011

Got this e-mail this morning was scared to open it as I know our big lad is getting old.So sad he is so ill now but at least he still enjoys life.
We actually rehomed Zues to a lovely family in Dalkieth, we used to go and visit him and even though it had been months since we saw him he still remembered us, I used to stand with by back against the wall as he just used to launch himself, giving big slobbery kisses. He is 11 1/2 years old and now lives in Colorado Spring. Hope you still have loads of time to keep these bear & elk in their place old fella.
1st pic: This is Zues in his garden just last week.

2nd pic:Zues you look so peaceful
3rd pic: Zues with Tommy his Dad, hope you and your family have a very special Christmas.
Love Ena & Frank xxx

Hi Ena & Frank,

It's been a while and we hope you're all well. I wanted to let you know that my beloved Zeus is an old man now. We just found out that he has bone cancer. I cried for days! There's nothing we can do besides ease his pain with painkillers. He is comfortable on the medication and strolls down to the creek to sniff around or glower at the elk nearby. This will probably be his last Xmas with us. It's been a fabulous eight years since you brought him to us in Dalkeith. He was a handsome young man then and he is still as handsome today! Thank you for allowing me the privilege of having Zeus Rottweiler in my life.
Susan Powers

Zues  Zues
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Mishka >>
Posted: 18th December 2011

Mishka brought her folks to visit today and brought goodies for our residents. She is such a cutie and has put weight on, she is looking really good and has a wonderful life. xx

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Marley >>
Posted: 18th December 2011

Well thank goodness for people who already have our dogs, this is wee Marley getting ready to go to his new home. He is going to stay with his own kind ( Lurchers ) so he is well sorted thankfully. The rest of your life starts here wee man xx

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Jasper >>
Posted: 18th December 2011

Hi Auntie Ena,
I hope my Dad's done this right and that you can see my photos. As you can see I am getting a big boy now. The last time I was weighed, I was 4-7 kg although my Dad says I am bad for not eating all my dinners.
Love you,
Big Jasper
P.S will you let me know if you get my photos.


Jasper you are looking good what a big boy you are getting too, you have some lovely pals. It is so good to see you and wee Charlie both doing so well. Just love getting the updates xx

Jasper  Jasper
Jasper  Jasper
Jasper  Jasper
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Buster >>
Posted: 18th December 2011

This is Buster back for a visit doing really well, he also has a sis Tess from here, did try to get his folks interested in gentle George or wee Marley but it was no go this time xx

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Brody >>
Posted: 18th December 2011

Brody ( was Marley ) back for a visit he is growing like a wee mushroom, what a brilliant nature he has. I introduced him to Ollie and they had great fun, again I did try to get Brody a friend, as they are both the same age and got on really well together they could have had great fun on the beach !!xx

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Ceasar & Holly >>
Posted: 16th December 2011

We had visitors Isobel and David, it was lovely to see them all, Ceasar & Holly looking immaculate as usual although David says you should see them when the come back from a walk !! But if they are a bit dirty so what they are enjoying themselves, and I don't have to bath them hahaha.I was really sorry to hear you hadn't been too well David but you are looking good and will soon be dancing the night away !! xx

Ceasar & Holly
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Winston >>
Posted: 15th December 2011

My name is Winston I came in on Monday lunch time and was in my new home by Tuesday afternoon. As you can see I have now been to the doggy beauticians and looking really good have also seen the vet and had a vac & been micro chipped.I have gone to stay with Teddy another wee Second Chance boy and already have my folks wrapped round all four paws .
Love Winston xx

Have put in before and after pics, I'm so pleased I look really handsome xx

Winston  Winston
Winston  Winston
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Alfie & Maisie >>
Posted: 13th December 2011

Wilma & Phil came for a visit with their two adorable dogs. Alfie & Maisie aren't they gorgeous and are so loved you just want to pick them up and cuddle them it was lovely to see them xx

This is these two wee ones with their litter mates when they were at the kennels.

Alfie & Maisie  Alfie & Maisie
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Holly >>
Posted: 13th December 2011

Holly getting ready to go home, her folks are so excited called about her last night and this morning, she is doing really well as you will see with the photo's her Dad sent in xx

Hi Ena, Here are the photos of Holly, 6 to 8 hours after coming to live with us.


Hi Judy & David "our" Holly looks so much at home already so so happy for her and both of you. PS: By the way Judy what happened to oh I can't have my photo taken !! xx
update -day 2

Here are some from day 2 of Holly's new adventure.

Holly  Holly
Holly  Holly
Holly  Holly
Holly  Holly
Holly  Holly
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Posted: 18th January 2012

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Posted: 8th December 2011

Well first pic of some of our dogs in the snow, so well behaved x

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