Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Sparky >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Hello, happy new year to you all!

Here's a few pics of Sparky opening his xmas pressies and one of him smiling!! We'll be up to see you soon.

Love The Marshalls


Hi thanks for the pics of Sparky what a happy wee lad he is x

Sparky  Sparky
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Toby >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Well wee Toby has secured himself a brilliant home near the beach, the wee girl in the pic with him is Leah she was adopted from us about five years ago. It's hard to imagine but her Mum was a pedigree Springer Spaniel and her Dad a Beardie, guess she took after dad.This is him with his Dad, Mum doesn't like getting her photo taken so that's twice in two days for Bill. They came yesterday for a visit xx

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Alvin >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Our wee Terrors all went to their new homes today this is Alvin he has another wee dog for company xx

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Leah >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Bill and his wife came to visit today with Leah she is lovely, I think they might be looking for a pal for her. xx

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Barney >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

This is Barney with his new family, they are all so excited they have never had a dog before, he is going to have a lovely home xx

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Suzie >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

This is wee Suzie (Terror Puppy)ready for the off, it's a shame you can hardly see her against her mum's dark coat, she was the wee instigator out of the three of them. There is another Second Chance girlie in the family who will hopefully be a playmate for her xx

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Summer & Scarlet >>
Posted: 3rd January 2012

Our two Red Setters ( were Princess & Summer ) Now Summer & Scarlet back for a visit they look fantastic and wee MacKenzie was with them the wee Border Terrier they went to live with, unfortunately you can't see her very well. I want to keep her every time I see her she is such a darling and she looks after her big sisters. X x

Summer & Scarlet
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Jem >>
Posted: 3rd January 2012

Woo Hoo, new camera works!!! Was speaking to a chap today about her ladyship, he was asking how long I had her and where she was from, well coincidence or what, the chap's name is Phil Pudney, he used to have his own dog walking business in Arbroath and he knows your kennels cos he got a Rottie from you, the same Rottie that Rosie plays with when she sees it at the park. Not been going to the park cos Jem was in season, we were going to the beach every day but she goes to the park everyday now and mixes with the other dogs.
Glad we came yesterday, if I could I would have taken the Whippet/Greyhound dog home cos the wee Golden Puppy will get new home no bother I would think and I would have happily taken Rudi. I always wanted two rescue Greyhounds, Harold says it's them or him, I HAVE BEEN SORELY TEMPTED!!!


Great pics Pam it was lovely to see you all the other day x x

Jem  Jem
Jem  Jem
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Rosie & Ollie >>
Posted: 3rd January 2012

Hello Ena and Frank
How are you all getting on.Apologies for taking so long to get in touch.Fairly busy here.Rosie is doing well.Very happy at home and in the garden but is extremely nervous when meeting other dogs and people.So going very slowly with the socialisation and we may need to look at taking her to some classes to help her.She has obviously had a fairly traumatic time of it.It just breaks your heart.But,with time and lots of love,she will get there.
On the other hand Ollie has had nothing but the best and is turning into a very confident and loving wee pup.He had his first jab on thurs and got chipped too.Squealed like blazes!!So now he can go out to the garden and we can get him fully house trained although I have to say he is brilliant and is doing his stuff on papers at the door with no prompting.What a star!

We all want to wish you good health and happiness for 2012!!
Pictures enclosed.
Lots of love

Thanks for the updates I have no doubt at all that you will help Rosie go on to live a very happy life xx

Rosie & Ollie  Rosie & Ollie
Rosie & Ollie   
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Cabo >>
Posted: 3rd January 2012

This wee lad is Cabo and he came all the way from Spain to find his forever home in Aberdeen. We were so pleased when Frances offered him a home as you can see he loves her mum as well they just adore him. Xx


Hi Ena, hope you and the gang had a fab Christmas.

Attached are a few pics of my lovely boy Cabo! He's a pure Joy and such a character. It's nearly 4 years since you put me in touch with him and I took him home to Aberdeen.

Unfortunately, we found out last January, when Cabo suddenly had difficulty walking, that he has degenerative bone disease and two of his discs in his spine have calcified.
We thought he was going to have to go to Fife for surgery on his spine but with 6 weeks complete cage rest, (in a baby Travel cot might I add - Brilliant!) a ramp in the garden so he doesn't need to climb steps, a strict diet and plenty TLC, Cabo made remarkable progress and did not need to have the surgery - for now!

There is a danger that his spinal cord could get trapped and if that happens then he'll be parallised and it will be emergency surgery. However, Cabo is not in pain and leads a pretty sedentary life now but from time to time, he still manages to throw a wobbly and have a mad half hour flinging toys all over the shop and running riot through the house!

I very often think of you guys and would like to thank you again for introducing me to Cabo. I adore him, as does everyone who meets him. He's a very happy, spoiled wee lad and I wouldn't change him for the world!

My mum also just "loves Cabo to Bits" as you can see from the photo of them!

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Happy New Year.

Love Frances & Cabo

Cabo  Cabo
Cabo  Cabo
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Jake & Ebony >>
Posted: 3rd January 2012

Had visitors early this morning (27th Dec) Alan brought Jake & Ebony back to visit.Both Second Chance dogs and both loved to bits. Ebony only went out recently has settled so well she even gets on with the wee cat in the house. Xx

Jake & Ebony
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Enca >>
Posted: 26th December 2011

Hi Ena, Frank and Co

Enca here - thought I better get in touch as its been ages. As you can see I have a sore paw for Christmas. Mum, Dad and Fiona said its all because mindless idiots thought throwing glass around was a good idea. I've been all bandaged up for two weeks so far and Im missing my daily swims in the sea. Never mind, it wont be long before I am backing chasing squirrels again. I cannot believe its three and a half years since you saved me. A wee Christmas Thank You cheque is winging it's way to you. We know you will put it to good use helping other pooches just like me. You are amazing!


Enca (plus Lynda, Iain and Fiona xx)

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Star >>
Posted: 26th December 2011

Well Star is on his way to a new life with another GSD named Angel. His folks have been coming up for the last fortnight to get to know him. He was such a timid boy when we got him in here, that's about three weeks now and only ever had one tiny wee wag of his tail. Hopefully now he has gone out to his new home he will settle and be a happy lad. xx

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Posted: 18th January 2012

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Tara & Chloe >>
Posted: 26th December 2011

Happy Christmas Ena and Frank and all at Second Chance
This is Tara and Chloe on Christmas Day waiting on all the family coming for christmas dinner !yum yum but as you can see Mum wants me to lose weight but I am a greedy girl and don't like getting my photo taken. Mum has had to chase me all over the house to get this one. Hope you all have a nice New Year.
Love Chloe(Sukie) xxxx


Lovely photo thanks John it's so good to see our dogs go on to have such happy lives xx

Tara & Chloe
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Blossom >>
Posted: 25th December 2011

Jim brought Blossom for a visit she looks amazing for her age, he says she is nearly 12 but looks and acts like a youngster. We were very sad to hear she has lost her sparring partner Albert a black Lab also a Second Chance boy. Our condolences to Mary & Jim and of course Blossom xxx.

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Sam >>
Posted: 25th December 2011

" Our " Sam came to see us to let us know how very well he was getting on in his new home, he has lots of weekends away in his caravan and just thoroughly enjoying his new life xx.

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George >>
Posted: 25th December 2011

Gentle George with his mum he just loves her, in fact he " chose " her all by himself he had eyes for no one else when she came to the kennels. So good news he is now in his new home and settled in really well, got his sofa all sorted with throws ect; And he has a wee cousin Jack Russell as a pal and they have great fun. We are all so pleased for him as he was here longer than he should have been xx

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Angel >>
Posted: 25th December 2011

Leanne phoned us from Inglis vets to say they had a wee lab type girl named Angel whose dad sadly and unfortunately couldn't keep her anymore. So Frank went down and brought her back here. Good news for Angel is she has found THE most fantastic home. Lidia who already has dogs from us, brought her sister to visit and Angel was so pleased to see them, that there was no way they could go home without her. So Santa if your looking at this she is now in her lovely new home and we are all so pleased for her. X x

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Gypsy >>
Posted: 25th December 2011

Hi Ena and friends,
Hope all is well at Second Chance Kennels, wishing you all a Happy Christmas from Gypsy and friends! PS. Gypsy says 'Hi' to fellow sprollie Ben, good luck finding a home (wish we could squeeze another one in!)

Gypsy  Gypsy
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