Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Posted: 19th January 2012

Jack was in the conservatory and the door had swung shut. We were not pleased! Notice the mats - we now have 6 making a path from the living room door to the outside conservatory door. It means that Susie can move around more easily and more quickly.
All of us x

Aww that is one cute photo xx

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Bear >>
Posted: 19th January 2012

Well this is me with my " dad " getting ready to go home, the family will be very excited when they come home from school & work to see I have finally arrived. Ena has called a couple times and I'm doing very well settling in fine. Looking forward to running on the beach. Hope my pals Rudy / Blackie / Polly and Ben will find new homes soon Love Bear xx

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Morag >>
Posted: 19th January 2012

Hi Ena

Photos of Morag and my niece Niamh, they absolutely adore each other!!



Thanks for the photo's they are lovely, good to see Morag with the wee one.

Morag's sis was back to visit as well you can see her and her Dad with their Toby who they have just adopted. xx

Morag  Morag
Morag  Morag
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Marmaduke >>
Posted: 19th January 2012

My first Christmas present x

Aww bless his first visit from Santa xx

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Posted: 18th January 2012

Only "shy" Alfie missing from the group photo. The other photo is of two trained killers on alert and ready to pounce.


Hahahahaha thanks for the pics love them, the new wee Rottie girl looks so settled, so pleased for her. Look at her with your other dogs, its brilliant. I knew she was okay with Reno as you brought him with you, when I called and told you we had another Rottie.Only thing you are missing now is a Patterdale !!!

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Marti >>
Posted: 18th January 2012

This is wee Marti now in a brilliant home, she came in on the Thursday we took her to Kingdom FM on the Friday as our " Dog of the Week " someone who was listening to the radio heard us talking about her, didn't do 50 /50 or ask the audience, Paul phoned a friend and this was the outcome a lovely new home for our wee girl xx

Update 21st Jan: hi ena

Just to let you know that Marti, now Ellie, is doing just fine, she has settled in no bother and is now a very much loved wee doggie.

Ellie is now eating dental chews, she follows us everywhere and you can just see that it is all so new to her, she has even been a walk along leven beach and had a great sniffing session.

Thankyou so very much for making my life whole again, she is just lovely, Rusty and her are getting on like a house on fire,

Her Dad loves her too and I am hearing a lot of "how is my wee girl"

Thank you again both of you, it has been a pleasure to meet you.



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Ice >>
Posted: 18th January 2012

This is our Ice getting ready to go home with her Mum & Dad. I called about her over the weekend got no answer, of course then I'm thinking what's happened ect: so Frank went down to her home on Monday, was just a hiccup with their house phone so now I have a mobile number for them. Ice is doing really well and enjoying her walks xx

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Spike >>
Posted: 18th January 2012

This is wee Spike with his new mum & dad, he stays in the country now and hopefully will settle in ok, his folks are lovely and will do all they can to help him settle as he has had quite a traumatic time in his wee life.xx

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Kizzy >>
Posted: 18th January 2012

Kizzy brought her folks back for a visit, she looks amazing such a lovely wee girl, so me being me thought you have done such a wonderful job with Kizzy she might like a friend so I introduced her to a wee boy,no way was she having any of it , so looks like she enjoys having her folks all to herself xx

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Alvin >>
Posted: 7th January 2012

Alvin one of the terrors back for a visit we think he was missing his treats........x

Alvin  Alvin
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Lily & Red >>
Posted: 8th January 2012

Lily & Red came back to visit and to buy 2 calendars from us.
It was lovely to see them again and they are both looking great. x


Lily & Red
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Ruby >>
Posted: 7th January 2012

Hello Everyone at Second Chance,

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2012. Have attached a photo of little Ruby – Hard to spot her in amongst all the cuddly toys Had been looking for her for a while then got a fright when one of the toys moved haha.

Best Wishes

Mags, Jordan, Rebecca, Sam & Ruby x xx x

Ruby you look well, hiding from your mum indeed !! xx

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Holly >>
Posted: 5th January 2012

Hi there, I thought we would give you an update on Holly. She is very well behaved and seems to like it here. There have been quite a few big adventures in the Lomonds, and once on the Ochils. New Years day was fun, but Holly was dissapointed to be the only one of 8 dogs who was kept on the lead. There were 30+ people to fuss over her though so there were some compensations. We walked from Ceres to Hill of Tarvit & back, then on to a big house for treats and endless fuss & pats.

Holly's activity is curtailled just now as she got a graze between the pads of a front paw and it's a bit infected, but steroids & anti-biotics are doing the job and she is looking forward to running free in a large enclosed field next week.

She's had her 2nd vaccination, but no sign of the season starting so the speying operation is on hold for a while, meanwhile we watch her like a hawk for any sign of an excessive interest in the opposite sex.

The comic posture in these photos is one of several odd positions which she seem to favour, her favourite is a variant of this one, but sitting between us on the couch.

We keep looking at the web site to see who is coming and going, it's nice to see that George, Star and Lonely have happy new homes.

Keep it up. David & Judy.

Hi Folks, how settled does Holly look she seems to be having a great time. xx

Holly  Holly
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Brody >>
Posted: 5th January 2012

Hi Ena,
It's Brody here, just to let you know Ollie and I have been out for walkies together and Ollie has been over to play at my house and we get on great.
Attached a few pictures for you to see us playing together,
Happy New Year,


This is Brody ( Marley ) with his pal Ollie the Collie, did try to get Brody's folks to adopt Ollie, Brody's mum contacted her friends who stay near them and told them all about Ollie so to cut a long story short Ollie has a lovely home and they both stay near each other and play on the beach all the time, very happy ending xx

Brody  Brody
Brody  Brody
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Star >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Well Star is on his way to a new life with another GSD named Angel. His folks have been coming up for the last fortnight to get to know him. He was such a timid boy when we got him in here, that's about three weeks now and only ever had one tiny wee wag of his tail. Hopefully now he has gone out to his new home he will settle and be a happy lad. Xx
Had an update on Star and that is exactly what he is a Star his Mum says they should have named him Shadow as he follows his Dad everywhere. Is doing really well all the soul wanted was a home to call his own xx

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Posted: 4th January 2012

Ian thanks for the pics the dogs look great what a wonderful life they have. Hopefully see you all soon. X x

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Jinx & Jake >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Jinx and Jake the two wee boys who went out about a year ago just now, as you can see their folks adore them and the boys are such good dogs Jake is the black and white one so obviously Jinx is the black one. It was so good to see them Xx

Jinx & Jake
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Lonely >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

This is Lonely getting ready to go home with his mum, the rest of the family had been up to see him as well, it has taken him a few days to settle in his new home, but then he had a lot going on beforehand to deal with poor wee man. Hopefully this will be him settled now. His dad says he acts just like a big pup, loves going for walks and jumps in puddles the muddier the better. We had all got so attached to this big lad it was quite a wrench to see him go.We wish him many long happy years in his new home xx.

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Ellie & Katie >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

It had been a wee while since we had seen Ellie & Katie but don't they both look great and are so very happy xx.

Ellie & Katie
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Peanut >>
Posted: 4th January 2012

Hello Ena, I wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year and to let you know how wee Peanut is doing. Well, he is full of mischief and fun and loves his walks at Lochore Meadows and despite being the smallest of the litter he is doing pretty well and having just one eye hasnt stopped him being like every other puppy. We cannot imagine our lives without him, so thank you. Maggie and mum and of course Peanut x x x

I have enclosed the latest pictures of him and one of him the day we brought him home I cannot believe he was so tiny, awwww bless.


Maggie, wee Peanut has come on so well, must be all the love you and your Mum shower on him, all the very best for 2012 to you all xxx

Peanut  Peanut
Peanut  Peanut
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