Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Morar . >>
Posted: 19th February 2012

Anne dropped by for a visit with Morar, who was one of our puppies 4 years ago,as you can see she is gorgeous and had just been to a doggy dancing class where she won 1st prize in starters class in heel work to music. Well done wee one x
Bet Brett the Patterdale hasn't got one of these lovely red rosettes !!

Morar .
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Angel ( from Orkney >>
Posted: 18th February 2012

Hi Ena

here's a couple of Angel in motion! One is at home in the Garden and other one is on one of our favourite beaches where she just goes "daft".
Thank you for your reply about Angel Morag, so pleased she is still enjoying life up there on Orkney. Where on earth does the time go !!!

Warmest regards
Xxx for Angel.

Angel ( from Orkney  Angel ( from Orkney
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Rosie & Chloe >>
Posted: 18th February 2012

Well these two wee girls didn't have to wait long for their new home. Hi Ena & Frank Can't thank you enough for Rosie and Chloe .............just love so much already. We've went for a walk up to the Palace so they've met all the girls and space has been cleared for their office bed ready for Monday. They're both sound asleep in their beds, and cat is downstairs' and has been on the couch with them so all happy. Will send you some photos soon - think the girls like posing for them!! Thank you so much again Heather x

Rosie & Chloe  Rosie & Chloe
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Rudy ( was Sam ) >>
Posted: 18th February 2012

Rudy was adopted in late November, he has such a lovely home. His folks are truly committed dog owners !! We were hearing about all the things Rudy has been up to , I'll tell you, not many people would have kept him,some people bring them back if they so much as bark at the other dog in the house, however they are working through things with him and hopefully he is getting better.They love him to bits most of the time haha xxx

Rudy ( was Sam )
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Jet >>
Posted: 18th February 2012

Jet was one of three puppies we had late last year,
He is lovely and doing so very well and obviously a well loved wee man, he looks great xx.

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Ricky (Richard) >>
Posted: 18th February 2012

Ricky brought his mum Angela back for a visit today. Some of you may remember Ricky , he was our wee chihuahua with the sore leg. He is doing amazingly well and his folks adore him, but now we need to find him a wee chihuahua

Ricky (Richard)  Ricky (Richard)
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Owen & Chad the Collie. >>
Posted: 17th February 2012

Hi Ena and Frank
What was all that nonsense about me hating children, this is me with Owen, my human nephew and I just love him.
When he comes to visit I just sit and watch him all the time, I cant wait for him to get bigger so that we can play together, dad says one day Owen might run me at agility that would be great!!
Red is running at her first ever agility show on Sunday, we will let you know how she gets on, dad not been able to do much with her due to the weather but hopefully she will enjoy it just as much as I do.
Hope to see you soon
Love from Chad and his friends

Thanks Kate for the update what a lovely photo.Just as well you visited the kennels that day when Chad was here as a puppy, do you remember I brought him through and put him on your knee and said " You and Wilson don't have any young children " that day was the start of this young Border Collie's life. Now he excels at agility is great with children in fact just a star and we love him xx

Owen & Chad the Collie.
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Patch >>
Posted: 16th February 2012

I had a phone call the other day from this lovely couple looking for another homeless dog, yes they have big hearts.So I gave them a call when Patch came in, said they could see him on the computer in Homeless Hounds, but I never expected it to happen as quickly as this, but then I should have known better !! This is Patch with his new dad and Kyle who is also a Second Chance boy, Kyle is getting on a bit but still able to get around, hidden in the back of the car, well if you could hide him is Storm a Pyrenean Mountain dog also a rescue big lad.All dogs got on really well, so it was off to the vets for Patch and then home.where he will live a very happy life xx

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Molly Star of the STV's Hour Show. >>
Posted: 16th February 2012

I now have a super new home I stay with another lovely older dog. I have never been soooo happy.
This is some pics of me and my mum & dad when I came to visit on Tuesday love Molly.

It was so good to see wee Molly and her folks she is looking so happy and settled xx

Molly Star of the STV's Hour Show.  Molly Star of the STV's Hour Show.
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Disa ( Was Disney here ) >>
Posted: 16th February 2012

Hi Louise, Thank you so much for the updates she looks great and very happy. Ps: More pics would be good. xx
I have placed a pic of you, your mum and son, the day Frank and myself brought Disa home to you x

Hi Ena

Photographs of Disa attached as promised. Lovely hearing from you again and cannot say often enough just how lucky we are with our lovely Disa. Can send more photographs if you want.

Keep in touch
Louise (Disa sends you her love)

Disa ( Was Disney here )  Disa ( Was Disney here )
Disa ( Was Disney here )  Disa ( Was Disney here )
Disa ( Was Disney here )  Disa ( Was Disney here )
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Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle >>
Posted: 16th February 2012

Hi Sue, Thank you so much for the updates, sounds though the wee fella has settled in well xx

Hello Ena - just a quick email to let you know we are all getting on fine and Murphy is settling in
very well. He is certainly quite a character - mostly in a good way!! He has obviously been used
to having a bed as he has taken very well to the bed you gave us and finds it very cosy -not to say
he doesn't take the opportunity of trying to sneak on to the bed or chair, usually very quietly and
unobtrusively. We have discovered he is not a morning dog and quite likes a long lie - just raises
a bleary eye when I get up at about 7. However, once he is up is keen to be on the go. Loves
playing with his toys and will spend hours and hours running after a toy, bringing it back and
dropping it for it to be thrown again - just doesn't know when to give up! Someone has obviously
put a lot of effort in training him. He is very good at sitting, lying down and staying/not
touching (in the house at least), and when out on a walk when we come to a road if you say 'wait'
he will sit down until told to walk on.

I have been off on annual leave this week and so we have been out and about to various places to
see how he is - travels very well in the car - just stays on the back seat (probably helped by the
fact that our car has an armrest between the front seats, which is usually in its upright position,
and this stops him from trying to sneak though too easily). We have left him on his own in the car
for short spells too, and he seems fine and is still on the back seat when we get back. He's been
fine with other dogs we've met when out and people. He's been out in the garden a good few times
too of course, but always supervised - we usually play for a bit and then pretend to be 'busy' to
see what he does on his own and as yet no problems.



Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle  Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle
Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle  Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle
Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle  Wee Murphy the Jackadoodle
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Rhana >>
Posted: 13th February 2012

This Rhana and her mum back for a visit, dad stayed in the car, think he maybe knew I would want a photo !! This wee lass looks fantastic she is six years old now and doing very well and of course loved to bits xxx

Haha look what I found Rhana and her folks getting ready to take her home as a puppy. Her dad couldn't escape this pic !!! xx

Rhana  Rhana
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Charlie >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

Charlie one of our wee Cavaliers back for a visit, he has a lovely home
and doing really well xx

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Susie >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

Wee Susie one of our puppies back for a visit, she is so lovely I was
quite surprised as she was brownish when she went out but is nearly
black now and looking great. this is her with her grandad who also has
one of our dogs.xx

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Jack >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

This is Jack with his dad, Jack never reached the web site but is now
away to have a lovely life down by the seaside.xx

Jack  Jack
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Murphy >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

This is Murphy a wee lad who chose his family all by himself, he used to
bark at everyone but never ever growled or barked at Jim or Sue and no
one could change his mind no matter how many people offered him a home,
so it was just as well Sue and Jim loved him too. xxx

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Rudy >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

This is Rudy. This lovely family already have dogs from us, so we had no hesitation in letting them adopt him, as we know what a brilliant home he now has. xx

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Roxy >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

Roxy brought her folks for a visit. She is very happy, and looking really well. xx

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Blackie >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

This is Blackie getting ready to go home with his new friend Henry. He is doing absolutely brilliantly, spoilt rotten. xx

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Layla and family >>
Posted: 11th February 2012

This is Layla getting ready to go home with her lovely new family. We have since heard that she has settled in a treat. xx

Layla and family
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