Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Wee Yorkie x girl >>
Posted: 4th March 2013

This wee girl came back with her dad today for a visit, she looks amazing. Her dad was saying he got her way back when we first opened the kennels. It was lovely to see them both. xx

Wee Yorkie x girl
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Kia >>
Posted: 3rd March 2013

Hi it's me Kia getting ready to go to my new home, I'm so so excited had to wait a wee bit longer than Willow my sister, but it's certainly been worth it. My family, who are so nice, are very happy to have me join their family. Hope the other dogs at the kennels fall on all four paws just like me. Lots of Love Kai xx.

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Oscar & Bailey >>
Posted: 3rd March 2013

Hi Ena
Looking forward to coming down next sat! They were too busy watching cartoons for a pic but thought it was cute they way they are cuddling!
See you soon!
Victoria as usual a very cute photo looking forward to seeing you all xx

Oscar & Bailey
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Scamp >>
Posted: 1st March 2013

I was "Kingdom FM Dog of the Week" today. I have perked up a lot in the last two days, and then this lovely lady came to visit today and she has already rehomed a westie from here,but sadly Hamish passed away, Val already had Holly when she came to see me and we got on fine. So this is me heading off to my new life Love Scamp. xx

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Snoop Dog. >>
Posted: 27th February 2013

Hello Frank & Ena
Just wanted to let you know how I'm getting on since leaving you.
I've been having lots of fun and learning a lot.
So far I've learnt that snow is amazing and I love rolling about in it and destroying snowmen,that
and fishing out seaweed (which tastes pretty good by the way),
that the beach is brilliant and i love going in the sea
that Christmas time is fantastic cause there are loads of people to play with me (and i get to dress as santa) and that Kerry (Mum & Dads eldest kid who lives in America) takes me running with her. (Tho I'm not sure she should stand on those dogs)
I've also learnt that going crazy whenever another dog comes near me gets me into trouble but coming back & sitting nicely by Mum instead gets me a choccy treat.
And I'm starting to learn that barking like mad when Mum let's someone in the house just gets me ignored instead of getting me attention so I'm slowly learning to not do it.
My Mum says I've been 'testing the boundaries' whatever that is but all I know is I get into bother if I get up to mischief ... Not that I would though, I mean just look at my innocent little face :)
What can I say, I'm a happy little chappy and my family love me
Love from Snoop Dog xxxx
Snoop so lovely to hear from you, you seem to be having an amazing time we are so happy for you love Ena / Frank & Co xxx

Snoop Dog.  Snoop Dog.
Snoop Dog.  Snoop Dog.
Snoop Dog.  Snoop Dog.
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Troy >>
Posted: 26th February 2013

I am so excited,this is me off to my new home with my " dad", he is going to take me to somewhere called training classes, as I'm not good at coming back when off the lead. Ena know's the lady Kairyn who runs them and she says she is sure she will try and help me. Love Troy xx

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Brandy & co >>
Posted: 25th February 2013

Hi everyone look at me getting ready to go home, don't know who was most excited me, Coby my new friend or the children Blair, Jamie and Poppy. Ena thinks the children would win for excitement as they were told they were coming to collect some stuff for a football team bless. Anyway I now have a fantastic new home and would like to thank all the other people who called offering me a home and there were many, for some reason just like Pudsey I was very popular . Lots of love Brandy xxx.

Brandy & co
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Pudsey >>
Posted: 23rd February 2013

I would like to thank everyone who has called offering me a home, as you can see I now have a brilliant home. My folks adopted Benji about 11 yrs ago from here, sadly he passed over to Rainvbow Bridge last year at the grand age of 15 yrs. They felt ready to offer another dog a second chance and I was the lucky one they chose and we know Benji would approve. Lots of love Pudsey xx.


This is me in my new home and as dad says,

Hi Ena, some pics of Pudsey settling in, He's still a bit nervous though as you can see has bagged the radiator & the tv.

I think I'm well settled here mum phoned Ena this morning to let her know what kind of night I had and it was a good one.

regards John.

Pudsey  Pudsey
Pudsey  Pudsey
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Our Fraser >>
Posted: 22nd February 2013

Hi. Ena Frank and all at "second chance." Just been groomed today and look and feel like a new dog ..!!! Can recommend it!! gives me a new lease of life..!!!! Hope you are all well .. Love from Fraser...Xx
Your looking great Fraser handsome as ever xx

Our Fraser
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Rolo >>
Posted: 21st February 2013

Hi Ena,
How are you? I am sending through a picture of not so little Rolo he is a lovely little boy. I keep looking every week to see if I'm lucky enough that anyone has parted with a little Scottie but so so far I'm out of luck but I'll keep checking!
( as you can see from this photograph he likes his comfort and is a well spoiled dog and a bit of a poser when the cameras out)
Hope you like the picture
Regards the Wylie Family . Xx
Hi Margaret thanks for the update on Rolo he looks fab, I keep waiting on a wee Scottie but everything but seems to be coming through the gate. I haven't forgotten about you !!

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Humphrey 2 >>
Posted: 21st February 2013


Sent this a just short of a week ago but to a different email address, not sure if it was the right one. Here goes again.

I am a bundle of trouble and mischief but my family love me loads and they cannot imagine life without me. Ena, you will be pleased to know that I have landed on my feet and my family are pleased that Frank insisted on the garden being Humphrey proofed. It is lovely to see how my brothers and sisters are doing, on the website.

Love Humphrey xxxx


Hi Humphrey how lovely to hear from you,and that you have settled in so well, your partners in crime are all doing well. lots of love Ena xx.

Humphrey 2
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Humphrey >>
Posted: 21st February 2013


Sent this a just short of a week ago but to a different email address, not sure if it was the right one. Here goes again.

I am a bundle of trouble and mischief but my family love me loads and they cannot imagine life without me. Ena, you will be pleased to know that I have landed on my feet and my family are pleased that Frank insisted on the garden being Humphrey proofed. It is lovely to see how my brothers and sisters are doing, on the website.

Love Humphrey xxxx


Hi Humphrey how lovely to hear from you,and that you have settled in so well, your partners in crime are all doing well. lots of love Ena xx.

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Shadow / Lewis & Buddy. >>
Posted: 20th February 2013

Aren't we posers? L to R Lewis, Shadow and Buddy. Lewis is kind and
helpful. Shadow is strong and loyal. Buddy is mischievous and has
selective deafness and they're the best of pals.
Shadow, Buddy and Lewis enjoy their favourite tug of war game
Shadow can't make up his mind which ball to play with. Despite the
temptation, he still waits to be told.
Two of our former temporary guests who went off to live with their Dad
and another of our former residents Shadow. These Collies, Buddy at the
back and Lewis love each other to bits.
Thanks for the update obviously all three doing well x

Shadow / Lewis & Buddy.  Shadow / Lewis & Buddy.
Shadow / Lewis & Buddy.  Shadow / Lewis & Buddy.
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Maggie >>
Posted: 20th February 2013

Hi Ena
Sorry not to have visited with Maggie recently but as you can see she is doing well and lying in her favourite position in front of the fire. She has slowed up a bit but as she is now nearly nine I suppose she is entitled to behave like an old lady sometimes. She still goes for long walks and loves our two grandsons visiting.
Keep up the good work
Sue and Andrew Robertson
Sue & Andrew thanks so much for the update on Maggie, she looks great, I know I keep saying it but I just love getting these updates fron our former residents . xx

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Taffy going Home. >>
Posted: 19th February 2013

Everything went to plan got clean bill of health at vets,home visit passed with flying colours, so my folks came along to take me home. My mum and dad were so pleased I was really calm. They love me already. Lots of love Taffy xx.

Taffy going Home.  Taffy going Home.
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Buddy ( was Rogan ) >>
Posted: 19th February 2013

Hi Ena
Just thought you might like to know that Buddy is doing fine (except we had him castrated today, so he's not too happy). Here are a couple of photos from our holiday up at Kenmore last week.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the update he looks so well and happy, and looks so much like a golden Labrador. He will not be down for long that I can promise you, going with the dogs at the kennels tomorrow he'll be saying operation what operation !!
Thanks again
Warmest regards

Buddy ( was Rogan )
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Wee Sophie >>
Posted: 18th February 2013

This wee girl Sophie came to visit today, she was adopted when Frank was looking after the kennels last year and what a good job he did of finding her such a lovely home. I can remember when he came to visit he said I have rehomed a wee dog of course me being me said I hope they were nice and it's the right home for her. He couldn't have chosen better xx

Wee Sophie
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Wee Bob >>
Posted: 17th February 2013

We had a bit of bad news about wee Bob as well last week, but he has had his operation and it's all looking really good for him. Thank goodness.

We wish you a speedy recovery Bob so you can get back to your agility. Love Ena / Frank / Morag / Sarah and all the guys who know you xx

Wee Bob
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Hailey Bailey. >>
Posted: 17th February 2013

This lovely girl came to us via the stray dog kennels at Langdyke originally. She was named Bailey then Michelle and Phil came along and totally fell in love with her they adopted her about 6 years ago and called her Hailey,( hence Hailey Bailey) they came back to visit and we introduced them to Tyler another lovely Rottie. Sadly Michelle contacted us a few weeks ago to say Hailey Bailey had been diagnosed with a tumour in her leg and the only way forward for her, was to have her leg amputated which as you can see has had her op and is doing really well. She is so loved and we want to wish her all the very best for a speedy recoveryt and hope everything goes well for

First pic is her first day home from Vets with her dad and the second is her out in the garden x.




Lots of love and hugs from Ena & Frank xxx

Hailey Bailey.  Hailey Bailey.
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Ben ( was Guiness ) >>
Posted: 17th February 2013

Hi Fiona,

How lovely to hear from you and Ben he's looking great thank you so so much for getting in touch with some photo's to let us see how he is doing, it's hard to believe you adopted Ben on the 28 / 2 / 06 where does the time go. He's got it made anyway !! I love getting updates on our past residents. Ena xx

Ben ( was Guiness )  Ben ( was Guiness )
Ben ( was Guiness )  Ben ( was Guiness )
Ben ( was Guiness )  Ben ( was Guiness )
Ben ( was Guiness )   
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