Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

Markinch Scouts donate money to Second Chance. >>
Posted: 21st May 2014

I have contacted the photographer who too the photo to see if he would send an original one. Sorry this one will need to do for now.Sarah and yvonnekindly went along on behalf of the kennels and did a wee talk. Just like to thank everyone involved in raising the money much appreciated.

Markinch Scouts donate money to Second Chance.
Thank you Mark Todd. x >>
Posted: 17th May 2014

Mark Todd did a Just Giving fund raiser for us last month and wait for it !!!!! Raised £3241.00 for Second Chance Kennels. We are all exremely grateful to Mark this will go a long way to helping us. Once again Mark thank you so very much for taking the time out to help us.We really do appreciate it, including Wee Alfie xx

Thank you Mark Todd. x
Hazel / Vic and wee Alfie xx >>
Posted: 9th May 2014

Hazel & Vic kindly came along with a donation of £100-00 for the kennels from Spiritual Light Within St Andrews. Would like to thank everyone involved with raising this. Very much appreciated thank you very much.

Of course there was no show without Punch or should I say Wee Alfie xx.

Hazel / Vic and wee Alfie xx
Lincoln >>
Posted: 27th April 2014

This is Lincoln with Frank and wee Alfie, good news for wee Lincoln he now has a new home and settled in very very well !! he is missed here as everyone loved him, but he is very happy and thats what matters xx.Ps: Frank will need to wash his own head now lol !!!

Kennels Closed !!!! >>
Posted: 13th April 2014

Kennels will be closed from 13th April and will reopen on Tuesday 22nd April.

Ps: Wee Alfie is missing going to " work " LOL.

Kennels Closed !!!!
Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace >>
Posted: 13th April 2014

Another Sunday afternoon, supporting our past residents at Agility Scone Palace, it was a lovely day. We didn't manage to catch up with everyone as they were busy with the show. This is some we did catch up with.

Who say's it's a dog's life Brett / Star and Axle hogging the table at the window, well it was sunny.Frank chilling out with Sabe, Kate / Red /Axle.Louden with Ruby who wouldn't look at the camera, she was one of the Rottie pups from a couple years ago.Buzz is sitting watching everything that's going on. Wee Brett the Patterdale is hilarious he jumps over the wind breaker and goes and joins the queque at the burger van, doesn't always wait his turn mind you ususally goes right to the front.xx

Faith / Kai & Chad were also there but didn't get a pic of them this time !!!!

Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace  Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace
Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace  Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace
Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace  Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace
Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace  Doggy day out Agility Scone Palace
Chevonne & Marianne from Curves. >>
Posted: 11th April 2014

Thanks very much to Chevonne and Marianne and everyone from Curves, for the very kind donation of food to Second Chance, very much appreciated. This is the ladies with Lincoln & Wee Alfie xx

Chevonne & Marianne from Curves.
Just Giving >>
Posted: 8th April 2014

Supporting our Kennel and helping out hounds in need is now even easier thanks to our new Just Giving account, click below for more details!

Donate with JustGiving and PayPal

Agility at Camperdown Park. >>
Posted: 8th April 2014

Well that's the agility season started, there are quite a few of our past residents who compete, so Frank and myself went to see them. We were relatively clean then we arrived not so when we left !!! Popped into see Kate and Wilson in their caravan !!! well we were wearing a few dogs. It's great they remember us. Morag had taken some photo's for us of Finn / Red / Bonnie / Sox / Ben and his pal Rory but sorry she didn't get one of Kooper or Chad, competing. First one is Red who got 2nd place in grade 4.Then Bonnie who qualified for the ABC cometition in Birmingham.

However I managed to get one of Frank in the caravan getting a cuddle from Red but Chad is too intent on watch the agility he would stand there all day Kate said.Of course wee Alfie was there sporting his tartan jacket.

Also caught up with Louden and Anne great to see the all again.

Sabe / Star / Axle / Buzz and of course could'nt forget Brett the Patterdale.

Anne's Morah was there as well but Louden's three Rotts were at home.

Agility at Camperdown Park.  Agility at Camperdown Park.
Agility at Camperdown Park.  Agility at Camperdown Park.
Agility at Camperdown Park.  Agility at Camperdown Park.
Agility at Camperdown Park.  Agility at Camperdown Park.
Agility at Camperdown Park.  Agility at Camperdown Park.
Bark in the Park. 2014 >>
Posted: 29th March 2014

Well it's that time again Bark in the Park will be on Sunday 27th July at Lochore Meadow Country Park.

Will add more info as we get it.

Well Done to The Fife Flyers. >>
Posted: 24th March 2014

Well done to the Fife Flyers from all of us here at Second Chance Kennels it was great to see that you won both nights.From Wee Alfie and all at Second Chance Kennels.

Well Done to The Fife Flyers.
Frank in his glory xx >>
Posted: 23rd March 2014

Sunday afternoon and once again Frank is in his glory surrounded by Wee Alfie /Charlie & Bertie, Yorkie heaven xx

Frank in his glory xx
This is so very true x >>
Posted: 23rd March 2014

Gemma Reekie sent me this so thought I would share it, because it is so true.

Some people think just because dogs are in kennels that he/she must have something wrong with them !!!

Yes the odd one or two have wee problems that they need help with, but at the end of the day you are rewarded with a wonderful companion and friend.

The next pic is! The kitten found the puppy, so he's his and he is keeping him aww Bless xx.

This is so very true x  This is so very true x
Fife Flyers Visit !! >>
Posted: 21st March 2014

Derek, Sarah, Tim & Hannah came up and walked Jambo & Lexi our two Border Collie's. Then played for a wee while with Bertie/Charlie/ Lincoln and wee Alfie. Don't know about the Fife Flyers but the dogs loved their visit.

Fife Flyers Visit !!
ICare Pet Cremation & Burial Services. >>
Posted: 8th March 2014

Alex from ICare came through for Big Alfie on Thursday, brought Big Alfie back home today. Thanks Alex for being there for Alfie and everyone here at Second Chance Kennels.

You can contact Alex on 01501 741626 or Mob. 07818 01 6618.

At ICare Pet Crem our business is 100% focussed on INDIVIDUAL Pet Cremation.

ICare Pet Cremation & Burial Services.
Ian from Kingdom Fm x >>
Posted: 8th March 2014

Ian was at the kennels on Thursday to pay his respects to Big Alfie our Rottwieler who passed away in his sleep.R.I.P Alfie xx Ian used to take the big lad out down to Ravenscraig park, Alfie loved Ian and looked forward to his outings.

On a happier note this is Ian with three of our residents 71/2 week old German Shepherd x's. You siut them Ian x

Have added some pics of Ian, Alfie & Tara of Alfie and Ian at Ravenscraig, Ian didn't have to wash his face that day. For a man who wasn't sure of Rottie's when he first came here these two certainly changed his mind. Happy memories. xxx

Ian from Kingdom Fm x  Ian from Kingdom Fm x
Ian from Kingdom Fm x  Ian from Kingdom Fm x
Ian from Kingdom Fm x  Ian from Kingdom Fm x
Lloyds Banking group.plc. >>
Posted: 5th March 2014

Had a call / email from Sarah at Lloyds Banking Group plc. To say we have been chosen as their charity for 2014. We are very grateful to everyone who voted for us, it is very much appreciated.

Sarah sent this to us. Just to keep you updated we are having a dress down day at work Thursday 27th March to raise funds for Second Chance. I will let you know how much we raise. Also looking to have a bake sale & sponsored dog walk but dates haven't been confirmed.

Just to let you see a couple of the cases we deal with throughout the years.

These are just two of the dogs found abandoned last year, sadly we did all we could for Bruno the wee Yorkie but he was too old vet reckoned about 15yrs sadly he went to Rainbow Bridge. Shadow we named him this as he was found in the woods in the heat wave last year. Good news for Shadow although he too was older is now living a wonderful life in his new home.

So this is what we do with any money raised for us, all goes to help the dogs !!!

Lloyds Banking group.plc.  Lloyds Banking group.plc.
Morrisons Cowdenbeath. >>
Posted: 5th March 2014

Lovely surprise this morning, two lovely ladies, Vicky & Deborah appeared at the kennels with goodies, which had been collected in Morrisons Cowdenbeath. We would like to thank Management / Staff and of course the customers for donating the food and treats. Here is a photo of the girls and two cuddly puppies, we had to watch they didn't put them under their jackets LOL x x

Morrisons Cowdenbeath.
Donibristle Primary School ( Nursery ) >>
Posted: 4th March 2014

Rudi and her mum came to visit yesterday with Winnie the Pooh, they brought food and treats for the residents here. Thank you all very much. Wee Rudi has sadly lost her best pal Max, so these are all in memory of him. xxx

Donibristle Primary School ( Nursery )  Donibristle Primary School ( Nursery )
Matt ( Fife Flyers ) Mel and Big Alfie >>
Posted: 25th February 2014

Matt was up the other week with Fife Flyers and asked if he could come and do some doggy time !! at the kennels. Well here he is with Mel his partner and Big Alfie, they gave Alfie some "us " time. He had a lovely brush ect. Took the Lurchers Alfie & Stanley for a walk with Andy, one of our volunteers. Think they enjoyed themselves because they are going to come back next week. Look forward to seeing them again as I'm sure the big lad Alfie will be.

Matt ( Fife Flyers ) Mel and Big Alfie
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