Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

Thank you to North Queensferry Dog Training club. >>
Posted: 17th December 2017

We would like to thank the above club for all the tins of Pedigree Chum / dry food /harnesses/ leads ect.Very much appreciated. Here are the tins with the names on them thank you.

Thank you to North Queensferry Dog Training club.  Thank you to North Queensferry Dog Training club.
Mike's Birthday Bash x >>
Posted: 2nd December 2017

This chap held his 50th Birthday last week and asked for money instead of presents.He collected £500 so gave £250 to us and £250 to Rachel House. What a lovely gesture thank you so much Mike. This is him with his wife and of course Jock and Brogan. ( Who both now have great homes )

Mike's Birthday Bash x
Pat came for a wee visit xx >>
Posted: 14th November 2017

Tom and Morag from Kingdom Homes came along for a visit with Pat who has a Wish List and her wish was to meet some of our residents. So here is Pat with Alfie and then Jock who just loved all the cuddles.Tom just sat down Jock jumped on his knee and went to sleep we know this because he was snoring,Jock that is not Tom lol.Then one with Pat, Morag & Tom with Jock.Was so nice to meet them all xx.

Pat came for a wee visit xx  Pat came for a wee visit xx
Pat came for a wee visit xx  Pat came for a wee visit xx
Quiz Night !!! >>
Posted: 21st September 2017

Thanks to everyone who came along and supported our Quiz Night. Wee Alfie had a ball and we raised £420.42 to help with our work here at Second Chance. Excellent and thanks to Jane / Charles / Elaine / Sarah / Abbie / Anne/Andy/Margaret/ Kayleigh & Diane and everyone else who came along and supported us. Thanks also to Mary from the Village Inn for laying on stovies and sausage rolls and to Anne Dunsire for the yummy cup cakes.xx

Jack xx >>
Posted: 25th August 2017

Well so happy got some brilliant news last night. Police Scotland has a new recruit his name is Jack.

We took him in on the 23rd March this year as an 8 month old Malinois pup from a lady who had bought him as a pet !! Not a good idea these dogs need to work !! I asked her if he chewed she said no but he managed to demolish one of our big leather armchairs lol.

Soon as he came in what did i do but message Gary Nealon one of the dog handlers in our area who loves Mals, of course I knew what Gary would say which was " You still got him " and the answer was yes. So he said can we come to meet him meaning himself and Craig. ( they were down within the hour ) Then Craig came back took Jack over the field was very impressed with our boy.The rest is history Police Scotland sent all the paper work through and off Jack went with Craig on the 11th April 2017. Roughly 4 months training we are well impressed.

Best news of all he is now an Official Police Dog. Frank myself and everyone who was involved with him here are so so proud of him and Craig of course.

Jack xx  Jack xx
Jack xx  Jack xx
Bark in the Park 2017. >>
Posted: 11th August 2017

Frank myself and wee Alfie would like to thank our sponsors/everyone who donated prizes ect. and everyone who attended and supported us at Bark in the Park we raised £2517-67 on the day. Plus Mitch's mum and Dad couldn't make it on the day but donated £50-00 to add to the total. Thanks Val and Andrew.


Bark in the Park 2017.
Bark in the Park 2017. >>
Posted: 10th April 2017

Photo's now on our website on the events page.

Bark in the Park will be on Sunday 30th JULY. Venue Lochore Meadows Country Park.11-4pm. Please Note there is NO CHARGE to get in to this event !!! K107 will be in attendance.There will be a Fun Dog Show / Quack Commandos /Remus Ponies / Agility / Fly Ball / Fly Ball for humans that should be a laugh/ Shows for the children. Stalls. Tombola / Raffle. Pea in the Bottle !! Waiting to hear back from Police Scotland Dog Section hopefully they will be able to come along as well.

Many thanks to our sponsors Inglis Vets/ David Cant ( engineering services) Barbara Dunnikier Barbers / Balloons at Hallmark ( Cowdenbeath & Hospital Hill) Gillian Vodabone.Pet Planet.

Home made Tablet !! >>
Posted: 8th May 2017

This kind lady made tablet and sold it for funds for the kennels £200.Thank you so very much it is appreciated. x

Home made Tablet !!
George & Ann >>
Posted: 31st March 2017

George and Ann came along today for a wee visit, with a very welcome cheque for £200-00. This was from all the men on the Saltire Rig thank you all so very much for thinking of us, it's very much appreciated. This is George and Alfie but Ann managed to avoid the photo. xx

George & Ann
Diesel xx. >>
Posted: 13th October 2016

Just had to share this photo. This is Diesel one of our Malinous Pups who has gone to train as a police dog in North Yorkshire. She is doing very very well so proud of her.


Sadly Diesel didn't make it as a police dog. Is now with Danny who has Mika her sister.So still working. Thanks Danny.

Diesel xx.  Diesel xx.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year x >>
Posted: 16th December 2016

Frank myself Wee Alfie and all our wonderful volunteers wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for your support through out the years.For all the food donations / cheques and monetary donations. It is really really appreciated.All the very best for 2017 hope its a good one.x

We have now stopped rehoming till after the New Year.

A Dog is for Life NOT just Christmas.x

We would also like to thank Glenrothes Dog Training Club for the Food Beds ect. we were overwhelmed with their generosity and can't thank them enough.Vicky from Second Chance is on the left of the picture.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year x
Chase Schaber at Second Chance. >>
Posted: 16th December 2016

Lovely morning at Second Chance on Thursday.Ross Cunningham brought Chase Schaber from Fife Flyers along for a visit.It was so good Chase just loves dogs so had a few doggy cuddles which he enjoyed.Here he is with a few of them, even got a cuddle from Dana.x x

Chase Schaber at Second Chance.  Chase Schaber at Second Chance.
Chase Schaber at Second Chance.  Chase Schaber at Second Chance.
Chase Schaber at Second Chance.  Chase Schaber at Second Chance.
Mitzy & Molly xx >>
Posted: 14th November 2016

These two girls came along yesterday with their family.It was lovely to see them but sad as well as their beloved grandad has passed away and they brought a donation to the kennels in his memory as he loved dogs.xx

Mitzy & Molly xx
Coffee Day (hosted by Candy) >>
Posted: 1st September 2016

Coffee Day update. >>
Posted: 12th November 2016

Candy came along to the kennels yesterday with Rowan & Morven to hand over the money.Cheque for £857-11 how good was that. We would like to thank Candy/ Jackie/ Morven / Rowan. Fiona Tranquility for donating the baking, Margaret for the fruit loaves and tablet. and all the others who helped out. Candy couldn't have done it without you thank you all so very much.Thanks to everyone who brought their dogs along,lovely to see them all.Some pics of the day.x

Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Coffee Day update.  Coffee Day update.
Bark in the Park 31st July 2016. >>
Posted: 10th August 2016

This is an update on Bark in the Park.

Money taken in on the day £3776-30.

Which was absolutely brilliant and we would like to thank everyone who came along and supported us.

Our sponsors Inglis Vets / Tranquility /Fife Historic Vehicle club. To all who gave us Prizes for the raffle. To Flemings Removal Company for once again coming along with the Gazebo for our tombola.

However we did have to pay money out for various things. Which amounted to £1572-60.

Leaving us a total profit for the kennels of

£2203 -60.

Harper's Birthday treats xx >>
Posted: 15th July 2016

Dani brought Ciaro for a visit today. She had a donation of £50 to donate for the kennels. Her daughter Harper had her birthday recently she was one year old.Thank you so much Dani and for putting the time and work into Ciaro to make her the super dog she is today xxx

Harper's Birthday treats xx
Bark in the Park 31st July 2016 >>
Posted: 17th July 2016

Well it's getting round to that time of year again. Bark in the Park Sunday 31st July 11-4pm.

K107 Fm Community Radio will also be at the show .

We would like to thank our sponsors Inglis Vets / Tranquility / Fife

There will be loads of stalls. Quack Commandos.Fun Dog show /Police dogs/Remus Ponies/ Balloon Race courtesy of Balloons at Hallmark Cowdenbeath and Dunfermline.Kiddies Shows. Games for the children. We will be very grateful for any unused gifts ect for our tombola stand. Thanks x

Bark in the Park 31st July 2016  Bark in the Park 31st July 2016
Bark in the Park Sunday 31st July 2016 >>
Posted: 28th April 2016

Well it's getting round to that time of year again. Bark in the Park Sunday 31st July 11-4pm. There will be loads of stalls. Quack Commandos.Fun Dog show.ect.Still more will confirm will do this as and when we get details.We will be very grateful for any unused gifts ect for our tombola stand. Thanks x

Bark in the Park Sunday 31st July 2016
Amy & Sasha xx >>
Posted: 5th July 2016

Amy and Sasha came for a wee visit today, it was lovely to see them and of course Sasha got her sausage lol.Sasha was Best Second Chance Dog last year at Bark in the Park. Amy brought up £200-00 kindly donated from Dunfermline High School from their non-school uniform day on 1/7/16. Which was gratefully received, will help some of the dogs less fortunate than Sasha, thanks to all who contributed.

We would also like to wish Amy all the best as she is going on a month's volunteering to India to help less fortunate people.So like her hope you enjoy the experience. xx

Amy & Sasha xx
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