Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

BARK in the PARK >>
Posted: 1st August 2006
BARK in the PARK
As some of you may know, BARK in the PARK was held at Lochore Meadows on Sunday 30th July. Well, the months of preparation and hard work was definitely worth it, it was more successful than we could have ever imagined! The sun was shining, the atmosphere was buzzing and we got to meet lots of former Second Chance dogs. It was great to see lots of familiar faces and new ones alike. We would like to thank everyone who made the day as fun and successful as it was, that includes organisers, volunteers, visitors (human and dog!), and anyone else who took part!! Your help, support and generosity is very much appreciated. P.S we will be updating the website with photos from the event soon, so keep and eye out!
Buy a Brick and help build our isolation kennels >>
Posted: 20th July 2006

We are currently in the process of building a new isolation block at the kennels. This will be for all those dogs who come in sick or injured or who can't mix with the other homeless hounds for whatever reason. Now we need the materials to build with, and that's where you come in!

We're asking all our website visitors and supporters of our work at the kennels to 'Buy a Brick'. They are only £1.00 each and you can buy as many as you like. We will keep everyone updated on the prgress of the build, so you can see where you're much appreciated donations are going to use.

See our Buy a Brick page for more information or simply click the button below to get started:

Online donations now accepted! >>
Posted: 15th July 2006

Some of you may have noticed already that we have added a new feature to our website, online donations.

Because we are a charity, we rely solely on donations from our supporters for the day to day running of the kennels, and now you can donate online using PayPal. See our How you can help page for more information or simply click the button below to make a donation now:
We are grateful for every donation, no matter how small and you can be assured that every penny goes towards the care of the dogs.

Successful fundraising at Knockhill! >>
Posted: 20th May 2006

This is Carol & Scott doing some fund raising for us at Knockhill racing circuit last weekend, they raised over £500.

Carol says she doesn't do photo's so Mhairi took a sneaky one !! sorry Carol but you do take a good pic.

Thanks to Carol, Andy and Scott for giving up their weekend to help Second Chance it is really appreciated.

Successful fundraising at Knockhill!
Nancy raises £240 by not smoking! >>
Posted: 6th May 2006

This is Nancy (who is mum to the lovely Breagh the Rottie girl who came up from Warrington) with Kyra, Tess & of course Sandy. Nancy did a sponsored stopped smoking for the month of March and raised £240-00 which she has very kindly donated to the kennels, thank you very much, The good news is she is still of the ciggies well done Nancy, gives you more breath to walk Breagh!

Nancy raises £240 by not smoking!
Thank You to HBOS Dunfermline! >>
Posted: 6th April 2006

This is John McKinstray, a bank manager with HBOS Dunfermline, who along with some colleagues, have very kindly donated a cheque for £1000.00 to the kennels. This is greatly appreciated and will go a long way to help with the general running of the kennels and also to help us help Chance on the road to recovery. Chance who is a Rottweiler mix who needs to be on special medication for the next few months as he came into us in such a terrible state poor soul. He never once complains he is such a sweetheart. His coat ears eyes were all in a chronic state, but with lots of TLC which he will get in abundance and his medication I'm sure we will see a different dog in a few months.

So, thanks once again to everyone involved!

P.S. John, I don't normally do photographs, the web designer has been trying to get me on here for a long time!

Thank You to HBOS Dunfermline!
Well Done Foulford Primary School! >>
Posted: 6th April 2006

This is Jean accepting a cheque for £225 from Liz who is a teacher at Foulford Primary School Cowdenbeath. The pupils had a dress down day, they had already sold cakes for which they raised £60-00 for the kennels, so all told a total of £285 was raised for the kennels. Thank you all very much and well done!

Well Done Foulford Primary School!
Leanne guessed right! >>
Posted: 12th February 2006

This is Leanne from Dunfermline, who is the winner of our Guess the birthday doggy, looking very happy with her prize!

Well done Leanne, and thanks to everyone who joined in!

Leanne guessed right!
BARK in the PARK >>
Posted: 6th February 2006

Make a space in your calendars!

We will be holding "BARK in the PARK", a fund raising fun day on Sunday 30th July.

Look out for more information popping up on the website in the next couple of days with details about what's on offer and how you can help.

Paul O'Grady show donates £500 >>
Posted: 26th January 2006

We very kindly got a donation of £500 from ITVs Paul O'Grady show.

We would like to thank all concerned, it was very much appreciated.

Cummings store, Leven donate £200 >>
Posted: 13th January 2006

This is Pamela Hamilton from Cummings store in Leven, who came along and kindly donated £200-00 to the kennels, thanks to all who helped raise the money, this is very much appreciated, and will really help in the day to day running costs of the kennels.

Pamela has a wee Yorkie herself and as you can see our Sandy has taken a shine to her as well!

Cummings store, Leven donate £200
Thank you to the staff at MGT >>
Posted: 21st December 2005

We've just had a visit from three young ladies up from MGT in Kirkcaldy with a donation of £100-00. plus washing up liquid / paper towels, dog food / paper for the computer ect:

We would really like to thank them most sincerely for thinking of Second Chance Kennels.

Society donate £400 >>
Posted: 7th December 2005

After the Amalgamated Society of Shovellers, Scroungers and Kindred Trades Successful Annual Dinner earlier this month, Members are proud to continue their support of Second Chance Kennels Thornton.

Second Chance would very much like to thank Bill Mackintosh and all concerned for the very handsome donation of £400-00.

Thank you to Avon dog agility club >>
Posted: 26th November 2005

Avon dog agility club very kindly sent us a cheque for £75-00, which was very much appreciated.

Thank you so very much!

Royal Bank of Scotland raise £467.66 for the kennels >>
Posted: 18th November 2005

We would like to thank everyone at the Royal Bank of Scotland's Group Technology Division. They managed to raise £467.66 through their "Dress Down Day", where staff come into work in casual wear and donate at least £1 to the nominated charity, and this month they chose Second Chance Kennels!

So, thank you everyone and well done!!!

Changes to the website >>
Posted: 5th November 2005

Some of the regular visitors might notice some changes to the website.

First of all, the 'Happy Hounds' that used to be on this page now have their very own section, click here to see them.

Also, we have another new section called 'Rainbow Bridge' where we will put photos and stories in memory of beloved pets that have passed on. Click here to see them.

We also have a new page called Our Aims which you may like to read.

Well, that's all for now!

Friends of Second Chance Kennels >>
Posted: 27th August 2005

Jean (Wee Man's mum) from Windygates & Jean ( Amber's mum) from Carnock, came up for a visit last week and guess what, they are now both involved in fund raising for the kennels, which is great! This week they have held a raffle with two huge cuddly Teddies (Thank you George, Brodie's dad for donating them) which raised £100-00, then today the 27th August they did a car boot at Kinross and raised a further £102-00. Would like to say a big thanks to them for getting up at about five o'clock on their day off to do it, it's very much appreciated.

Cheers girls!

Guestbook now working! >>
Posted: 29th June 2005

Good news! The guestbook now seems to be back in working order. Your comment may not appear right away, but it should show after a few days.

Thanks for your patience!

Problems with the Guestbook >>
Posted: 28th April 2005

The website that hosts our guestbook are having some technical problems which means that new entries are not being added. They are working to try and fix the problem and it should be up and running soon!

Brand new website launched! >>
Posted: 19th March 2005

Well, this is our brand new website!
We've tried to make it nice to look at and easy to use at the same time.
Tell us what you think in our guestbook, we hope you like it!

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