Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

Ian with Tara & Alfie >>
Posted: 19th December 2009

We thought we would break Ian in gently and gave him the puppy to walk, this is him with Moira and Katy & Gumbo all getting ready to go over the fields.

This is Ian getting ready to take Alfie & Tara for a walk.I hope he it enjoyed it as much as they did.

30th Dec:Ian Gilmour after a hard morning walking the dogs at the kennels, you did well Ian and deserve your cuppa.

5th Jan:
Well Ian excelled himself today again, he was clearing snow / walking dogs and loving the puppies.

13th Jan:

This is Ian just back from a walk with Alfie they are joined by Tara who didn't want to be out done on the pic.

18th Jan:

See Ian really does walk the dogs !!!

27th Jan:

This is Ian actually taking Alfie & Tara home with him, sadly only on a mug this time !!!!

Ian with Tara & Alfie  Ian with Tara & Alfie
Ian with Tara & Alfie  Ian with Tara & Alfie
Ian with Tara & Alfie  Ian with Tara & Alfie
Ian with Tara & Alfie  Ian with Tara & Alfie
Ian with Tara & Alfie  Ian with Tara & Alfie
Great News! Bruno has been found! >>
Posted: 15th December 2009

Bruno, who has been featured on our home page for the past few weeks as he has been lost, has been found!

He is now safe at home, just in time for Christmas. His family and us at the kennels are so relieved!

Thanks to everyone who helped with their good wishes.

Great News! Bruno has been found!
Many thanks to Jackie & Mark >>
Posted: 26th November 2009

Jackie and Mark came for a visit on Sunday, I thought they might be looking for another dog they already have two from us, but no. They very kindly brought a cheque for £ 250-00 from FMC in Dunfermline, this was really appreciated and we would like to thank FMC for thinking of us.

Posted: 3rd October 2009

Thank you to The Out Reach Club >>
Posted: 9th September 2009

This is some of the people who go to the Out Reach Club in Rosyth who were assisted by Heather and Phil in raising £100-00 for the kennels and two of the ladies are doing crochet blankets, a sample of which we brought away today. Stig went with us and he thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone, and he especially liked the sandwich he found.

Thanks very much to all involved it is very much appreciated.

Ena & Frank.

Thank you to The Out Reach Club
Gayle & Roy >>
Posted: 4th September 2009

Just had to let everyone know who have followed Gayle and Roy's story.

Roy is doing really well as a pet, well we knew he would excell at that, cuddly wee man that he is.

Gayle has a different role in life now she has just passed as aTherapet dog, this for a dog that a behaviourist in Aberdeen said nothing could be done with ! You showed them girl. This is her with her brother Tyser who is also from Second Chance and he is Therapet / agility and is learning heel work to music.

The Reekie family also have Jess another border collie and Bob a wee terrier who are both learning agility and yes you've guessed it are also Second Chance dogs.

Thanks guys for all the work and commitment you give our dogs.

Gayle & Roy
Oscar and Family >>
Posted: 30th August 2009

This is Oscar with his family, they all recently did a sponsor walk over the Forth Bridge for the kennels and raised an amazing £700-00. Oscar is eight years old and has arthritis so he was a very brave boy doing his bit to help the less fortunate dogs.Thank you all very much.

Oscar and Family
Bark in the Park 2009 >>
Posted: 30th August 2009

We raised £2013-32, so a great big thanks to everyone who turned out to support us on such a horrible day.

Bark in the Bark photos now online! >>
Posted: 2nd August 2009

Bark in the Park 2009 was held at Lochore Meadows on Sunday 26th July. It was a fantastic day and a big huge thanks goes to everyone who made it such a success.
Click here to see pictures from Bark in the Park 2009.

Posted: 24th June 2009

Many thanks to St Pauls Primary School >>
Posted: 30th May 2009

This is four children from St Pauls Primary School. They are Lauren Billy Cameron & Carly with their teacher Mrs Watt. They did a fundraiser and collected £150-00 which they very kindly split between five charities we were just very fortunate to be one of them. Thank you very much for all your hard work.

Many thanks to St Pauls Primary School
Our thanks go to >>
Posted: 14th April 2009

Scottish Border Collie Club for the very generous donation to the kennels, it is really very much appreciated.

Many thanks James >>
Posted: 6th April 2009

This is Susie and James, who came to visit the kennels today, James bless him had made a collection tin and has raised over £8-00 for the kennels. Well done James and the wee dogs all say thank you for thinking of them.

Many thanks James
A massive thank you to Kate & friends >>
Posted: 17th March 2009

Oh wow! Well done and we look forward to seeing you at the weekend and will try and have Hob Nob here so the boys can meet him. Brilliant photo's Kate.

Hi Ena,

Success . . . we (40 of us- that's 7 dogs, 19 kids & 14 Mums and Dads) did our walk up Scolty Hill, Banchory, on Saturday. As you can see from the fly-away hair styles it was rather windy at the top! The kids are all collecting their sponsorship money this week so hope to get total to you at the weekend.

We are going to try and come down to the kennels on Saturday (with Gypsy too) so are you likely to be there, and when is a good time?

If you have any dogs to pet / play with Alex and Harry would love to help entertain them!!

Is Hobnob in foster care or at the kennels, if he's about we'd love to say hello!??!

Hope to see you soon


A massive thank you to Kate & friends
Michael with Bailey >>
Posted: 16th March 2009

This young man Michael came along to the kennels today with his Dad, he saw a bit in the papers about the dogs, so he made a doggy poster and sold it and raised £10-00 pounds for the kennels. What a guy thinking of others instead of himself, these young men are going to grow up into very thoughtful young men and I hope they never change.Thank you so much Michael xx

Michael with Bailey
Kyle & Keir >>
Posted: 10th February 2009

This is Kyle & Keir Anderson who came up and donated their pocket money to help Hobnob, how lovely was that. So many children would have wanted to get a new game for their play station ect: Thank you very much boys we really appreciate it.

There was also another lovely young lad who came up with his Mum, it had been his Mum's birthday and he made her a card and put his pocket money in it and asked her to donate it to Hobnob. Sadly I didn't get his photo.

These young lads are going to grow up into lovely young men, when they are as thoughtful as this at their age just now, their folks should be really proud of them.

Kyle & Keir
The Diary of Oliver >>
Posted: 8th January 2009

Hiya everyone it's Oliver here, just to say hello and let all you kind people who ask after me know how I am getting on.I am not as sick now and putting on weight and getting bigger every day.I am a cheeky wee monkey and just love to get out to play when visitors come to see me.
Love Oliver x

Update 2nd December:

This picture was just taken on Saturday past, don't you think I've grown, I'm getting a big boy now. Go to see the doc on Thursday only thing is I have to stay in overnight and will be having an x-ray video taken to see how I am progressing. Just hope the girls remember to take my dinners with them.
Love Oliver xx

Update 4th December:
Whoohoo went to see my aunties & uncles at the Dick Veterinary college and guess what I now weigh a whopping 8.9 k..yipee!! The vets were very pleased with my progress and say I don't need the x-ray and don't need to go back unless the girls are worried about me in anyway. I think the only worry they will have is will they still be able to lift me. Ena & Mhairi were so excited and pleased that I was doing so well they took me to Pets at Home and bought me a new indestructible toy. I need toys that I can't chew bits off, you see.
lots of love
Oliver xx

Update 13th Dec: Well our Oliver is doing well, he has now graduated to dried puppy food and he has some tuna through it, albeit we soften it for him. We improvise for him by putting loads of dishes on to a high stand and as you can see he manages fine.

21st Dec: Hiya it's me Oliver with a wee update, I am doing really well down to three feeds a day which I eat all by myself. Guess what I was so excited, I got to go out into the yard in the front of the kennels and had great fun played with two wee boys. And wait for it I must be getting a big boy now 'cause I lifted my leg for the first time. Then it was time for me to go in for a rest, not likely it took ages for them to catch me hehehe. Well, I am going away for a nap just now speak to you all later. Lots of love Oliver xxx

Ps: don't you think I'm getting big !! The girl's say there is devilment staring out of my eyes, as if !

Update 8th January:
Hi everyone well I had a really exciting day today. I went for my first walk sporting a lovely yellow harness, and I met a thing called a tractor it was really big and made a lot of noise, but I wasn't too scared at all, there were lots of lovely smells and I thoroughly enjoyed it.I only went for a wee walk as it as my first time out after my op.I have lots of things to get used to as I have been in here for about four months now and it was just great to get out and about. I ate all my tea when I came in. Gavin is coming to take me for a walk tomorrow I think, so that will be another walk with someone different. Although I know Gavin and his wife Irene really well.

Update 9th January:

And here they are at least my dad, mum will get her photo taken tomorrow with me. Irene & Gavin have been visiting the kennels for ages and take all the dogs for walks. At last the girls have let me go although it was very sad for them as we have been through a lot together, but they know I will be well looked after, and will visit often with my folks. Lots of love Oliver xxx.

Me getting ready to go home with my dad, just need to wait till Ena & Mhairi get their hankies xx

The Diary of Oliver
John and Helen came to visit >>
Posted: 15th November 2008

John from HBOS and his partner Helen came to visit the kennels today, it was lovely to see them. John has been very good to Second Chance Kennels in the past and today he and Helen brought a cheque for £1123-90 p.Thank you both very much.This is Stig (one of our long term residents) sitting with them,

John and Helen came to visit
Bark in the Park balloon race >>
Posted: 30th September 2008

Our winner of the balloon race is Karen Mapstone from Dunfermline, her balloon was found up in the hills three miles north of Balmoral Castle ( no the Queen didn't find it) Jim Davidson who is head keeper on an estate up there was the lucky man.Both winning £25-00.

Cummings of Leven >>
Posted: 2nd July 2008

we would like to say thank you ever so much for the very kind donation of £200-00, it's very much appreciated.

 Cummings of Leven
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