Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

Thank you to The Tealing Dog Training Club >>
Posted: 8th January 2011

This is Margaret Thomson and Pauline ( accompanied by our Jess ) Margaret runs dog training classes in Tealing and every Christmas they have a party and everyone brings along a donation for " our " residents here at Second Chance. Margaret and Pauline were laden down with all the food and treats for the dogs. There was even a lovely box of chocolates for us thank you so much to .
Margaret and Pauline both have Rotts so it was nice we had just taken one in before they came, so they had a Rottie fix.
The Tealing Dog Training Club. Very much appreciated.

If anyone is interested the club is on every Monday evening between 6-30 and 9 -30 Good Citizen dog Scheme Regulated !!

Give Margaret a call on 01382 380322 or mob. 07778678101 for more details .

Thank you to The Tealing Dog Training Club
Many thanks >>
Posted: 8th January 2011

This is Lindsay with her partner very bravely had a body wax to raise money for a couple of charities and ours was one of them, he brought us £150-00 so thank you very much, wouldn't like to be you when the hair starts growng in though ha ha.

Many thanks
A big thankyou to Kirkcaldy West Primary kids >>
Posted: 21st December 2010

This is Fern / Stuart / Daniel and Andrew from Kirkcaldy West Primary School They came along with their teacher with absolutely loads of goodies for the kennels and a cheque for £314-00 Which they raised by having a ( Bring a pound for a Hound Day ) very original and we would like to thank them very much it really is appreciated.

A big thankyou to Kirkcaldy West Primary kids  A big thankyou to Kirkcaldy West Primary kids
Harli >>
Posted: 21st December 2010

This is wee Harli what a wee darling she got her Mum to bake and her school allowed her to sell them once a month at Park Road School, so we would like to thank them and all the people who bought them, and Harli raised £50-59 pence for the kennels. She is pictured here with one of our long stay residents Wanda. Harli wanted to take Wanda home but her folks already have two dogs from us Thanks again much appreciated xx.

Charlie and Bailey visiting >>
Posted: 18th November 2010

Look who came to visit Charlie and Bailey the Boxer, they are cousins but go out a lot together. Charlie now knows Uncle Frank gives him sausages, it was lovely to see them all. X

Charlie and Bailey visiting
Ian and Sandy >>
Posted: 6th November 2010

Ian from Kingdom Fm dropped in for a cuppa and Sandy remembered him in a nice way he greeted him with a lot of tail wagging ( Sandy not Ian ) and then promptly jumped up onto his knee and fell asleep.and Ian has all ten fingers to prove it.
When Ian was leaving Frank Tara and Alfie were just returning from a walk and Alfie went daft when he saw Ian so he needs to dig his wellies out and get back over to walk Alfie and Lady Tara, obviously they miss their walks with him.

Ian and Sandy  Ian and Sandy
Ian and Sandy  Ian and Sandy
Pauline's visit >>
Posted: 2nd November 2010

This is Pauline from Lloyds Banking Group. The M. A. D. Team organised a Pop Idol Competition and we were one of the lucky charities chosen to be one of the recipient of the money and received £600-00 Thank you very much. Two of the girls were also coming along to spend a day at the kennels unfortunately Gillian was a bit poorly and couldn't come but Pauline still came.This puppy Springer Spaniel just arrived this afternoon and here he is getting a cuddle from Pauline.Who wants to take him home but her husband said no they both work full time !!

Alfie / Ben and Paulie and Sky.

Poor Pauline I think she will sleep well tonight she went out with Tom who comes up and walks our dogs I think he took her quite a long walk.She has been out another four walks as well !
Now the test will be will she come up to help again !!!!!!!!!!

He he this is Pauline trying to get herself disentangled from Ben to try and take Sky out, poor soul was just a wee bit tangled up but we were kind and took Alfie the other lab x out of the equation !!

Pauline with Sky going for yet another walk !!

Pauline's visit  Pauline's visit
Pauline's visit  Pauline's visit
Many thanks to Rose >>
Posted: 30th October 2010

This is Rose Kelly from Newport who saved up her pennies to bring along to help the dogs here at Second Chance she saved up £40-00 how good was that. Thank you so much Rose for thinking of us.
This is Rose with her Mum & Dad.

Many thanks to Rose
The Woollen Mill >>
Posted: 23rd September 2010

This is Kenny and the girls from the Scottish Woollen Mill in Aberfoyle. They kindly invited us up to have a wee dog show ect: at the Mill. We had a fantastic day out and raised about £500-00 for Second Chance.So thank you all for giving up your day off to help the dogs we really appreciate it.
These are just a few pics of the day.

The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill  The Woollen Mill
The Woollen Mill   
Oliver >>
Posted: 22nd August 2010

Most people who know about Second Chance will know all about Oliver .

This is " Our " Oliver setting of for another new adventure bless him. His folks Irene & Gavin have moved away from Dunfermline.

So we won't have Oliver during the days when they were working, he will be a big miss at the kennels as he was very much part of Second Chance and has gone through so much.It will be two years on the 6th Sept since Oliver a very special wee lad was handed in at the gate about 4 months old and only weighing 3 Kilos a poor wee scrap who was sick every itme he ate anything.In all the following ops. ect: at the Dick Vets he never ever complained. He now gets fed through a tube in his side, and has come on leaps and bounds weighing in now at about 12 1/2 Kilos. So it won't be the same without him.However we are happy in the knowledge that he and his family will have lots more time to spend together.He has promised to bring his folks to visit often. Good luck Oliver not that you'll need just take everything in yor stride and we hope Pete your new daytime carer loves you as much as we do, well he'll have no choice because you wind yourself round everyone's heart.
Lots of love from Grannie Ena Grandad Frank xxxxxx Auntie Mhairi and Uncle Kevan and all who knew you here.xxxxxx

Bark in the Park photos now online! >>
Posted: 2nd August 2010

Well, another successful Bark in the Park has been and gone.

Thank you to all who came and made the day so fantastic (and thanks to the weather for staying dry!)

Click here to view the photos from the day, and keep an eye out, you may catch yourself or your pooch in one of them!

Thanks so much to the children from Bark in the Park 2010 >>
Posted: 1st August 2010

These three children very kindly saved their pennies and brought them along to Bark in the Park. Thank you very much there was £27-97 pence in the box. Sorry we didn't get your names.

Thanks so much to the children from Bark in the Park 2010
The pupils from Primary 4a Donibristle Primary School >>
Posted: 21st May 2010

Dalgety Bay excelled themselves yet again this year, by raising about £1000-00,
they split the money between ourselves and two other charities, who are pictured here. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

The pupils from Primary 4a Donibristle Primary School
Thank you Nicola >>
Posted: 8th May 2010

This is Nicola she was very brave but kindly did this and raised £154 for the kennels which was much appreciated. Thank you Nicola x

Hi Ena,

I have attached some of the photos of me at go ape.

Nicola :)

Thank you Nicola  Thank you Nicola
Thank you Nicola  Thank you Nicola
Thank you Nicola  Thank you Nicola
Thank you Nicola  Thank you Nicola
Thank you Nicola  Thank you Nicola
Thank you Nicola  Thank you Nicola
Thank you Nicola   
A big well done >>
Posted: 14th March 2010

This is great two of our Second Chance dogs in the line up to give blood to help other dogs in need. Harris the Rottie with his mum Sandra and Sandy the Greyhound with his mum Joan. Well done to all who participated.
Love the neckerchiefs xx

A big well done  A big well done
The Ceilidh night - Photos now Online! >>
Posted: 10th February 2010

We would like to thank everyone who supported us at the Ceilidh, hopefully a good night was had by all and after we took of the costs for band ect: We were able to give Kingdom Kids and ourselves £600-00 each. which was really great. I would also like to thank David Cant from Randolph Gas Supplies for being kind enough to sponsor Craig the piper who was there on the night to pipe people into the Ceilidh.

Update 16th Feb: the photos from the night are now online: Click here to view the Ceilidh photos

A big thank you to Derry-Jean >>
Posted: 30th January 2010

This wee lass is Derry-Jean who unfortunately has had to have not one but two legs in plaster for the last few weeks. She even got the doctors to put on a pink and a purple plaster cast on as this is "our " colours. She wanted to do something to help the homeless dogs so she got every one who signed her plaster to donate a pound and she totalled the fantastic sum of £100-00 to us she even saved her own pocket money to buy dog food and treats for the dogs, What a lovely wee girl well done and thank you Derry - Jean xx

A big thank you to Derry-Jean
A huge thanks to Comrie Craft >>
Posted: 30th January 2010

These ladies are from Comrie Craft who make craft items and sell them,they very kindly donated a cheque for £200-00, and brought some craft gifts for us to sell or raffle for the kennels.Thank you very much ladies.
They came last year as well and Donna the lady with Benny our puppy, fell in love with one of our residents he now has a lovely home and named Robbie. This year guess what Julie the lady sitting on the left of the couch has fallen in love with Vinny our wee Jack Russell and guess what they said !! They are sending the cheque next year

A huge thanks to Comrie Craft
Jemma & Tizer >>
Posted: 30th January 2010

This is young Jemma Reekie with Tizer who the family adopted from here. They had just been at an agility show and they had just won 1st in agility and got two seconds in the jumping so they are now at grade 2 in agility very well done guys we are really proud of you and the work you have put in.

Jemma & Tizer
Many thanks to Margaret >>
Posted: 24th January 2010

This is Margaret Thomson who very kindly donates dog food and treat / toys every christmas to the kennels from Tealing dog training club which. Margaret runs in Tealing Hall on Monday evenings puppies are from 7 - 8pm. adult dogs are 8 - 9pm. Good Citizen tests can be taken. Contact Mararet on 01382 380322 for further details.We would like to thank them so much for thinking of Second Chance.

Many thanks to Margaret
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