Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

Sarah Little >>
Posted: 1st June 2012

We had visitors at the kennels today, Avril from Asda / Pricilla Little from Asda in Glenrothes brought Sarah her daughter down who is 12 years old . Sarah nominated us for a charity event at the store and bless her she brought us a lovely card with £100-00 in it that she had saved up to help the dogs here.Thank you so much Sarah it was really thoughtful of you and we appreciate it very much . This is Sarah with Skye our Border Collie.

Sarah Little
Balmullo Gala Saturday 9th June. >>
Posted: 14th May 2012

Sounds as if it will be a good day Susan and will see you on the day,hopefully the sun will shine for you, thanks very much for the invite, looking forward to it.
Good luck Ena & Frank.

Hello Ena and all the wonderful staff and friends of Second Chance Dogs Kennels. We are looking forward to seeing you hopefully at our First Annual (Jubilee) Dogs Show at Balmullo Gala on Saturday June 9th this year. We have wonderful prizes, certificates and rosettes and will hopefully have enough to make some raffle prizes to raise money for yourself and Guide Dogs. Hopefully the sun will shine and we'll have fun, candy floss and lots of sniffs and woofs.

Pet Plan >>
Posted: 3rd May 2012

We entered a wee competition with Pet Plan Insurance and were fortunate to come second and received a cheque for £50-00.
Anyone who has adopted dogs from us know that we always put our residents out with 4 weeks free insurance from Pet Plan.We have no hesitation in recommending them. Always found them to be an excellent insurance company.

Our grandson Greg. for once not doggy related >>
Posted: 28th April 2012

Not that we are proud or anything but this is a pic of our grandson who plays for Livingston under 17's. Greg and his team mates having just won the under 17's football league.This is the team just after being presented with the cup and their medals before the Livingston game today Sat 28th April.
WELL DONE LADS YOUR STARS !! Greg is second from right at the back x

Our grandson Greg. for once not doggy related
Our Friend Kirsten . >>
Posted: 31st March 2012

It is with heavy hearts we have to let everyone know, that Kirsten Reekie a volunteer here at the kennels. Passed away very suddenly aged only 41yrs on the 20th March 2012.Kirsten was invaluable to us here, I only had to lift the phone and she would be there whether it be to do a talk to different schools etc: or home checks to pick up dogs, to look after the kennels to let Frank and myself have a day off, nothing was too much trouble for her.She also did the Bark in the Park dog show for us every year. She was a devoted daughter/ sister/ wife and mum to John and their two girls Jemma and Jade not forgetting her beloved dogs Tyser / Breeze ( Gayle ) / Jess all Border Collies and of course her special wee lad Bob ( all Second Chance dogs), Kirsten & Bob were joined at the hip. The whole family were into agility in a big way they ran all their dogs it was a real family time. Kirsten will be sorely missed by us among so so many, she will never be forgotten.Even after her passing bless her, she still thought of Second Chance a collection taken at the funeral raised £834-57 pence.R.I.P.Kirsten You were a very special Lady xx.

Our Friend Kirsten .  Our Friend Kirsten .
How the kennels started !! >>
Posted: 8th March 2012

Hi just came across these photo's which are some we took as the kennels were being built, it's hard to imagine how the place looked back then which would be fourteen years ago. The main inside kennels used to be Ladybank chip shop !!It took a lot of work but we had loads of help. It will be thirteen years on the 2nd May 2012, since Bill Donaldson ( who used to be the dog warden ) cut the ribbon to open the kennels. We have gone on to rehome hundreds of dogs, even a lamb and a horse. Where does the time go !!!

How the kennels started !!
Posted: 5th March 2012

Bark in the Park will be held as usual this year on Sunday 29th July.At Lochore Meadows Country Park. Anyone wishing to have a stall at this event should contact us on 01592 771933.
This event will be updated as we go along !!

Site been revamped ! >>
Posted: 15th February 2012

Scott Cochrane ( whose family adopted Amber from us ) has kindly revamped the web site so that I can put things on and take things off all by myself which should mean things are updated as they happen.I would like to thank everyone who has been involved and helped with the web site previously, it really was appreciated. Thank you.


Meg the hero >>
Posted: 21st January 2012

Just to let you know what a wonderful girl I have, she woke me 4am yesterday when I came down stairs I found a housebreaker in my sitting room Meg didn't hesitate she went for him I got her out shut the door and wasn't going to let him out but he threatened me with a big screwdriver but Meg was after him and bit him he got away but I was able to pick him out on mug shots but if my wonderful girl had not woken me he would have been away with the big bag of my things he had ready as it was all he got was my purse and my mobile so it was the best thing I ever did getting my brave girl xx
Meg you are a STAR, well done you

Thank you Mathew >>
Posted: 8th January 2012

This is Mathew Greig from Kennoway who bravely took a New years "dook" in the water at Leven. He raised a £100 for the kennels. Thank you so much Mathew, we really appreciate it.

Thank you Mathew
Tealing Dog Training Club >>
Posted: 8th January 2012

Margaret and Andy Thompson from Tealing dog training club, came down with loads of toys and food donated by the club members. Margaret has been doing this for the last few years Thank you all so very much. Margaret also brought a can down that sits in the House of Cards shop, Albert St, Dundee there was £117-87p in the can so thanks to everybody who donated.

Collecting Tins >>
Posted: 6th January 2012

This is Frank counting out the money from various kind people, who have cans at their work place in and around Fife and Dundee. We really appreciate their kindness and that of the people who put money in the cans, this goes a long way to help us with food , vet bills ect. Thank you all very much.

Collecting Tins
Posted: 10th December 2011

This is Scott Daniel Murphy, lovely wee lad who came today to hand in food for the residents here, so thought I would take his pic I like to encourage the youngsters.

Thank you for your help Pauline >>
Posted: 24th October 2011

This is Pauline Melville from Scottish water, who came along and volunteered for a day at the kennels. It was lovely to have her along and I think she enjoyed herself too.

Thank you for your help Pauline
A BIG thank you to >>
Posted: 11th October 2011

This young lady who very kindly did a sponsored walk for us and raised £25-00 for the kennels, thank you Caitlin, it is very much appreciated x.

A BIG thank you to
Spanner and friends >>
Posted: 9th August 2011

This is "Our " Spanner with his young master Max & friends Holly & Moryna, on holidayand they had a baking day , made cup cakes and solkd them around the village of Elie and raised £32 for the kennels how good was that. Well Done and Spanner looks great and a very happy wee lad xx

Spanner and friends
Joyce's visit >>
Posted: 9th July 2011

Thanks again for today. I’m not sure who enjoyed it most, Joyce or me! I have sent the attached photo to the Fife Free Press, Central Fife Times and Dundee Courier. Hopefully they will feature it for us.
This was the story that I sent with it. I will be putting the article on our website as well so I will send you the link once it’s live.

Second Chance Kennels in Thornton very kindly helped grant a wish for one of Kingdom Homes residents. Joyce Hunter who lives at Kingdom Homes’ Fernlea House in Cardenden posted her wish in the Residents Wishing Well to visit kennels as she is very fond of dogs. When the home contacted Second Chance, Ena Conyon had no hesitation in agreeing to help and Joyce spent a lovely afternoon with some of the dogs currently being cared for at the kennels.
Pictured left to right are Ena and Tara the Yorkshire Terrier, Joyce and Elaine Allan from Kingdom Homes.

Elaine Allan
Public Relations Manager
Kingdom Homes Ltd
Barrogil House, Cluny
Fife, KY2 6QS


Joyce / Tara and Macey x

Joyce's visit  Joyce's visit
Joyce's visit  Joyce's visit
A BIG thanks to Commercial Primary School >>
Posted: 23rd June 2011

We were invited along to Commercial Primary School in Dunfermline our grandson Blair is in room 8. Mrs Mackay and Mrs Aitken held a fundraiser at the school and they raised £400-00 for the kennels which was marvellous, our thanks go to all who helped. This is another teacher Miss Duncan, dressed up as a wolf. We met in the school then went over to the bandstand in the public park, the children had a couple of games. This is where the photo was taken, They thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Rocky meeting the wolf !!!

The Wolf, Blair and a friend, both did not want a cuddle from the wolf !!

Rooms 1&2 and Room 8. Blair is holding the cheque.They all brought their toys for a doggy / teddy picnic.

A BIG thanks to Commercial Primary School  A BIG thanks to Commercial Primary School
A BIG thanks to Commercial Primary School  A BIG thanks to Commercial Primary School
Children from Donibristle >>
Posted: 12th June 2011

This is pupils at Donibristle Primary School, Dalgety Bay. Mrs Latimer was telling us all about the hard work they put into fundraising and they donated £300-00 each to the SPCA / RSPB and us here at Second Chance Kennels very well done to all involved.

This is Brodie the Collie meeting the children he and they loved it, we took him because we think maybe Mrs Latimer needs another dog to keep " our " Saffy company.

Children from Donibristle  Children from Donibristle
Children from Donibristle  Children from Donibristle
We had visitors this morning >>
Posted: 12th March 2011

Sarah Duff and Sophie Beaton from Dalgety Bay did a sponsored cycle run in the Bay. The girls did two laps of the village, wee souls on their 2nd lap were getting tired and it was bitterly cold and very windy but they thought of the dogs they were helping and soldiered on to the finish.To raise £200-00 pounds for Second Chance,very well done to the girls and to the Dad who cycled round with them. The two wee ones in the middle did their bit by helping their Mums who made the cakes. To everyone who came out to cheer the girls on, thank you all so much.It really is greatly appreciated.

This is one of our residents meeting the children, Rocky a Deerhound cross who I have to say loved the attention.


We had visitors this morning  We had visitors this morning
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